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Paul Elard Cooley

Scars. They remind us who we are, what we are and where we have been. But when a scar takes away your identity, what would you do to get it back? Jackson, a journalist in Houston, discovers links between several murders that have taken place in his city. His investigation draws him into the world of body art where he discovers an obsession worth killing for.
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Garaaga's Children - Volume 1

Paul Elard Cooley on

From prehistoric time to the present, one blood line has endured. Garaaga's children range from the Indus Valley to Mesopotamia to Jerusalem and beyond, influencing ancient civilizations, mighty crusades, and everyday lives. The stories of the god Garaaga, his half-human progeny, and their supplicants have been passed down through the generations. Leaving a frightful, lustful, body-strewn trail through the ages, Garaaga's children and worshipers have survived to spread their religion around ...
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Closet Treats

Paul Elard Cooley

Trey Leger has spent a lifetime of battling mental illness and the imaginary demons from his childhood. Even now, years later and with a growing family, he still can’t walk past an open, darkened closet without The shadowy silhouette. The burning emerald eyes. The Closet Man. Now, there's a new ice cream truck roaming the neighborhood and Trey believes its driver is a monster. While the neighborhood children see a friendly man serving the treats, Trey sees a frightful demon behi ...
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show series
In this edition of A Minute with Mary, we hear the amazing story of how Our Lady came as a missionary to Mexico, and brought 9 million natives to the faith. LISTEN NOW (2 mins) Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes Get email notifications when a new episode is published Subscribe via RSS The post Our Lady, Juan Diego & the Tilma appeared first on Crad…
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“Sitting at the school of the Heart of Mary is where we learn the deepest mysteries of Christ!” – Mother Adela Galindo Pope Paul VI and St John Paul II both called Mary ‘the star of evangelisation’. What does this mean, and why is it significant in the times we are in? Paul Elarde explains in this final edition of A Minute with Mary. https://cradio…
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Are you familiar with the five first Saturdays devotion? Paul Elarde explains why it exists and what it involves in this edition of A Minute with Mary. DOWNLOAD (Right click to save)(2 mins) Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes Get email notifications when a new episode is pub…
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One major obstacle in your relationship with God could be your tendency to focus on your failures. Paul Elarde reflects in this edition of A Minute with Mary. DOWNLOAD (Right click to save)(2 mins) Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes Get email notifications when a new episo…
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Haven’t got time for prayer? Paul offers some words of advice in this edition of Minute with Mary. DOWNLOAD (Right click to save) (2 mins) Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes Get email notifications when a new episode is published Subscribe via RSS Transcript The importan…
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“To live without faith, without a patrimony to defend, without a steady struggle for truth, that is not living, but merely existing.” – Bl Pier Giorgio Frassati In this edition of Minute with Mary, Paul shares about one of his favourite people, the youthful practical joker Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati.…
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“Being a Christian is not the result of an ethical choice or a lofty idea, but the encounter with an event, a person, which gives life a new horizon and a decisive direction.” – Emeritus Pope Benedict XVI In this edition of Minute with Mary, Paul looks at the significance of devotion to the hearts of Jesus and Mary, and our call to personal relatio…
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Paul continues his reflections on the angels by sharing the thoughts of Christian angelic commentators on the fall of Lucifer and the elevation of St Michael. DOWNLOAD (Right click to save) (2 mins) Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes Get email notifications when a new episode is p…
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There are many common misunderstandings about what angels are and how they came to be. Paul provides the basics on the existence of angels, as well as the role of Mary as their queen, in this two-minute reflection. DOWNLOAD (Right click to save) (2 mins) Subscribe to the podca…
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Christ is very strong in asking us to forgive those who hurt us – but this is easier said than done. In this two minute reflection Paul provides some advice on how to forgive. DOWNLOAD (Right click to save) (2 mins) Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes Get email notific…
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Nineteen days after Pentecost the Church celebrates the adjoining feasts of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. What is the significance of these two particular devotions, and where do they come from? Paul explains in this edition of A Minute with Mary. DOW…
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Have you ever wondered what it takes to become a saint? Paul looks at a common thread that runs through the lives of many great saints, including St John Paul II, in this edition of A Minute with Mary. DOWNLOAD (Right click to save) (2 mins) Subscribe to the podcast on iTune…
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“Only those who have fallen in love with God and have no envy in their hearts can begin to grasp the love between the Holy Spirit and the Immaculate Virgin.” – Fr Patrick Greenough Paul further explores the relationship between Mary and the Holy Spirit in this edition of A Minute with Mary.…
