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Sermon Outline:1. The Lord had pity for the cursed2. God will pour His Spirit on all flesh3. The Whole Earth will Face GodFamily Discussion Questions:What bad thing had just happened to Gods people before Joel gave them this message?Why did God show them mercy?What does this part of the Bible tell us that the new earth will be like?After Jesus came…
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The Church at Colossae was spiritually healthy. They were doing well. But that didn’t stop the apostle Paul from writing to them about Jesus. Because everybody needs Jesus – both the spiritually sick, and the spiritually healthy.Gospel City Church
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This Sunday, Von, one of our elders brought God’s word from Romans 12:1-21, exhorting us that in light of God’s abundant mercies, our only reasonable response is to live as a living sacrifice—fully devoted to God in worship, service, and love.After journeying through Romans 1-11, we’ve seen the depth of God’s grace. Though we were sinners, Christ d…
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Complementary New Testament Passage:Revelation 9:1-12Sermon Title:Locusts, Loud Trumpets, Lament, and the Lords DaySermon Outline:The Destruction of the Curse of SinLament toward GodThe Day of the Lord is NearHow to Return to the LordFamily Discussion Questions:What terrible thing happened to the land of Israel that Joel tells us about?What parts o…
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Every Christian today has Christ living in them – an incalculable treasure of understanding, knowledge, and wisdom. But not every Christian accesses that treasure within them on a regular basis. In this message we will learn that courageous and unified hearts are the key to opening those riches in Christ.…
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Complementary OldTestament Passage:Isaiah 58:1-11Sermon outline:A love for the brethren is a gift that God gives his childrenLove is an action, not simply a feelingEvidence of children of the devil: behaving like Cain who hates righteous deedsEvidence of children of God, want to be like the good brother, ChristFamily Discussion questions:What bad t…
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Complementary New Testament Passage:Revelation 11:15-19Sermon Outline:Despising Gods people will bring Edom lowHow Edom despised Gods peopleThe day of the Lord is near on all the nationsFamily Discussion Questions:Which man did the people of Edom come from?Who was Esaus brother?When Israel was being attacked, what did Edom do?What did Edom boast in…
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As a church in the heart of KL, we are passionate about living out our faith in our urban contexts and with the various diverse people we encounter through our work, hobbies, neighbourhoods, and daily errands.So we were blessed indeed by our guest preacher Guna’s encouragement this week to be a ‘City on a Hill’ — seeking the good of this city that …
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Although the specific details of each Christian's life will vary from one person to another, the main components of every Christian's life are the same: We all started out alienated from God, Jesus saved us, and then we go on to build the rest of our life upon Him. This is what Paul shares with the Christians at Colossae in the three verses we are …
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Complementary Old Testament Passage:Isaiah 43:1-15Sermon Outline:Faith Flowers into FellowshipChrist compels us to obeyAs you have received, so shareFamily Discussion QuestionsWho was Philemon and how did he know Paul?Who was Onesimus and how did he know Paul?What changes in a person when they trust in Jesus?Which authorities has God placed in our …
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There are many voices in our world today vying for your allegiance. There are many who are trying to get you to follow them, trust them, align your life with them. But there is only one person worth following. His name is Jesus. In this message we see Paul elevate the person of Christ over and above all other competitors. Jesus is simply the best. …
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Sermon Outline:There are many true churches, yet only one true churchThe Old and New Testaments are the rule and unity between the churchesGrace is multi-factor authenticated.Family Discussion Questions:Why is it important to remember that the church is Jesus only wife?Are people who trust in Jesus but go to a different church still Christians?Why …
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Last Sunday, one of our covenant partner, Chris, preached from Isaiah 40:12-31 which shows us this truth - our God is big, incomparable, and knowable. He holds the universe in His hands, yet He knows us by name. He needs no counsel, no instruction. His wisdom is perfect, His justice unshakable, and His power limitless. And yet, how often do we turn…
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Complimentary Old Testament Passage:Psalm 122Sermon Outline:The nature of Christian affectionAffection for Faithful PastorsAffection for faithful brothers and sistersFamily Discussion Questions:How are Christians supposed to help other Christians follow Jesus?What is the difference between a pastor and someone who God used to write the Bible?Why is…
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What does it mean to proclaim and believe in the name of the Lord? Romans 10 reminds us of the beautiful truth that salvation is not earned by works but is a gift received through faith. When we confess with our mouths that Jesus is Lord and believe in our hearts that God raised Him from the dead, we are saved.…
