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Hebrew Voices #199 – Are we in the last days?
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In this episode of Hebrew Voices #199, Are We in the Last Days?, Nehemia obeys a dream to interview Joseph Dumond about his end-times predictions tied to the Sabbatical and Jubilee cycles.
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Hebrew Voices #199 – Are we in the last days?
You are listening to Hebrew Voices with Nehemia Gordon. Thank you for supporting Nehemia Gordon's Makor Hebrew Foundation. Learn more at NehemiasWall.com.
Nehemia: Shalom and welcome to a live episode of Hebrew Voices. I guess that’s what this is. I am here with Joe Dumond. Joe Dumond… I would describe as… well, I’ll let him describe himself. But the last Hebrew Voice I did with him was called “2300 Days of Hell,” if I remember correctly, and then we did a very short conversation. It was about a week or so, I believe, before October 7th, or the Hamas genocide invasion. And you made some kind of statement there about how catastrophic things are going to happen. “The sky is falling.” Those are my words, right? “Black swan event.” And I thought, “Yeah, right. When does that ever happen? Never in my lifetime. Not to this degree,” and beyond any expectation, happens. So, here I am with Joe Dumond. Shalom Joe.
Joe: Yeah. The last time we met, you were telling us… I was having an Erev Shabbat with you and your sister and her family.
Nehemia: Yeah.
Joe: I think that was a week… a week before October 7th.
Nehemia: Right, that sounds about right. And people can go see that, I think, on YouTube or TikTok or someplace like that. I don’t remember where we were streaming.
Joe: Yeah. What you said… you said, “You want to do an interview?” I said, “Sure, let’s get together.” And then you invite me for supper, and you go for a walk, and you pull out your phone. And… is this the interview?
Nehemia: I guess it was. It was. It was very… what’s the word?
Joe: Impromptu.
Nehemia: It was impromptu, which I guess all my interviews… well, not all, but… This one is sort of impromptu as well. And I’ll just tell the audience that I had a dream two nights ago, and I woke up from the dream, and you were in the dream. You were center of the dream. And I had, I would say, a feeling in my heart that I was supposed to bring you on the program and talk about whatever you wanted to talk about. That was my takeaway from the dream. You know how many times I’ve had that happen with interviews? This is the first one. So, I’m like, I don’t… we’re in uncharted territory. I don’t know where we’re going with this…
Joe: You were looking for… so, you… when you told that to me… So, here’s the email Nehemia sends me. “You want to do a podcast?” No, “How are you?” “How is your wife?” “How you been?” “What have you been doing?” “What do you do?” Just, “You wanna do a podcast?”
Nehemia: That’s partly my autism, that I skip all the niceties. Don’t be offended by that.
Joe: That’s… Nehemia, I’m not offended. And I’m saying, “What? Oh, yeah, of course I want to do a podcast with you. That’s a silly question.” So, I write back, “Okay, where, and what subject?” And then he tells me about this dream. And how can I refuse a dream that God tells him to have an interview with me? So, what are we going to talk about?
Nehemia: And I don’t want to say that I heard an audible voice like Abimelech in Genesis 14, “Go to Joe, for he is a prophet…” No, that wasn’t what happened. It was just the kind of feeling… the feeling I had at the end of this is, I don’t know what this is about, this is really weird. But it seems like Joe has a message that he’s supposed to communicate, and I’m supposed to help convey that.
So, I’m going to let you talk. By the way, I’m also kind of losing my voice… I’m kind of losing my voice. I’ve been in the hospital a couple times with some allergic issues. So, all the more reason to let you talk.
Joe: How’s your health been?
Nehemia: My health is great when the doctors don’t put me in the hospital. This was entirely doctor induced, so…
Joe: Okay.
Nehemia: But anyway…
Joe: I’m heading to… I’m heading to see the cardiologist here in two weeks, so…
Nehemia: Okay. Wow.
Joe: We’re all getting older.
Nehemia: Alright, yeah, we are. Yeah, well, I’ll be praying for you. So, Joe, what message would you like to share with the audience about anything that’s on your heart?
Joe: I’m kind of scared, because if this is a dream, Yehovah set this up. And I believe He has. You and I first met… do you remember the first time we met?
Nehemia: I remember we were walking outside of Zion’s Gate in that little narrow thing between the two walls. That’s what I remember.
Joe: Yes. That was the second time we met.
Nehemia: Oh, that was the second time? Okay.
Joe: First time we met, I met you in Lansing, Michigan.
Nehemia: Okay.
Joe: And you were sitting at the table in front of the hall, and I was early. It was about four o’clock. The meeting started at seven. I just wanted to know if I was at the right place. You didn’t even look up from your phone, and you said, “Yeah, this is the place, and it’s at seven o’clock.” And I didn’t know who you were. I’d never even heard your name before, and then I see you get up in the stage dressed as a rabbi, and “who is this guy?”
But I want to say, and I want to say this publicly; you changed my life that day. That night. That was the first time I heard about the crescent moon and the barley. You and Michael Rood. The first time I heard that God had a name. You blew me out of the water. I bought everything on Michael’s table that night, and I was just stunned. So, thank you. Thank you for sticking your neck out there so many years ago. You changed my life. And now there’s a bunch of people listening to what I teach and talk about, and it’s mostly the same stuff you do.
Nehemia: And wow, that would have been 2005. That’s when that speaking tour was. So, 19 years ago. Wow.
Joe: Yes. Yeah. But because of that, two months later you sent out an email. I started following you on email then. You sent out an email that Passover is going to be 30 days early, and you blew my cover. I was with the Worldwide Church of God, and I thought I could keep both calendars at the same time, one day apart, and nobody would know any different. But you are 30 days early. And I wrote you a hate email, and I apologized, for changing the calendar. But I didn’t understand it then. But what was happening was Yehovah was setting me up for a test. Was I going to keep the Barley Crescent Moon calendar? Or was I going to continue to do the Hillel calendar even though I knew better?
But at the time, I couldn’t prove which one was right, and the same scriptures for both. The week before Passover, Yehovah showed me what Yeshua said, “No man knows the day or the hour.” And once I understood that it blew me away. Of course, it’s a crescent moon. Nobody knows the day or the hour, that’s the Feast of Trumpets. Of course, that’s the simple answer. But it started with you and Michael. And I just want to thank you, because otherwise…
Nehemia: You know what? Some people have never heard of you or aren’t familiar with you. What’s your website, so people can find out more?
Joe: My website is https://sightedmoon.com/, and YouTube and Amazon, Joseph F. Dumond. You search that. If you want to put in “false prophet”, you can get all kinds of people that hate my guts. You can learn everything you want about me.
Nehemia: Do you claim to be a prophet?
Joe: Never.
Nehemia: Okay, so how could you be a false prophet if you don’t?
Joe: What is a prophet, though?
Nehemia: Ooh, that’s like a whole discussion. What is a prophet by you? So, just so the audience understands; I’m a Karaite Jew. But you’re coming also from a New Testament perspective. So, is there a different understanding in the New Testament of what a prophet is than my Old Testament understanding?
Joe: My understanding is that a prophet is anybody who speaks Torah.
Nehemia: Oh, okay. So, that’s not my understanding of prophet. My understanding of prophet… Jeremiah says, “Who stands in the counsel of Yehovah, let him make heard.” I’m paraphrasing here, but basically somebody who hears the word of Yehovah, either directly from Yehovah or from one of His angels, that is a prophet. Jeremiah’s description is, he’s standing in the throne room, to use our terminology, and he’s eavesdropping on the conversations between Yehovah and what we call the angels. Isaiah describes the same thing. Yehovah… And then Micaiahu in 1 Kings, I want to say it’s 22, “Yehovah says, who will go for us?” And one of the spirits comes forth and Micaiahu, who’s overhearing… Abimelech in Genesis 20, is not a prophet, even though God is speaking to him in a dream. He says, “Go to Abraham. He’ll pray for you,” “ki navi hu” “for he is a prophet.” Well, wait a minute. Isn’t Abimelech a prophet? Now, maybe there’s different definitions of prophet, right? And the New Testament might have different… Maimonides has a vast theology about different levels of prophecy, right?
Joe: Yeah, I didn’t go there. I think I found someplace in the Bible where it tells me that if you’re speaking Torah, you’re prophesying the Word of God.
Nehemia: Ah, so maybe prophesying is different in the New Testament than prophesying in the Tanakh. Meaning, there’s semantic shifts all the time, which means the meaning of words changes over time. In the Tanakh, in the Old Testament, the word Pesach is always a sacrifice. In the New Testament it talks about the Feast of Passover, which my upbringing in Judaism was the Feast of Passover. So, the meaning of words changes over time.
By the way, you told me something that kind of shocked me. And I’ve been out of the calendar… let’s say the guts of the calendar and dealing with it, since October 2nd, 2016. And you just told me it’s…
Joe: Passover, 2016. You told me you were getting out. In person in Israel.
Nehemia: Okay, well, I didn’t say that publicly. So, that was six months earlier.
Joe: No, you said it to me privately.
Nehemia: Which has now been revealed for the first time. Thanks there. But… live on YouTube! No, but you just told me that this is the seventh day of Sukkot for you. Today is August 26th, 2024. I’m going to be celebrating the seventh day of Sukkot in about two months. So, how did you get… and I actually literally don’t know the answer because I’m staying out of it. How did you get today to be the seventh day of Sukkot? Two months early, by my reckoning, which may be wrong…
Joe: So, as you know, and you’ve broadcast this on your teachings about the discrepancy of what is Aviv barley, and that’s been going on since, well, since the Temple was destroyed. And during the Middle Ages, you have Karaites going back and forth, and they’re arguing over what is Aviv barley, and it continues today. It’s no different. So, my qualification of what is Aviv barley is, it’s got to be ready or roastable to begin to make the wave offering. And basically, I’ve learned most of this from you. We differ a little bit on what is Aviv.
So, this year I and Randy Cates went to Israel in February. We were down in Be’eri. We went down and visited the memorial where the rave was slaughtered and could see all the asphalt where the cars were burnt. And it was a very emotional trip. But down in Be’eri, we showed people video of the barley that we had. We had, we believe, enough for an omer of barley. I know Devorah goes by fields of barley and Joel Halevy goes by one field of barley, I believe, that’s brown and ripe, and that’s where the difference comes in.
So, I went there personally. I had another guy go with me, and we found barley that was Aviv. And so, we announced it, we looked at, had other people look at… are we right? Can we really be that far ahead? And that’s what we did. So, I have to go with what I see. I can’t deny what I saw.
Nehemia: So, guys, there’s an interview I did with Nadia Vidro, who is a scholar at University College London, although her office is at Cambridge, and it’s an interview I did with her about Karaites in the Middle Ages and having different understandings of Aviv barley. Alright. So, Joe, last time we did a broadcast, like you said, it was a week before October 7th, the worst event that’s happened in my lifetime. Really, the worst thing since the Holocaust that’s happened to the Jewish people. Wow. And you made some, I don’t know…
Joe: I made some… I dropped some big hints there, but I thought this was just a short little five-minute video, and I wasn’t trying to give away the whole teaching at one time. I thought we were going to talk later that week. Yeah, there’s a lot more to follow up with that.
Nehemia: Well, let’s jump forward now, a year, almost a year. And I… look, I haven’t really delved into your teachings that much, to be honest with you, and you have written thousands or tens of thousands of pages…
Joe: You’re not following me through…
Nehemia: No, but give us the… what’s the word? The “in a nutshell”. The nutshell, no pun intended. Give us “in the nutshell”, what do you think is going to happen in the next month, year, ten years? What do you see in your prediction? And obviously you’re saying it’s not prophecy in the sense of Jeremiah, is it, what you’re saying? Meaning you haven’t seen this in a vision… or have you? I don’t know, I’m asking.
Joe: No, I’m not… Like, the big joke here is I’m not a strong believer in visions and dreams, and sure enough, you have a vision or dream to have an interview with me…
Nehemia: And I’m a big skeptic too when it comes to that kind of thing. There’s the classic statement like, was that God speaking to me or was it bad pizza? And I tend to have a lot of bad pizza.
Joe: I’m gonna get pizza jokes from now on.
Nehemia: Yeah. It’s not my joke, it’s an old one. So, what do you think’s going to happen? What do you… based on your understanding, where are we going? Where is the world going?
Joe: Give me a moment here. In 2008, when we first met to talk, when we knew who we were, I gave you a great big box of material. And you looked at it and rolled your eyes and said, “Oh, no! What am I going to do with all this stuff?” But this subject that I’m talking about, you know that I’ve been chasing this since the beginning, 2005, it’s about the Sabbatical and Jubilee years.
Nehemia: Sabbatical and Jubilee. Let’s start with a really…
Joe: The shmita and Yovel.
Nehemia: Let’s start with a really basic understanding: What is Sabbatical and what is Jubilee? I know there was a Christian guy out there teaching a few years back. He had a book about the “Shemaitah”. So, what’s the shmita and what is the Yovel? What are the Sabbatical and Jubilee year? Assume people know nothing.
Joe: “ShmAitah”, or shmita, whichever way you want to pronounce it, is every seven years. We’re talking about Leviticus 25, and Leviticus 25 tells you that every seven years the land shall have a rest. And it’s just like the Shavuot; seven Sabbaths, or seven Sabbatical years, and then after the 49th year you have a 50th year, and that is also a holy year. So, that’s when the land is restored to the people. And that’s what I’ve been teaching.
Now, it’s not just about that. I’ve been able to prove, through history, the Bible, tombstones we’ve got… I don’t know, 40-some-odd tombstones from Zohar, now. Many of them you don’t have, or you don’t even know about yet, and that’s what the latest book was actually supposed to be about. But it kept going back to the Mishnah and where the Mishnah has changed things, so I had to do the calendar issue. So, we’ll have that book out hopefully this fall.
But I document every Sabbatical and Jubilee year throughout history and have them all line up. Without force-fitting them, without hammering the puzzle pieces together. I just show you, here’s where they are, and this is how they work. But some of them are according to Hillel, and some of them are according to the Crescent Moon and the Barley Calendar, and that’s where the discrepancy comes. That’s why Wacholder, Zuckermann, Sher, and Marcus, who are the known authorities on the shmita and Jubilee years, dismissed all of them because they couldn’t understand the dating and the different calendars.
I happen to be raised in both, and recognized the difference really quick, so it made it easier for me to figure them out. So, that’s what I do, and then that’s what I teach. We use 2 Kings 19:29 to proof, that’s the beginning, and from that scripture alone you can count every Sabbatical year from 701 BC, forward and backward, and every Jubilee year from 700 BC, forward and backward.
Nehemia: Alright. So, let’s open up 2 Kings, what you just quoted. In fact, I’m going to ask you to open up and read it. But before we do that… So, just for the audience who isn’t following, maybe, just as we have a weekly Shabbat, which is you work six days and rest in the seventh, there is an annual Shabbat in the Torah, in Leviticus 25 and other places as well. And you plant your field for six years, and you let the land lie fallow on the seventh. And then there are seven annual Shabbats which then culminate in the Yovel, the Jubilee year, which is the 50th year.
And by the way, there’s an ancient debate, or discussion, in the Talmud about whether… or in other sources as well, about whether the 50th year is year 1 or whether it’s year 0, and then the next jubilee begins with the 51st year. In other words, that’s not self-evident necessarily.
Joe: That’s Rabbi Yehuda.
Nehemia: And then there’s this statement in the Talmud that when the Temple was destroyed… the Second Temple in the year 70, or they say the year 68, which is where life gets really interesting…
Joe: Or 69.
Nehemia: Or 69, according to Maimonides, right. So, it gets a little bit complicated there. So, they say then the Jubilee was abolished. Now, where you came in… and this is something I’d looked at before you and kind of hit a dead end, is there are these tombstones from the southern end of the Dead Sea from a place called Zohar, or Tso’ar, and people were dying in the 4th century and the 5th century CE or AD, meaning after the Temple was destroyed hundreds of years, and they’re saying, “He died in such and such a year of the destruction of the Temple, which was the third year of the Sabbatical cycle.” Or something like that, I don’t remember exactly. And then there was one from Sidon or someplace like that in Lebanon.
Joe: Baalbek.
Nehemia: Baalbek, okay, there you go. And so, at the time I looked at it, maybe there were 20 or something or 30, and you’re saying they’ve now published 40 of these tombstones. So, you’ve actually accumulated more evidence…
Joe: They’ve actually published a hundred.
Nehemia: One hundred? So, you’ve accumulated more evidence which… there I just want to give you credit. I looked at this 20 years ago or so, or maybe 15 years ago, and I found everything that was available at the time. You’ve actually been following this, and more evidence has been published, and you’ve come to certain conclusions.
Joe: Yeah.
Nehemia: Alright, now, I’ll let you go to 2 Kings. What do you have in 2 Kings?
Joe: Okay, 2… Well, just one thing. I asked this elderly lady to go and search out this footnote that I found in one of the tombstones, and just search it out for me. I was busy doing…
Nehemia: You mean it was a study about the tombstones? You don’t mean it was in the tombs…
Joe: It was a study about the tombstones.
Nehemia: It wasn’t a footnote on the tombstone. Okay.
Joe: Yeah. Not on the tombstone, no. And I didn’t expect to hear back from her for about three, four, or five months. She comes back in three weeks with 100 tombstones. And I said I couldn’t believe it. It was amazing. And she’s here in front of me now listening, so, she’s excited about this. Anyway, 2 Kings 19:29. “This shall be a sign to you.” So, a sign is a Sabbath of some sort. “You shall eat this year such things as grow of itself, in the second year what springs from the same, in the third year sow and reap, plant vineyards and eat the fruit of them.” Okay, is that close to what you say in the Hebrew?
Nehemia: Let me pull it up. I’ve got to pull it up in the Hebrew. So, it’s 2 Kings 19:29. “Ve’zeh-lecha ha’ot” “This is for you a sign” “achol hashanah safiach” “Eat this year after growth.” We can talk about what that is. “U’bashanah hashenit sachish” “and in the second year,” actually volunteer grain. “U’bashanah hashelishit zir’u ve’kitzru” “and in the third year, plant and harvest,” “ve’nit’u chamim ve’ichlu pri’yam,” “and plant vineyards and eat their fruit.” And this is… what’s the context here? So, there have been, if I remember correctly… Oh, this is from… it’s…
Joe: It’s the attack on Hezekiah by Sennacherib.
Nehemia: Okay. So, basically the Assyrians had invaded Israel, and they devastated the land. And there’s the famous Lachish, the… tavlit, the relief. It’s the Lachish relief which shows Judean prisoners being taken prisoner by the Assyrians, and they’re being carried off to Babylonia or someplace like that. And it’s interesting because there’s three people being crucified there, or impaled, on the Lachish relief. There’s a replica at the Israel Museum and in the Archaeology Department at Hebrew University, but the original is actually in the British Museum. I saw it once, a few years back. And they found it in Ninveh, in what today is northern Iraq.
Okay, so the land’s been devastated, all the vineyards have been pulled up and the fields burned, and he’s saying, “You’re going to eat the after growth,” which… what do you understand from that?
Joe: You can eat what grows of itself. Whatever comes up this year, you’re allowed to eat.
Nehemia: In other words, when you’re harvesting the crops, some seeds fall, and those are going to pop up even though you didn’t plant a crop because you were under siege.
Joe: It’s a Sabbatical year.
Nehemia: So, you assume this is a Sabbatical year, not that it was a siege. Is that what you’re saying?
Joe: Well, I’m not looking at the siege part. I’m looking at, what is he allowed to do? The prophecy is, you can eat what grows of itself, but you just don’t plant. The second part is the same. You eat what grows of itself in the second year, you just don’t plant. But in the third year you plant.
Nehemia: So, it’s not obvious to most readers… and you could be right. But it’s not obvious to most readers that this has anything to do with Sabbatical year. What most readers I think would understand… and actually, guys, post in the comments. Tell me if you agree. My understanding of this, maybe I’m wrong…
Joe: Are we going to have a majority vote here, or what?
Nehemia: No, but you’re offering an interpretation. I’m offering another one. And the people who say, “Well, we just read it, we don’t interpret it.” You’re interpreting it, but your interpretation is implicit. You don’t realize that you’re interpreting it. So, my understanding of this, my interpretation, is that this is talking about… they were under siege, and they couldn’t plant. And so, they have no choice but to eat what’s left over. And the next year they’re not going to have a whole lot of seed, because you save seeds from your harvest. Well, now we’re just barely surviving, so it won’t be till the third year that they’re going to plant. But you understand that this as a Sabbatical and Jubilee year here, or what are you saying?
Joe: Two years that you don’t plant back-to-back.
Nehemia: Okay, so it’s a Sabbatical and a Jubilee. In other words, this is like Shavuot, when you have Shabbat on Saturday, and then on Sunday you have Shavuot, so there’s two days in a row that you’re not working. And it’s funny because I’ve had Messianics tell me, “Well, that’s impossible. You can’t have two days in a row. That’s not what God intended.” And that’s why they want to follow the Rabbinical system of Shavuot. But in the Rabbinical system, sometimes it’s on a Sunday too. It’s just about once every seven years on average, or maybe a little bit different, but…
Joe: Yep.
Nehemia: So, either way you’ll have two days in a row that are non-workdays. Here it’s two years in a row that are not planting, which is definitely what Leviticus 25 describes. Okay, go.
Joe: Okay. So, this is… the Assyrians record this date. There’s only two dates that the Israelites are recorded in history. One is the Battle of Qarqar and the other one is this day, 701 BC. So, it’s the most documented.
Nehemia: What was the first one?
Joe: The Battle of Qarqar in 853, when Ahab is killed.
Nehemia: Okay.
Joe: And the other one is this one. And that’s the only way we’re able to put the Israelite and Jewish kings into a historical chronology. Otherwise, we don’t know where they fit because they’d left no records.
