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"Päevakaja" on vanim järjepidevalt eetris olnud raadiosaade, esimene saade läks eetrisse 6. oktoobril 1958. Olulisemate päevasündmuste kokkuvõte on raadiouudiste toimetuse poolt eetris Vikerraadios, Klassikaraadios ja Raadio Tallinnas.Eetris iga päev kell 18.00.
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My name is Keith Paesel. Come chill and watch TV with me. 📺😘😉👌👍❤️😂
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"Päevatee" käsitleb koos spetsialistide abiga teemasid, mis on eakatele olulised. Alates oktoobrist 2022 on saatejuht Piret Kooli. Saade on Vikerraadio eetris laupäeviti kell 16.05 "Päevatee" on eetris laupäeval kell 16.05 (kordus esmaspäeval kell 21.05). Alates oktoobrist 2022 on saatejuht Piret Kooli.Varem on saadet teinud Ülle Karu ja Liina Kusma.Saate toimetajale saab kirjutada e-postiaadressil piret.kooli@err.ee või postiaadressil:Vikerraadio "Päevatee"Gonsiori 21Tallinn 15020 Saatel on ...
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Join Beatrice Chestnut and Uranio Paes, two of the top Enneagram teachers from across the globe as they share new insights on this ancient personal development system.
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Join Dr. Ruth Bowen as she interviews local specialists from around Bristol, North Somerset, and South Gloucestershire on a range of topics related to primary care paediatrics -- the non-blanching rash, enuresis, the limping child, infant feeding issues, and more! This podcast is aimed at primary professionals only and does not substitute professional medical advice or consultations. Topics will be discussed with BNSSG primary care in mind, and with references to local referral pathways, but ...
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Health Paella, o podcast onde se fala sobre saúde, em todas as suas dimensões.
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"Päevakord" on arvamussaade, mis on tasakaaluks – vajadusel kiidetakse Reformierakonda ja laidetakse Keskerakonda ning vastupidi. Sest kunagi ei ole keegi piiritult hea või jäägitult halb. Greete Lehepuu ja Urmas Jaagant Eesti Ekspressist ning Hindrek Riikoja Maalehest on Eesti elu kõigis tahkudes igapäevaselt küünarnukkideni sees, räägivad inimestega ning teavad, miks on asjad just nii läinud või kuidas need minema hakkavad. Sestap võetaksegi igal reedel kokku olulisemad juba juhtunud asjad ...
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#Jesus #Empower #Gospel #Bible #Salvation #Life
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Podcast by FDRP USP
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This is me getting things off my chest. People ask me what is wrong and now you will know. Cover art photo provided by Osman Rana on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@osmanrana
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Discover Paediatric Surgery
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Eesti Päevalehe ja Delfi lehekülg, kust on võimalik kuulata Delfi Briifingu nimelist saadet.
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Het Rijksmuseum van Oudheden maakt bij de tentoonstelling Paestum – Stad van godinnen een zesdelige podcastserie. Conservator Ruurd Halbertsma, tevens samensteller van de expositie, en diverse andere experts nemen de luisteraars mee op een boeiende reis door het oude Paestum. De eerste twee afleveringen zijn vanaf vrijdag 19 april overal te beluisteren. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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This podcast will cover the management of the critically ill child who needs intensive care support and will provide an approach to managing them till care is taken over by the PICU team.
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Medical Pundergraduate Curriculum: 145 Medical Jokes https://amzn.eu/d/eAJgyio This podcast is a look into all things paediatric with an emphasis on physiology and it’s clinical application Any suggestions please email them to tomd9517@gmail.com
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Welcome to Two Paeds in a Podcast where we talk newborn and child health, illness and everything between
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di Lewis Carrol letto da Aldo Busi
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A PAES acredita que o universo virtual deve ser um espaço para também compartilharmos e discutirmos sobre a mensagem de amor que Cristo nos ensinou. E é por isso que nós, a Paróquia Anglicana Espírito Santo, estamos aqui. Através deste canal, você poderá ouvir todas as pregações da PAES e viver conosco essa bela vida ao lado do Cristo. Visite o espaço virtual de nossa paróquia, faça-nos uma visita e acompanhe-nos nas redes sociais! Nós #SomosPAES, e você? Acesse www.somospaes.com.br e conheç ...
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Welcome to Fontanelle, a paediatric educational podcast for trainees. I'm Caroline Storey, a paediatric consultant in Poole, and I'll be joined by wise friends, learned colleagues and leading lights from around the region and beyond to explore common presentations, sticky situations, what's fresh and new, and what's coming of age in paediatric medicine. So if you've got an open mind for learning and a soft spot for the world of paediatrics, you've come to the right place!
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Josuė Mendes Paes Joey
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Being a parent is a juggle. But what about when your child has an illness, injury or disability? Grace & Sarah are mothers and paediatric nurses in this podcast we chat with parents, carers and health professionals to shine a light on the many families that also manage hospital admissions, specialist appointments, waiting for diagnosis and navigating a world that might not be as set up for their family. We want to know what life is like for them, and understand how we can support them. Email ...
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Paediatric Surgeon interested in education & innovation. We have created a series of evidence-based Podcasts aimed at higher Paediatric Surgical Trainees in the UK and worldwide. The discussion is evidence-based with all references provided in the comments section of each podcast. We hope you enjoy listening and learning!