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When the gospel was first proclaimed in Colossae it triggered a series of events that culminated with Paul and Timothy giving thanks to God for all that He had done. The things Paul talks about in these verses should mark any group of people who have received the gospel for themselves.Gospel City Church
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Complementary Old Testament Passage:Proverbs 16Sermon Outline:Use time wisely with those outside the family of GodYour words must always have the intention of blessing othersBe ready to respond to every personFamily Discussion Questions:Who does the Bible say are in Gods family?Are people who are in Gods family better than other people?Why should w…
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This morning we dived into Romans 9 in all its deep doctrinal truth about election which shows us how God is a God of miraculous mercy!God is free to act in any way he chooses, and since he is love, he is always guided by his love in all his actions. This is a great comfort to us, and it is no exception in regards to the doctrine of election. Nothi…
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Why should the Christian community at Colossae have cared about the letter that was sent to them from Paul? Why should you care about that same letter if you are a Christian? Paul gives us a compelling reason in the opening two verses of that letter.Gospel City Church
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Family Discussion Questions:Who should we pray to?What are things that we can thank God for when we pray?Who can you pray for that they would trust in Jesus?Who can you pray for that God would help them tell people about Jesus?What does it mean to be steadfast in prayer?Why does prayer require perseverance?How is thankful prayer a watchful thing?Wh…
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In the first half of Romans 8, Paul talks about what it means to live by the Spirit. Now, we look at the second half of Romans 8, where the Paul gives us assurance that we can live boldly.We are to:1. look through the lens of hope and focus on God's future glory as the glory of the future outweighs the present suffering.2. understand that in God's …
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We are starting a brand-new sermon series at Gospel City Church where we will be walking through the New Testament book of Colossians. We are spending some time in this introductory message to do the work of tilling the soil of our minds and hearts so that we will be better able to receive what God has to say to us in this book - that Jesus is supr…
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Complementary Old Testament Scripture Passage:Exodus 6:1-13Sermon Outline:Seek FreedomObey your earthly lordsWork for your Lord in heavenEarthly lords must be just and fairObey your Lord in heavenOut only comfort in life and in death is to belong to the Lord Jesus ChristFamily Discussion Questions:What was the punishment for stealing a person to ma…
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Happy New Year! We are launching into 2025 by returning to our series on the powerful message to the Romans.The message in Romans (called the “gospel”) is the heart of the Christian faith. It is a message for everyone — whatever their background, history or personality — telling us of the gift of freedom & friendship & belonging with God, through h…
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As we enter a new year, many of us still carry the same old anxieties. In Matthew 6:19-35, God invites us to examine our lives: What treasure are we chasing? Who are we serving? And where is our trust anchored? This morning, Jason, one of our covenant partners, shared insights from this passage. What treasures drive us? Is it money? Comfort? Approv…
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James uses the final two verses in his letter to highlight the importance of our roles as Christians in the lives of our fellow brothers and sisters. According to James, our involvement in each other's lives could be a matter of life or death.Gospel City Church
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Complementary Old Testament Passage:Proverbs 17Sermon Outline:1. Gods intentional Gospel design for generations2. Children obey your parents for this pleases the Lord3. Fathers do not provoke your children4. Focus on when they will be oldFamily Discussion Questions:1. Not everyone is Gods child - who is?2. What did Jesus do so that we can be Gods c…
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God loves you so much He came into this world to save you. That love is what Christmas is all about. *Note: I (BJ) made an anatomy mistake in this message. In one of my illustrations I confused the number of kidneys we have with the number of livers we have. For the record, we only have one liver. I hope that slip up doesn't distract you from heari…
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Complementary New Testament Passage:Acts 2:22-41Sermon Outline:A King who will not neglect his DutyA King exposed to Gods judgmentA King with the enduring Love of the LordFamily Discussion Questions:What should David have been doing instead of taking his neighbours wife?What was special about Bathshebas husband?How did David try to cover up his sin…
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What brings you comfort? Could it be your favourite food or someone you love? Or even a place of familiarity? Isaiah 40 brings a message of comfort in the midst of hopelessness, where he talks about God, who has pardoned the sins of His people. God, in the form of flesh, will come to dwell amongst His people and will ultimately bring an end to all …