Nehemia: We don’t know relative to our current chronology. Now, I’ll just throw it out there that the rabbis claim they do know, and they have a different chronology. But you’re saying secular historians have gone through thousands or millions of Assyrian tablets and Babylonian tablets, and they’ve been able to cross-reference these two historical events mentioned in the Tanakh, in the Hebrew Bible, with the Assyrian chronology. Which then has been fit into our current chronology, where this year is 2024. That’s really what you’re saying.
Joe: Yeah. So again, as I began to do this current book, The Stones Cry Out, we kept going back to the Mishnah, which is the one written by Rabbi Judah in around 180 and redacted around 180, began by Rabbi Akiva in 133 or before that. But there’s these mistakes that are incorporated into the Mishnah, then the Talmud, the Babylonian Jerusalem Talmud, and then the Mishnah Torah by Rambam, and have now become part of their Torah, or their calendar. But they’re mistakes that they brought in, which began in the Maccabean times. So, that’s what this first book is about; documenting this chronology step by step, and how these mistakes come on. And bringing it down today.
Nehemia: But back up here. So, I was a bit distracted. I was making sure the video was actually live. So, let me understand what you’re saying here. So, you’re saying that the Rabbinical date where we’re now in 57… I want to say 83.
Joe: 83, I don’t know. I think it’s…
Nehemia: We’re about to go into… Tav-Shin-Nun-Gimel, sorry, not Nun-Gimel… Tav-Shin-Pe-Gimel, and we’re about to go into Tav-Shin-Pe-Dalet, 5783 – we’re about to go into 5784. So, you’re saying… and that actually is first formulated, or the earliest source we have is Seder Olam Rabbah, which is from maybe the 3d century or so. So, that chronology is wrong, is what you’re saying.
Joe: Okay, so just explain Seder Olam, because they don’t know what you’re talking about. That’s….
Nehemia: Well, there’s a midrash called “Seder Olam Rabbah”, “The Great Order of the World”, and there they tell us, for example, that the Persian period, I want to say, was 54 years or something like that. And secular historians say, no, it was much more than 54 years. In other words, they say the Temple wasn’t destroyed in 5… this is the rabbis… the Temple wasn’t destroyed in 586 BCE, like secular historians say, they say it was destroyed about 150… the First Temple, rather. It was destroyed about 150 years later. And then part of that is this kind of ideal that the First Temple, I want to say, was 410 years, and the second was 420, or vice versa, I don’t remember.
Joe: No, what they’re trying to do is take the Daniel 9 prophecy of 490 years and the 483 year… apply it to Simon bar Kokhba to make him the Messiah.
Nehemia: That’s really interesting, because I’ll get Christians who will say, “Obviously Jesus is the Messiah because the order to rebuild Jerusalem in Daniel fits exactly with the chronology that we present to you.” And then my question is, how do you know that chronology is correct? And they have no idea. They just read it in the encyclopedia.
Joe: So, the first…
Nehemia: And that encyclopedia… Well, that chronology is based on the assumption that Jesus is the Messiah. It’s a bit of a circular argument. And you’re saying the Rabbinical chronology is based on Bar-Kokhba being the Messiah. Which if you believe he’s the Messiah, great, and if you don’t, then that’s just a circular argument, right?
Joe: Well, yeah…
Nehemia: I don’t think anybody says he’s the Messiah. Well, I mean, yeah, nobody today says Bar-Kokhba was the Messiah, but people were willing to die… hundreds of thousands of people were willing to die for their belief that Bar-Kokhba was the Messiah. They died in the Battle of Beitar, including Rabbi Akiva.
Joe: But the Daniel 9 prophecy was first used by the Maccabeans to prove that, I believe, John Hyrcanus was the Messiah.
Nehemia: Okay.
Joe: So, this Daniel 9 prophecy has been used multiple times.
Nehemia: “Used and abused” is what you’re saying.
Joe: That’s right. And if you… So, we’ve got one book, The 2300 Days of Hell, which takes the Daniel 9 prophecy and dissects it word by word and shows you the whole history of this prophecy. And it’s not about Yeshua. It’s not about Jesus. It’s not about that at all.
Nehemia: Who’s it about?
Joe: King David.
Nehemia: Help me out here, I haven’t heard this explanation. So, King David in his first incarnation, or is he going to come back in through the resurrection?
Joe: Okay. Well, I’m trying to get back to our meeting, but…
Nehemia: Alright, let’s… People can go read The 2300 Days of Hell. It’s a book that’s available. Alright, let’s go back to October.
Joe: We also need to cover this quickly, too. So anyway, the II Kings 19:29, counting by seven will line up with every Sabbatical year and all the tombstones. All of them. Even the Baalbek one that I had trouble with; I think I can make it work. So, that’s almost all of them. So, I’ll leave the Baalbek one out because it’s controversial, and the Jubilee years, also from 700 BC, line up with the Jubilee years mentioned in the tombstones of Zohar. They all fit.
Nehemia: So, here’s why this is important… let me give you a little bit of background. So, Maimonides has a long, elaborate discussion about when the Sabbatical year is. And he says, in the end, all of these explanations are not important.
Joe: Hang on, hang on. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
Nehemia: Because we have a tradition of what it is.
Joe: Wait, wait, wait, wait!
Nehemia: I jumped ahead.
Joe: You jumped ahead, because you and I did an interview in 2018, and you surprised that one on me. I never knew about that.
Nehemia: Oh, okay.
Joe: And you were about to show me that maybe I might not be right, and Maimonides… now continue, shows you that my dates are right.
Nehemia: So, anyway, he comes up and he says, “It doesn’t matter, all of our explanations.” And look, it’s very involved, and I guess people can go listen to that interview, right, from 2300 Days of Hell that we did on… somewhere. But he says, “We have a tradition, and it’s a reliable tradition, about when the Sabbatical year is.” But then you have tombstones that predate Maimonides by over half a millennium, and you’re saying they do line up with Maimonides, or they don’t?
Joe: They line up with Maimonides, and you read it to me, it says that this year, or last year, was a Sabbatical year, but by tradition we keep it the year and a half before or…
Nehemia: Right, so his tradition doesn’t line up with the tombstones.
Joe: No.
Nehemia: Okay. But…
Joe: And he admitted, this year or last year was a Sabbatical year, which does line up with all the tombstones.
Nehemia: Hmm. Okay. Alright…
Joe: And that also lines up with II Kings…
Nehemia: So, you still have two traditions. One is the tombstones as you understand them, and the other is Maimonides telling us about a tradition around the year, give or take, 1200. And that tradition is different than the tradition that was around in the 4th century, the 5th century, when these people were dying, and somebody was writing on their tombstone: “Year three of the Sabbatical cycle”, right? That was obviously a tradition that was around, unless they just made it up…
Joe: That same tradition that they had, that Maimonides talked about in 1177 A.D… that same tradition is continued to today, and the Sabbatical year today that the Jews keep is one-and-a-half years before…
Nehemia: Okay, so that’s important. So, if you go Google, “When is ‘ShmAitah’ or when is shmita…” “…when is the Sabbatical year,” you’re going to find out the Rabbinical date, which is really not… it’s not even the Rabbinical date. It’s the date of Maimonides from the year around 1177, that he had heard from one of the Jews who came from Israel.
By the way, there’s a bit of a problem there, and the problem is that the Jews were wiped out from Israel when the Crusaders came… I want to say it was 1099, that killed all the Jews in Israel. Now, there was a community of Jews from Israel who had been living in Cairo, where Maimonides wrote this, for centuries, even before the Crusaders. So, when he says, “There’s a tradition from the Land of Israel,” what he really means is, he heard from the synagogue of the Shamayim, which is nothing to do with Shammai. It’s Ash-shams, which is the Arabic word for, “the Levant”, which includes Israel. Or it was called also… the Yerushalmim Synagogue, the Synagogue of the Jerusalemites. So, he heard from the people in the Synagogue of the Jerusalemites in Cairo, “This is when the Sabbatical is, and we know because we came from Israel.” But as far as I know, maybe there were one or two little communities up in the Galilee, in the mountains, like Peki’in claims that they were never wiped out by the Crusaders because they were at the top of a hill and the Crusaders didn’t bother to go up there. But basically, there were virtually no Jews in Israel in the year 1177. So, that’s an interesting little hiccup in his explanation, right?
Joe: Yeah. Not really. The facts speak for themselves, but… so, getting back here, why would God tell you to interview me today? What’s… So, if you go to my website, we have all these Sabbatical and Jubilee years, you can download them for free. Just go to the library. You’ll find them there, you can download them for free, or you can order this booklet from Amazon. And I’m not trying to do a commercial here. You need to know this because it’s important. Why would God have Nehemia Gordon, Dr. Nehemia Gordon from Hebrew University and all these credentials…
Nehemia: Well, I got my doctorate from Bar-Ilan University, but go ahead.
Joe: Okay. Okay, but why would He tell you to interview me? Because there’s something that you don’t know about the Jubilees. They’re prophetic. They reveal prophecy. The same way the holy days reveal prophecy, end time prophecy. If you don’t know the holy days, then all you’re doing is guessing, and that’s what Christians do when you don’t keep the holy days. You’re just guessing.
Nehemia: I think it was CNN that had this motto, “News you can use.” So, give me a practical thing of… what’s going to happen? And look, you could be wrong, but based on what you believe is going to happen in the next month and the next year… and maybe the next ten years. Give me that. What’s a takeaway here, something people can actually test?
Joe: Yeah.
Nehemia: In other words, they’ll look back and say, “Oh, can you believe Joe said that? He’s so silly.” From ten years ago. Or they’ll look back and say, “Joe knew what was going to happen!”
Joe: Joe Dumond was shutting down sightedmoon.com in 2020 if nothing happened. We’ve been warning people about 2020 since I started this in 2005. That’s based on the Daniel 9 prophecy. Seventy weeks, 70 Jubilees. It’s not weeks, it’s not 490 years, it’s 70 times 49… 70 Feasts of Weeks. The word there is shavua. It’s the female word for Shavuoth. Right? And I’m not a literal scholar, and I don’t speak Hebrew, but Daniel is told to hide the books. So, how do you hide the books? Put it in plain sight. Seventy Jubilee cycles are for your people. All 12 tribes, not just the Jews. It’s all 12 tribes. Seventy weeks from when? It’s not Ahasuerus, it’s not Cyrus, it’s not Darius. It’s from the burning bush. When Moses was told by Yehovah to go and get the people, seven times he’s told, “Go, go.” And Moses got all these excuses. “Go and get the people.” So, the only way you can know what year that is is by doing the chronology in Genesis according to a 49-year Jubilee cycle and counting them out. We’ve done that. Rabbi Yehuda was correct.
Nehemia: So, hold on. You say year 50 is also year 1 of the next cycle?
Joe: Yes.
Nehemia: Okay. I just wanted to clarify that.
Joe: Yes.
Nehemia: Okay. Where’s the news I can use, Joe? What’s going to happen in the next month? Is Iran going to start World War III?
Joe: I’m going to lead up there, because you already know what I told you, but you don’t remember it.
Nehemia: Probably. I remember one thing you told me, but you haven’t made it public, and I’m not going to share it, but…
Joe: Yeah, well, okay, I think I know what you’re saying. I’m not saying that either.
Nehemia: Let’s not go there. Alright.
Joe: No. Okay. So, 70 weeks, and then, how do you prove that? It says 7 and 62. It doesn’t say 62 and 7. It’s not the seventh place at the last seven years, like most Christians try to say it is. It’s 7 and 62. Seven Shavuos, seven Jubilee cycles, and then Messiah the Prince will appear. So, you count from the burning bush seven Jubilee cycles, and I’ve got those all laid out for you in this book. Do you want me to show you? I can show you here online. Do you want me to show you?
Nehemia: Show me. Yeah, yeah. This is this is your… the ball’s in your court.
Joe: Yehovah told…
Nehemia: Bear in mind it looks like you’re a little fuzzy here, so if you’re showing something with really high resolution you might have to make it big. And I’m actually looking here online at the video. Oh, we have some people in the chat.
Joe: Can you see that?
Nehemia: Yeah, I can see it. I hope the audience can see it. Let me try to refresh and see if people can see it.
Joe: So, this is the chart I told you about there, that you can have. You can get them free, print them off yourself, do it in color. So, the exodus takes place at 1379 BC. Can you see that? Do I need to blow it up?
Nehemia: Exodus… it’s always good to blow stuff up…
Joe: How’s that?
Nehemia: Yeah. So, the exodus is where?
Joe: Okay… 1379 in the blue here.
Nehemia: That’s the exodus from Egypt, according to your reckoning. And that’s minus 1379. What does that mean? 1379 BCE?
Joe: BC years. Yeah.
Nehemia: Okay. And there’s no year 0, right? Or is there, in your counting?
Joe: That’s right.
Nehemia: Okay.
Joe: Right. So, seven Jubilee cycles and you will see the Messiah, the Prince. So, we count one Jubilee cycle. So, in the middle I got one, two, three. There’s four, five, six, seven… and after seven Jubilee cycles there is King David, born in 1040 BC. He’s anointed Messiah, the Prince. Messiah means Mashiach, means anointed. It doesn’t mean Jesus. Messiah the Prince is born in 1040, he’s anointed by Samuel as a young shepherd boy somewhere in the second Sabbatical cycle, we don’t know when. He’s anointed by Judah, when he becomes King over Judah in 1010 BC, and then again in 1003 BC by all of Israel.
Nehemia: So, I just realized something. You’re reading this right to left.
Joe: Yes. I’m trying to be Hebrew.
Nehemia: Okay.
Joe: I didn’t know I was going to publish this when I did it. I was just me doing my little thing.
Nehemia: But then the one with the Hebrew years is left to right, isn’t it?
Joe: Okay, so this one over here is also from right to left, bottom to top. This one starts from the counting of Adam. So, we go back here to the creation of Adam, and Adam… whoops, one more.
Nehemia: So, what year are in now, according to your reckoning?
Joe: Adam was born, or created, in year 1.
Nehemia: So, what year are we in now, from the creation, from Adam?
Joe: One second, one second.
Nehemia: I just want the answer.
Joe: So, everything on the right-hand side is going to be counting from Adam. Everything on the left-hand side… come on, how come this isn’t moving?
Nehemia: You’ve got a little thing on the bottom there that you need to drag.
Joe: There you go.
Nehemia: It’s for a Macintosh. Who can understand Macintosh?
Joe: Now what happened?
Nehemia: Houston, we have a problem.
Joe: Houston, we got a problem. I’m going to stop sharing. I’ll go back. No, I got to go out again. One second.
Nehemia: So, look, we have a comment here in the chat from someone named… I can’t read their name, but he says, “70 weeks was fulfilled long ago by Christ.” What do you say?
Joe: Yeah, right.
Nehemia: No. Explain why that person… you disagree. What’s your… And the 70 weeks of Daniel, he means, and you’re talking about, right?
Joe: He’s talking about the 70 weeks of Daniel being the creation from Ahasuerus or 483 years to Jesus’s start of his ministry. Three-and-a-half-year ministry. And now he’s got three-and-a-half years in when he returns. It’s called the gap theory; it’s created by Julius Africanus…
Nehemia: So, when is the 70 weeks fulfilled according to you?
Joe: It’s not been fulfilled yet.
Nehemia: But when will it be fulfilled?
Joe: Well, that’s what I’m trying to show you. I’m trying to let you…
Nehemia: And by the way, just so it’s clear for the audience; you do believe in Yeshua, right?
Joe: Yes. But…
Nehemia: You just don’t think the prophecy about him was fulfilled yet in Daniel, or…
Joe: No, it’s not about him at all.
Nehemia: It’s not about him at all.
Joe: Let me just get back here…
Nehemia: Alright.
Joe: If you keep jumping to these different places, there’s a base you got to have. And if you don’t got the base, you’re all over the place with “Jesus is the…” what it’s talking about, and it’s not talking about him. So… Okay. We’re going to go back here to the seven Jubilee cycles for Daniel, or David, sorry. Then it says in the prophecy, 62 Jubilee cycles. So, if we count 62 from here, that brings us to 1996. There’s the 69th Jubilee cycle; 1996 was the end of that Jubilee cycle, and that’s the beginning of the 70th Jubilee cycle, which is the one we’re in now. So, you ask what year it is, it’s the year 2024, and that is equivalent to the year 5860 since the creation of Adam.
Nehemia: 5860.
Joe: So, the one on the right is… the one on the left.
Nehemia: So, the rabbis say we’re in 5783 and you say we’re in 5860. Okay, gotcha.
Joe: That’s right. So, we can do that. We can show why that’s happening. We don’t have time today to do everything.
Nehemia: No, no. I’m waiting for the news I can use. How do I plan my life in a practical sense if I think you’re right?
Joe: Yes. I just lost it again. I got to get this back up, because you do need to see it.
Nehemia: So, like, in other words, if I… and this sounds really bad, but if I thought a year from now the world economy was going to collapse, I would go take out a 30-year mortgage because I’d never have to pay it back. That would probably be a bad decision, because I might end up regretting it. But…
Joe: Well, I’m not here. Somebody else took my information and tried to make a book about the economy, and they fell apart in their face because they didn’t get all the details.
Nehemia: Look, and this happened in world history. In the year 1843 there were people who didn’t plant… or in 1842 who didn’t plant their crops in the United States because they believed Jesus was coming back in 1843, and apparently, they were disappointed. It’s actually called in history the… wasn’t it called “The Great Disappointment” or something?
Joe: Yeah, yeah.
Nehemia: And then they thought it was 1844, and those people didn’t plant their crops for 1844, and they were financially devastated. So, guys, this could be wrong. Please don’t make financial decisions based on this, but also, it’s good to be prepared.
Joe: So, we are now in the 70th week spoken of by Daniel 9.
Nehemia: It’s kind of like Obama, who says that the oceans are rising, but he has like a $60 million beach house like one foot above the ocean. So, he doesn’t really believe it’s the oceans are rising. Okay. Or he’s not… Go ahead.
Joe: I believe this. I believe this.
Nehemia: I believe you believe it.
Joe: I believe this. So, Daniel 9 goes on to say, in verse 27… I believe it’s 27… let me just pull it up here and I’ll read it.
Nehemia: Daniel 9:27. Let me pull it up in my Tanakh here.
Joe: So, Daniel… oops. We’re going to spend a lot of time in Daniel, so this is good to know. Daniel 9:27, “Then he shall confirm a covenant with many for one week.” That’s another issue; we’ll just skip over that. “But in the middle of the week, in the midst of the week, in the middle of the shavua, in the middle of the Jubilee.” When’s the middle of the Jubilee? Nehemia?
Nehemia: Halfway through this… Oh, the Jubilee? I don’t know. If I knew, this would be my book not yours.
Joe: 1996 was the last Jubilee year. 2044 will be the 49th year, and the middle is 2020. Did anything happen in 2020?
Nehemia: There was a global pandemic.
Joe: “In the midst of the shavua, the week, he shall bring end to sacrifice and offering.” I’m reading the English. Okay. “And on the wings of abominations,” plural, “shall be one who makes desolate.” So, when you seen me and took me out to your sister’s place last October, why did I tell you I was there?
Nehemia: Remind me.
Joe: I was looking for the abomination.
Nehemia: Okay.
Joe: So, this is talking about an abomination.
Nehemia: That’s right! Wasn’t it some, like, church in East Jerusalem or… Well, I don’t remember what it was, maybe I was…
Joe: I had found a shrine to the Blessed Virgin Mary, which was a brand-new shrine. The forms were still on it. It was in the place where I expected it to be. It was being built just before I expected it to be installed, and everything was lining up, and then it wasn’t installed. And then you and I went out for supper.
Nehemia: And where was that again? Wasn’t that like somewhere near the Mount of Olives or something?
Joe: It’s the Mount of Offense, what the history calls Golgotha.
Nehemia: Okay.
Joe: Okay. So, now…
Nehemia: The Mount of Offense. Wait, is that Jabel Mukaber? Help me out, remind me.
Joe: I don’t know what that name is, that might be…
Nehemia: Is that where the United Nations is located?
Joe: No, no. It’s across the valley from the United Nations.
Nehemia: Oh, I think I know what you’re talking about, okay, alright. So, there was a shrine of the Virgin Mary that wasn’t set up. So, you lost me. The Virgin Mary is the abomination of desolation?
Joe: Well, any statue is an abomination. Okay, so, we have this clue, “In the middle of the week, he shall bring an end to sacrifices.” So, what happened in 2020? Everything went for a lockdown.
Nehemia: Yeah.
Joe: Now, WHO announced that lockdown on March 11th, and that’s when I began my count from.
Nehemia: Who did? Remind me. Was it Fauci? I don’t remember.
Joe: No. Not “who.” The World Health Organization.
Nehemia: Oh, oh, WHO. The World Health Organization. Okay.
Joe: They announced. No, I wasn’t asking you a question.
Nehemia: I was just like, “who’s on first?” Okay.
Joe: Yeah, yeah.
Nehemia: WHO, The World Health Organization. Okay.
Joe: They announced the pandemic on March 11th, and they advise everyone to start locking down. Now, what I didn’t understand at that time was that Israel… Prime Minister Netanyahu locked down Israel on March 25th. Okay, so what does that mean? Well, okay, it doesn’t mean nothing if you stay in Daniel 9. Flip over the page to Daniel 12.
Nehemia: And my sister got a ticket going for a walk in what you would call in America a forest preserve or like, a nature reserve, because she wasn’t wearing a mask.
Joe: Yeah.
Nehemia: And there was a policeman who was standing at the entrance to this nature reserve. The ticket was actually eventually overturned because they’re like, this is ridiculous, but she had to go to court. So, anyway, go ahead.
Joe: Yeah. Yeah. There’s a lot of stupid stuff went on. But there was fear. Nobody knew how to stop this thing. Daniel 12…
Nehemia: But there was no reasonable reason to think that someone out in the ocean on a paddleboard could infect anybody else. That wasn’t reasonable, come on.