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St John Paul the Great called St Maximilian Kolbe ‘the apostle of a new Marian era’. What did this saint teach about Our Lady, and about her intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit? Find out in this edition of A Minute with Mary. DOWNLOAD (Right click to save) (2…
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What does it mean to call Mary ‘Spouse of the Holy Spirit? What are the implications for our spiritual lives? Paul Elarde explains in this edition of A Minute with Mary. DOWNLOAD (Right click to save) (2 mins) Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes Get email notifications whe…
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“To adore God is to praise and exalt him and to humble oneself, as Mary did in the Magnificat, confessing with gratitude that he has done great things and holy is his name.” (CCC, 2097) Paul Elarde reflects on the tremendous power of praise in this edition of A Minute with Mary.…
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“Give thanks to the Lord for He is good, His love is everlasting”. (Psalm 118:1) In your prayer life, how much time do you spend in petition, and how often do you give thanks for what you’ve already received? Paul reflects on the importance of thanksgiving… DOWNLOAD (Right click…
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In this edition of A Minute with Mary, Paul explores two great aspects of prayer that we often neglect: praise and thanksgiving. DOWNLOAD (Right click to save) (2 mins) Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes Get email notifications when a new episode is published Subscribe …
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When all is said and done most of us realise it is only love that matters – and God is the Only Source of love – He IS Love. Paul Elarde reflects on how we need to tap into the Source of Love through prayer. DOWNLOAD (Right click to save) (2 mins) Subscribe to the podcast on i…
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We may think we can live a ‘good Christian life’ merely by doing good works – but if our prayer life is neglected, can we truly follow Christ? Paul Elarde reflects on why we need to ensure we are prioritising time to be still with God. DOWNLOAD (Right click to save) (2 m…
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We live in a confusing time full of distractions and mixed messages, so how do we ensure we stay on the right track? Paul Elarde reflects on three pillars of faith that help light the path to salvation. DOWNLOAD (Right click to save) (2 mins) Subscribe to the podcast on iTun…
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You may have seen or heard of the brown scapular – but what is it, and what does it signify? Paul Elarde provides a brief background on the brown scapular, its origins and its association with Marian consecration. DOWNLOAD (Right click to save) (2 mins) Subscribe to the podcast on …
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The cross is an inescapable part of Christian life: Christ has shown us that it must precede the resurrection. Paul continues his reflections on Marian consecration, showing how Mary helps us in our call to embrace the cross of Christ. DOWNLOAD (Right click to save) …
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Fear of losing control is something most of us will struggle with – and at its heart, it is simply a lack of trust in God. Continuing his reflections on Marian consecration, Paul looks at how ‘actively letting go’ is the secret power of this devotion. DOWNLOAD (Right click…
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The cares and difficulties of daily life can have tremendous spiritual value IF we refuse to worry and entrust them all to God. DOWNLOAD (Right click to save) (2 mins) Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes Get email notifications when a new episode is published Subscribe via RSS …
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Consecration can only change our lives if we integrate it into how we live. Paul looks at our need to hand our lives over to God and entrust ourselves to the intercession of Our Lady. DOWNLOAD (Right click to save) (2 mins) Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes Get email notification…
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Paul continues his explanation of Marian Consecration, which represented a turning point in the life of St John Paul the Great. DOWNLOAD (Right click to save)(2 mins) Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes Get email notifications when a new episode is published Subscribe via…
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In an apparition at Fatima in 1917, Our Lady asked that the Holy Father together with the bishops of the world consecrate the world to her Immaculate Heart. Paul looks at how, after a strange series of events, this finally came to be in 1984… DOWNLOAD (Right click to …
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“Since Mary is of all creatures the one most conformed to Jesus Christ, it follows that among all devotions that which most consecrates and conforms a soul to our Lord is devotion to Mary, his Holy Mother”. – St John Paul the Great What is Marian Consecration? What benefit is it to give ourselves to Mary, when in fact we ought to belong to Christ? …
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“What makes the new Ark, Mary, holy was that it contained the fuller and living expression of the covenant – the living Word of God, the High Priest, enfleshed in the womb of Mary to give eternal life through the Bread of the Eucharist!” Ever wondered why Catholics have processions with statues of Our Lady? Paul takes the answer from the Old Testam…
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“When we look at the correlation of the Ark of the Covenant and Mary, we see the Bible teaching us and revealing deeper mysteries of the person of Mary.” Have you ever heard Mary referred to as ‘Ark of the Covenant’? What does this mean, and why is it significant? DOWNLOAD …
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The Fifth Glorious Mystery: Mary is crowned Queen of Heaven and Earth You are the glory of Jerusalem the honour of our people…the hand of the Lord has strengthened you, and therefore you shall be blessed forever… (Judith 15: 9-11) DOWNLOAD (Right click to save) (2 mins) Jesus h…