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Complimentary New Testament Passage:Matthew 1:1-17Sermon Outline:A woman shamed by shameless menA man shamed by a shameless womanThe Grace of Eves promised Son redeems and transformsFamily Discussion Questions:Did the family that Jesus came from include only good people?Is it ok to sin because someone else sinned first?Have you ever felt ashamed of…
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The prevailing story of humanity over all of history is this - we think that we are qualified to solve our problems. But history and our own lives testify to the fact that we don't have the power to make the lasting changes we long for. However, there is a King who was promised to us long ago in Isaiah 11:1-10. This king is Jesus, whom we eagerly a…
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Complementary New Testament Passage:Hebrews 13:29-31Sermon Title:That Saved a Wretch Like meSermon Outline:The Son of David was Born to Inherit the NationsManmade Religion is ProstitutionFlee the Doomed Kingdom of the World and Hide in the LambFamily Discussion Questions:Who was Rahab?Who was Rahabs son?What was different about Rahab compared to th…
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Jesus was born into our world to secure for us something much more valuable than a couple extra days off work and school each December. Jesus was born into the world to bring humanity hope. In this first message of a four-part Christmas series at Gospel City Church we explore what hope is, the reason we can put our hope in what God has promised us,…
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What's the best news you've ever heard?Last Sunday, we kickstarted our Christmas-themed Isaiah series and saw how in a time of darkness, King Ahaz had his hope completely misplaced. Likewise, we live in a dark world where people place their hopes in things that are not secure.But Isaiah tells of a hope so sure and steadfast, one that we can all loo…
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"Is anyone among you suffering? He should pray. Is anyone cheerful? He should sing praises. Is anyone among you sick? He should call for the elders of the church, and they are to pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. The prayer of faith will save the sick person, and the Lord will raise him up; if he has committed sins, he …
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"Come now, you rich people, weep and wail over the miseries that are coming on you. Your wealth has rotted and your clothes are moth-eaten. Your gold and silver are corroded, and their corrosion will be a witness against you and will eat your flesh like fire. You have stored up treasure in the last days. Look! The pay that you withheld from the wor…
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Sermon Outline:Do all things in the name of the Lord Jesus with thanks to GodWives, submit to your husbands as is fitting in the LordHusbands, love your wives and do not be harsh with themFamily Discussion Questions:In a marriage, whose role is meant to represent Christ?In a marriage, whose role is meant to represent the Church?How are Jesus and th…
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Chris takes us through a deeply relatable passage of Romans 7:7-25, where the Apostle Paul lays bare the inner conflict of every believer. It’s a tension we all know too well—the struggle between the old, sinful nature and the new life we have in Christ.Paul reminds us first that the Law is good. It’s not the source of sin; rather, it reveals sin. …
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Complementary Old Testament Passage:Psalm 138Sermon Outline:Let the peace of Christ rule in youLet the word of Christ dwell in youDo all things in name of The Lord JesusFamily Discussion Questions:Why do Christians have peace with God?What is the body of Christ?Who should share the Bible?What are different ways to share the bible?What should we sin…
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Anyone of us who have tried to keep any rule or law know how impossible it is to attain perfect obedience. In Romans 7, we see that as Christians, we have been freed from the law's ruling power through our union in Christ. What a comfort that is for us! Law keeping is no longer the grounds for us being accepted by God. Instead, we are freed to be a…
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"Come now, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will travel to such and such a city and spend a year there and do business and make a profit.” Yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring—what your life will be! For you are like vapor that appears for a little while, then vanishes. Instead, you should say, “If the Lord wills, we will live and do this…
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Old Testament Complimentary Passage:Deuteronomy 7:6-11Sermon Outline:In love, God chose you to be holyPut on Gods heart toward sinnersPut on Gods forgiveness of sinnersLove completes the outfitFamily Discussion Questions:Does God pick people who are better than others?Does God love Christians because we are better than others?What does it mean to b…
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Through the good news of Jesus, we find a new master, a new freedom, and a new reward.For all the brokenness & shame we have felt in our lives, and all the things we have treasured which have failed us — we can trade all of these for a new master and a new freedom through Jesus. Because of his grace, our hearts can be transformed toward willing & j…
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