Joe: Well, you can get the blue whales…
Nehemia: Even at the time… Yeah, get the walruses all sick. Okay, gotcha.
Joe: Yeah. Okay, so now jump to Daniel 12 verse 11.
Nehemia: Daniel…
Joe: “And from the time that the daily”, the word sacrifice has been added, “From the time that the daily is taken away and the abomination of desolation set up, there shall be 1,290 days.”
Nehemia: Okay.
Joe: So, the question I asked people, “what is the daily?” When I’m talking about this for the last number of years, 2020 was in front of me. We didn’t know exactly what we were looking for, but we knew something was coming…
Nehemia: And you were expecting something in 2020, and you’ve been vindicated because of the pandemic, is what you’re saying.
Joe: If nothing happened in 2020, I was closing up sightedmoon.com.
Nehemia: Okay.
Joe: And I’m still here.
Nehemia: Alright.
Joe: So now, what happened in 2020 is now history. We can look back. So, where is “the daily?” What is the daily that was taken away?
Nehemia: You tell me.
Joe: Every synagogue, every temple, every mosque, every church, every place of worship around the world went into lockdown.
Nehemia: But not the liquor stores in Texas, that I can tell you.
Joe: Not the liquor stores in Texas.
Nehemia: It just blows my mind.
Joe: Yeah. Netanyahu announced on March 25th, 2020… I believe that was the first day of Aviv for the Hillel calendar, I think. And they went into lockdown. You could not have ten men get together for a prayer at that time.
Nehemia: And that was the first Passover that my mother spent alone in her life, and she is not young. Well, I mean, she’s very young, but she’s my mother, so figure that out.
Joe: Yeah. And I’ve had two Passovers with you and your mother, so…
Nehemia: Yeah, but not this one. This one, she did…
Joe: No, not this one.
Nehemia: Yeah.
Joe: The daily. What is the daily? Hosea 14:2: “The bullocks of your lips shall be our offering,” right? I’m really butchering that scripture. Hosea 14:2
Nehemia: Hosea… which, by the way, in some of the translations they take… this is actually really interesting… they changed the word… let me find it here. Hosea 14… I think it’s a different verse in some, in English numberings. But Hosea, oh, opened up Joshua 14:2. There it is, okay. It says, “Return Israel to Yehovah your God, for you have stumbled in your iniquity. Take with you words and return to Yehovah. Say to Him, forgive all iniquity,” or literally ‘bear’ all iniquity, “and take good and let us pay for the bulls with our lips.” And some translations translate, “Let us pay with the fruit of our lips.” So, they change the word parim to perot, which is, it’s actually changing the Hebrew. As far as I know, there’s no manuscript that says that that I’m aware of, at least.
Joe: So, instead of doing the morning and evening sacrifice at the Temple, we’re now doing those morning and evening sacrifices with the prayers of our lips at 9 and 3 PM Every day.
Nehemia: Okay. So, you’re saying there was no minyan, there was no prayer quorum that got together during this period, and that’s “the daily…” the prayers that represent the daily sacrifice, is what you’re saying. And just so people understand, in Rabbinical Judaism, they actually have an idea that each prayer represents, and is an actual fulfillment of, a certain sacrifice. So much so that there’s a prayer on Shabbat called Mussaf, which means “the additional”, and it refers to “the additional sacrifice”.
So, there’s a morning sacrifice, that a prayer is said for… and then, around ten… well, it depends, I guess, when you start your prayer, but sometime later in the service is a second additional prayer that’s being offered through the lips. So, in other words, I would read this, at least today, and I would say that it doesn’t mean that if I accidentally ate pork, that I go and recite this specific prayer in place of that bull. But in general, I’m full of sin and I should offer prayer in place of sacrifice.
But the rabbis take this very directly. There are daily sacrifices, and you have to offer specific prayers as a fulfillment of those daily sacrifices. And even on Shabbat, an additional prayer in place of that daily sacrifice. That’s just the background here. So, you’re saying Daniel 9 is referring to those prayers?
Joe: That’s what I’m reading, that’s what I’m understanding. And this actually, Hosea 14:2 is a haftarah portion for Shabbat Shuvah, as well. So, it comes in again later on…
Nehemia: Which is when, in our story? Help me out there.
Joe: Shabbat Shuvah is the Sabbath between the Day of Trumpets, or the Feast of Trumpets, and the Day of Atonement.
Nehemia: So, how does that fit in with… What does that have to do with the pandemic? Or it doesn’t.
Joe: Well, that’s later. I’m just giving you… I’m throwing you a bone. Keep it for later. Okay?
Nehemia: Alright. And people, go listen to Prophet Pearls, I think we covered that somewhere.
Joe: Yeah, so, I’m in Israel, I’m looking for this abomination, and Keith hears… I’m going to bring Keith into it, because Keith was a part of this, and… that’s my 3:00 alarm going off there, by the way. So, I went and met Yehuda Glick. You know Yehuda Glick?
Nehemia: Uh-huh, of course, Rabbi Yehuda Glick.
Joe: And I warned him. I gave him my book, The 2300 Days of Hell, and two weeks later, an assassination attempt was made on his life. That was in 2014, I believe.
Nehemia: I think he was shot three times in the chest, if memory serves.
Joe: I thought it was seven times.
Nehemia: Might have been seven, right. It very well could he. It wasn’t just like Trump, where they nicked his ear, let’s put it that way.
Joe: No, he was shot all over the place, and he survived.
Nehemia: Yeah.
Joe: So, he agreed to meet with me. I showed him what I’m trying to explain to you, then he got a little, “I’m not really sure if I want to hear this.” But I told him, “Israel is about to be attacked. It’s going to be a major attack. I don’t know where or how, but it’s about to happen.” Then Keith heard about it. Keith thought I’d lost my mind. I also wrote a letter to Prime Minister Netanyahu advising him, but I don’t know how far that got. But Keith thought I’d lost my mind. So…
Nehemia: And this was in 2020, or no? When was this? Sorry…
Joe: 2023.
Nehemia: So, this is just before October 7th. You wrote a message to Netanyahu, “Israel is about to be attacked.” Is that what you’re saying?
Joe: Yeah.
Nehemia: Wow. And this is something that you figured out based on this study of the Sabbatical cycles.
Joe: What we just read, these scriptures. From the time that Netanyahu locked down Israel on March 25th… 1,290 days later brings you to October 6th.
Nehemia: And about 1,200 people were murdered that day. That’s interesting.
Joe: And at that time… I thought it was 340.
Nehemia: On October 7th? Oh, well, in the attack. Meaning, I don’t know how many specifically on the first day, but I don’t know that we even have the final number.
Joe: On October 6th there was nobody killed.
Nehemia: No, no, October 7th I’m talking about. The October 7th massacres culminated in… they originally said 1,500, now, I think the count is somewhere in the 1,200s.
Joe: Yes. Yeah.
Nehemia: Okay. And we don’t know exactly, because there are bodies that, you know…
Joe: Yeah. There was 1,400 and change; 1,200 were killed, 250 or so were kidnapped, and we don’t know how many of them are alive. So, that day affected my life. I’ve been watching every detail about this since then. Every hostage. It was traumatic. And I wasn’t even involved, and it was traumatic. But October 6th is the 1,290-day count. And it says that in 1,290 days, the abomination will be set up. Well, there’s no statue of Mary where I’m expecting it, but I’m looking, and all of a sudden there’s all these thousands of rockets going up, and they don’t stop like they normally do after ten minutes. Something’s different this time. And we got shrapnel landing in Jerusalem, and the rockets are exploding over Jerusalem, and I’m feeling the concussions in Jerusalem, and I think you too.
Nehemia: I was there, yeah.
Joe: Yeah. What is going on? And we don’t know anything that’s going on, we just, there’s… what do we do? And I’m staying on the Mount of Offense. I’m in Arab Jerusalem, the place where you won’t go. And there’s gunfire and there’s stuff starting up, and then, what the heck have I got myself into? It was a scary time.
Nehemia: You’re staying in a hostel or guest house or something in… There aren’t hotels there, are there? I mean, it’s kind of a dangerous…
Joe: Well, there’s a Panorama hotel there.
Nehemia: I guess there are, okay.
Joe: But I had to move there because they were getting very suspicious of me in the convent where I was staying.
Nehemia: Okay. You were staying in a convent to begin with? Oh, I remember that.
Joe: That’s where the abomination…
Nehemia: Didn’t I drop you off somewhere near there?
Joe: You dropped me off at the small gate, made me walk all the way over there.
Nehemia: That’s the place I can’t go because I would be killed.
Joe: I know. And I understand. I’m not complaining.
Nehemia: Well, there’s a chance, at the very least, my car would be stoned. Alright.
Joe: Yeah, yeah. I’m not… Anyway, so the 1,290 days. So, I’m in the Kidron Valley, I’m praying to Yehovah. Why is He letting this happen to His people? Where is God? I’m hearing bits and pieces Saturday morning, Saturday afternoon. There’s so many people being killed, and you know… what’s going on? Saturday night, after praying this, after getting mad at God for letting this happen, these people were… in my brain, these people were keeping Shemini Atzeret. They were obeying God, they were celebrating all night at Shemini Atzeret. And… I’m not trying to judge anybody, but they weren’t…
Nehemia: They weren’t because they were on the wrong date? What are you saying?
Joe: No, they weren’t keeping the holy days. They were having a rave; it has nothing to do with Yehovah.
Nehemia: Okay.
Joe: And I’m not trying to judge anybody. Again, my heart goes out. But I can’t deny what I’m reading, and I can’t stay silent because of Ezekiel 33. You got it… “When you see the swords, you got to tell people.” And they think you’re nuts; they think you’re nuts. And Keith thought I was nuts. October 7th, Yehuda Glick wrote me and said, “You were right.” The next day, Keith wrote me and said, “Wow, you’re right,” you know. But what was I right about? I was right about this major disaster. Who wants to be right about that?
Saturday night, somebody sent me a video. And I don’t have a picture of it, but in the video of the rave, at the beginning of the video, most of them that you can see, there’s a giant inflated Buddha statue over the top of the DJ tent. And you see them all dancing around the DJ tent, Friday night and Saturday morning. And then as the gliders are coming in, you still see them dancing, and then the sirens go off and they all start running for their lives. And then the inflatable Buddha deflates, and nobody sees it anymore. “It will be in the corner of a holy place.” The holy place that he’s talking about, which I didn’t realize, is Kadesh Barnea. That is where Kadesh Barnea is, out there, the fringe of the altar, or the corner of the altar. The fringe of Israel is Gaza. It’s at the fringes, at the outer….
Nehemia: So, wait. Back up. So, the Nova rave, you’re saying, took place in the biblical site of Kadesh Barnea?
Joe: Yes.
Nehemia: And you’re saying that they set up a Buddha there, which was the abomination of desolation.
Joe: No… It’s abomination. I think there’s more coming…
Nehemia: Oh, okay. So, are you saying that the book of Daniel predicted the Nova massacre, or the Nova rave? Is that what you’re saying?
Joe: I’m saying that Yehovah is real. And if you treat Him like nothing, you could die.
Nehemia: Well, that’s a theological statement that I don’t actually disagree with. But in the specifics….
Joe: Well, when Israel set up the golden calf, 3,000 people died…
Nehemia: So, is the Buddha at the Nova rave predicted in the Book of Daniel? Is that what you’re saying? Because it’s the first time I’ve ever heard that. Is that what you’re saying?
Joe: Yes, I’m saying that’s what it’s pointing to right now.
Nehemia: Okay, gotcha.
Joe: It matches precisely the 1,290 days. Now, if you go back to Daniel 12 and you read verse 12.
Nehemia: Yeah.
Joe: “Blessed is he who waits and comes to the 1,335 days.” Now, the people in my group were arguing with me about… we were discussing it, not arguing, we were discussing it. And I didn’t know where that fit in.
Nehemia: Okay.
Joe: But if you count the 1,335 days again from March 25th, 2020, that brings you to November 21, I believe it is… November 22nd, and two days later, the first hostages are released.
Nehemia: Okay, so the release of the hostages was also predicted, according to you, in the Book of Daniel.
Joe: It’s what I’m reading.
Nehemia: Okay. What’s coming next? That’s what everyone is like… listening. What’s coming next according… And you could be wrong, but… you’ve been right before, so…
Joe: Let me add a little bit more to this.
Nehemia: Yes.
Joe: Netanyahu locked down Israel again on September 18th, September 25th…
Nehemia: 2020, you mean?
Joe: 2020, yes. September 18th, 25th, and December 27th in 2020. When we count 1,290 days later, that brought us to just about the time that Israel attacked the embassy in Damascus. Seven days later, Iran attacks. It’s approximate, it’s not a hundred percent. Each of the 1,335 days at that time was when negotiations for the hostages began, but they fell through. Then the December one just ended here, and that was the Iranian attack on Israel. So, I don’t know what this means, but I’m seeing patterns developing here.
Nehemia: So, based on these patterns… we’re August 26th, 2024. What’s the next date you think something significant is going to happen?
Joe: 2024.
Nehemia: Yeah, but when?
Joe: This is the thing. So, in the fall holy days, we have the Feast of Trumpets and the Day of Atonement. And during that time, there’s the ten Days of Awe.
Nehemia: Okay.
Joe: During those Ten Days of Awe, it’s a time that the shofars are blown, the trumpets are blown. And it’s a reminder to repent and get back to Yehovah so that your name will be found in the Book of Life by the end of the Day of Atonement, when the tekia gedola is sounded, the last shofar blast, as the sun sets. Right?
Nehemia: Alright.
Joe: Okay.
Nehemia: So, you’re saying, is this on the Rabbinical reckoning that this is going to happen? So, in other words, October 12th, 2024, is the Rabbinical date of Yom Kippur, and that’s when something major is going to happen.
Joe: I don’t know…
Nehemia: Or by then?
Joe: I don’t know.
Nehemia: You don’t know. Okay. What are you predicting. What’s your…
Joe: I’m not predicting. So, here’s what I am predicting: 2044, at the end of 2044 begins a Jubilee year of 2045. That’s the beginning of the seventh millennium. These Sabbatical Jubilee years, 120 of them, prove that beyond doubt. I have more proof…
Nehemia: So, is Yeshua coming back in 2044 or 45? What do you…
Joe: Hang on… let me answer one question before you ask another one.
Nehemia: Alright.
Joe: 24… so, no matter what theology you subscribe to, I don’t care if you’re Pentecostal, Protestant or Jewish, whatever end time theology you subscribe to, you have from 2024 to 2044 for all end time prophecy to take place.
Nehemia: Whoa! Hold on, hold on! So, all end times prophecy is going to begin this year and culminate…
Joe: No, it’s already begun.
Nehemia: It’s going to culminate in twenty… So, we are in the end times…
Joe: Yes.
Nehemia: Literally, according to your understanding.
Joe: One hundred percent for sure.
Nehemia: And it’s going to culminate in 2044 or 45.
Joe: No. Whatever theology you subscribe to must be done by then. Now, I believe in Yeshua, and Yeshua said unless those days were cut short… so they’re going to be cut shorter than that. So, let me show you something else. Now this… again, you may not agree with this. This is coming from the Book of Luke.
Nehemia: Okay.
Joe: Luke says, “As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the last days.” And what that means is that when you’re getting married, when you’re buying property, when you’re eating and drinking… because that’s what he says. When that happens, what does that mean? It doesn’t mean anything. Were they bad for doing that? It says the same thing in the days of Lot, “As in the days of Lot, they were eating and drinking and partying and getting married and buying property.” That’s not evil. So, what does that mean? It doesn’t mean anything until you look at the Jubilee cycle. So, Noah’s flood was in the year 1656… over here on the right-hand side.
Nehemia: Alright.
Joe: Which is equal to 2181 BC.
Nehemia: Okay.
Joe: Okay. It’s in the sixth Sabbatical cycle, the sixth sabbatical cycle of that Jubilee cycle, and it took place in the fourth year, at the second Passover. So, the fourth year, counting from the bottom one, two, three, four. It’s a time of judgment on the world. So, we go down to, as it was in the days of Lot, and Lot was the year before Isaac was born. That’s 2047 from the creation of Adam, which is the year 1790 BC. And that’s the third year, again at Passover, when Sodom and Gomorrah is destroyed. A major judgment at that time.
Now, here’s what Luke didn’t say, “As it was in the days of Joseph.” Here’s Joseph’s seven days of plenty in purple, and seven years of famine in red. And they end, the famine ends, in the third year of the Sabbatical cycle. But I can’t use that as my proof, because Luke doesn’t talk about it. When you compare each of these together to our time today, that equals the year 2033-2034 as a time of judgment. So, when I did this as an experiment, I understood that the eighth day feast, the ones that the Jews don’t know what it means, is equivalent to the Jubilee year. So, I make 2045 the Jubilee year, the eighth day feast, and I count back seven days for the Sukkot, which is from 2044 to 2030. I make a day for a year, and then five days before that for the Day of Atonement. So, what would be the judgment now? Is it would be when Satan is locked away? That’s the Azazel goat is thrown in the pit in Leviticus 16.
Nehemia: Wait, slow down. So, Satan is locked away now, in 2024?
Joe: 2033.
Nehemia: Oh, 2033, Satan will be locked away.
Joe: So, that represents the Day of Atonement. And ten years before that, the Ten Days of Awe, represent 2024 to 2033.
Nehemia: Oh, so we’re in for ten years of bad stuff?
Joe: Yes.
Nehemia: Is your prediction… Okay.
Joe: Stay away from the fan because there’s a lot of crap flying.
Nehemia: Okay. Okay. I hear you. I can imagine what it’s like to… well, I can’t even imagine. Like, if you’re living on the border of Russia and Ukraine, this is about as bad as it can get.
Joe: No, it’s not.
Nehemia: No, it’s not? Okay.
Joe: No. If we go to Daniel 8. Are you okay? Are you going to go to Daniel 8, or are you still catching…
Nehemia: Go for it. No, no, I’m definitely still catching my breath and trying to follow. And I’m looking for what we call in Hebrew, the takhles. What’s the bottom line? Right?
Joe: The bottom line?
Nehemia: Yeah. The bottom line of news I can use, of some practical application of this.
Joe: Okay.
Nehemia: Or what’s a hypothesis that I can test? Where if it doesn’t happen, Joe is wrong? Because I like that in 2020 you’re about to shut down the website…
Joe: 2020 was a hypothesis you could have tested.
Nehemia: What’s the next one I can test? Is there anything in 2024 between August 26th and December 31st?
Joe: If your readers want to test this, I wrote the book The Ten Days of Awe. So, it’s on Amazon, it’s on my website. They can go and get it, it’s six or seven hundred… I don’t know how to write a small book, so it’s six or seven hundred pages. That’s going to talk about what we’re going to share here now.
Nehemia: Okay. And maybe it’s not fair that I’m asking you for… I’m asking you for the peanut shell version of a 700-page book. Okay.
Joe: In Daniel 8 it’s talking about the goat from the east coming against the ram and destroying it. And the ram is Medo-Persia. So, in this prophecy… so, we went through this yesterday verse by verse and explained it to everybody, and I just shared it and said, “What do you see?” And everyone started to see it. It’s talking about the Ottoman Empire. The Medo-Persian goat, or ram, is the Ottoman Empire, and it’s destroyed in 1916, 17. Out of that empire come these four other nations, Syria, Turkey, Iraq, Iran. There’s also Saudi Arabia in there, but that’s a fifth one, which is…
Nehemia: Was Iran part of the Ottoman Empire? I didn’t…
Joe: Yes.
Nehemia: Really?
Joe: Wasn’t it? Pretty sure it was.
Nehemia: You know what, that’s not my field of expertise. But someone Google it and post it in the comments.
Joe: Okay, yeah, somebody will Google it, correct me. So, out of that, the little horn is Iran, is pushing to the east and the west and the north. So, now we go in here… and I don’t know where it is. It’s talking about… Oh, verse 13, Daniel 8 verse 13. “Then I heard a holy one speaking.” Who’s the holy one? That’s the question I ask. “And another holy one said to that certain one who is speaking, ‘How long will the vision be concerning the daily sacrifices?’”
Nehemia: Alright, you’re in Daniel 8, what verse?
Joe: Thirteen.
Nehemia: Okay. Let me follow… Yeah. Alright, go on.
Joe: So, we’re coming back to the daily sacrifice again. “How long will the vision be concerning the daily sacrifices and the transgressions of desolation, the giving of both the sanctuary and the host to be trampled underfoot?” So, when I looked at every word here, the word sanctuary can also be translated as saints. It’s the saints that are going to be trampled underfoot. Do you see that or not?
Nehemia: I mean, so, no… it says kodesh ve’tzava mirmas… kodesh is… holiness, it can mean. But saints would be something like kedoshim, like a plural. No? I mean…
Joe: Yeah?
Nehemia: Kodesh… Yeah, I don’t, but hey, let’s just move on. That’s not how I could read it, but… Yeah.
Joe: Okay. “And he said to me, ‘For 2,300 days, then the sanctuary [or the saints] will be cleansed [or will be vindicated],” is what I have.
Nehemia: Alright.
Joe: So, now I’m going to jump out of your realm and I’m jumping into the New Testament, going to the Book of Revelation.
Nehemia: Alright.
Joe: Okay. So, we have in Revelation chapter 6, we have the six seals, or seven seals. The first seal is the white horse, and that is a religion that’s going out to conquer. And we all know which one is doing that today.
Nehemia: Which one? Tell me.
Joe: I don’t want to say it on the air because you could get banned for life.
Nehemia: Oh, and you’re actually Canadian.
Joe: Yeah.
Nehemia: Okay. Yeah. So, you literally have to self-censor here. Go on.
Joe: Yes, I do. Then the next horse is a red horse, then the third horse is the pale horse, and the fourth one is the black one. And there are certain nations that are attacking Israel that all have those colors as the flag.
