Northstar Church in Panama City, FL is a place where everybody's welcome, nobody's perfect and anything can happen! We hope that you enjoy these messages from our lead pastor Marty Martin and the Northstar teaching team. We hope that they encourage and challenge you to live a life of worship. For more information and resources, such as videos and notes that accompany these messages, please visit
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Podcast by NorthStar Church - Kennesaw, GA
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Podcast by Pastor Roy Evans
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This is the podcast of Northstar Church in Blacksburg, Virginia. Our vision is to help believers in Christ "be the church."
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disciplined to be content without fully gratified, fleshly desires
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my eyes opened to seek Jesus first
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putting off my old self and putting on the new self
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God lifts my eyes to Him as I find my worth in Him
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my mind set on the invisible eternal things of God‘s kingdom
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Description: Do you ever feel like your soul can't catch up with your body in your fast-paced life? Join us this Sunday to discover how to slow your pace so you can live with more peace.
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walking in humility and contentment by the power of the Holy Spirit
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the power to love and obey God that comes from his word in my heart
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doing everything as Jesus would with a heart of gratitude
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living wholeheartedly for God by His powerful grace
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my eyes opened to God‘s beauty as I seek Him above everything
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thinking through the result of my old self being crucified with Christ
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repenting as I look deeply at God‘s kindness
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Description: With so much pulling at us every day, what if there was a small step we could take that would make a big difference in how we experience life? Join us this Sunday for a fresh look at simplicity.
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letting Jesus love through me, so my words come with the Holy Spirit‘s power
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doing the work God entrusts to me today, entrusting the outcome to Him
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rejoicing in God as He comes to me
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experiencing the effects of God’s grace because I work, but depend on God’s grace
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all in reverence for those God has created around me
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developing a settled disposition of excepting God’s dealings with me as good
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regarding Jesus as my greatest treasure
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Description: God designed us with an innate need to stop. Today's message will help us remove the mystery of what it means to Sabbath, and challenge us to step into the command God gave us.
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working with all God‘s energy that works within me
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straining to be godly without relying on my human effort
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working hard and relying on God‘s mighty power to make us mature in Christ
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loved by God to enter into the suffering of people
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put to death my evil desires
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looking beyond what I see to Jesus in my real life in him
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There Has To Be a Better Way
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Description: Jesus invites us to move away from hurry and into the relaxed rhythm of his way. This message will help us discover what the Way of Jesus is and how we can live that out.
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holding fast to Jesus and growing from God‘s growth
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wondrous freedom from God‘s just punishment
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trusting God‘s power to refuse the powerful attraction of my sinful nature
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shaped and grateful as I walk today in Christ
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order and discipline that result in a “Jesus can be trusted” life
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laboring with God’s superhuman energy
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given power to gratefully endure
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THE ONE THING THAT WILL KEEP YOU FROM GROWING THIS YEAR: A vital but overlooked spiritual insight
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Description: Most of us want to grow personally. As this year comes to an end you may be reflecting back on the progress you've made and thinking about how you can grow in the coming year. What if there is something that will be a major barrier to your personal growth in 2025 that almost no one is talking about? This Sunday we’re going to talk abou…
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living every moment to please God
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filled with the knowledge of God’s will so I can walk in a manner worthy of Him
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grace that causes the gospel to increase and bear fruit in me
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disciplines that lead me to Jesus
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directing my mind will and emotions toward God and his kingdom
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holding on to Jesus rather than performance or approval
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asking for wisdom to see God as more satisfying in times of trouble than my idols
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considering myself dead to sin
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dead with Christ to the law so I can live by faith to God
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eyes open to my sin
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free from sin because I’m dead to it
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dead to human effort, alive to Jesus living through me
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