This is my first podcast, please have fun listening and give feedback :)
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Welcome to the Dr Foot audio experience, hosted by Podiatrist, CEO, Inventor, Entrepreneur and Vblogger Abid Hussain. On this podcast you will find a mix of #askdrfootuk episodes, my unfiltered views on podiatry, sports injuries, beauty and fashion, foot care as well as general health care advice. I will also share my current thoughts I record originally for this audio experience!
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Achilles Tendonitis - Episode 3 Series 2 Podiatry Detectives
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51:04Achilles tendinitis is a common condition that occurs when the large tendon that runs down the back of your lower leg becomes irritated and inflamed. The Achilles tendon is the largest tendon in the body. It connects your calf muscles to your heel bone and is used when you walk, run, climb stairs, jump, and stand on your tip toes. Although the Achi…
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The Podiatry Detectives Season 2 Episode 1 - Sporting Podopediatrics
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55:33Podopeadiatrics is the area of Podiatry focusing on the treatment of children and the various issues that can affect a young persons limbs. This is a vital service that focuses on the long term foot and leg health of children during their development.
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The Three D’s & George Floyd. Disenfranchised, Disengaged & Disadvantaged & Racism
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10:24The racism that killed George Floyd was partly built in Britain and our colonial history. The recent events have highlighted what black people are experiencing the world over is a system that finds their bodies expendable, by design. In the UK, black people and our allies are taking to the streets to wake British people up out of their fantasy that…
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The Bullshit around orthotics!
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10:24The Bullshit around Orthotics! Why is it easier to wean some patients off crack then it is to convince them to give up their orthotics and what exactly are we trying to change!
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We all are concern about our foot care routine because of the lockdown and its important to take care of your feet to make healthy and more beautiful as it is to feel good about yourself. So here is the best way to care your foot at home during lockdown with Foot Care Cream in this Podcast. Visit for more skin care tips.…
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Don’t You Dare Say Shin Splints!
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14:33If there is a word a hate with a passion it’s Shin splints! In this episode I discuss various causes of excercise induced leg pain and how to manage medial tibial stress syndrome.
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The Podiatry Detectives Present: Ball of the Foot Pain - Abid Hussain Podiatrist
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54:21Myself and my colleague speaking about pain in the ball of the foot including mortons neuroma, stress fractures of the ball of the foot, metatarsalgia, etc. In this episode, we discuss Ball of Foot Pain which can be due to Morton's Neuroma, Capsulitis, Stress Fracture, Plantar Plate Injury, and Avascular Necrosis. Time Stamp. Ball Of foot Pain - Ca…
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The Podiatry Detectives Present; Big Toe Pain
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1:00:36Myself and my colleague speaking about all the different types of big toe pain and how we treat these conditions.
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The Podiatry Detectives Present: Injection Treatments Used within Podiatry
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57:12New podcast series: The Podiatry Detectives! Myself and my colleague speaking in this episode about the types of Injections used within podiatry
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Why all health professionals should focus on branding.
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Foot scars have a dramatic effect on self esteem - let me state the obvious: Don’t Laugh at people!
In this episode I talk about a consultation I had with a patient who was worried about scaring on her toes.
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What defines your success in your life? Is it important to evaluate your life goals?
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This podcast explores the “h art attack gender gap” which is thought to be leading to the needless deaths of two women per DAY as they do not receive equal treatment to men in the U.K.
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What or where or who is your cookie jar?
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If you have diabetes, nerve damage, circulation problems, and infections can lead to serious foot problems. However, you can take precautions to maintain healthy feet.Managing your diabetes and maintaining a healthy lifestyle helps keep your feet healthy. This should include: regular medical exams, including foot checks at every visit and checking …
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Measuring quality of life is an important aspect of delivering holistic dermatological care to feet. The lesions on the tops of toes are trivial to most health professionals and my fellow podiatrists, some individuals adapt to the change in the appearance of their toes, however, others react negatively and have decreased psychosocial performance (f…
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The sinus tarsi is a tube or tunnel between the talus and the calcaneus bones. Sinus tarsi syndrome is pain or injury to this area. Traumatic injury to the ankle/foot (such as an ankle sprain) or overuse (such as repetitive standing or walking) are the main causes of this syndrome. It may also occur if the person has a pes planus or an over-pronate…
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Everyone can get skin cancer regardless of your ethnicity and skin tone. How many people use sun screen on the tops of feet and ankles? Most skin cancers are associated with ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun or tanning beds, and many people of color are less susceptible to UV damage thanks to the greater amounts of melanin (the protective pig…
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The Story of the Dr Foot - The United Kingdom’s first online foot care store!
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12:58This podcast is about the story of Dr Foot the company! From it’s humble beginnings in 1997, to its huge rise and the decline with changes in the internet landscape. The passion I have for podiatry, innovation and helping others has never left me but the last 22 years of being the CEO of this company has been a rewarding and interesting time in my …
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Just the mere mention of cosmetic and aesthetic podiatry is often looked down upon by podiatrists, however if a patient is so conscious of their feet that they hide their feet 24/7 all year around, always wear socks even when in doors regardless of how hot it is, avoid showing their feet to anybody including their partners and I have known patients…
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Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections to accelerate the healing of damaged ligaments & tendons.
We offer PRP, see our Facebook page drfootpodiatry for videos. Platelet activation plays a key role in the body's natural healing process. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy, uses injections of a concentration of a patient’s own platelets to accelerate the healing of injured tendons, ligaments, muscles and joints. In this way, PRP injections use ea…
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The Importance of a moral compass is very important for health professionals, where do we draw the line when it comes to over charging patients? This is a subject I am very passionate about and sends my blood boiling when health professionals put profits before the health of patients.
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When it comes to acts of random kindness , the common notion is that it is an activity that brings internal peace and satisfaction along with the release of endorphins that make us feel good about ourselves. Although all of this is true, but it is a part of whole ripple effect produced by the paying it forward idea. I live my life by Gratitude, Pat…
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Why is hip internal rotation SO important for runners and footballers?!!🏃🏼♂️⚽️🏐Hip internal rotation (HIR) is VERY important in sport and performance training. Here are a few examples:During a change of direction or when making a cut HIR helps decelerate the body while also loading the hip allowing for a powerful reacceleration.When sprinting HIR …
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Information about Calcaneal Apophysitis
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In this episode I talk about a rather taboo subject of racism and islamaphobia within podiatry.
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Gel pedicures have become very increasingly popular however continual application of Gel Pedicures can lead to damage to the nails, fungal and bacterial infections. In this episode I talk about the risks associated with Gel Pedicures.
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In this episode I talk about the effects that high heeled shoes have on you feet and posture. I also provide practical tips to reduce potential problems to you feet and spine.
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In this episode I talk about a consultation I had with a 3 year old with problems while walking and I also offer further advice for parents with young children who are concerned about how their child walk.
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Heel pain & Plantar Fasciitis. Are you waking up with pain in the heel? You need to listen to this!
In this episode I talk about Heel Pain and Plantar Fasciitis. We talk about symptoms, causes and how to treat and prevent this type of foot pain. #askdrfootuk
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