Nehemia: Wait, what are the colors again then? Colors of the flag? Help me.
Joe: White. Red. Green. Black.
Nehemia: So, what nations have those? It’s interesting because there aren’t that many colors in all the flags in the world, but there are a specific set of countries that particularly like green because they consider it holy color.
Joe: Hamas.
Nehemia: Yeah. Well, no. But in general, green is considered a holy color in a certain religion. Okay. You know, it’s interesting, in Israel you’ll see shrines that are painted blue, and you know that’s a Jewish shrine. It might be an idolatrous shrine to a dead rabbi, but it’s a Jewish affiliated shrine. And then green is a different color, a different religion.
Okay. Go ahead. I don’t want to get you in trouble with Justin Trudeau or whoever that guy is. Alright.
Joe: I’ve got a video out there that I can’t share on YouTube or on Facebook, which explains this in great detail.
Nehemia: So, where is that video that people can see if they want to find it?
Joe: I can send you a link if you want.
Nehemia: So, there’s like a secret link you have to get because there’s literally censorship going on. Alright. Wow, that’s amazing.
Joe: It’s a big secret, don’t tell nobody.
Nehemia: I never thought I would live in this world.
Joe: Again, we have to be careful today.
Nehemia: Yeah. I remember this kind of thing during the… I remember this kind of censorship when we lived during the Cold War, and you’d hear about this in the Soviet Union. But now this is going on in Canada with, what do you call that, the… you have like… these kangaroo courts?
Joe: Yeah.
Nehemia: Called like a human rights tribunal or something. I mean, it’s insanity. Alright, go ahead.
Joe: Yeah. But it’s everywhere. You see these major marches, and they’re flying these same color flags. They can do that, but if you carry an Israeli flag, you’re going to be arrested for disturbing the peace.
Nehemia: Yeah. Wow. Alright.
Joe: That’s the time we’re in now, again. In Revelation 6, you got those six horses. The fifth seal is the souls underneath the altar that are martyred. And they’re told to wait, and they’re saying, “How long until you vindicate us?” So, I’m connecting that vindication back to this 2,300 here.
Nehemia: Okay.
Joe: When we count from March 20…
Nehemia: So, we have the vindication. That’s definitely there in Daniel 8:14. Okay.
Joe: Yeah. And I’m connecting that to the vindication in Revelation 6.
Nehemia: Okay.
Joe: The fifth seal, whatever number that is.
Nehemia: Alright.
Joe: So, these 2,200 days start from the first time that Netanyahu locks down Israel. That brings us to July… what is it? July 12, I think it is, in 2026. Okay, so now…
Nehemia: Are we still looking at the timeline here, or do you want to…?
Joe: Yes, we are. We are about to jump back onto that.
Nehemia: Okay, alright.
Joe: IF, – big capital I-F, biggest word in the Bible… if I’m correct and Satan is going to be locked away at atonement in 2033, that’s at the end of the three-and-a-half-year tribulation, the Great Tribulation, which begins at Passover in 2030. At Passover in 2030, the two witnesses of Revelation are killed. They speak for three-and-a-half years, there’s no rain on the earth. That brings you to 2026.
Nehemia: No rain as in water, precipitation or…
Joe: As I understand it, there’s no rain anywhere on the Earth.
Nehemia: Oh.
Joe: This is a major famine. They begin their work… I want to say in the fall of 2026, but this 2,300 days is telling me it’s July 12, which is throwing me off here, and I’m not sure why, but I’m going to report it because that’s what I’m seeing.
Nehemia: And that’s in July 6, 2026…
Joe: July 12.
Nehemia: Sorry, July 12, 2026, something big is going to happen.
Joe: I believe… Yes. Well, it’s going to be something involving the two witnesses… it may not be big, but it could be. I don’t know.
Nehemia: It’ll be big for the two witnesses.
Joe: And that is just two years from now, Nehemia.
Nehemia: Less than two years.
Joe: Yeah.
Nehemia: Alright.
Joe: Okay, so now, the Ten Days of Awe represent the ten days the trumpets are sounded to warn you. So, I was in a dilemma. So, the first holy day is 2024, Shabbat Shuvah is 2030, the Day of Atonement is a holy day. Do we sound the trumpets on those days? And I don’t know…
Nehemia: And here, days represent years? Is that…
Joe: These are representing years, yes.
Nehemia: Okay.
Joe: So, now I go back to the Book of Revelation, written by a Jew named John. I’m just trying to give it a little bit of… with you. And he says there are seven trumpet plagues which start in Daniel 8… I mean, Revelation 8, I’m sorry. So, I did not know to apply the trumpets to 24 to 30 or 25 to 29 and 31 and 32. And I’m not sure which they’re going to be. We’re going to find out. But here’s… you’re looking for some great big thing to look for. The first trumpet is… which I believe is in 2024, one third of the trees, one third of the grass will be burnt up.
Nehemia: So, that’s going to happen between now and the end of 2024?
Joe: That’s my understanding…
Nehemia: Or are these Hebrew years? What’s the time frame here?
Joe: I believe the year begins Aviv to Aviv.
Nehemia: So, in other words, between now and March, let’s say roughly March…
Joe: Yeah.
Nehemia: Maybe February, according to you, 2025, there’s going to be burning up of…
Joe: One third of the trees.
Nehemia: In the world, or in Israel?
Joe: That’s the part I don’t know. Is it the world? Is it the United States and Canada? Is it the Land of Israel? And if you look on a map right now, about a third of Israel is up in the north and on fire from Lebanon from the rockets…
Nehemia: So maybe this is already happening with these…
Joe: I don’t know. I’m what I’m doing, Nehemia, is I’m reading the scriptures and I’m trying to see where it fits today according to the Jubilee cycle.
Nehemia: Okay.
Joe: I’m not trying to say this is what’s going to happen. I’m saying, “Here’s the prophecy that I believe fits in this chronology.” But the second trumpet is the one that I’m concerned about. So, if you have Revelations there…
Nehemia: Let me… I believe the book is called “Revelation” singular.
Joe: Yes, you’re right.
Nehemia: So, let me pull that up on my little…
Joe: Revelation 8.
Nehemia: Oh, here it is. Give me a second… I got to pull up Accordance. Revelation 8. You can start reading and I’ll… get there.
Joe: Okay. Then the second angel…
Nehemia: Verse 1. Are we in… What are we… just so I know how to catch…
Joe: Revelation 8:8.
Nehemia: Okay.
Joe: Yeah. “Then the second angel sounded, and something like a great mountain burning with fire was thrown into the sea. And a third of the sea became blood, and a third of the living creatures in the sea died, and a third of the ships was destroyed.” So, when I read that, the great mountain is a nation, and it’s a nation going down into the sea. The sea is people, and this nation is going down in flames. So, it’s a revolution, a war, a riot… something. Now, that’s the second trumpet, and according to my understanding, which is flexing and changing, it’s 2025.
Nehemia: Okay.
Joe: Okay?
Nehemia: Okay.
Joe: There’s two things that go with this. Right now, I see Kamala Harris possibly winning this election, and she’s all woke up and she doesn’t like Israel. That scares me.
Nehemia: What do you mean, she’s “woke up”? You mean the sense of, like, woke? What is it?
Joe: Yeah, yeah. Woke, right?
Nehemia: Okay.
Joe: The other one is, I see Trump winning and all the riots beginning. Either he wins or loses, riots are going to come, because January 6th all over again or… I don’t know. I just… I got a bad feeling about this election this year.
Nehemia: In the United States.
Joe: In the United States. But then if I go back to read Daniel 8… and what we did was we went through verse by verse yesterday and read Daniel 8, and if that is applying this to Israel… Daniel 8 is telling us that Israel is about to lose this war, because that little horn is going to come up and defeat it.
Nehemia: And what’s the little horn here, Iran or…
Joe: Iran.
Nehemia: So, if Israel wins the war, and I guess… So, what is losing the war look like? Because we could end the war tomorrow, and Hamas will say, “Well, Sinwar is still alive, so we won,” even though Gaza is devastated and will take decades to rebuild.
Joe: Yeah.
Nehemia: Meaning, death is their objective. So how do you define winning the war?
Joe: Even if you killed him and you got your hostages back, that would be a victory for you, for the state of Israel. But Lebanon is still a threat, and Iran still hasn’t finished their plan. So, as I read Daniel 8, not Revelation 8, but Daniel 8, step by step, with this understanding, I see, in the next two years, Israel losing.
Nehemia: There’s this expression of Pyrrhic victory, and it comes from an ancient Greek king who fought against the Romans, and he won. I think his name was Pyrrhus, or something like that. And he said, “I don’t know how many more of these victories we can afford.” We’ll be ruined if we have too many more of these victories. Because… they won it, but at such a high cost.
Joe: If Kamala Harris…
Nehemia: So, there could be a Pyrrhic victory here, I don’t know.
Joe: If Kamala Harris gets in, and you don’t have the two or three US fleets to shoot down all the missiles coming from Iran…
Nehemia: Yeah.
Joe: You can only get some of them. I don’t know if you can get them all yet. I hope I’m wrong, but based on the last one, you had a lot of help.
Nehemia: So, I saw an interview with one of the former heads of the Israeli Air Force the last time Iran attacked with hundreds of weapons. And we had knocked out something like 97 or 98%. He said when we designed these systems, our goal was to reach 80% interception. No one ever dreamed we would take out 97%.
Joe: Yeah, I read 99. So…
Nehemia: Whatever the number was, right? Who knows?
Joe: I’m hoping I’m…
Nehemia: I think five ballistic missiles got through and they damaged an airfield somewhere.
Joe: Yeah.
Nehemia: And they killed or seriously wounded a little Muslim girl, which, from the Shiite perspective, that’s a victory, too.
Joe: So, if you’re looking for a test to what I’m saying, look for a great nation to fall through civil war or a war. Not Ukraine, not Russia. It’ll be the United States, United Kingdom, or Israel, the State of Israel.
Nehemia: So, one of those countries is going to be defeated, according to you, probably in the next two years, between now and 2026, or in 2024…
Joe: Well, I don’t think in 2024, but I think it’s going to be 2025.
Nehemia: Okay.
Joe: The 2026 date, the two witnesses are coming back to “vindicate the saints”, if I’m understanding that correctly. They’re vindicating the saints while they… In order to vindicate the saints, the saints have to be destroyed, and a bunch killed. And we’re just…
Nehemia: Who are the saints in this context?
Joe: Okay, so my definition of saints would be the DNA descendants of the 12 tribes. They don’t have to be “holy” Torah believers.
Nehemia: So… and then, just so everyone understands, you’re talking about the British-Israelite theory, or what do you…
Joe: Yes. I don’t call it a theory; I call it a fact.
Nehemia: Alright. So, the Northwestern Europeans is…
Joe: Yes.
Nehemia: Okay.
Joe: Okay.
Nehemia: So which nations specifically is this? It’s like Germany and Denmark or…
Joe: No, Germany is not included in that.
Nehemia: Oh, Germany is not included.
Joe: Holland, Norway, Finland, Sweden, a little bit of France, part of France, the British Isles, and…
Nehemia: Why isn’t Germany included? Aren’t they part of the Germanic nations? Aren’t they cousins of the… No, but aren’t they? Okay, I guess we have different ideas of… Aren’t they cousins of the Norwegians and the Anglos and the… I mean, they’re literally… Anglos and Saxons are from Germany, aren’t they?
Joe: No, the Anglos and Saxons were tribes of Israel that went through Germany. Germany is a descendant from the Hittites, which were stationed in northern Israel and Turkey, modern day Turkey. So, you can trace the German migration up to there, when they migrated. This is during the…
Nehemia: This sounds like it is a different rabbit trail. Let’s focus on the world ending here. Alright.
Joe: So, again, you’re looking for, where’s the thing to say Joe Dumond is right or wrong? I am constantly changing… after 2020, I’m constantly changing and perfecting and refining my understanding.
Nehemia: Okay.
Joe: But it’s based on these Ten Days of Awe. It’s based on the “as it was in the days of Noah,” and Lot. It’s based on the fall Holy Days converted to years. It’s based on this final 120th jubilee cycle. It’s based on the 70th Jubilee cycle of Daniel 9. It’s all right there in this Jubilee cycle that we’re in.
Nehemia: So, are we in the year of Yom Teruah? Of what rabbis call Rosh Hashanah? Is that…
Joe: Say again, are we what?
Nehemia: Are we in the year of Yom Teruah, what in Rabbinical Judaism is called Rosh Hashanah? Is 2024, early 2025, the first of the Ten Days. It is…
Joe: It’s Yom Teruah. What’s Yom Teruah? Now, I don’t want to say Rosh Hashanah, I want to say Yom Teruah.
Nehemia: Alright, just for the audience who isn’t familiar with the terminology, I mean, right. Okay.
Joe: Yeah. So, Yom Teruah, you used to teach, and I agree, is the day of shouting. Shouting.
Nehemia: Mm-hmm.
Joe: So, if we look at 2024, and I have some of the people in our group saying that that day of shouting began in the Fall before Aviv, which is 2023.
Nehemia: Oh, okay.
Joe: And they could be right in that understanding. And they say that because the Day of Atonement, in 2033, is in the fall. It doesn’t go right to Aviv, it’s in the fall. So, they’re trying to count ten full years from atonement to atonement.
Nehemia: What do you mean, there’s people in your group who are saying that? Because I’m talking to you, I don’t know who the people in your group are. Are you part of, like, a denomination or… And the audience… I’m asking for who may not know this.
Joe: Every Shabbat we have a midrash. We read the Torah portion based on a three-and-a-half-year Torah schedule, and then I let people debate, discuss, and argue about what it says. And we learn a lot from each other, and we have some great teachers joining us. And…
Nehemia: And where does this take place? Is this online?
Joe: On Zoom. So, I have a weekly newsletter.
Nehemia: How can people join this if they want to at least taste it and see if it’s for them?
Joe: Go to sightedmoon.com, look on the latest newsletter, and it says, “Join our Shabbat Meeting”.
Nehemia: Okay. Does it cost money, or do you have to become a member, or what does it involve?
Joe: Yes. It requires you to pay $1,000 a week to Joe Dumond privately, and then you can join.
Nehemia: That’s a joke, right?
Joe: Yeah. Yes. Don’t you know me yet?
Nehemia: No. I’m asking for the audience who really doesn’t know. Like in some groups, if you want to go to their study, you’ve got to be inducted and go through a baptism or something. I’m genuinely asking because I don’t know.
Joe: No. Go to sightedmoon.com, hit the link “Join our Shabbat”, then hit the Zoom meeting. If we don’t know you, we’re going to ask you, how do you know Joe Dumond? Because we got hacked a few weeks ago and got a whole lot of crap on our site.
Nehemia: But if somebody comes and says, “Well, I heard about you on Nehemia’s podcast.”
Joe: On Nehemia and Joe.
Nehemia: Okay, there you go.
Joe: And then we’ll let you in.
Nehemia: Okay.
Joe: So, you raise your hand. You want to comment, I’ll let you comment.
Nehemia: Okay.
Joe: We got a good group of people there. Some of them are very strongly opinionated, which is good, but I’m not the only voice.
Nehemia: Okay.
Joe: You’ve been there. I didn’t let them… Keith was there one time, and I let them discuss with Keith.
Nehemia: I was on some kind of Zoom call that you had… that was part of that group? I don’t know where… I just joined it. I just clicked on a link. I don’t…
Joe: Yeah.
Nehemia: Okay.
Joe: That’s what it is. So, again, so what I’m doing here, Nehemia, is I’m showing this stuff. But what I’m showing you here now is a little picture on a TV screen, and you don’t see it. I have a 20 x 12-foot banner. 20 feet x 12 feet. And I walk you through this step by step. My teaching takes eight hours.
Nehemia: Okay.
Joe: And I show you this. And then once we’re done… Like, we’ve rushed through this today… What is it… an hour-and-a-half?
Nehemia: Yeah. We’re almost we’re coming on… an hour and 40 minutes.
Joe: Yeah. That’s nothing. That’s just…
Nehemia: I believe you. So, the bottom line here is, and we have to wrap it up. But the bottom line here is, people can learn more on sightedmoon.com. You’ve got books that they can read. And if you’re right, between now and 2033, a lot of really bad things are going to happen. Is anything good going to happen? Around 2033…
Joe: Yes. Our Messiah, your Messiah, my Messiah, will be here, and Satan will be gone by 2033.
Nehemia: By 2033. Okay. Alright. You know, there’s a saying, like we always, in Judaism, like to end on a good note, right? So, this is the good note we’re ending on. The Messiah will come, and Satan will be locked up by 2033?
Joe: Yes. I’m saying Satan will be locked up by 2033.
Nehemia: Okay.
Joe: And then King David will be here. I forgot this… Micah, I believe, says that Yehovah is going to lead King David up to Jerusalem from the south of the Dead Sea, and behind King David will be the remnant of Israel.
Nehemia: And is that the resurrected David? Because David’s dead right now, as far as I know. Is that…
Joe: Yes, sir.
Nehemia: Okay. And literally David.
Joe: So, David will be resurrected.
Nehemia: Okay. Hmm. Yeah.
Joe: Yes. Not somebody pretending to be David. The real David, and this is coming in 2033.
Nehemia: If David is leading Israel, how does Yeshua play into that? We’ve got a bit of a lag.
Joe: We don’t want to discuss that right now.
Nehemia: Okay. Alright. There, guys, you heard it. You got…
Joe: Isaiah 43…
Nehemia: Yeah.
Joe: “I am Yehovah. I am your Savior.” Isaiah 43, I don’t know what verse. Isaiah 12, “I am Yehovah, I am your yeshua. I will become your yeshua.” And that’s how I… they’re the same as…
Nehemia: Guys, if you want to know more, you can go to sightedmoon.com and join one of the Shabbat groups and ask these questions. And hopefully the lag won’t be as intense that time. Any final words, Joe?
Joe: One last thing.
Nehemia: Yeah.
Joe: Yehovah told you in your dream or vision, caused you to believe that you needed to interview me today. This is… for me it’s the seventh day of the feast, the great libation, Makor Hebrew Foundation, the wells of living water. I think everything that happened here today is significant. And I think, if your dream… and I’m not a big dream believer… and you’ve done this. I believe we need to pay attention to this. The Jubilee cycles are important, and we’re at the end. So, we got to stop playing games. We got to stop hating on each other because we don’t part our hair the same way. Right?
Nehemia: I’m a big believer in that! Don’t hold a man’s hair against him.
Joe: So, the Messianics are still messed up. They’ve got to come back, and the time to repent is now. Come back to Yehovah, come back to the Torah, stop all this other stuff that you’re doing, that’s not Yehovah. It’s not Torah. It’s a deception. Come back and study your Bible. And if the Bible is boring and something else is more interesting, then you’re being deceived. It’s time. Now is the time. We don’t have any more time for playing games. It’s going to get worse. We need each other. The toes, the feet, the butts, the chest. We all need each other, but we’re not the same. And if we don’t unite, we’re dead. And we all have…
Nehemia: Do we all have to be the same to unite? Or can we have differences and unite? I’m genuinely asking what you’re saying.
Joe: We can have differences and still be united.
Nehemia: That’s a beautiful thing to end on. We have this concept in Jewish history, “sin’at chinam,” which is “free hate”, where you hate somebody for no reason. And the opposite is “ahavat chinam,” “free love”, where you love somebody for no good reason. You love them just because you… really just because they’re your brother and sister.
Joe: Say that again. Ahavat chinam?
Nehemia: Ahavat chinam.
Joe: Ahavat chinam.
Nehemia: So, that means “free love”. But in the sense of “free” as in… there’s no good reason why I love you, but I love you because we are united in a common purpose, even though we don’t maybe see eye to eye. And we’re brothers and sisters, all part of God’s people. And so, we should love each other, not because you did something for me or it benefits me in some way, but just love for no good reason, for free. So… just in the way that people hate for no good reason, for free.
Joe: I hope that everybody will share this and talk about it at your next Shabbat meeting with your own group. If you want me to come and explain it, I can do Zoom, I can do it in person, whatever you want. It needs to be talked about. Time’s up.
Nehemia: Alright. And on that note. Shalom!
You have been listening to Hebrew Voices with Nehemia Gordon. Thank you for supporting Nehemia Gordon’s Makor Hebrew Foundation. Learn more at NehemiasWall.com.
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Jeremiah 23:18
Isaiah 6
1 Kings 22:19-23
Genesis 20:7
Leviticus 25
2 Kings 19:29
Daniel 9
Exodus 3-4
Daniel 12
Hosea 14:3 (Christian verse 2)
Matthew 24:22
Luke 17
Daniel 8
Revelation 6
Revelation 8
Isaiah 43:3; 12:2-3
00:00 Intro
07:05 What is a prophet?
09:16 Calendar variance
12:10 Sabbatical and Jubilee years
34:25 Prophetic Jubilees
1:05:51 What’s the news I can use?
1:35:21 Ending on a good note
1:37:18 One last thing
2300 Days of Hell
by Joseph Dumond
(Amazon, non-affiliate) https://www.amazon.com/2300-Days-Hell-Witnesses-Josephs/
The 10 Days of Awe
by Joseph Dumond
The Abomination that Makes Desolate, The Epilogue
Hebrew Voices #95 – 2300 Days of Hell
Hebrew Voices #154 – Reaping the Benefits of the Medieval Aviv Calendar: Part 1
Support Team Study – Reaping the Benefits of the Medieval Aviv Calendar: Part 2
Hebrew Voices #153 – Sighting the New Moon in the Middle Ages
Hebrew Voices #168 – Israelite Archaeology at the Israel Museum
Tricks of Translation PLUS #2
Prophet Pearls #7 – Vayeitzei
Impromptu interview warning about Oct 7:
The Sabbatical and Jubilee Cycle Chart
“Secret” video link:

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In this episode of Hebrew Voices #199, Are We in the Last Days?, Nehemia obeys a dream to interview Joseph Dumond about his end-times predictions tied to the Sabbatical and Jubilee cycles.
