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Jesus is the most powerful and influential figure in all human history. He was sent by the Father and given an assignment to carry out during His stay on earth. According to Him, His work was completed and now He is glorified with the glory He had before the world was. But why did Jesus come into the earth?…
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Christmas Eve is a night when people of like precious faith gather together, and it helps us focus on the true meaning of Christmas. No other person has entered our world that defines and divides human history as Jesus. Tonight, over a billion people will stop at the wonder of Jesus Christ, Emmanuel or God with us.…
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The birth of Christ was one of the greatest miracles that has ever occurred. The God of creation set aside His glory and took on flesh in order to redeem man from his fallen state and make it possible for him to be reconciled to God and become His child. Before we can fully understand and appreciate the incarnation, we must understand the nature an…
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While on earth Jesus demonstrated spiritual laws the human race knows little of. He spoke and the wind, waves and sea obeyed His command. He turned water into wine, multiplied food, walked on water, brought money from the mouth of fish, healed the sick, cast out devils and even raised a decaying body from the dead. Apparently Jesus had understandin…
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There are three important words that we all have to deal with in life. Besides knowing them, it’s important to have them in their proper order. The words are feelings, faith and facts. Doubting Thomas got his name because he put feelings first, then faith and facts. The proper order is facts, faith, feelings.…
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Knowing the reality of God’s love for us personally will take our faith to a higher level. It’s easier to trust someone when we know they love us. Jesus reveals God’s love for His children being greater than earthly parents that love their children. When we understand this, our faith in God’s willingness to keep His promises will increase. The ques…
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No one is exempt from the storms of life. Three reasons why include: We live in a fallen world, we have an enemy who wants to destroy us, and we all have flesh to contend with. Jesus warned Peter about the weakness of the flesh and Satan’s game plan, but Peter didn’t take heed. Because he was a student and not a victim, he learned from his mistake …
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The bible has much to say about different levels of faith. It speaks of no, little, great and perfect faith. It also speaks of shipwrecked and wavering faith. What produces the highest level of faith? Knowing the reality of the integrity of God’s Word, our redemption in Christ, being a New Creation, our righteousness in Christ, God’s indwelling pre…
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A true disciple is one who studies the life of his master purposing to follow his example and emulate his life. One of the most outstanding characteristics Jesus modeled for us was a thankful heart. Close observation reveals the connection between being thankful and the miraculous, and the spiritual with the material.…
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The sacrifice of praise plays a vital role in a believer’s life. It’s so important, we’re told to offer it continually. The actual sacrifice is clearly stated, “the fruit of our lips giving thanks to His name.” Receive an understanding of how our sacrifice of Praise honors God and what that does and means for the believer.…
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1 Peter 4:10 tells us that we all have motivational gifts that are to be used to help people and glorify God. Whatever our gift is, we are to be a good steward of it. Receive an understanding in this fourth series of discovering our gift through giving and administration.Pastor Bill Anzevino
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Continuing this study on discovering our gift, we examine the gift of exhortation. Though many misuse this gift by criticizing or judging others, God directs us to keep His love as the motivating force to teach, counsel, or disciple someone. Discover more about exhorting others in the body of Christ in today’s teaching.…
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God’s will has been established. He wants us whole and sent Jesus to make us whole. We must be determined, and we must become tired of sitting around the pool and watching others step in before us. It’s time to rise up and let God arise in us and allow His arise in us and allow His omnipotence to conquer whatever has crippled our lives.…
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Paul revealed God’s work to be a work of faith with power. God’s power can be present but inactive. Faith can be present but lie dormant. It’s when faith and power connect with each other that amazing things happen. Receives an understanding of living by faith.Pastor Bill Anzevino
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Romans 12:4-9 tells us about the seven motivational gifts that are to be used to benefit people and glorify God. They deal with our personalities and provide the motivating force that drives us. Receive an understanding of discovering our gifts.Pastor Bill Anzevino
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Under the leadership of Moses, the Israelites failed to experience the blessings of the Promised Land. Not because the enemy was so powerful, but because of their unbelief. In Hebrews 3:17 – 4:2, the writer warns us about the dangers of unbelief. Receive an understanding of living by faith.Pastor Bill Anzevino
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There are three categories of gifts: Ministry, manifestation, and motivational gifts. Here, Paul lists seven motivational gifts: Prophecy, serving, teaching, exhorting, giving, administrating, and mercy or compassion. Whatever the gift, it’s a manifestation of the grace of God that is to be recognized and used to benefit people and glorify God.…
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There are four times where the scripture says, “The Just Shall Live By Faith.” Once we are saved by grace through faith, we are to use our faith to access grace that heals, delivers, protects, comforts, preserves, and provides. Faith is so important that the Bible records a Faith Hall of Fame and the many achievements made by those who lived by fai…
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Many believe the next event to occur in God’s plan for man is the rapture of the church. An event involving a two-fold operation that occurs in an atomic moment. First is the resurrection of the bodies of those who died in Christ. Second is the glorification and the translation of the living saints. This event will bring the time of the gentiles to…
