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Destination Church Spokane Podcast

Destination Church Spokane

God loves people and so do we! At Destination Church Spokane, you've found a place to be loved, a place to believe, and a place to belong. We are here to love God, love people, to serve, and to share the good news of Jesus. We are committed to forming authentic relationships while learning more about our amazing God, allowing Him to change our lives.
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show series
Ruth pursues Boaz and he pursues her, with much blessing and dignity. What a reflection Boaz is of Jesus' heart for the people of God, both in the way He pursues us and in the way He blesses, welcomes, and desires our pursuit of Him! The way He guards and shepherds our lives as we pursue Him in faith will stir confidence that He will do everything …
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Something happens when we awaken to the kindness and provision of God. Naomi recognizes Boaz's favor on Ruth and her heart that had been so stuck in grief now begins to make plans for a hopeful future. Ruth trusts Naomi's plan and takes bold initiative of her own as well. God is calling us as His people to pursue Him, not passively, but with great …
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We are redeemed, and God has not forgotten us! Boaz's extreme generosity toward Ruth caused Naomi to take notice, and she realizes that Ruth has met one of their family redeemers. God has led Ruth right into His blessing, care, and provision. As Ruth discovers that Boaz is a kinsman redeemer for her, so too the Scriptures reveal Jesus as the Redeem…
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Such generosity! Boaz shows Ruth great favor that baffles her. After all, they've just met; why would he do this for a foreign woman? Boaz had heard of the sacrifices Ruth made to follow God and acted graciously toward her, setting her up for success she never could have found or accomplished on her own. Like Ruth, we, once foreigners to the kingdo…
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As Ruth's story continues, she's now in Bethlehem with her mother-in-law, and not knowing anyone in a foreign land she begins to look for favor. She meets Boaz and finds great favor with him, including protection, guidance in the community, and provision. As the church we need these things as well. We need the favor of God, and our God is seeking a…
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Have you ever felt like the worst evangelist ever? One of the amazing things about the story of Naomi and Ruth is how God kept drawing Ruth even as Naomi kept giving her all the reasons to turn back. God can overcome our weakness too, and use our imperfect efforts to draw people into His purpose for their life. Calloused hearts? He can soften them.…
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As the beautiful story of Ruth begins, the scene is anything but beautiful. In Bethlehem, the House of Bread, there's a famine. In their desperation, a family of four leaves the land and fields of God's Promise to go into the fields Moab. The Moabite people were considered cursed by God, but the sons of this family marry Moabite women. After traged…
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Do you know the purpose of prophecy in the New Covenant? Does your church family cultivate a genuinely prophetic atmosphere that also builds away from manipulation? What should we do with prophetic words that may seem unclear or maybe a bit "off?" As a New Testament prophetic people of the Spirit of God, it's vital that we understand how to weigh a…
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"Everyone here sends their warm embrace to everyone there. Be sure to extend your warm embrace to one another in Christ." Paul's final words to his much loved friends in Philippi reflect the family relationship that the church is meant to enjoy. God's gracious embrace of us empowers us to extend grace to one another, in our own local church and to …
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When we develop a culture of grace, the gospel will shape our generosity. Giving has the opportunity to become an expression of our genuine fellowship and partnership with one another, leading us to take responsibility beyond ourselves. And more than mere obligation, giving also becomes an expression of our worship; God receives it as a beautiful a…
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Paul was very grateful for his friends in the church in Philippi. He rejoiced in the Lord for their pattern of support for him, and for what it revealed about their hearts. Though Paul was in prison, he had learned how to stay satisfied and fulfilled, even if his friends hadn't been able to help him. Contentment is learned, and we mature in this Go…
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It's easy to say, "Be anxious for nothing," but actually finding true peace is going to take some intentional focus. The good news is that God promises to help us walk in peace when we put our faith in Him. How? First, it's important that we get the frame - the Big Picture - right. In the Big Picture, our future and our present is secure in Christ.…
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At the beginning of Philippians 4 Paul speaks into a relational or leadership issue between two women. He points out that they are on the same side and need to work together in the same direction. Sometimes our own interpersonal issues or ideas of how to advance God's mission can inadvertently cause division in the church, sometimes significant eno…
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We are not spiritual settlers who stay put, satisfied with where we are, because we have not yet 'arrived' in our faith. We press on toward our calling in Jesus, learning to live out the Citizenship we have in His kingdom. Paul encourages the church in Philippi to keep their eyes towards what is ahead rather than the sinful past - or even past succ…
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Like people everywhere, we can get caught up worrying about our pedigree, status or qualifications. We may try to justify ourselves through all kinds of endeavors or consider ourselves righteous based on the good we've done. In Philippians 3 Paul points out that if anyone could be considered righteous through their works it would be him - what a bo…
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Even strong church communities will face challenges to their faith, so are there safeguards we can build into our faith to help us stand firm? Paul brings this up at the beginning of Philippians 3, and we address three safeguards in the first three verses. The first is joy, a hallmark of the Christian faith. The second safeguard is being aware of l…