I look forward to reading your comments!
Hebrew Voices #199 – Are we in the last days?
You are listening to Hebrew Voices with Nehemia Gordon. Thank you for supporting Nehemia Gordon's Makor Hebrew Foundation. Learn more at NehemiasWall.com.
Nehemia: Shalom and welcome to a live episode of Hebrew Voices. I guess that’s what this is. I am here with Joe Dumond. Joe Dumond… I would describe as… well, I’ll let him describe himself. But the last Hebrew Voice I did with him was called “2300 Days of Hell,” if I remember correctly, and then we did a very short conversation. It was about a week or so, I believe, before October 7th, or the Hamas genocide invasion. And you made some kind of statement there about how catastrophic things are going to happen. “The sky is falling.” Those are my words, right? “Black swan event.” And I thought, “Yeah, right. When does that ever happen? Never in my lifetime. Not to this degree,” and beyond any expectation, happens. So, here I am with Joe Dumond. Shalom Joe.
Joe: Yeah. The last time we met, you were telling us… I was having an Erev Shabbat with you and your sister and her family.
Nehemia: Yeah.
Joe: I think that was a week… a week before October 7th.
Nehemia: Right, that sounds about right. And people can go see that, I think, on YouTube or TikTok or someplace like that. I don’t remember where we were streaming.
Joe: Yeah. What you said… you said, “You want to do an interview?” I said, “Sure, let’s get together.” And then you invite me for supper, and you go for a walk, and you pull out your phone. And… is this the interview?
Nehemia: I guess it was. It was. It was very… what’s the word?
Joe: Impromptu.
Nehemia: It was impromptu, which I guess all my interviews… well, not all, but… This one is sort of impromptu as well. And I’ll just tell the audience that I had a dream two nights ago, and I woke up from the dream, and you were in the dream. You were center of the dream. And I had, I would say, a feeling in my heart that I was supposed to bring you on the program and talk about whatever you wanted to talk about. That was my takeaway from the dream. You know how many times I’ve had that happen with interviews? This is the first one. So, I’m like, I don’t… we’re in uncharted territory. I don’t know where we’re going with this…
Joe: You were looking for… so, you… when you told that to me… So, here’s the email Nehemia sends me. “You want to do a podcast?” No, “How are you?” “How is your wife?” “How you been?” “What have you been doing?” “What do you do?” Just, “You wanna do a podcast?”
Nehemia: That’s partly my autism, that I skip all the niceties. Don’t be offended by that.
Joe: That’s… Nehemia, I’m not offended. And I’m saying, “What? Oh, yeah, of course I want to do a podcast with you. That’s a silly question.” So, I write back, “Okay, where, and what subject?” And then he tells me about this dream. And how can I refuse a dream that God tells him to have an interview with me? So, what are we going to talk about?
Nehemia: And I don’t want to say that I heard an audible voice like Abimelech in Genesis 14, “Go to Joe, for he is a prophet…” No, that wasn’t what happened. It was just the kind of feeling… the feeling I had at the end of this is, I don’t know what this is about, this is really weird. But it seems like Joe has a message that he’s supposed to communicate, and I’m supposed to help convey that.
So, I’m going to let you talk. By the way, I’m also kind of losing my voice… I’m kind of losing my voice. I’ve been in the hospital a couple times with some allergic issues. So, all the more reason to let you talk.
Joe: How’s your health been?
Nehemia: My health is great when the doctors don’t put me in the hospital. This was entirely doctor induced, so…
Joe: Okay.
Nehemia: But anyway…
Joe: I’m heading to… I’m heading to see the cardiologist here in two weeks, so…
Nehemia: Okay. Wow.
Joe: We’re all getting older.
Nehemia: Alright, yeah, we are. Yeah, well, I’ll be praying for you. So, Joe, what message would you like to share with the audience about anything that’s on your heart?
Joe: I’m kind of scared, because if this is a dream, Yehovah set this up. And I believe He has. You and I first met… do you remember the first time we met?
Nehemia: I remember we were walking outside of Zion’s Gate in that little narrow thing between the two walls. That’s what I remember.
Joe: Yes. That was the second time we met.
Nehemia: Oh, that was the second time? Okay.
Joe: First time we met, I met you in Lansing, Michigan.
Nehemia: Okay.
Joe: And you were sitting at the table in front of the hall, and I was early. It was about four o’clock. The meeting started at seven. I just wanted to know if I was at the right place. You didn’t even look up from your phone, and you said, “Yeah, this is the place, and it’s at seven o’clock.” And I didn’t know who you were. I’d never even heard your name before, and then I see you get up in the stage dressed as a rabbi, and “who is this guy?”
But I want to say, and I want to say this publicly; you changed my life that day. That night. That was the first time I heard about the crescent moon and the barley. You and Michael Rood. The first time I heard that God had a name. You blew me out of the water. I bought everything on Michael’s table that night, and I was just stunned. So, thank you. Thank you for sticking your neck out there so many years ago. You changed my life. And now there’s a bunch of people listening to what I teach and talk about, and it’s mostly the same stuff you do.
Nehemia: And wow, that would have been 2005. That’s when that speaking tour was. So, 19 years ago. Wow.
Joe: Yes. Yeah. But because of that, two months later you sent out an email. I started following you on email then. You sent out an email that Passover is going to be 30 days early, and you blew my cover. I was with the Worldwide Church of God, and I thought I could keep both calendars at the same time, one day apart, and nobody would know any different. But you are 30 days early. And I wrote you a hate email, and I apologized, for changing the calendar. But I didn’t understand it then. But what was happening was Yehovah was setting me up for a test. Was I going to keep the Barley Crescent Moon calendar? Or was I going to continue to do the Hillel calendar even though I knew better?
But at the time, I couldn’t prove which one was right, and the same scriptures for both. The week before Passover, Yehovah showed me what Yeshua said, “No man knows the day or the hour.” And once I understood that it blew me away. Of course, it’s a crescent moon. Nobody knows the day or the hour, that’s the Feast of Trumpets. Of course, that’s the simple answer. But it started with you and Michael. And I just want to thank you, because otherwise…
Nehemia: You know what? Some people have never heard of you or aren’t familiar with you. What’s your website, so people can find out more?
Joe: My website is https://sightedmoon.com/, and YouTube and Amazon, Joseph F. Dumond. You search that. If you want to put in “false prophet”, you can get all kinds of people that hate my guts. You can learn everything you want about me.
Nehemia: Do you claim to be a prophet?
Joe: Never.
Nehemia: Okay, so how could you be a false prophet if you don’t?
Joe: What is a prophet, though?
Nehemia: Ooh, that’s like a whole discussion. What is a prophet by you? So, just so the audience understands; I’m a Karaite Jew. But you’re coming also from a New Testament perspective. So, is there a different understanding in the New Testament of what a prophet is than my Old Testament understanding?
Joe: My understanding is that a prophet is anybody who speaks Torah.
Nehemia: Oh, okay. So, that’s not my understanding of prophet. My understanding of prophet… Jeremiah says, “Who stands in the counsel of Yehovah, let him make heard.” I’m paraphrasing here, but basically somebody who hears the word of Yehovah, either directly from Yehovah or from one of His angels, that is a prophet. Jeremiah’s description is, he’s standing in the throne room, to use our terminology, and he’s eavesdropping on the conversations between Yehovah and what we call the angels. Isaiah describes the same thing. Yehovah… And then Micaiahu in 1 Kings, I want to say it’s 22, “Yehovah says, who will go for us?” And one of the spirits comes forth and Micaiahu, who’s overhearing… Abimelech in Genesis 20, is not a prophet, even though God is speaking to him in a dream. He says, “Go to Abraham. He’ll pray for you,” “ki navi hu” “for he is a prophet.” Well, wait a minute. Isn’t Abimelech a prophet? Now, maybe there’s different definitions of prophet, right? And the New Testament might have different… Maimonides has a vast theology about different levels of prophecy, right?
Joe: Yeah, I didn’t go there. I think I found someplace in the Bible where it tells me that if you’re speaking Torah, you’re prophesying the Word of God.
Nehemia: Ah, so maybe prophesying is different in the New Testament than prophesying in the Tanakh. Meaning, there’s semantic shifts all the time, which means the meaning of words changes over time. In the Tanakh, in the Old Testament, the word Pesach is always a sacrifice. In the New Testament it talks about the Feast of Passover, which my upbringing in Judaism was the Feast of Passover. So, the meaning of words changes over time.
By the way, you told me something that kind of shocked me. And I’ve been out of the calendar… let’s say the guts of the calendar and dealing with it, since October 2nd, 2016. And you just told me it’s…
Joe: Passover, 2016. You told me you were getting out. In person in Israel.
Nehemia: Okay, well, I didn’t say that publicly. So, that was six months earlier.
Joe: No, you said it to me privately.
Nehemia: Which has now been revealed for the first time. Thanks there. But… live on YouTube! No, but you just told me that this is the seventh day of Sukkot for you. Today is August 26th, 2024. I’m going to be celebrating the seventh day of Sukkot in about two months. So, how did you get… and I actually literally don’t know the answer because I’m staying out of it. How did you get today to be the seventh day of Sukkot? Two months early, by my reckoning, which may be wrong…
Joe: So, as you know, and you’ve broadcast this on your teachings about the discrepancy of what is Aviv barley, and that’s been going on since, well, since the Temple was destroyed. And during the Middle Ages, you have Karaites going back and forth, and they’re arguing over what is Aviv barley, and it continues today. It’s no different. So, my qualification of what is Aviv barley is, it’s got to be ready or roastable to begin to make the wave offering. And basically, I’ve learned most of this from you. We differ a little bit on what is Aviv.
So, this year I and Randy Cates went to Israel in February. We were down in Be’eri. We went down and visited the memorial where the rave was slaughtered and could see all the asphalt where the cars were burnt. And it was a very emotional trip. But down in Be’eri, we showed people video of the barley that we had. We had, we believe, enough for an omer of barley. I know Devorah goes by fields of barley and Joel Halevy goes by one field of barley, I believe, that’s brown and ripe, and that’s where the difference comes in.
So, I went there personally. I had another guy go with me, and we found barley that was Aviv. And so, we announced it, we looked at, had other people look at… are we right? Can we really be that far ahead? And that’s what we did. So, I have to go with what I see. I can’t deny what I saw.
Nehemia: So, guys, there’s an interview I did with Nadia Vidro, who is a scholar at University College London, although her office is at Cambridge, and it’s an interview I did with her about Karaites in the Middle Ages and having different understandings of Aviv barley. Alright. So, Joe, last time we did a broadcast, like you said, it was a week before October 7th, the worst event that’s happened in my lifetime. Really, the worst thing since the Holocaust that’s happened to the Jewish people. Wow. And you made some, I don’t know…
Joe: I made some… I dropped some big hints there, but I thought this was just a short little five-minute video, and I wasn’t trying to give away the whole teaching at one time. I thought we were going to talk later that week. Yeah, there’s a lot more to follow up with that.
Nehemia: Well, let’s jump forward now, a year, almost a year. And I… look, I haven’t really delved into your teachings that much, to be honest with you, and you have written thousands or tens of thousands of pages…
Joe: You’re not following me through…
Nehemia: No, but give us the… what’s the word? The “in a nutshell”. The nutshell, no pun intended. Give us “in the nutshell”, what do you think is going to happen in the next month, year, ten years? What do you see in your prediction? And obviously you’re saying it’s not prophecy in the sense of Jeremiah, is it, what you’re saying? Meaning you haven’t seen this in a vision… or have you? I don’t know, I’m asking.
Joe: No, I’m not… Like, the big joke here is I’m not a strong believer in visions and dreams, and sure enough, you have a vision or dream to have an interview with me…
Nehemia: And I’m a big skeptic too when it comes to that kind of thing. There’s the classic statement like, was that God speaking to me or was it bad pizza? And I tend to have a lot of bad pizza.
Joe: I’m gonna get pizza jokes from now on.
Nehemia: Yeah. It’s not my joke, it’s an old one. So, what do you think’s going to happen? What do you… based on your understanding, where are we going? Where is the world going?
Joe: Give me a moment here. In 2008, when we first met to talk, when we knew who we were, I gave you a great big box of material. And you looked at it and rolled your eyes and said, “Oh, no! What am I going to do with all this stuff?” But this subject that I’m talking about, you know that I’ve been chasing this since the beginning, 2005, it’s about the Sabbatical and Jubilee years.
Nehemia: Sabbatical and Jubilee. Let’s start with a really…
Joe: The shmita and Yovel.
Nehemia: Let’s start with a really basic understanding: What is Sabbatical and what is Jubilee? I know there was a Christian guy out there teaching a few years back. He had a book about the “Shemaitah”. So, what’s the shmita and what is the Yovel? What are the Sabbatical and Jubilee year? Assume people know nothing.
Joe: “ShmAitah”, or shmita, whichever way you want to pronounce it, is every seven years. We’re talking about Leviticus 25, and Leviticus 25 tells you that every seven years the land shall have a rest. And it’s just like the Shavuot; seven Sabbaths, or seven Sabbatical years, and then after the 49th year you have a 50th year, and that is also a holy year. So, that’s when the land is restored to the people. And that’s what I’ve been teaching.
Now, it’s not just about that. I’ve been able to prove, through history, the Bible, tombstones we’ve got… I don’t know, 40-some-odd tombstones from Zohar, now. Many of them you don’t have, or you don’t even know about yet, and that’s what the latest book was actually supposed to be about. But it kept going back to the Mishnah and where the Mishnah has changed things, so I had to do the calendar issue. So, we’ll have that book out hopefully this fall.
But I document every Sabbatical and Jubilee year throughout history and have them all line up. Without force-fitting them, without hammering the puzzle pieces together. I just show you, here’s where they are, and this is how they work. But some of them are according to Hillel, and some of them are according to the Crescent Moon and the Barley Calendar, and that’s where the discrepancy comes. That’s why Wacholder, Zuckermann, Sher, and Marcus, who are the known authorities on the shmita and Jubilee years, dismissed all of them because they couldn’t understand the dating and the different calendars.
I happen to be raised in both, and recognized the difference really quick, so it made it easier for me to figure them out. So, that’s what I do, and then that’s what I teach. We use 2 Kings 19:29 to proof, that’s the beginning, and from that scripture alone you can count every Sabbatical year from 701 BC, forward and backward, and every Jubilee year from 700 BC, forward and backward.
Nehemia: Alright. So, let’s open up 2 Kings, what you just quoted. In fact, I’m going to ask you to open up and read it. But before we do that… So, just for the audience who isn’t following, maybe, just as we have a weekly Shabbat, which is you work six days and rest in the seventh, there is an annual Shabbat in the Torah, in Leviticus 25 and other places as well. And you plant your field for six years, and you let the land lie fallow on the seventh. And then there are seven annual Shabbats which then culminate in the Yovel, the Jubilee year, which is the 50th year.
And by the way, there’s an ancient debate, or discussion, in the Talmud about whether… or in other sources as well, about whether the 50th year is year 1 or whether it’s year 0, and then the next jubilee begins with the 51st year. In other words, that’s not self-evident necessarily.
Joe: That’s Rabbi Yehuda.
Nehemia: And then there’s this statement in the Talmud that when the Temple was destroyed… the Second Temple in the year 70, or they say the year 68, which is where life gets really interesting…
Joe: Or 69.
Nehemia: Or 69, according to Maimonides, right. So, it gets a little bit complicated there. So, they say then the Jubilee was abolished. Now, where you came in… and this is something I’d looked at before you and kind of hit a dead end, is there are these tombstones from the southern end of the Dead Sea from a place called Zohar, or Tso’ar, and people were dying in the 4th century and the 5th century CE or AD, meaning after the Temple was destroyed hundreds of years, and they’re saying, “He died in such and such a year of the destruction of the Temple, which was the third year of the Sabbatical cycle.” Or something like that, I don’t remember exactly. And then there was one from Sidon or someplace like that in Lebanon.
Joe: Baalbek.
Nehemia: Baalbek, okay, there you go. And so, at the time I looked at it, maybe there were 20 or something or 30, and you’re saying they’ve now published 40 of these tombstones. So, you’ve actually accumulated more evidence…
Joe: They’ve actually published a hundred.
Nehemia: One hundred? So, you’ve accumulated more evidence which… there I just want to give you credit. I looked at this 20 years ago or so, or maybe 15 years ago, and I found everything that was available at the time. You’ve actually been following this, and more evidence has been published, and you’ve come to certain conclusions.
Joe: Yeah.
Nehemia: Alright, now, I’ll let you go to 2 Kings. What do you have in 2 Kings?
Joe: Okay, 2… Well, just one thing. I asked this elderly lady to go and search out this footnote that I found in one of the tombstones, and just search it out for me. I was busy doing…
Nehemia: You mean it was a study about the tombstones? You don’t mean it was in the tombs…
Joe: It was a study about the tombstones.
Nehemia: It wasn’t a footnote on the tombstone. Okay.
Joe: Yeah. Not on the tombstone, no. And I didn’t expect to hear back from her for about three, four, or five months. She comes back in three weeks with 100 tombstones. And I said I couldn’t believe it. It was amazing. And she’s here in front of me now listening, so, she’s excited about this. Anyway, 2 Kings 19:29. “This shall be a sign to you.” So, a sign is a Sabbath of some sort. “You shall eat this year such things as grow of itself, in the second year what springs from the same, in the third year sow and reap, plant vineyards and eat the fruit of them.” Okay, is that close to what you say in the Hebrew?
Nehemia: Let me pull it up. I’ve got to pull it up in the Hebrew. So, it’s 2 Kings 19:29. “Ve’zeh-lecha ha’ot” “This is for you a sign” “achol hashanah safiach” “Eat this year after growth.” We can talk about what that is. “U’bashanah hashenit sachish” “and in the second year,” actually volunteer grain. “U’bashanah hashelishit zir’u ve’kitzru” “and in the third year, plant and harvest,” “ve’nit’u chamim ve’ichlu pri’yam,” “and plant vineyards and eat their fruit.” And this is… what’s the context here? So, there have been, if I remember correctly… Oh, this is from… it’s…
Joe: It’s the attack on Hezekiah by Sennacherib.
Nehemia: Okay. So, basically the Assyrians had invaded Israel, and they devastated the land. And there’s the famous Lachish, the… tavlit, the relief. It’s the Lachish relief which shows Judean prisoners being taken prisoner by the Assyrians, and they’re being carried off to Babylonia or someplace like that. And it’s interesting because there’s three people being crucified there, or impaled, on the Lachish relief. There’s a replica at the Israel Museum and in the Archaeology Department at Hebrew University, but the original is actually in the British Museum. I saw it once, a few years back. And they found it in Ninveh, in what today is northern Iraq.
Okay, so the land’s been devastated, all the vineyards have been pulled up and the fields burned, and he’s saying, “You’re going to eat the after growth,” which… what do you understand from that?
Joe: You can eat what grows of itself. Whatever comes up this year, you’re allowed to eat.
Nehemia: In other words, when you’re harvesting the crops, some seeds fall, and those are going to pop up even though you didn’t plant a crop because you were under siege.
Joe: It’s a Sabbatical year.
Nehemia: So, you assume this is a Sabbatical year, not that it was a siege. Is that what you’re saying?
Joe: Well, I’m not looking at the siege part. I’m looking at, what is he allowed to do? The prophecy is, you can eat what grows of itself, but you just don’t plant. The second part is the same. You eat what grows of itself in the second year, you just don’t plant. But in the third year you plant.
Nehemia: So, it’s not obvious to most readers… and you could be right. But it’s not obvious to most readers that this has anything to do with Sabbatical year. What most readers I think would understand… and actually, guys, post in the comments. Tell me if you agree. My understanding of this, maybe I’m wrong…
Joe: Are we going to have a majority vote here, or what?
Nehemia: No, but you’re offering an interpretation. I’m offering another one. And the people who say, “Well, we just read it, we don’t interpret it.” You’re interpreting it, but your interpretation is implicit. You don’t realize that you’re interpreting it. So, my understanding of this, my interpretation, is that this is talking about… they were under siege, and they couldn’t plant. And so, they have no choice but to eat what’s left over. And the next year they’re not going to have a whole lot of seed, because you save seeds from your harvest. Well, now we’re just barely surviving, so it won’t be till the third year that they’re going to plant. But you understand that this as a Sabbatical and Jubilee year here, or what are you saying?
Joe: Two years that you don’t plant back-to-back.
Nehemia: Okay, so it’s a Sabbatical and a Jubilee. In other words, this is like Shavuot, when you have Shabbat on Saturday, and then on Sunday you have Shavuot, so there’s two days in a row that you’re not working. And it’s funny because I’ve had Messianics tell me, “Well, that’s impossible. You can’t have two days in a row. That’s not what God intended.” And that’s why they want to follow the Rabbinical system of Shavuot. But in the Rabbinical system, sometimes it’s on a Sunday too. It’s just about once every seven years on average, or maybe a little bit different, but…
Joe: Yep.
Nehemia: So, either way you’ll have two days in a row that are non-workdays. Here it’s two years in a row that are not planting, which is definitely what Leviticus 25 describes. Okay, go.
Joe: Okay. So, this is… the Assyrians record this date. There’s only two dates that the Israelites are recorded in history. One is the Battle of Qarqar and the other one is this day, 701 BC. So, it’s the most documented.
Nehemia: What was the first one?
Joe: The Battle of Qarqar in 853, when Ahab is killed.
Nehemia: Okay.
Joe: And the other one is this one. And that’s the only way we’re able to put the Israelite and Jewish kings into a historical chronology. Otherwise, we don’t know where they fit because they’d left no records.
