In this conversation, Dr. Fran Prolman discusses the concept of deep listening, emphasizing its importance in fostering genuine connections and understanding in a world filled with loneliness and disconnection. She explores the barriers to effective listening, particularly the influence of ego, and shares insights on how to cultivate a deeper awareness of our listening tendencies. About Dr. Fran Prolman Dr. Fran Prolman is an internationally recognized consultant specializing in educational leadership, school improvement and instructional strategies as well as communication skills, critical thinking and organizational development. Fran is President of The Learning Collaborative and Vice President for Training for the Center for Arts in Basic Curriculum. She has authored 3 best selling books and keeps creating practical materials for immediate leadership use. Fran earned her doctorate in teacher training and international education from George Washington University and a master’s degree in educational administration and curriculum and instruction from the University of Pennsylvania. She has been a two-time Fulbright Scholar in both India and Israel and has presented numerous papers and workshops nationally and internationally. Fran brings 30 years of educational experience as a teacher, staff developer, administrator, graduate-level university instructor and published author. She has made frequent presentations at state, national, and international conferences including the United States Department of State, the Department of State AERO Curriculum Institute, the European Council of International Schools, the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, Learning Forward, the Central and Eastern European Schools Association, the Tri-Association, the Mediterranean Association of International Schools, the African International Schools Association and the Near East South Asia Association of International Schools. Fran is blessed with two rock star adult children, Samantha and Gabriel, who are taking the world on with humor, heart and gusto. Learn more about Katbot at the upcoming AAIE event this February: Connect with hosts Kathleen Naglee and Tricia Friedman on LinkedIn:…