July 2021 Podcast (Chuck The Poet, Ben Hornett, The Fed Sisters and Jemima Hughes)
Manage episode 298840568 series 2855949
This is the podcast for The Bardic Basement (a Northamptonshire-based spoken word / arts group), hosted by Ben Hornett. Join Chuck The Poet, Ben Hornett, The Fed Sisters, and Jemima Hughes down at the Bardic Basement for this month's episode.
The Bardic Basement Links
Facebook podcast page (@BardicBasementPodcast) - https://www.facebook.com/BardicBasementPodcast
Facebook group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/thebardicbasement
Twitter (@BardicBasement) - https://twitter.com/BardicBasement
Email Address - basementbardic@outlook.com
Website - https://bardicbasement.wordpress.com/
The Bardic Basement Ko-fi page - https://ko-fi.com/thebardicbasement
Ben Hornett Links
Ben Hornett Facebook page - https://www.facebook.com/BenHornettWriter
Ben Hornett Twitter page - https://twitter.com/BTHornett1998
Ben Hornett website (Sting In The Tale) - https://stinginthetalepublishing.wordpress.com
Chuck the Poet links
Chuck the Poet Youtube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJ05oZa7gtXCU-ANo7HzrVg
Chuck the Poet Facebook page - Chuck the Poet
Chuck the Poet Twitter page - @ChuckthePoet
The Fed Sisters Links
Facebook page - https://www.facebook.com/thefedsisters/
Spotify page - https://open.spotify.com/artist/3hjFjenNMGx6t8H6UY2nmU?si=W0W5N8jFTHSwGyKuB4VZmQ
Instagram page - https://www.instagram.com/thefedsisters/
Jemima Hughes Links
Verve Poetry Press Website - vervepoetrypress.com
Jemima Hughes Website - jemimahughespoet.co.uk
32 эпизодов