Nehemia: We don’t know relative to our current chronology. Now, I’ll just throw it out there that the rabbis claim they do know, and they have a different chronology. But you’re saying secular historians have gone through thousands or millions of Assyrian tablets and Babylonian tablets, and they’ve been able to cross-reference these two historical events mentioned in the Tanakh, in the Hebrew Bible, with the Assyrian chronology. Which then has been fit into our current chronology, where this year is 2024. That’s really what you’re saying.
Joe: Yeah. So again, as I began to do this current book, The Stones Cry Out, we kept going back to the Mishnah, which is the one written by Rabbi Judah in around 180 and redacted around 180, began by Rabbi Akiva in 133 or before that. But there’s these mistakes that are incorporated into the Mishnah, then the Talmud, the Babylonian Jerusalem Talmud, and then the Mishnah Torah by Rambam, and have now become part of their Torah, or their calendar. But they’re mistakes that they brought in, which began in the Maccabean times. So, that’s what this first book is about; documenting this chronology step by step, and how these mistakes come on. And bringing it down today.
Nehemia: But back up here. So, I was a bit distracted. I was making sure the video was actually live. So, let me understand what you’re saying here. So, you’re saying that the Rabbinical date where we’re now in 57… I want to say 83.
Joe: 83, I don’t know. I think it’s…
Nehemia: We’re about to go into… Tav-Shin-Nun-Gimel, sorry, not Nun-Gimel… Tav-Shin-Pe-Gimel, and we’re about to go into Tav-Shin-Pe-Dalet, 5783 – we’re about to go into 5784. So, you’re saying… and that actually is first formulated, or the earliest source we have is Seder Olam Rabbah, which is from maybe the 3d century or so. So, that chronology is wrong, is what you’re saying.
Joe: Okay, so just explain Seder Olam, because they don’t know what you’re talking about. That’s….
Nehemia: Well, there’s a midrash called “Seder Olam Rabbah”, “The Great Order of the World”, and there they tell us, for example, that the Persian period, I want to say, was 54 years or something like that. And secular historians say, no, it was much more than 54 years. In other words, they say the Temple wasn’t destroyed in 5… this is the rabbis… the Temple wasn’t destroyed in 586 BCE, like secular historians say, they say it was destroyed about 150… the First Temple, rather. It was destroyed about 150 years later. And then part of that is this kind of ideal that the First Temple, I want to say, was 410 years, and the second was 420, or vice versa, I don’t remember.
Joe: No, what they’re trying to do is take the Daniel 9 prophecy of 490 years and the 483 year… apply it to Simon bar Kokhba to make him the Messiah.
Nehemia: That’s really interesting, because I’ll get Christians who will say, “Obviously Jesus is the Messiah because the order to rebuild Jerusalem in Daniel fits exactly with the chronology that we present to you.” And then my question is, how do you know that chronology is correct? And they have no idea. They just read it in the encyclopedia.
Joe: So, the first…
Nehemia: And that encyclopedia… Well, that chronology is based on the assumption that Jesus is the Messiah. It’s a bit of a circular argument. And you’re saying the Rabbinical chronology is based on Bar-Kokhba being the Messiah. Which if you believe he’s the Messiah, great, and if you don’t, then that’s just a circular argument, right?
Joe: Well, yeah…
Nehemia: I don’t think anybody says he’s the Messiah. Well, I mean, yeah, nobody today says Bar-Kokhba was the Messiah, but people were willing to die… hundreds of thousands of people were willing to die for their belief that Bar-Kokhba was the Messiah. They died in the Battle of Beitar, including Rabbi Akiva.
Joe: But the Daniel 9 prophecy was first used by the Maccabeans to prove that, I believe, John Hyrcanus was the Messiah.
Nehemia: Okay.
Joe: So, this Daniel 9 prophecy has been used multiple times.
Nehemia: “Used and abused” is what you’re saying.
Joe: That’s right. And if you… So, we’ve got one book, The 2300 Days of Hell, which takes the Daniel 9 prophecy and dissects it word by word and shows you the whole history of this prophecy. And it’s not about Yeshua. It’s not about Jesus. It’s not about that at all.
Nehemia: Who’s it about?
Joe: King David.
Nehemia: Help me out here, I haven’t heard this explanation. So, King David in his first incarnation, or is he going to come back in through the resurrection?
Joe: Okay. Well, I’m trying to get back to our meeting, but…
Nehemia: Alright, let’s… People can go read The 2300 Days of Hell. It’s a book that’s available. Alright, let’s go back to October.
Joe: We also need to cover this quickly, too. So anyway, the II Kings 19:29, counting by seven will line up with every Sabbatical year and all the tombstones. All of them. Even the Baalbek one that I had trouble with; I think I can make it work. So, that’s almost all of them. So, I’ll leave the Baalbek one out because it’s controversial, and the Jubilee years, also from 700 BC, line up with the Jubilee years mentioned in the tombstones of Zohar. They all fit.
Nehemia: So, here’s why this is important… let me give you a little bit of background. So, Maimonides has a long, elaborate discussion about when the Sabbatical year is. And he says, in the end, all of these explanations are not important.
Joe: Hang on, hang on. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
Nehemia: Because we have a tradition of what it is.
Joe: Wait, wait, wait, wait!
Nehemia: I jumped ahead.
Joe: You jumped ahead, because you and I did an interview in 2018, and you surprised that one on me. I never knew about that.
Nehemia: Oh, okay.
Joe: And you were about to show me that maybe I might not be right, and Maimonides… now continue, shows you that my dates are right.
Nehemia: So, anyway, he comes up and he says, “It doesn’t matter, all of our explanations.” And look, it’s very involved, and I guess people can go listen to that interview, right, from 2300 Days of Hell that we did on… somewhere. But he says, “We have a tradition, and it’s a reliable tradition, about when the Sabbatical year is.” But then you have tombstones that predate Maimonides by over half a millennium, and you’re saying they do line up with Maimonides, or they don’t?
Joe: They line up with Maimonides, and you read it to me, it says that this year, or last year, was a Sabbatical year, but by tradition we keep it the year and a half before or…
Nehemia: Right, so his tradition doesn’t line up with the tombstones.
Joe: No.
Nehemia: Okay. But…
Joe: And he admitted, this year or last year was a Sabbatical year, which does line up with all the tombstones.
Nehemia: Hmm. Okay. Alright…
Joe: And that also lines up with II Kings…
Nehemia: So, you still have two traditions. One is the tombstones as you understand them, and the other is Maimonides telling us about a tradition around the year, give or take, 1200. And that tradition is different than the tradition that was around in the 4th century, the 5th century, when these people were dying, and somebody was writing on their tombstone: “Year three of the Sabbatical cycle”, right? That was obviously a tradition that was around, unless they just made it up…
Joe: That same tradition that they had, that Maimonides talked about in 1177 A.D… that same tradition is continued to today, and the Sabbatical year today that the Jews keep is one-and-a-half years before…
Nehemia: Okay, so that’s important. So, if you go Google, “When is ‘ShmAitah’ or when is shmita…” “…when is the Sabbatical year,” you’re going to find out the Rabbinical date, which is really not… it’s not even the Rabbinical date. It’s the date of Maimonides from the year around 1177, that he had heard from one of the Jews who came from Israel.
By the way, there’s a bit of a problem there, and the problem is that the Jews were wiped out from Israel when the Crusaders came… I want to say it was 1099, that killed all the Jews in Israel. Now, there was a community of Jews from Israel who had been living in Cairo, where Maimonides wrote this, for centuries, even before the Crusaders. So, when he says, “There’s a tradition from the Land of Israel,” what he really means is, he heard from the synagogue of the Shamayim, which is nothing to do with Shammai. It’s Ash-shams, which is the Arabic word for, “the Levant”, which includes Israel. Or it was called also… the Yerushalmim Synagogue, the Synagogue of the Jerusalemites. So, he heard from the people in the Synagogue of the Jerusalemites in Cairo, “This is when the Sabbatical is, and we know because we came from Israel.” But as far as I know, maybe there were one or two little communities up in the Galilee, in the mountains, like Peki’in claims that they were never wiped out by the Crusaders because they were at the top of a hill and the Crusaders didn’t bother to go up there. But basically, there were virtually no Jews in Israel in the year 1177. So, that’s an interesting little hiccup in his explanation, right?
Joe: Yeah. Not really. The facts speak for themselves, but… so, getting back here, why would God tell you to interview me today? What’s… So, if you go to my website, we have all these Sabbatical and Jubilee years, you can download them for free. Just go to the library. You’ll find them there, you can download them for free, or you can order this booklet from Amazon. And I’m not trying to do a commercial here. You need to know this because it’s important. Why would God have Nehemia Gordon, Dr. Nehemia Gordon from Hebrew University and all these credentials…
Nehemia: Well, I got my doctorate from Bar-Ilan University, but go ahead.
Joe: Okay. Okay, but why would He tell you to interview me? Because there’s something that you don’t know about the Jubilees. They’re prophetic. They reveal prophecy. The same way the holy days reveal prophecy, end time prophecy. If you don’t know the holy days, then all you’re doing is guessing, and that’s what Christians do when you don’t keep the holy days. You’re just guessing.
Nehemia: I think it was CNN that had this motto, “News you can use.” So, give me a practical thing of… what’s going to happen? And look, you could be wrong, but based on what you believe is going to happen in the next month and the next year… and maybe the next ten years. Give me that. What’s a takeaway here, something people can actually test?
Joe: Yeah.
Nehemia: In other words, they’ll look back and say, “Oh, can you believe Joe said that? He’s so silly.” From ten years ago. Or they’ll look back and say, “Joe knew what was going to happen!”
Joe: Joe Dumond was shutting down sightedmoon.com in 2020 if nothing happened. We’ve been warning people about 2020 since I started this in 2005. That’s based on the Daniel 9 prophecy. Seventy weeks, 70 Jubilees. It’s not weeks, it’s not 490 years, it’s 70 times 49… 70 Feasts of Weeks. The word there is shavua. It’s the female word for Shavuoth. Right? And I’m not a literal scholar, and I don’t speak Hebrew, but Daniel is told to hide the books. So, how do you hide the books? Put it in plain sight. Seventy Jubilee cycles are for your people. All 12 tribes, not just the Jews. It’s all 12 tribes. Seventy weeks from when? It’s not Ahasuerus, it’s not Cyrus, it’s not Darius. It’s from the burning bush. When Moses was told by Yehovah to go and get the people, seven times he’s told, “Go, go.” And Moses got all these excuses. “Go and get the people.” So, the only way you can know what year that is is by doing the chronology in Genesis according to a 49-year Jubilee cycle and counting them out. We’ve done that. Rabbi Yehuda was correct.
Nehemia: So, hold on. You say year 50 is also year 1 of the next cycle?
Joe: Yes.
Nehemia: Okay. I just wanted to clarify that.
Joe: Yes.
Nehemia: Okay. Where’s the news I can use, Joe? What’s going to happen in the next month? Is Iran going to start World War III?
Joe: I’m going to lead up there, because you already know what I told you, but you don’t remember it.
Nehemia: Probably. I remember one thing you told me, but you haven’t made it public, and I’m not going to share it, but…
Joe: Yeah, well, okay, I think I know what you’re saying. I’m not saying that either.
Nehemia: Let’s not go there. Alright.
Joe: No. Okay. So, 70 weeks, and then, how do you prove that? It says 7 and 62. It doesn’t say 62 and 7. It’s not the seventh place at the last seven years, like most Christians try to say it is. It’s 7 and 62. Seven Shavuos, seven Jubilee cycles, and then Messiah the Prince will appear. So, you count from the burning bush seven Jubilee cycles, and I’ve got those all laid out for you in this book. Do you want me to show you? I can show you here online. Do you want me to show you?
Nehemia: Show me. Yeah, yeah. This is this is your… the ball’s in your court.
Joe: Yehovah told…
Nehemia: Bear in mind it looks like you’re a little fuzzy here, so if you’re showing something with really high resolution you might have to make it big. And I’m actually looking here online at the video. Oh, we have some people in the chat.
Joe: Can you see that?
Nehemia: Yeah, I can see it. I hope the audience can see it. Let me try to refresh and see if people can see it.
Joe: So, this is the chart I told you about there, that you can have. You can get them free, print them off yourself, do it in color. So, the exodus takes place at 1379 BC. Can you see that? Do I need to blow it up?
Nehemia: Exodus… it’s always good to blow stuff up…
Joe: How’s that?
Nehemia: Yeah. So, the exodus is where?
Joe: Okay… 1379 in the blue here.
Nehemia: That’s the exodus from Egypt, according to your reckoning. And that’s minus 1379. What does that mean? 1379 BCE?
Joe: BC years. Yeah.
Nehemia: Okay. And there’s no year 0, right? Or is there, in your counting?
Joe: That’s right.
Nehemia: Okay.
Joe: Right. So, seven Jubilee cycles and you will see the Messiah, the Prince. So, we count one Jubilee cycle. So, in the middle I got one, two, three. There’s four, five, six, seven… and after seven Jubilee cycles there is King David, born in 1040 BC. He’s anointed Messiah, the Prince. Messiah means Mashiach, means anointed. It doesn’t mean Jesus. Messiah the Prince is born in 1040, he’s anointed by Samuel as a young shepherd boy somewhere in the second Sabbatical cycle, we don’t know when. He’s anointed by Judah, when he becomes King over Judah in 1010 BC, and then again in 1003 BC by all of Israel.
Nehemia: So, I just realized something. You’re reading this right to left.
Joe: Yes. I’m trying to be Hebrew.
Nehemia: Okay.
Joe: I didn’t know I was going to publish this when I did it. I was just me doing my little thing.
Nehemia: But then the one with the Hebrew years is left to right, isn’t it?
Joe: Okay, so this one over here is also from right to left, bottom to top. This one starts from the counting of Adam. So, we go back here to the creation of Adam, and Adam… whoops, one more.
Nehemia: So, what year are in now, according to your reckoning?
Joe: Adam was born, or created, in year 1.
Nehemia: So, what year are we in now, from the creation, from Adam?
Joe: One second, one second.
Nehemia: I just want the answer.
Joe: So, everything on the right-hand side is going to be counting from Adam. Everything on the left-hand side… come on, how come this isn’t moving?
Nehemia: You’ve got a little thing on the bottom there that you need to drag.
Joe: There you go.
Nehemia: It’s for a Macintosh. Who can understand Macintosh?
Joe: Now what happened?
Nehemia: Houston, we have a problem.
Joe: Houston, we got a problem. I’m going to stop sharing. I’ll go back. No, I got to go out again. One second.
Nehemia: So, look, we have a comment here in the chat from someone named… I can’t read their name, but he says, “70 weeks was fulfilled long ago by Christ.” What do you say?
Joe: Yeah, right.
Nehemia: No. Explain why that person… you disagree. What’s your… And the 70 weeks of Daniel, he means, and you’re talking about, right?
Joe: He’s talking about the 70 weeks of Daniel being the creation from Ahasuerus or 483 years to Jesus’s start of his ministry. Three-and-a-half-year ministry. And now he’s got three-and-a-half years in when he returns. It’s called the gap theory; it’s created by Julius Africanus…
Nehemia: So, when is the 70 weeks fulfilled according to you?
Joe: It’s not been fulfilled yet.
Nehemia: But when will it be fulfilled?
Joe: Well, that’s what I’m trying to show you. I’m trying to let you…
Nehemia: And by the way, just so it’s clear for the audience; you do believe in Yeshua, right?
Joe: Yes. But…
Nehemia: You just don’t think the prophecy about him was fulfilled yet in Daniel, or…
Joe: No, it’s not about him at all.
Nehemia: It’s not about him at all.
Joe: Let me just get back here…
Nehemia: Alright.
Joe: If you keep jumping to these different places, there’s a base you got to have. And if you don’t got the base, you’re all over the place with “Jesus is the…” what it’s talking about, and it’s not talking about him. So… Okay. We’re going to go back here to the seven Jubilee cycles for Daniel, or David, sorry. Then it says in the prophecy, 62 Jubilee cycles. So, if we count 62 from here, that brings us to 1996. There’s the 69th Jubilee cycle; 1996 was the end of that Jubilee cycle, and that’s the beginning of the 70th Jubilee cycle, which is the one we’re in now. So, you ask what year it is, it’s the year 2024, and that is equivalent to the year 5860 since the creation of Adam.
Nehemia: 5860.
Joe: So, the one on the right is… the one on the left.
Nehemia: So, the rabbis say we’re in 5783 and you say we’re in 5860. Okay, gotcha.
Joe: That’s right. So, we can do that. We can show why that’s happening. We don’t have time today to do everything.
Nehemia: No, no. I’m waiting for the news I can use. How do I plan my life in a practical sense if I think you’re right?
Joe: Yes. I just lost it again. I got to get this back up, because you do need to see it.
Nehemia: So, like, in other words, if I… and this sounds really bad, but if I thought a year from now the world economy was going to collapse, I would go take out a 30-year mortgage because I’d never have to pay it back. That would probably be a bad decision, because I might end up regretting it. But…
Joe: Well, I’m not here. Somebody else took my information and tried to make a book about the economy, and they fell apart in their face because they didn’t get all the details.
Nehemia: Look, and this happened in world history. In the year 1843 there were people who didn’t plant… or in 1842 who didn’t plant their crops in the United States because they believed Jesus was coming back in 1843, and apparently, they were disappointed. It’s actually called in history the… wasn’t it called “The Great Disappointment” or something?
Joe: Yeah, yeah.
Nehemia: And then they thought it was 1844, and those people didn’t plant their crops for 1844, and they were financially devastated. So, guys, this could be wrong. Please don’t make financial decisions based on this, but also, it’s good to be prepared.
Joe: So, we are now in the 70th week spoken of by Daniel 9.
Nehemia: It’s kind of like Obama, who says that the oceans are rising, but he has like a $60 million beach house like one foot above the ocean. So, he doesn’t really believe it’s the oceans are rising. Okay. Or he’s not… Go ahead.
Joe: I believe this. I believe this.
Nehemia: I believe you believe it.
Joe: I believe this. So, Daniel 9 goes on to say, in verse 27… I believe it’s 27… let me just pull it up here and I’ll read it.
Nehemia: Daniel 9:27. Let me pull it up in my Tanakh here.
Joe: So, Daniel… oops. We’re going to spend a lot of time in Daniel, so this is good to know. Daniel 9:27, “Then he shall confirm a covenant with many for one week.” That’s another issue; we’ll just skip over that. “But in the middle of the week, in the midst of the week, in the middle of the shavua, in the middle of the Jubilee.” When’s the middle of the Jubilee? Nehemia?
Nehemia: Halfway through this… Oh, the Jubilee? I don’t know. If I knew, this would be my book not yours.
Joe: 1996 was the last Jubilee year. 2044 will be the 49th year, and the middle is 2020. Did anything happen in 2020?
Nehemia: There was a global pandemic.
Joe: “In the midst of the shavua, the week, he shall bring end to sacrifice and offering.” I’m reading the English. Okay. “And on the wings of abominations,” plural, “shall be one who makes desolate.” So, when you seen me and took me out to your sister’s place last October, why did I tell you I was there?
Nehemia: Remind me.
Joe: I was looking for the abomination.
Nehemia: Okay.
Joe: So, this is talking about an abomination.
Nehemia: That’s right! Wasn’t it some, like, church in East Jerusalem or… Well, I don’t remember what it was, maybe I was…
Joe: I had found a shrine to the Blessed Virgin Mary, which was a brand-new shrine. The forms were still on it. It was in the place where I expected it to be. It was being built just before I expected it to be installed, and everything was lining up, and then it wasn’t installed. And then you and I went out for supper.
Nehemia: And where was that again? Wasn’t that like somewhere near the Mount of Olives or something?
Joe: It’s the Mount of Offense, what the history calls Golgotha.
Nehemia: Okay.
Joe: Okay. So, now…
Nehemia: The Mount of Offense. Wait, is that Jabel Mukaber? Help me out, remind me.
Joe: I don’t know what that name is, that might be…
Nehemia: Is that where the United Nations is located?
Joe: No, no. It’s across the valley from the United Nations.
Nehemia: Oh, I think I know what you’re talking about, okay, alright. So, there was a shrine of the Virgin Mary that wasn’t set up. So, you lost me. The Virgin Mary is the abomination of desolation?
Joe: Well, any statue is an abomination. Okay, so, we have this clue, “In the middle of the week, he shall bring an end to sacrifices.” So, what happened in 2020? Everything went for a lockdown.
Nehemia: Yeah.
Joe: Now, WHO announced that lockdown on March 11th, and that’s when I began my count from.
Nehemia: Who did? Remind me. Was it Fauci? I don’t remember.
Joe: No. Not “who.” The World Health Organization.
Nehemia: Oh, oh, WHO. The World Health Organization. Okay.
Joe: They announced. No, I wasn’t asking you a question.
Nehemia: I was just like, “who’s on first?” Okay.
Joe: Yeah, yeah.
Nehemia: WHO, The World Health Organization. Okay.
Joe: They announced the pandemic on March 11th, and they advise everyone to start locking down. Now, what I didn’t understand at that time was that Israel… Prime Minister Netanyahu locked down Israel on March 25th. Okay, so what does that mean? Well, okay, it doesn’t mean nothing if you stay in Daniel 9. Flip over the page to Daniel 12.
Nehemia: And my sister got a ticket going for a walk in what you would call in America a forest preserve or like, a nature reserve, because she wasn’t wearing a mask.
Joe: Yeah.
Nehemia: And there was a policeman who was standing at the entrance to this nature reserve. The ticket was actually eventually overturned because they’re like, this is ridiculous, but she had to go to court. So, anyway, go ahead.
Joe: Yeah. Yeah. There’s a lot of stupid stuff went on. But there was fear. Nobody knew how to stop this thing. Daniel 12…
Nehemia: But there was no reasonable reason to think that someone out in the ocean on a paddleboard could infect anybody else. That wasn’t reasonable, come on.