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Listen to real-world advice and guidance on how to manage a range of clinical topics and much else on education, training and working in paediatrics. With Dr Emma Lim, Consultant Paediatrician and Dr Christo Tsilifis, Paediatric Registrar, plus parents, paediatric specialists and junior doctors.
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Hi, this is Minuri and Aleena! We are 2nd year medical students in the Joint Medical Program here at the University of New England. The show is run by the UNE Paediatrics Society, where we aim to discuss the intricacies of paediatrics with a variety of guests, from junior medical officers, clinicians and academic deans to provide you with a myriad of experiences and expertise. Keen to learn about paediatrics? Follow us on social media: Instagram: @unepaedsoc Facebook: University of New Engla ...
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This podcast is about internet culture and the relationships we build (or lose) as a result. Join Sean Lukasik as he talks with authors, speakers, and thought leaders about their work - and how the internet has played a role, for better or worse.
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Home of the 'Two Paeds In a Pod' Podcast from the Department of Paediatrics at the Royal Derby Hospital. Created by Sarah Simons, Geoff Burnhill and Ian Lewins this medical education podcast is aimed at health care professionals new to paediatrics or those who occasionally care for children as part of a wider healthcare role. This podcast is for medical education purposes only and should not replace advice you have received from a medical practitioner.
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Era "La soglia dell'attenzione: Stralci di confronti con gli amici sui temi più diversi che hanno visto la partecipazione del podcaster Ennio Martignago" Ho cambiato il titolo e l'immagine per collegare il podcast alla tradizione di ecletticità disorganica avviata con lo storico lavoro di Interferenze. La maggior parte dei podcast sono condotti, oltre che dal sottoscritto, Ennio Martignago, da Antonello Musso ed Enrico Frola. Tuttavia, abbiamo in mente diverse novità che includono altri amic ...
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Paediatric Specialists talk child health, development and wellbeing. Our team of Paediatricians, Psychologists, Speech and Language Pathologists and Occupational Therapists give their take on a range of child health and development topics. We provide information and practical tips about growth, sleep, nutrition, screen time, language and mental health. We offer tips to manage anxiety, learning problems and developmental differences like Autism Spectrum Disorder and Attention Deficit Hyperact ...
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Https://www.dragonbytespodcast.com Twitter: @dragon_bytes Home of Dragon Bytes paediatric podcast. A medical education podcast created in Wales. The podcasts are made by paediatricians and aimed at trainee paediatricians or anyone interested in child health. Our podcasts cover a range of themes. Join us to find out about clinical topics in paediatrics, get advice on exams and assessments if you’re a trainee paediatrician, get career advice, or just listen in to our chats with paediatricians ...
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Brave Bodies brings exceptional mobile paediatric physiotherapy services to Bunbury, ensuring that children receive the best care in the comfort of their own homes. Specialising in a wide range of conditions, Brave Bodies' experienced and compassionate physiotherapists tailor each session to meet the unique needs of every child. From developmental delays to post-surgical rehabilitation, their innovative approach promotes optimal growth and recovery. With a focus on convenience and personaliz ...
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Der Foodie Podcast aus Berlin. Für die Szene. Für Experten. Und Neugierige. Willkommen in paetzoldskitchen. Seit vielen Jahren berichtet Johannes Paetzold für Radio Eins aus der Welt der Foodies und Feinschmecker. Restaurants, Street-food, Trend-Gerichte. In seiner virtuellen Küche bringt er im Podcast seine kulinarischen Passionen auf den Gar-Punkt. Im Gespräch mit Experten. Mit Köchinnen und Köchen besucht er Restaurants. Bernhard Moser, Sommelier und Chef des Eat Berlin Feinschmecker Fest ...
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S4 Ep6 The Psychological Dimension of the Instincts
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53:52In this episode, we dive deep into the psychological layers of the Enneagram’s three instincts: Self-Preservation, Social, and Sexual. We explore the profound influence of parenting dynamics on the dominant instinct, uncovering how caregivers shape our instinctual survival strategies. How does a parent’s role reinforce or distort an instinct’s expr…
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the Harbinger of Spring (10TKP29-367)
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2:36:08The Borax & Chemical Corporation presents...This is Keith PaeselCOMEDY (CC) Adam and Keith enter the harbinger of Spring. A tournament vs scoundrel from across the ether can decide who walks away with the crown of Jeremy, are our heroes strong enough to last? Back in 1995, The Juice is very loose, and it connects to that year’s harbinger of spring.…
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#21 New asthma guideline
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29:24Speakers: Dr Katy Pike: Senior Lecturer at the University of Bristol, Honorary Consultant in Paediatric Respiratory Medicine and BNSSG ICB asthma lead Dr Deborah Marriage: Consultant nurse in Allergy and Asthma and BNSSG ICB asthma lead Blurb: Hot of the press: NICE, BTS and SIGN all reached agreement for new, revolutionary asthma guidelines. In th…
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Päevatee. Millest räägivad vanad fotod? Kristjan Palusalu 117
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53:48Öeldakse, et üks pilt räägib rohkem kui tuhat sõna. Aga isegi pilti peab oskama lugeda, õige silmaga vaadata ja ennekõike tuleb muidugi huvi tunda.(Vikerraadio)
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