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The New Testament talks a lot about churches, and the way Paul describes the church is wonderfully compelling. A healthy church is becoming more and more a diverse family joined together in apostolic partnership, giving themselves to the Lord. "Church" is not just a cold organization, but is made up of real people, people like Timothy and Epaphrodi…
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God's heart for the Church is not that we would just stay in one place. The God who created us also created us for mission. He wants us to be built up as sons and daughters in a family and then sent out, carrying the clear mission of Christ. It takes faith to be sent, and it means learning to make our home in Christ, trusting Him. It will be costly…
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How can we identify genuine prophetic ministry in the church today? Are there hallmarks in Scripture to help us evaluate this? Absolutely. Rather than leaving the church fearful and uncertain, New Testament prophetic ministry expresses the love of Christ for His people, moves us forward in faith, and builds up the whole church, encouraging, and res…
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No matter who you are, no matter where you are, God wants to build a sure foundation into your life. What kind of foundation is this? Whatever other distinctives we have, there are four key things that every local church is meant to build well: the foundation of grace, of family, of life in the Holy Spirit, and of mission.…
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Are we called to mature in Christ? Absolutely. Are we called to do it in our own strength and ability? No. God Himself is at work in us both to will and to work in us, helping us to outwork His purpose in the earth. We are a people who shine like stars, and God is committed to helping us shine brightly and effectively. Together, we can rejoice in t…
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Who is this Jesus that we worship? Is He so full of His own reputation that He's hard to be around? Is He always focused only on His own advancement? Paul's description of the attitude of Jesus reflects something different altogether. Embracing humility, even unto death. And not just any death, but death on a cross. Because Jesus was secure in the …
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After Jesus rises from the dead, He reveals himself to many of His disciples. For whatever reason, Thomas is not present for these first encounters, and for a full week he is hearing the claims of Jesus' resurrection, but does not believe. Thankfully, Jesus includes skeptics like Thomas! He invites Thomas to look and to touch and to believe. Jesus …
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In Philippians 2 Paul makes the statement, "If there is any encouragement in Christ, consolation of love, fellowship with the Spirit, or affection and mercy then make my joy complete by being like minded, having the same love, being one in Spirit and one mind." The great thing about this is these things are true! In Christ we really do have everyth…
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Who are we? Are we living out of our true identity as citizens of heaven? Embracing that identity together helps us to reflect Christ and His kingdom as we take on the challenges of life. Together we can courageously stand firm in one spirit, united in the gospel, and contending for the good news of Jesus Christ. In Him, our lives become a far-reac…
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The news of Christ truly is the best news in the world! It's something to get excited about. The gospel frees us and leads our hearts towards honoring Christ, into fruitful living, and stirs eagerness to know Him more. From this flows more eagerness to move forward together in Christ, trusting our good and sovereign God. There is so much to be joyf…
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Difficult things happen: in Genesis we see Joseph being sold into slavery, and in Philippians Paul is writing as a prisoner for the gospel. In God's great plan, their hard circumstances served great purpose in furthering His salvation plan. Paul says in his letter, "I want you to know..." He wants us to know that the gospel is being advanced, and t…
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Partnership is a beautiful thing! The partnership between Paul and the church in Philippi was a healthy one. Good partnership looks like generous care that fuels praise and thanksgiving. Genuine partnership in the Gospel will also fuel joy and devotion, and we'll find ourselves taking joy in one another as Jesus takes joy in His people. Finally, th…
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Paul and Timothy are both apostolic men, but how does Paul address the church in Philippi? As a servant of Christ. The Philippians too will find their primary identity in Christ. All their other characteristics and titles in the world would flavor their distinct expressions of humanity, but Christ is the foundation. As the people of God, first and …
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In Acts 16 we find Paul trying to travel to the region of Bithynia but the Spirit of Jesus tells him no. Paul listens to the Spirit and is led instead to the Macedonian city of Philippi, where what we know as the Philippian church is founded. There he meets a woman named Lydia, and God opens her heart to the gospel. She is baptized and becomes an a…
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In the final Chapter of Nehemiah, we find that though the people of Jerusalem may live in a different era and culture than us today, in some ways they're really not all that different from us. They can engage in a holy moment with God and then return to their old ways once the moment has passed. The too are tempted to neglect God and His ways. Just…
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In Nehemiah 12 we find God's people planning a celebration together ofwhat God has accomplished. They are also creating a strategic community of worship on purpose. Intentionality in thanking and praising God included consecration that would set them up well for celebration. The extravagant, joyful, all-inclusive worship event was exciting - and to…
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In Nehemiah 11 the leaders of God's people choose to stay in Jerusalem not because it was a nice city with clean neighborhoods or great amenities. It actually wasn't. They stayed because they believed in what God was building there, and their choice to stay was a choice to build. The rest of the people of God came together for a key shift that also…