Joe: Well, you can get the blue whales…
Nehemia: Even at the time… Yeah, get the walruses all sick. Okay, gotcha.
Joe: Yeah. Okay, so now jump to Daniel 12 verse 11.
Nehemia: Daniel…
Joe: “And from the time that the daily”, the word sacrifice has been added, “From the time that the daily is taken away and the abomination of desolation set up, there shall be 1,290 days.”
Nehemia: Okay.
Joe: So, the question I asked people, “what is the daily?” When I’m talking about this for the last number of years, 2020 was in front of me. We didn’t know exactly what we were looking for, but we knew something was coming…
Nehemia: And you were expecting something in 2020, and you’ve been vindicated because of the pandemic, is what you’re saying.
Joe: If nothing happened in 2020, I was closing up sightedmoon.com.
Nehemia: Okay.
Joe: And I’m still here.
Nehemia: Alright.
Joe: So now, what happened in 2020 is now history. We can look back. So, where is “the daily?” What is the daily that was taken away?
Nehemia: You tell me.
Joe: Every synagogue, every temple, every mosque, every church, every place of worship around the world went into lockdown.
Nehemia: But not the liquor stores in Texas, that I can tell you.
Joe: Not the liquor stores in Texas.
Nehemia: It just blows my mind.
Joe: Yeah. Netanyahu announced on March 25th, 2020… I believe that was the first day of Aviv for the Hillel calendar, I think. And they went into lockdown. You could not have ten men get together for a prayer at that time.
Nehemia: And that was the first Passover that my mother spent alone in her life, and she is not young. Well, I mean, she’s very young, but she’s my mother, so figure that out.
Joe: Yeah. And I’ve had two Passovers with you and your mother, so…
Nehemia: Yeah, but not this one. This one, she did…
Joe: No, not this one.
Nehemia: Yeah.
Joe: The daily. What is the daily? Hosea 14:2: “The bullocks of your lips shall be our offering,” right? I’m really butchering that scripture. Hosea 14:2
Nehemia: Hosea… which, by the way, in some of the translations they take… this is actually really interesting… they changed the word… let me find it here. Hosea 14… I think it’s a different verse in some, in English numberings. But Hosea, oh, opened up Joshua 14:2. There it is, okay. It says, “Return Israel to Yehovah your God, for you have stumbled in your iniquity. Take with you words and return to Yehovah. Say to Him, forgive all iniquity,” or literally ‘bear’ all iniquity, “and take good and let us pay for the bulls with our lips.” And some translations translate, “Let us pay with the fruit of our lips.” So, they change the word parim to perot, which is, it’s actually changing the Hebrew. As far as I know, there’s no manuscript that says that that I’m aware of, at least.
Joe: So, instead of doing the morning and evening sacrifice at the Temple, we’re now doing those morning and evening sacrifices with the prayers of our lips at 9 and 3 PM Every day.
Nehemia: Okay. So, you’re saying there was no minyan, there was no prayer quorum that got together during this period, and that’s “the daily…” the prayers that represent the daily sacrifice, is what you’re saying. And just so people understand, in Rabbinical Judaism, they actually have an idea that each prayer represents, and is an actual fulfillment of, a certain sacrifice. So much so that there’s a prayer on Shabbat called Mussaf, which means “the additional”, and it refers to “the additional sacrifice”.
So, there’s a morning sacrifice, that a prayer is said for… and then, around ten… well, it depends, I guess, when you start your prayer, but sometime later in the service is a second additional prayer that’s being offered through the lips. So, in other words, I would read this, at least today, and I would say that it doesn’t mean that if I accidentally ate pork, that I go and recite this specific prayer in place of that bull. But in general, I’m full of sin and I should offer prayer in place of sacrifice.
But the rabbis take this very directly. There are daily sacrifices, and you have to offer specific prayers as a fulfillment of those daily sacrifices. And even on Shabbat, an additional prayer in place of that daily sacrifice. That’s just the background here. So, you’re saying Daniel 9 is referring to those prayers?
Joe: That’s what I’m reading, that’s what I’m understanding. And this actually, Hosea 14:2 is a haftarah portion for Shabbat Shuvah, as well. So, it comes in again later on…
Nehemia: Which is when, in our story? Help me out there.
Joe: Shabbat Shuvah is the Sabbath between the Day of Trumpets, or the Feast of Trumpets, and the Day of Atonement.
Nehemia: So, how does that fit in with… What does that have to do with the pandemic? Or it doesn’t.
Joe: Well, that’s later. I’m just giving you… I’m throwing you a bone. Keep it for later. Okay?
Nehemia: Alright. And people, go listen to Prophet Pearls, I think we covered that somewhere.
Joe: Yeah, so, I’m in Israel, I’m looking for this abomination, and Keith hears… I’m going to bring Keith into it, because Keith was a part of this, and… that’s my 3:00 alarm going off there, by the way. So, I went and met Yehuda Glick. You know Yehuda Glick?
Nehemia: Uh-huh, of course, Rabbi Yehuda Glick.
Joe: And I warned him. I gave him my book, The 2300 Days of Hell, and two weeks later, an assassination attempt was made on his life. That was in 2014, I believe.
Nehemia: I think he was shot three times in the chest, if memory serves.
Joe: I thought it was seven times.
Nehemia: Might have been seven, right. It very well could he. It wasn’t just like Trump, where they nicked his ear, let’s put it that way.
Joe: No, he was shot all over the place, and he survived.
Nehemia: Yeah.
Joe: So, he agreed to meet with me. I showed him what I’m trying to explain to you, then he got a little, “I’m not really sure if I want to hear this.” But I told him, “Israel is about to be attacked. It’s going to be a major attack. I don’t know where or how, but it’s about to happen.” Then Keith heard about it. Keith thought I’d lost my mind. I also wrote a letter to Prime Minister Netanyahu advising him, but I don’t know how far that got. But Keith thought I’d lost my mind. So…
Nehemia: And this was in 2020, or no? When was this? Sorry…
Joe: 2023.
Nehemia: So, this is just before October 7th. You wrote a message to Netanyahu, “Israel is about to be attacked.” Is that what you’re saying?
Joe: Yeah.
Nehemia: Wow. And this is something that you figured out based on this study of the Sabbatical cycles.
Joe: What we just read, these scriptures. From the time that Netanyahu locked down Israel on March 25th… 1,290 days later brings you to October 6th.
Nehemia: And about 1,200 people were murdered that day. That’s interesting.
Joe: And at that time… I thought it was 340.
Nehemia: On October 7th? Oh, well, in the attack. Meaning, I don’t know how many specifically on the first day, but I don’t know that we even have the final number.
Joe: On October 6th there was nobody killed.
Nehemia: No, no, October 7th I’m talking about. The October 7th massacres culminated in… they originally said 1,500, now, I think the count is somewhere in the 1,200s.
Joe: Yes. Yeah.
Nehemia: Okay. And we don’t know exactly, because there are bodies that, you know…
Joe: Yeah. There was 1,400 and change; 1,200 were killed, 250 or so were kidnapped, and we don’t know how many of them are alive. So, that day affected my life. I’ve been watching every detail about this since then. Every hostage. It was traumatic. And I wasn’t even involved, and it was traumatic. But October 6th is the 1,290-day count. And it says that in 1,290 days, the abomination will be set up. Well, there’s no statue of Mary where I’m expecting it, but I’m looking, and all of a sudden there’s all these thousands of rockets going up, and they don’t stop like they normally do after ten minutes. Something’s different this time. And we got shrapnel landing in Jerusalem, and the rockets are exploding over Jerusalem, and I’m feeling the concussions in Jerusalem, and I think you too.
Nehemia: I was there, yeah.
Joe: Yeah. What is going on? And we don’t know anything that’s going on, we just, there’s… what do we do? And I’m staying on the Mount of Offense. I’m in Arab Jerusalem, the place where you won’t go. And there’s gunfire and there’s stuff starting up, and then, what the heck have I got myself into? It was a scary time.
Nehemia: You’re staying in a hostel or guest house or something in… There aren’t hotels there, are there? I mean, it’s kind of a dangerous…
Joe: Well, there’s a Panorama hotel there.
Nehemia: I guess there are, okay.
Joe: But I had to move there because they were getting very suspicious of me in the convent where I was staying.
Nehemia: Okay. You were staying in a convent to begin with? Oh, I remember that.
Joe: That’s where the abomination…
Nehemia: Didn’t I drop you off somewhere near there?
Joe: You dropped me off at the small gate, made me walk all the way over there.
Nehemia: That’s the place I can’t go because I would be killed.
Joe: I know. And I understand. I’m not complaining.
Nehemia: Well, there’s a chance, at the very least, my car would be stoned. Alright.
Joe: Yeah, yeah. I’m not… Anyway, so the 1,290 days. So, I’m in the Kidron Valley, I’m praying to Yehovah. Why is He letting this happen to His people? Where is God? I’m hearing bits and pieces Saturday morning, Saturday afternoon. There’s so many people being killed, and you know… what’s going on? Saturday night, after praying this, after getting mad at God for letting this happen, these people were… in my brain, these people were keeping Shemini Atzeret. They were obeying God, they were celebrating all night at Shemini Atzeret. And… I’m not trying to judge anybody, but they weren’t…
Nehemia: They weren’t because they were on the wrong date? What are you saying?
Joe: No, they weren’t keeping the holy days. They were having a rave; it has nothing to do with Yehovah.
Nehemia: Okay.
Joe: And I’m not trying to judge anybody. Again, my heart goes out. But I can’t deny what I’m reading, and I can’t stay silent because of Ezekiel 33. You got it… “When you see the swords, you got to tell people.” And they think you’re nuts; they think you’re nuts. And Keith thought I was nuts. October 7th, Yehuda Glick wrote me and said, “You were right.” The next day, Keith wrote me and said, “Wow, you’re right,” you know. But what was I right about? I was right about this major disaster. Who wants to be right about that?
Saturday night, somebody sent me a video. And I don’t have a picture of it, but in the video of the rave, at the beginning of the video, most of them that you can see, there’s a giant inflated Buddha statue over the top of the DJ tent. And you see them all dancing around the DJ tent, Friday night and Saturday morning. And then as the gliders are coming in, you still see them dancing, and then the sirens go off and they all start running for their lives. And then the inflatable Buddha deflates, and nobody sees it anymore. “It will be in the corner of a holy place.” The holy place that he’s talking about, which I didn’t realize, is Kadesh Barnea. That is where Kadesh Barnea is, out there, the fringe of the altar, or the corner of the altar. The fringe of Israel is Gaza. It’s at the fringes, at the outer….
Nehemia: So, wait. Back up. So, the Nova rave, you’re saying, took place in the biblical site of Kadesh Barnea?
Joe: Yes.
Nehemia: And you’re saying that they set up a Buddha there, which was the abomination of desolation.
Joe: No… It’s abomination. I think there’s more coming…
Nehemia: Oh, okay. So, are you saying that the book of Daniel predicted the Nova massacre, or the Nova rave? Is that what you’re saying?
Joe: I’m saying that Yehovah is real. And if you treat Him like nothing, you could die.
Nehemia: Well, that’s a theological statement that I don’t actually disagree with. But in the specifics….
Joe: Well, when Israel set up the golden calf, 3,000 people died…
Nehemia: So, is the Buddha at the Nova rave predicted in the Book of Daniel? Is that what you’re saying? Because it’s the first time I’ve ever heard that. Is that what you’re saying?
Joe: Yes, I’m saying that’s what it’s pointing to right now.
Nehemia: Okay, gotcha.
Joe: It matches precisely the 1,290 days. Now, if you go back to Daniel 12 and you read verse 12.
Nehemia: Yeah.
Joe: “Blessed is he who waits and comes to the 1,335 days.” Now, the people in my group were arguing with me about… we were discussing it, not arguing, we were discussing it. And I didn’t know where that fit in.
Nehemia: Okay.
Joe: But if you count the 1,335 days again from March 25th, 2020, that brings you to November 21, I believe it is… November 22nd, and two days later, the first hostages are released.
Nehemia: Okay, so the release of the hostages was also predicted, according to you, in the Book of Daniel.
Joe: It’s what I’m reading.
Nehemia: Okay. What’s coming next? That’s what everyone is like… listening. What’s coming next according… And you could be wrong, but… you’ve been right before, so…
Joe: Let me add a little bit more to this.
Nehemia: Yes.
Joe: Netanyahu locked down Israel again on September 18th, September 25th…
Nehemia: 2020, you mean?
Joe: 2020, yes. September 18th, 25th, and December 27th in 2020. When we count 1,290 days later, that brought us to just about the time that Israel attacked the embassy in Damascus. Seven days later, Iran attacks. It’s approximate, it’s not a hundred percent. Each of the 1,335 days at that time was when negotiations for the hostages began, but they fell through. Then the December one just ended here, and that was the Iranian attack on Israel. So, I don’t know what this means, but I’m seeing patterns developing here.
Nehemia: So, based on these patterns… we’re August 26th, 2024. What’s the next date you think something significant is going to happen?
Joe: 2024.
Nehemia: Yeah, but when?
Joe: This is the thing. So, in the fall holy days, we have the Feast of Trumpets and the Day of Atonement. And during that time, there’s the ten Days of Awe.
Nehemia: Okay.
Joe: During those Ten Days of Awe, it’s a time that the shofars are blown, the trumpets are blown. And it’s a reminder to repent and get back to Yehovah so that your name will be found in the Book of Life by the end of the Day of Atonement, when the tekia gedola is sounded, the last shofar blast, as the sun sets. Right?
Nehemia: Alright.
Joe: Okay.
Nehemia: So, you’re saying, is this on the Rabbinical reckoning that this is going to happen? So, in other words, October 12th, 2024, is the Rabbinical date of Yom Kippur, and that’s when something major is going to happen.
Joe: I don’t know…
Nehemia: Or by then?
Joe: I don’t know.
Nehemia: You don’t know. Okay. What are you predicting. What’s your…
Joe: I’m not predicting. So, here’s what I am predicting: 2044, at the end of 2044 begins a Jubilee year of 2045. That’s the beginning of the seventh millennium. These Sabbatical Jubilee years, 120 of them, prove that beyond doubt. I have more proof…
Nehemia: So, is Yeshua coming back in 2044 or 45? What do you…
Joe: Hang on… let me answer one question before you ask another one.
Nehemia: Alright.
Joe: 24… so, no matter what theology you subscribe to, I don’t care if you’re Pentecostal, Protestant or Jewish, whatever end time theology you subscribe to, you have from 2024 to 2044 for all end time prophecy to take place.
Nehemia: Whoa! Hold on, hold on! So, all end times prophecy is going to begin this year and culminate…
Joe: No, it’s already begun.
Nehemia: It’s going to culminate in twenty… So, we are in the end times…
Joe: Yes.
Nehemia: Literally, according to your understanding.
Joe: One hundred percent for sure.
Nehemia: And it’s going to culminate in 2044 or 45.
Joe: No. Whatever theology you subscribe to must be done by then. Now, I believe in Yeshua, and Yeshua said unless those days were cut short… so they’re going to be cut shorter than that. So, let me show you something else. Now this… again, you may not agree with this. This is coming from the Book of Luke.
Nehemia: Okay.
Joe: Luke says, “As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the last days.” And what that means is that when you’re getting married, when you’re buying property, when you’re eating and drinking… because that’s what he says. When that happens, what does that mean? It doesn’t mean anything. Were they bad for doing that? It says the same thing in the days of Lot, “As in the days of Lot, they were eating and drinking and partying and getting married and buying property.” That’s not evil. So, what does that mean? It doesn’t mean anything until you look at the Jubilee cycle. So, Noah’s flood was in the year 1656… over here on the right-hand side.
Nehemia: Alright.
Joe: Which is equal to 2181 BC.
Nehemia: Okay.
Joe: Okay. It’s in the sixth Sabbatical cycle, the sixth sabbatical cycle of that Jubilee cycle, and it took place in the fourth year, at the second Passover. So, the fourth year, counting from the bottom one, two, three, four. It’s a time of judgment on the world. So, we go down to, as it was in the days of Lot, and Lot was the year before Isaac was born. That’s 2047 from the creation of Adam, which is the year 1790 BC. And that’s the third year, again at Passover, when Sodom and Gomorrah is destroyed. A major judgment at that time.
Now, here’s what Luke didn’t say, “As it was in the days of Joseph.” Here’s Joseph’s seven days of plenty in purple, and seven years of famine in red. And they end, the famine ends, in the third year of the Sabbatical cycle. But I can’t use that as my proof, because Luke doesn’t talk about it. When you compare each of these together to our time today, that equals the year 2033-2034 as a time of judgment. So, when I did this as an experiment, I understood that the eighth day feast, the ones that the Jews don’t know what it means, is equivalent to the Jubilee year. So, I make 2045 the Jubilee year, the eighth day feast, and I count back seven days for the Sukkot, which is from 2044 to 2030. I make a day for a year, and then five days before that for the Day of Atonement. So, what would be the judgment now? Is it would be when Satan is locked away? That’s the Azazel goat is thrown in the pit in Leviticus 16.
Nehemia: Wait, slow down. So, Satan is locked away now, in 2024?
Joe: 2033.
Nehemia: Oh, 2033, Satan will be locked away.
Joe: So, that represents the Day of Atonement. And ten years before that, the Ten Days of Awe, represent 2024 to 2033.
Nehemia: Oh, so we’re in for ten years of bad stuff?
Joe: Yes.
Nehemia: Is your prediction… Okay.
Joe: Stay away from the fan because there’s a lot of crap flying.
Nehemia: Okay. Okay. I hear you. I can imagine what it’s like to… well, I can’t even imagine. Like, if you’re living on the border of Russia and Ukraine, this is about as bad as it can get.
Joe: No, it’s not.
Nehemia: No, it’s not? Okay.
Joe: No. If we go to Daniel 8. Are you okay? Are you going to go to Daniel 8, or are you still catching…
Nehemia: Go for it. No, no, I’m definitely still catching my breath and trying to follow. And I’m looking for what we call in Hebrew, the takhles. What’s the bottom line? Right?
Joe: The bottom line?
Nehemia: Yeah. The bottom line of news I can use, of some practical application of this.
Joe: Okay.
Nehemia: Or what’s a hypothesis that I can test? Where if it doesn’t happen, Joe is wrong? Because I like that in 2020 you’re about to shut down the website…
Joe: 2020 was a hypothesis you could have tested.
Nehemia: What’s the next one I can test? Is there anything in 2024 between August 26th and December 31st?
Joe: If your readers want to test this, I wrote the book The Ten Days of Awe. So, it’s on Amazon, it’s on my website. They can go and get it, it’s six or seven hundred… I don’t know how to write a small book, so it’s six or seven hundred pages. That’s going to talk about what we’re going to share here now.
Nehemia: Okay. And maybe it’s not fair that I’m asking you for… I’m asking you for the peanut shell version of a 700-page book. Okay.
Joe: In Daniel 8 it’s talking about the goat from the east coming against the ram and destroying it. And the ram is Medo-Persia. So, in this prophecy… so, we went through this yesterday verse by verse and explained it to everybody, and I just shared it and said, “What do you see?” And everyone started to see it. It’s talking about the Ottoman Empire. The Medo-Persian goat, or ram, is the Ottoman Empire, and it’s destroyed in 1916, 17. Out of that empire come these four other nations, Syria, Turkey, Iraq, Iran. There’s also Saudi Arabia in there, but that’s a fifth one, which is…
Nehemia: Was Iran part of the Ottoman Empire? I didn’t…
Joe: Yes.
Nehemia: Really?
Joe: Wasn’t it? Pretty sure it was.
Nehemia: You know what, that’s not my field of expertise. But someone Google it and post it in the comments.
Joe: Okay, yeah, somebody will Google it, correct me. So, out of that, the little horn is Iran, is pushing to the east and the west and the north. So, now we go in here… and I don’t know where it is. It’s talking about… Oh, verse 13, Daniel 8 verse 13. “Then I heard a holy one speaking.” Who’s the holy one? That’s the question I ask. “And another holy one said to that certain one who is speaking, ‘How long will the vision be concerning the daily sacrifices?’”
Nehemia: Alright, you’re in Daniel 8, what verse?
Joe: Thirteen.
Nehemia: Okay. Let me follow… Yeah. Alright, go on.
Joe: So, we’re coming back to the daily sacrifice again. “How long will the vision be concerning the daily sacrifices and the transgressions of desolation, the giving of both the sanctuary and the host to be trampled underfoot?” So, when I looked at every word here, the word sanctuary can also be translated as saints. It’s the saints that are going to be trampled underfoot. Do you see that or not?
Nehemia: I mean, so, no… it says kodesh ve’tzava mirmas… kodesh is… holiness, it can mean. But saints would be something like kedoshim, like a plural. No? I mean…
Joe: Yeah?
Nehemia: Kodesh… Yeah, I don’t, but hey, let’s just move on. That’s not how I could read it, but… Yeah.
Joe: Okay. “And he said to me, ‘For 2,300 days, then the sanctuary [or the saints] will be cleansed [or will be vindicated],” is what I have.
Nehemia: Alright.
Joe: So, now I’m going to jump out of your realm and I’m jumping into the New Testament, going to the Book of Revelation.
Nehemia: Alright.
Joe: Okay. So, we have in Revelation chapter 6, we have the six seals, or seven seals. The first seal is the white horse, and that is a religion that’s going out to conquer. And we all know which one is doing that today.
Nehemia: Which one? Tell me.
Joe: I don’t want to say it on the air because you could get banned for life.
Nehemia: Oh, and you’re actually Canadian.
Joe: Yeah.
Nehemia: Okay. Yeah. So, you literally have to self-censor here. Go on.
Joe: Yes, I do. Then the next horse is a red horse, then the third horse is the pale horse, and the fourth one is the black one. And there are certain nations that are attacking Israel that all have those colors as the flag.