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The Fourth Glorious Mystery: Mary is assumed into Heaven And a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon was under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars. (Revelation 12:1) DOWNLOAD (Right click to save) (2 mins) As Scripture reveals …
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The Third Glorious Mystery: the Descent of the Holy Spirit And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in foreign tongues, even as the Holy Spirit prompted them to speak. (Acts 2:4) DOWNLOAD (Right click to save) (2 mins) In the upper room the Apost…
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The Second Glorious Mystery: the Ascension So then the Lord, after he had spoken to them, was taken up into heaven, and sits at the right hand of God. (Mark 16:19) DOWNLOAD (Right click to save) (2 mins) During the forty days after His resurrection, Jesus instructed the Apostles …
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The First Glorious Mystery: the Resurrection He has risen, he is not here. Behold the place where they laid him. (Mark 16:6) DOWNLOAD (Right click to save) (2 mins) After Jesus was killed the apostles were sure that all they had hoped for was lost, but God’s ways are so differ…
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The Fifth Sorrowful Mystery: Jesus is Crucified And Jesus cried out with a loud voice and said, “Father, into your hands I commend my spirit”. And having said this, he expired. (Luke 23:46) DOWNLOAD (Right click to save) (2 mins) After many hours of torture, Jesus finally reach…
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The Fourth Sorrowful Mystery: Jesus carries His cross And bearing the cross for himself, he went to the place called the Skull, in Hebrew, Golgotha. (John 19:17) DOWNLOAD (Right click to save) (2 mins) The weight of the Cross cut deeply into Jesus’ shoulder, and combined…
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The Third Sorrowful Mystery: Jesus is crowned with thorns And they stripped him and put on him a scarlet cloak; and plaiting a crown of thorns they put it on his head, and a reed into his right hand. (Matthew 27: 28-29) DOWNLOAD (Right click to save) (2 mins) The Holy Sh…
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The Second Sorrowful Mystery: the Scourging at the Pillar Pilate, then, took Jesus and had him scourged. (John 19:1) DOWNLOAD (Right click to save)(2 mins) During the scourging Jesus was beaten and whipped until the flesh was ripped off His sacred Body. Jesus scourging…
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The First Sorrowful Mystery: the Agony in the Garden And his sweat became as drops of blood running down upon the ground. And rising from prayer he came to the disciples, and found them sleeping. (Luke 22: 44-45) DOWNLOAD (Right click to save) (2 mins) In the garden of Get…
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“Mary, due to Her Immaculate Conception and Her giving birth to Mercy Incarnate, is first to praise the omnipotence of God’s mercy.” Why does Our Lady have such a special relationship with The Divine Mercy? Paul explains in this episode of A Minute with Mary. DOWNLOAD (Right…
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“St Faustina teaches that we can ask Mary for strength to offer up our crosses!” St Faustina suffered many hardships throughout her life, but her example shows us how we can go to Our Lady for assistance in carrying our own crosses. DOWNLOAD (Right click to save) (2 mins) A …
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“Know, My daughter, that although I was raised to the dignity of Mother of God, seven swords of pain pierced My heart. Don’t do anything to defend yourself; bear everything with humility; God Himself will defend you.” (Diary of St Faustina, 786) Most of us would know about St Faustina as the apostle for Christ’s message of Divine Mercy, but did you…
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“…when Mary said ‘yes’ to God, it was with a full understanding of what She was going to have to face. We can’t help but be in awe of Mary’s complete commitment to God even in the face of having to embrace pain and suffering.” In this edition of A Minute with Mary, Paul reflects that though Mary was without sin, she embraced suffering according to …
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“…Mary bore Christ first in Her heart as She lived out Her faith believing in the angels words and responding to them with Her FIAT from the deepest, most vital and intimate core of Her heart…” In this edition of A Minute with Mary, Paul reflects on how Mary teaches us to have faith, to trust in God and to open ourselves to His perfect will. https:…
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“What awe and wonders await us in heaven when we will come to fully understand the greatness and the mysteries of Mary! “ What does the Angel Gabriel’s greeting ‘Hail, Full of Grace’ mean? Paul reflects in this edition of A Minute with Mary. DOWNLOAD (Right click to save) (2…
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“Pope John Paul II presents St Joseph as breaking the old vice of male domination, with a model of a loving father, a man who well understood the importance of giving the highest priority to the interior life.” In this edition of A Minute with Mary Paul looks at St Joseph as a model of masculinity and fatherhood.…
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“Mary’s faith and Joseph’s faith became very much a joint adventure through being focused so personally on the mystery of the Divine Child.” In this edition of A Minute with Mary Paul continues his reflections on the role of St Joseph in the Holy Family. DOWNLOAD (Right …
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“…God the Father handed over the two most important Persons that ever walked the earth – Jesus and Mary – completely into the care of St Joseph – now that’s huge!” In this edition of A Minute with Mary Paul reflects on the perfect father-son relationship that existed between Christ and St Joseph.…
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