Helllo ladies and gentlemen of the cyberworld! 106.7 WBTR's Under Review is back again to bring you the latest and greatest in the world of sports. On today's program, I review every NFL Team's draft and give them a grade on how well they did in my opinion. I also will be talking to Bleacher Reports Tyson Langland, who covers the entire NFC West for Bleacher Report but for this time, he'll join the program to talk about the St. Louis Rams. If you like what you hear from Tyson, he can be followed @TysonNFL on Twitter. As for myself, you can follow me on Twitter as well @Dillbob27. You can also like us on Facebook, search 106.7 WBTR. You're gonna wanna like our page because there's a special contest going on with our Facebook page so you'll want to tune in to the show to hear what it is. Thank you guys so much again for all the support. Enjoy!…