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Building a culture that honors God and His Word takes time, but it's not an unrealistic, mysterious, or illusive dream. There are tangible shifts we can make in our lives, both individually and together as God's people, that help us align our real-life, day-to-day culture with God's word, character, and way of building. In Nehemiah 10, we see three…
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Herod wants him dead, so Joseph and Mary must flee with Jesus to Egypt. After his birth and subsequent dedication at the temple in Jerusalem, the first story we hear of Jesus' early life is one of an outsider. God is working a wonderful plan that will lead Jesus back into Israel and into the town of Nazareth. God is still preserving people who are …
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The Christmas story - the real Christmas story - is anything but a quiet, sanitary event. It's full of sight, sound, raw emotions, and all the smells of a 1st Century sheep town. From shepherds working the night shift where all heaven is breaking loose in the fields, to the Lamb of God lying in a manger, heaven's glory is stepping into the very rea…
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John's gospel introduces Jesus as the one and only Son of God, the unique glory of the Father. He's not just a son of God being born into the world, but the Son, and there is none like Him. Full of grace and truth, He is the embodiment of the Father's character, and the truth of God's covenant faithfulness is revealed and fulfilled in Christ. Throu…
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When Jesus took on human form it took a while for people to recognize Him as being God, and many never actually did. Today, it's as true as it was then that we need help recognizing and receiving God! Our fallen world still doesn't recognize it's maker, but it's only in recognizing and receiving Jesus that we become children of God. Since this has …
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In John's Gospel he doesn't start the story with Jesus' birth, but takes us back even farther: "In the beginning was the Word..." We are introduced to Jesus as this powerful Word, eons before His incarnation and even before creation itself. Before the beginning of time, Jesus was already there. He was with God, and, mysterious as it may seem, He al…
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"Confession is good for the soul," as they saying goes. In Nehemiah Chapter 9 we find all the Jewish people gathering together for a third time in the same month to pray and read scripture. Their gathering is marked by an openness toward God, this time with fasting rather than feasting, and grieving with one another over the sins of their people. T…
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We all are influencing someone, whether we realize it or not. As followers of Jesus, if we embrace this influence rather than run from it, then those who are looking to us will benefit. Wise influencers and leaders will also embrace being learners of God's Word. His Word breaks us out of our "normal" routines to refocus us on Christ, His provision,…
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God's culture is all about family, and of gathering that family together. The unity of the gathered church presents a beautiful image to the rest of the world. When the church gathers, we celebrate and enjoy one another, and we also intentionally gather to God's word, with time set aside to hear and understand what God is calling us to be and to do…
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God's culture provides protection around God's people, over God's people, and among God's people. In Nehemiah 7 we discover that there are guards placed around the wall of the city, at the gates to defend from outside attack, and even people assigned to stand guard at their own homes. Who do we have guarding our own homes today? Who within the chur…
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How can we respond well when the devil tries to distract, intimidate, and cause us to lose our moral authority through private sin? In Nehemiah 6, we learn from this man of influence how to respond well to these three enemy tactics. God has commissioned us to a great work, and what God has commissioned, God will complete. With our eyes on Jesus, we…
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As the story of Nehemiah continues, a matter of heart-wrenching social injustice surfaces during the massive building project. Many of the poor in Jerusalem and the surrounding area are struggling in a season of famine. To put food on the table, some of them have gone deeply in debt, even resorting to selling their own children into slavery. Others…
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Whatever happens, we must remember one thing: Don't stop building. There will be opposition; it may look like rage, like mocking, or even more organized threats. We may have to slow down, adjust strategies, and take extra precautions to guard what God has commissioned us to do. As we build, we pray. As we adjust, we pray. As we shore up our weak ar…
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In Nehemiah 3 we find so many groups of people coming together to rebuild the wall of Jerusalem. They build multiple gates and towers, and many lengths of wall. Each part of the project matters, each person matters, and each contribution matters! It takes teams, families, intentionality, and inclusivity to build wisely according to what God is buil…
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We have a call to build, even though the work ahead will bring challenges. When God fills our hearts with His mission we can look on current devastation and be full of faith. When God is the one who has called us to build we can confidently stand up and take action! Rather than being stuck in passivity we can strengthen our hands for the great work…
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God opens doors at the right time. As we start Chapter 2 of Nehemiah, he has been praying for four months. What has he been praying for? - that he would be able to go back to Jerusalem to rebuild his home. When the king Nehemiah is serving asks him what is troubling him, Nehemiah is afraid but answers truthfully. The door to return is opening, and …
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What do you do when you hear bad news? What about when you hear of a need that's too big for you to fix, or you have a giant-sized dream that seems impossible? When these things happen it could just be that God is about to move your heart! When He does move our hearts we are wise to remind ourselves of exactly who this God is who is moving us. God …
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