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In Psalms 46:10, God tells us to, “Be still and know that I am God…” So when we’re troubled, overwhelmed, or emotionally drained, we must learn to stand and wait upon Him. We must seek God’s face, which can include giving thanks and singing His praises. His Word always reminds us we don’t have to depend on our own stregnth, He offers us His.…
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Once saved, we receive eternal life. Our spirit is born again and receives the life and nature of God. This new birth transformation doesn’t change how we’ve been programmed to think. God gave us His Word to straighten out our thinking. Our greatest need after being saved is to have our minds renewed to the Word of God.…
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In order to have a strong spiritual foundation, we must know the Word and act on the Word before the storms come. We follow the example of Peter by acting on the Word even if it’s illogical. Peter went from casting down a net, to walking on water, to raising the dead. The foundation involves being strong in the Lord, not in our own strength.…
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Scripture tells us Jesus spent time in prayer often. Scripture doesn’t always tell us what He prayed. In JOHN 17, the Apostle records one of the most personal prayers Jesus prayed. This chapter gives us the opportunity to observe Jesus in prayer at the most critical time of His life.Pastor Bill Anzevino
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Before ascending on high and taking His place at the right hand of God, Jesus instituted two ordinances that were to be observed throughout the church age – Holy Communion, and Water Baptism. Communion shows forth Christ’s death until He comes. Baptism identifies believers with the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ and serves as an outward …
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In the continuing series on prayer, we study Paul’s prayer for the Colossians. The church was under attack on many fronts and Paul prayed for things that truly mattered. He prayed for what the people needed most – spiritual wisdom and understanding in the knowledge of Christ, and spiritual strength, patience, and endurance. He knew these things wer…
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In order for any church to succeed in fulfilling its purpose for being, maintaining unity is essential. Promoting unity is walking worthy of our calling along with being humble, submissive, patient and forbearing. Receive an understanding of the importance of unity and what promotes unity.Pastor Bill Anzevino
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Praying in the Spirit is powerful and effective. Romans 8:26-27 lets us know our understanding of what to pray for is limited, but the Spirit has perfect knowledge of what needs to be done. Receive an understanding of what it means to pray, “In the Spirit.”Pastor Bill Anzevino
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Nothing is more important than where people spend eternity. Do we care enough for the souls of others? Do we care where they will spend their eternity? Do we care enough to invest time,effort and energy in looking beyond the exterior of people to reach their soul for Christ? Paul became all things to all men to lead some to Christ.…
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God blesses all of us with all spiritual blessings. It is through Christ that He causes us to always succeed. He has made His power available to every one of us and has given us authority over all evil. Receive an understanding as we study the prayer of Jabez in 1 Chronicles 4:9-10.Pastor Bill Anzevino
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By studying the prayers of others, we can learn how to pray more effectively and what to pray for. In Paul’s first prayer, he prayed for enlightenment. In his second prayer, he prayed for divine empowerment. In this lesson, we’ll study his second Ephesians’ prayer.Pastor Bill Anzevino
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God wants us to see ourselves as He sees us in Christ–not as someone with an inferior self-image bound by a sense of insecurity, but as more than conquerors who know God is for us and will help us overcome any challenge life brings our way.Pastor Bill Anzevino
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In 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, Paul practiced prayer because he understood the place and power of prayer in a believer’s life. Being joyful, prayerful and thankful was his recipe for success. We too can pray for our Spiritual eyes to be enlightened so we can increase our understanding of all that we have in Christ. Receive an understanding of what is …
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God needs us to join forces together with Him in prayer in order to accomplish His purposes on earth. In continuing with the different angles of prayer, receive an understanding of the need for us to not only be in constant prayer but to be correct in our prayerful lives.Pastor Bill Anzevino
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A man’s life is not measured by the duration of his life, but by the donation of his life and investments he makes. Jesus lived only 33 years, but the donation He made stands alone. His donation is represented in the Lord’s Supper and touches all three tenses of human life. As we celebrate this supper, we consider His donation and what our response…
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In 1 John 5:14-15, The Apostle John emphasizes the importance of praying according to God’s will. Knowing God’s will gives us confidence, not knowing God’s will produces a lack of confidence that God heard us. To be more effective in prayer, how we pray and what we pray should be based on biblical insight.…
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There are different kinds of prayer. Jesus taught Paul the importance of the prayer of worship and praise. Paul taught it and Paul lived it. When imprisoned, praise produced power which produced results. Receive an understanding of the Prayer of Praise and Worship.Pastor Bill Anzevino
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There are many important “IF’S” in scripture. “If” implies a condition to meet. The Israelites were told “if” they hearkened, they would be blessed. But, “If” they hearkened not, curses would come upon them. The “if” implies responsibilities. Receive an understanding of what the scripture teaches regarding “if” we faint not.…
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Intercession is prayer on behalf of another. When someone walks away from God there exists a gap between that individual and God. Because of the gap, God has difficulty reaching that person. The person is not reaching out to God. Someone is needed to stand in the gap and fill up the hedge. Receive an understanding of what the prayer of Intercession…
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No Father is perfect, only God. Most fathers work hard to give their children a better life. Prize your father highly, obey his authority and care for him enough to bring honor to his name. Receive an understanding of why and how God says we should honor our fathers.Pastor Bill Anzevino
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