Tennessee multi-talented singer/songwriter/actor/author/TV host Rick Revel is my very special guest!
Manage episode 457516410 series 3219045
TN multi-talented singer/songwriter/actor/author/TV host Rick Revel talks about his latest release “That Muscle Shoals Sound” and “The Father of the Blues”! Rick began his legendary career at 3 riding horses, building Tinker Toy guitars, and at 12 played with Uncle Bill & The Hillbillies later appearing on The Carl Tipton Show at 15 plus “The Outlaw Prophet”, “The Dead Man’s Hand”, “An American Journey”, “History Highway” , “A Walk in the Woods (with Nick Nolte)” also met & opened for Loretta Lynn in ’76-77 plus penning 1,500 songs hitting the national charts multiple times! Rick also has a deep love of history and scholarly approach and as an author, he wrote “In the Hills of Tennessee”, “The Mint Julep Letters’, “It’s a Southern Thing” and shares numerous stories about the music, his career, and deep passion of life! Check out the amazing Rick Revel on all major platforms and www.rickrevel.com plus www.rickrevelmusic.com today! #rickrevel #tennessee #singersongwriter #TVhost #thatmuscleshoalssound #thefatheroftheblues #unclebillandthehillbillies #thecarltiptonshow #theoutlawprophet #thedeadmanshand #anamericanjourney #historyhighway #awalkinthewoods #nicknolte #lorettalynn #author #inthehillsoftennessee #themintjulepletters #itsasouthernthing #spreaker #iheartradio #spotify #applemusic #youtube #anchorfm #bitchute #rumble #mikewagner #themikewagnershow #mikewagnerrickrevel #themikewagnershowrickrevel
2009 эпизодов