Nehemia: Wait, what are the colors again then? Colors of the flag? Help me.
Joe: White. Red. Green. Black.
Nehemia: So, what nations have those? It’s interesting because there aren’t that many colors in all the flags in the world, but there are a specific set of countries that particularly like green because they consider it holy color.
Joe: Hamas.
Nehemia: Yeah. Well, no. But in general, green is considered a holy color in a certain religion. Okay. You know, it’s interesting, in Israel you’ll see shrines that are painted blue, and you know that’s a Jewish shrine. It might be an idolatrous shrine to a dead rabbi, but it’s a Jewish affiliated shrine. And then green is a different color, a different religion.
Okay. Go ahead. I don’t want to get you in trouble with Justin Trudeau or whoever that guy is. Alright.
Joe: I’ve got a video out there that I can’t share on YouTube or on Facebook, which explains this in great detail.
Nehemia: So, where is that video that people can see if they want to find it?
Joe: I can send you a link if you want.
Nehemia: So, there’s like a secret link you have to get because there’s literally censorship going on. Alright. Wow, that’s amazing.
Joe: It’s a big secret, don’t tell nobody.
Nehemia: I never thought I would live in this world.
Joe: Again, we have to be careful today.
Nehemia: Yeah. I remember this kind of thing during the… I remember this kind of censorship when we lived during the Cold War, and you’d hear about this in the Soviet Union. But now this is going on in Canada with, what do you call that, the… you have like… these kangaroo courts?
Joe: Yeah.
Nehemia: Called like a human rights tribunal or something. I mean, it’s insanity. Alright, go ahead.
Joe: Yeah. But it’s everywhere. You see these major marches, and they’re flying these same color flags. They can do that, but if you carry an Israeli flag, you’re going to be arrested for disturbing the peace.
Nehemia: Yeah. Wow. Alright.
Joe: That’s the time we’re in now, again. In Revelation 6, you got those six horses. The fifth seal is the souls underneath the altar that are martyred. And they’re told to wait, and they’re saying, “How long until you vindicate us?” So, I’m connecting that vindication back to this 2,300 here.
Nehemia: Okay.
Joe: When we count from March 20…
Nehemia: So, we have the vindication. That’s definitely there in Daniel 8:14. Okay.
Joe: Yeah. And I’m connecting that to the vindication in Revelation 6.
Nehemia: Okay.
Joe: The fifth seal, whatever number that is.
Nehemia: Alright.
Joe: So, these 2,200 days start from the first time that Netanyahu locks down Israel. That brings us to July… what is it? July 12, I think it is, in 2026. Okay, so now…
Nehemia: Are we still looking at the timeline here, or do you want to…?
Joe: Yes, we are. We are about to jump back onto that.
Nehemia: Okay, alright.
Joe: IF, – big capital I-F, biggest word in the Bible… if I’m correct and Satan is going to be locked away at atonement in 2033, that’s at the end of the three-and-a-half-year tribulation, the Great Tribulation, which begins at Passover in 2030. At Passover in 2030, the two witnesses of Revelation are killed. They speak for three-and-a-half years, there’s no rain on the earth. That brings you to 2026.
Nehemia: No rain as in water, precipitation or…
Joe: As I understand it, there’s no rain anywhere on the Earth.
Nehemia: Oh.
Joe: This is a major famine. They begin their work… I want to say in the fall of 2026, but this 2,300 days is telling me it’s July 12, which is throwing me off here, and I’m not sure why, but I’m going to report it because that’s what I’m seeing.
Nehemia: And that’s in July 6, 2026…
Joe: July 12.
Nehemia: Sorry, July 12, 2026, something big is going to happen.
Joe: I believe… Yes. Well, it’s going to be something involving the two witnesses… it may not be big, but it could be. I don’t know.
Nehemia: It’ll be big for the two witnesses.
Joe: And that is just two years from now, Nehemia.
Nehemia: Less than two years.
Joe: Yeah.
Nehemia: Alright.
Joe: Okay, so now, the Ten Days of Awe represent the ten days the trumpets are sounded to warn you. So, I was in a dilemma. So, the first holy day is 2024, Shabbat Shuvah is 2030, the Day of Atonement is a holy day. Do we sound the trumpets on those days? And I don’t know…
Nehemia: And here, days represent years? Is that…
Joe: These are representing years, yes.
Nehemia: Okay.
Joe: So, now I go back to the Book of Revelation, written by a Jew named John. I’m just trying to give it a little bit of… with you. And he says there are seven trumpet plagues which start in Daniel 8… I mean, Revelation 8, I’m sorry. So, I did not know to apply the trumpets to 24 to 30 or 25 to 29 and 31 and 32. And I’m not sure which they’re going to be. We’re going to find out. But here’s… you’re looking for some great big thing to look for. The first trumpet is… which I believe is in 2024, one third of the trees, one third of the grass will be burnt up.
Nehemia: So, that’s going to happen between now and the end of 2024?
Joe: That’s my understanding…
Nehemia: Or are these Hebrew years? What’s the time frame here?
Joe: I believe the year begins Aviv to Aviv.
Nehemia: So, in other words, between now and March, let’s say roughly March…
Joe: Yeah.
Nehemia: Maybe February, according to you, 2025, there’s going to be burning up of…
Joe: One third of the trees.
Nehemia: In the world, or in Israel?
Joe: That’s the part I don’t know. Is it the world? Is it the United States and Canada? Is it the Land of Israel? And if you look on a map right now, about a third of Israel is up in the north and on fire from Lebanon from the rockets…
Nehemia: So maybe this is already happening with these…
Joe: I don’t know. I’m what I’m doing, Nehemia, is I’m reading the scriptures and I’m trying to see where it fits today according to the Jubilee cycle.
Nehemia: Okay.
Joe: I’m not trying to say this is what’s going to happen. I’m saying, “Here’s the prophecy that I believe fits in this chronology.” But the second trumpet is the one that I’m concerned about. So, if you have Revelations there…
Nehemia: Let me… I believe the book is called “Revelation” singular.
Joe: Yes, you’re right.
Nehemia: So, let me pull that up on my little…
Joe: Revelation 8.
Nehemia: Oh, here it is. Give me a second… I got to pull up Accordance. Revelation 8. You can start reading and I’ll… get there.
Joe: Okay. Then the second angel…
Nehemia: Verse 1. Are we in… What are we… just so I know how to catch…
Joe: Revelation 8:8.
Nehemia: Okay.
Joe: Yeah. “Then the second angel sounded, and something like a great mountain burning with fire was thrown into the sea. And a third of the sea became blood, and a third of the living creatures in the sea died, and a third of the ships was destroyed.” So, when I read that, the great mountain is a nation, and it’s a nation going down into the sea. The sea is people, and this nation is going down in flames. So, it’s a revolution, a war, a riot… something. Now, that’s the second trumpet, and according to my understanding, which is flexing and changing, it’s 2025.
Nehemia: Okay.
Joe: Okay?
Nehemia: Okay.
Joe: There’s two things that go with this. Right now, I see Kamala Harris possibly winning this election, and she’s all woke up and she doesn’t like Israel. That scares me.
Nehemia: What do you mean, she’s “woke up”? You mean the sense of, like, woke? What is it?
Joe: Yeah, yeah. Woke, right?
Nehemia: Okay.
Joe: The other one is, I see Trump winning and all the riots beginning. Either he wins or loses, riots are going to come, because January 6th all over again or… I don’t know. I just… I got a bad feeling about this election this year.
Nehemia: In the United States.
Joe: In the United States. But then if I go back to read Daniel 8… and what we did was we went through verse by verse yesterday and read Daniel 8, and if that is applying this to Israel… Daniel 8 is telling us that Israel is about to lose this war, because that little horn is going to come up and defeat it.
Nehemia: And what’s the little horn here, Iran or…
Joe: Iran.
Nehemia: So, if Israel wins the war, and I guess… So, what is losing the war look like? Because we could end the war tomorrow, and Hamas will say, “Well, Sinwar is still alive, so we won,” even though Gaza is devastated and will take decades to rebuild.
Joe: Yeah.
Nehemia: Meaning, death is their objective. So how do you define winning the war?
Joe: Even if you killed him and you got your hostages back, that would be a victory for you, for the state of Israel. But Lebanon is still a threat, and Iran still hasn’t finished their plan. So, as I read Daniel 8, not Revelation 8, but Daniel 8, step by step, with this understanding, I see, in the next two years, Israel losing.
Nehemia: There’s this expression of Pyrrhic victory, and it comes from an ancient Greek king who fought against the Romans, and he won. I think his name was Pyrrhus, or something like that. And he said, “I don’t know how many more of these victories we can afford.” We’ll be ruined if we have too many more of these victories. Because… they won it, but at such a high cost.
Joe: If Kamala Harris…
Nehemia: So, there could be a Pyrrhic victory here, I don’t know.
Joe: If Kamala Harris gets in, and you don’t have the two or three US fleets to shoot down all the missiles coming from Iran…
Nehemia: Yeah.
Joe: You can only get some of them. I don’t know if you can get them all yet. I hope I’m wrong, but based on the last one, you had a lot of help.
Nehemia: So, I saw an interview with one of the former heads of the Israeli Air Force the last time Iran attacked with hundreds of weapons. And we had knocked out something like 97 or 98%. He said when we designed these systems, our goal was to reach 80% interception. No one ever dreamed we would take out 97%.
Joe: Yeah, I read 99. So…
Nehemia: Whatever the number was, right? Who knows?
Joe: I’m hoping I’m…
Nehemia: I think five ballistic missiles got through and they damaged an airfield somewhere.
Joe: Yeah.
Nehemia: And they killed or seriously wounded a little Muslim girl, which, from the Shiite perspective, that’s a victory, too.
Joe: So, if you’re looking for a test to what I’m saying, look for a great nation to fall through civil war or a war. Not Ukraine, not Russia. It’ll be the United States, United Kingdom, or Israel, the State of Israel.
Nehemia: So, one of those countries is going to be defeated, according to you, probably in the next two years, between now and 2026, or in 2024…
Joe: Well, I don’t think in 2024, but I think it’s going to be 2025.
Nehemia: Okay.
Joe: The 2026 date, the two witnesses are coming back to “vindicate the saints”, if I’m understanding that correctly. They’re vindicating the saints while they… In order to vindicate the saints, the saints have to be destroyed, and a bunch killed. And we’re just…
Nehemia: Who are the saints in this context?
Joe: Okay, so my definition of saints would be the DNA descendants of the 12 tribes. They don’t have to be “holy” Torah believers.
Nehemia: So… and then, just so everyone understands, you’re talking about the British-Israelite theory, or what do you…
Joe: Yes. I don’t call it a theory; I call it a fact.
Nehemia: Alright. So, the Northwestern Europeans is…
Joe: Yes.
Nehemia: Okay.
Joe: Okay.
Nehemia: So which nations specifically is this? It’s like Germany and Denmark or…
Joe: No, Germany is not included in that.
Nehemia: Oh, Germany is not included.
Joe: Holland, Norway, Finland, Sweden, a little bit of France, part of France, the British Isles, and…
Nehemia: Why isn’t Germany included? Aren’t they part of the Germanic nations? Aren’t they cousins of the… No, but aren’t they? Okay, I guess we have different ideas of… Aren’t they cousins of the Norwegians and the Anglos and the… I mean, they’re literally… Anglos and Saxons are from Germany, aren’t they?
Joe: No, the Anglos and Saxons were tribes of Israel that went through Germany. Germany is a descendant from the Hittites, which were stationed in northern Israel and Turkey, modern day Turkey. So, you can trace the German migration up to there, when they migrated. This is during the…
Nehemia: This sounds like it is a different rabbit trail. Let’s focus on the world ending here. Alright.
Joe: So, again, you’re looking for, where’s the thing to say Joe Dumond is right or wrong? I am constantly changing… after 2020, I’m constantly changing and perfecting and refining my understanding.
Nehemia: Okay.
Joe: But it’s based on these Ten Days of Awe. It’s based on the “as it was in the days of Noah,” and Lot. It’s based on the fall Holy Days converted to years. It’s based on this final 120th jubilee cycle. It’s based on the 70th Jubilee cycle of Daniel 9. It’s all right there in this Jubilee cycle that we’re in.
Nehemia: So, are we in the year of Yom Teruah? Of what rabbis call Rosh Hashanah? Is that…
Joe: Say again, are we what?
Nehemia: Are we in the year of Yom Teruah, what in Rabbinical Judaism is called Rosh Hashanah? Is 2024, early 2025, the first of the Ten Days. It is…
Joe: It’s Yom Teruah. What’s Yom Teruah? Now, I don’t want to say Rosh Hashanah, I want to say Yom Teruah.
Nehemia: Alright, just for the audience who isn’t familiar with the terminology, I mean, right. Okay.
Joe: Yeah. So, Yom Teruah, you used to teach, and I agree, is the day of shouting. Shouting.
Nehemia: Mm-hmm.
Joe: So, if we look at 2024, and I have some of the people in our group saying that that day of shouting began in the Fall before Aviv, which is 2023.
Nehemia: Oh, okay.
Joe: And they could be right in that understanding. And they say that because the Day of Atonement, in 2033, is in the fall. It doesn’t go right to Aviv, it’s in the fall. So, they’re trying to count ten full years from atonement to atonement.
Nehemia: What do you mean, there’s people in your group who are saying that? Because I’m talking to you, I don’t know who the people in your group are. Are you part of, like, a denomination or… And the audience… I’m asking for who may not know this.
Joe: Every Shabbat we have a midrash. We read the Torah portion based on a three-and-a-half-year Torah schedule, and then I let people debate, discuss, and argue about what it says. And we learn a lot from each other, and we have some great teachers joining us. And…
Nehemia: And where does this take place? Is this online?
Joe: On Zoom. So, I have a weekly newsletter.
Nehemia: How can people join this if they want to at least taste it and see if it’s for them?
Joe: Go to sightedmoon.com, look on the latest newsletter, and it says, “Join our Shabbat Meeting”.
Nehemia: Okay. Does it cost money, or do you have to become a member, or what does it involve?
Joe: Yes. It requires you to pay $1,000 a week to Joe Dumond privately, and then you can join.
Nehemia: That’s a joke, right?
Joe: Yeah. Yes. Don’t you know me yet?
Nehemia: No. I’m asking for the audience who really doesn’t know. Like in some groups, if you want to go to their study, you’ve got to be inducted and go through a baptism or something. I’m genuinely asking because I don’t know.
Joe: No. Go to sightedmoon.com, hit the link “Join our Shabbat”, then hit the Zoom meeting. If we don’t know you, we’re going to ask you, how do you know Joe Dumond? Because we got hacked a few weeks ago and got a whole lot of crap on our site.
Nehemia: But if somebody comes and says, “Well, I heard about you on Nehemia’s podcast.”
Joe: On Nehemia and Joe.
Nehemia: Okay, there you go.
Joe: And then we’ll let you in.
Nehemia: Okay.
Joe: So, you raise your hand. You want to comment, I’ll let you comment.
Nehemia: Okay.
Joe: We got a good group of people there. Some of them are very strongly opinionated, which is good, but I’m not the only voice.
Nehemia: Okay.
Joe: You’ve been there. I didn’t let them… Keith was there one time, and I let them discuss with Keith.
Nehemia: I was on some kind of Zoom call that you had… that was part of that group? I don’t know where… I just joined it. I just clicked on a link. I don’t…
Joe: Yeah.
Nehemia: Okay.
Joe: That’s what it is. So, again, so what I’m doing here, Nehemia, is I’m showing this stuff. But what I’m showing you here now is a little picture on a TV screen, and you don’t see it. I have a 20 x 12-foot banner. 20 feet x 12 feet. And I walk you through this step by step. My teaching takes eight hours.
Nehemia: Okay.
Joe: And I show you this. And then once we’re done… Like, we’ve rushed through this today… What is it… an hour-and-a-half?
Nehemia: Yeah. We’re almost we’re coming on… an hour and 40 minutes.
Joe: Yeah. That’s nothing. That’s just…
Nehemia: I believe you. So, the bottom line here is, and we have to wrap it up. But the bottom line here is, people can learn more on sightedmoon.com. You’ve got books that they can read. And if you’re right, between now and 2033, a lot of really bad things are going to happen. Is anything good going to happen? Around 2033…
Joe: Yes. Our Messiah, your Messiah, my Messiah, will be here, and Satan will be gone by 2033.
Nehemia: By 2033. Okay. Alright. You know, there’s a saying, like we always, in Judaism, like to end on a good note, right? So, this is the good note we’re ending on. The Messiah will come, and Satan will be locked up by 2033?
Joe: Yes. I’m saying Satan will be locked up by 2033.
Nehemia: Okay.
Joe: And then King David will be here. I forgot this… Micah, I believe, says that Yehovah is going to lead King David up to Jerusalem from the south of the Dead Sea, and behind King David will be the remnant of Israel.
Nehemia: And is that the resurrected David? Because David’s dead right now, as far as I know. Is that…
Joe: Yes, sir.
Nehemia: Okay. And literally David.
Joe: So, David will be resurrected.
Nehemia: Okay. Hmm. Yeah.
Joe: Yes. Not somebody pretending to be David. The real David, and this is coming in 2033.
Nehemia: If David is leading Israel, how does Yeshua play into that? We’ve got a bit of a lag.
Joe: We don’t want to discuss that right now.
Nehemia: Okay. Alright. There, guys, you heard it. You got…
Joe: Isaiah 43…
Nehemia: Yeah.
Joe: “I am Yehovah. I am your Savior.” Isaiah 43, I don’t know what verse. Isaiah 12, “I am Yehovah, I am your yeshua. I will become your yeshua.” And that’s how I… they’re the same as…
Nehemia: Guys, if you want to know more, you can go to sightedmoon.com and join one of the Shabbat groups and ask these questions. And hopefully the lag won’t be as intense that time. Any final words, Joe?
Joe: One last thing.
Nehemia: Yeah.
Joe: Yehovah told you in your dream or vision, caused you to believe that you needed to interview me today. This is… for me it’s the seventh day of the feast, the great libation, Makor Hebrew Foundation, the wells of living water. I think everything that happened here today is significant. And I think, if your dream… and I’m not a big dream believer… and you’ve done this. I believe we need to pay attention to this. The Jubilee cycles are important, and we’re at the end. So, we got to stop playing games. We got to stop hating on each other because we don’t part our hair the same way. Right?
Nehemia: I’m a big believer in that! Don’t hold a man’s hair against him.
Joe: So, the Messianics are still messed up. They’ve got to come back, and the time to repent is now. Come back to Yehovah, come back to the Torah, stop all this other stuff that you’re doing, that’s not Yehovah. It’s not Torah. It’s a deception. Come back and study your Bible. And if the Bible is boring and something else is more interesting, then you’re being deceived. It’s time. Now is the time. We don’t have any more time for playing games. It’s going to get worse. We need each other. The toes, the feet, the butts, the chest. We all need each other, but we’re not the same. And if we don’t unite, we’re dead. And we all have…
Nehemia: Do we all have to be the same to unite? Or can we have differences and unite? I’m genuinely asking what you’re saying.
Joe: We can have differences and still be united.
Nehemia: That’s a beautiful thing to end on. We have this concept in Jewish history, “sin’at chinam,” which is “free hate”, where you hate somebody for no reason. And the opposite is “ahavat chinam,” “free love”, where you love somebody for no good reason. You love them just because you… really just because they’re your brother and sister.
Joe: Say that again. Ahavat chinam?
Nehemia: Ahavat chinam.
Joe: Ahavat chinam.
Nehemia: So, that means “free love”. But in the sense of “free” as in… there’s no good reason why I love you, but I love you because we are united in a common purpose, even though we don’t maybe see eye to eye. And we’re brothers and sisters, all part of God’s people. And so, we should love each other, not because you did something for me or it benefits me in some way, but just love for no good reason, for free. So… just in the way that people hate for no good reason, for free.
Joe: I hope that everybody will share this and talk about it at your next Shabbat meeting with your own group. If you want me to come and explain it, I can do Zoom, I can do it in person, whatever you want. It needs to be talked about. Time’s up.
Nehemia: Alright. And on that note. Shalom!
You have been listening to Hebrew Voices with Nehemia Gordon. Thank you for supporting Nehemia Gordon’s Makor Hebrew Foundation. Learn more at NehemiasWall.com.
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Jeremiah 23:18
Isaiah 6
1 Kings 22:19-23
Genesis 20:7
Leviticus 25
2 Kings 19:29
Daniel 9
Exodus 3-4
Daniel 12
Hosea 14:3 (Christian verse 2)
Matthew 24:22
Luke 17
Daniel 8
Revelation 6
Revelation 8
Isaiah 43:3; 12:2-3
00:00 Intro
07:05 What is a prophet?
09:16 Calendar variance
12:10 Sabbatical and Jubilee years
34:25 Prophetic Jubilees
1:05:51 What’s the news I can use?
1:35:21 Ending on a good note
1:37:18 One last thing
2300 Days of Hell
by Joseph Dumond
(Amazon, non-affiliate) https://www.amazon.com/2300-Days-Hell-Witnesses-Josephs/
The 10 Days of Awe
by Joseph Dumond
The Abomination that Makes Desolate, The Epilogue
Hebrew Voices #95 – 2300 Days of Hell
Hebrew Voices #154 – Reaping the Benefits of the Medieval Aviv Calendar: Part 1
Support Team Study – Reaping the Benefits of the Medieval Aviv Calendar: Part 2
Hebrew Voices #153 – Sighting the New Moon in the Middle Ages
Hebrew Voices #168 – Israelite Archaeology at the Israel Museum
Tricks of Translation PLUS #2
Prophet Pearls #7 – Vayeitzei
Impromptu interview warning about Oct 7:
The Sabbatical and Jubilee Cycle Chart
“Secret” video link:

The post Hebrew Voices #199 – Are we in the last days? appeared first on Nehemia's Wall.
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