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On Pentecost, the promised Holy Spirit descends upon the disciples and gives them gifts--to be able to speak about the resurrected Jesus without fear. How does the spirit continue to gift us? Acts 2:1-21SEEK Christian Podcast, Sponsored by St. Stephen Church, Sylvania, Ohio
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In today's reading, Peter says, "Who was I that I could hinder God?". That's an intriguing question.....do we hinder God's work? Do we get in the way of God's intentions for the world? To be honest, I think sometimes we do. Sometimes we let our agendas and our fears get in the way. In Acts 11, God is trying to be more and more inclusive, welcoming …
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In 10 years, what will you remember about this day? this year? this point in your life? Remembering is an odd thing, as we call to mind experiences from the past and examine them from various angles. On Easter day, the women are at the tomb, but they're not sure what they're seeing and experiencing. The angels tell them to remember. When they do, t…
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What does it mean to love one another? How do we begin to show love? Jesus gives us some clues as on this night, before he is arrested with the help of a disciple Judas, he washes the feet of his friends, his disciples. Gospel reading: John 13:12-34SEEK Christian Podcast, Sponsored by St. Stephen Church, Sylvania, Ohio
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What does triumph look like? Winning the Olympics? Closing a multi-million dollar contract? Being the official marshal for the Tournament of Roses parade? Successfully completing a job? Dying? Somehow, we probably don't think that dying is triumphant...or even something to celebrate. But for Jesus, it is. As he enters Jerusalem today, to the welcom…
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Have you ever been lost? Have you ever had that sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach that says, "this is not right....I'm in the wrong place"? During Lent, we've been thinking about God's heart, God's character. What does it mean that God is always seeking the lost, always welcoming them home, and celebrating their arrival? In this famous sto…
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Has the promise of spring temperatures made you eager to do some outside yard work? Have you been pouring over seed catalogs or lingering near the flower display at Kroger's? If so, you might like this parable that Jesus tells about the patient gardener. This patient man has waited 3 years for a fig tree to produce some figs. The owner is anxious t…
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In Jesus' time, people sought protection in walled cities, built on hills to control the surrounding landscape. In today's world, walled cities are just a historical anachronism, but we often find ourselves in need of comfort and protection. When you've been in crisis or feeling overwhelmed, where do you turn for help? Gospel reading: Luke 13:31-35…
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When push comes to shove, what or who do we rely on? Our selves? Our own strength? Our intelligence? Our connections? When tempted by the devil, Jesus limits himself and relies on God's strength to withstand the temptation. In doing so, Jesus shows us the depth of God's love for us...that we can and should trust in God when we are in the wilderness…
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In today's world, we are bombarded by sound--from cell phones ringing to ambulances sirens, from car alarms to TV's. In this barage of noise, what do we choose to pay attention to? On the mount of Transfiguration, Jesus is revealed in glory. A voice thunders: "This is my Son, my Chosen; listen to him!" How do we focus on Jesus's words? Gospel readi…
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Ever had to pick team members for a game in gym class? Ever been the one standing in line with others, hoping that this day you'll be chosen sooner than normal? Your day can be made or you can be devastated based on when you were chosen in the line-up! We humans use this system to select people quite often. But does God? Who would God pick for God'…
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What does it mean to belong to God? To have God us call "my own"? It's pretty incredible that God, who created the Milk Way and countless other galaxies, wants us, calls us to be in relationship with God. And yet, that is exactly what God wants!Bible readings: Isaiah 43:1-7, Luke 3:21-22SEEK Christian Podcast, Sponsored by St. Stephen Church, Sylvania, Ohio
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Have you ever given your very last bit of food away? How about your very last pennies? In today's readings, two different widows, separated by many hundreds of years, do just that. Given their example, how can we be less than generous? Bible readings: 1 Kings 17:8-16, Mark 12:41-44SEEK Christian Podcast, Sponsored by St. Stephen Church, Sylvania, Ohio
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How do you imagine heaven? The Old Testament prophet Isaiah speaks of a feast, a banquet, of delicious things spread out for all...and there's still more...the end of tears and death itself. Pretty amazing, isn't it!! This is our future. Bible reading: Isaiah 25:6-9SEEK Christian Podcast, Sponsored by St. Stephen Church, Sylvania, Ohio
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Psalm 46 reminds us that, in all times, God is with us, a refuge and strength. These words spoke clearly to Martin Luther almost 500 years ago as he struggled with critiquing the church of his day. Even now, the words of the Psalmist speak to us too, reminding us, that in all times, God is with us, ready to embrace us and to be our strong rock.…
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Our culture bombards with the message that we will find life by consuming...just look at the thousands of commercials we see and hear during a year's time. Jesus counters this message by inviting us to find life by divesting for the sake of the other. Gospel reading: Mark 10:17-31SEEK Christian Podcast, Sponsored by St. Stephen Church, Sylvania, Ohio
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When and where have you felt lonely? When Adam cannot find a partner, when he is alone in the newly created world, God says that "it is not good". So what does God do? God creates a life partner, a companion for Adam. Genesis 2:18-24SEEK Christian Podcast, Sponsored by St. Stephen Church, Sylvania, Ohio
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Who is this Jesus? How to you describe or define him? Peter thinks he is on the right track when he describes Jesus as the Messiah. But he quickly discovers that his definition of what the Messiah is to do and be doesn't match with what Jesus has in mind. Gospel reading: Mark 8:27-38SEEK Christian Podcast, Sponsored by St. Stephen Church, Sylvania, Ohio
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Mark's gospel portrays Jesus as challenging traditional ways in which religious people determine what is pure or impure. For Jesus, faithfully following religious practices cannot become a substitute for godly words or deeds that spring from a faithful heart. Gospel reading: Mark 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-2SEEK Christian Podcast, Sponsored by St. Stephen Church, Sylvania, Ohio
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The crowd that has been following Jesus has become more and more offended and agitated as Jesus has talked about his role as the bread of life. With today's text, most of the crowd turns and walks away. Jesus asks the 12 disciples if they too want to leave Jesus. Peter replies, "Of course not, where else can we go? You have the words of eternal lif…
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Ever heard the saying, "You are what you eat"? Jesus reminds us that he is the true "bread of life". While the crowds question what this means, we Christians draw near to Jesus as he meets us in the bread and wine of his Holy Supper. Gospel reading: John 6:51-58SEEK Christian Podcast, Sponsored by St. Stephen Church, Sylvania, Ohio
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Have you ever noticed that even the biggest meal doesn't keep you full forever? Some snakes and other creatures can eat just once a month--but not us! Having just the a crowd of people, Jesus talks to them about what they're really searching for--something to fill up the emptiness inside their spirit--not just their stomach. Gospel reading: John 6:…
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Telling the truth can be a difficult task, especially when the hearer is not receptive. John the Baptist's commitment to truth leads to his death. Would we be as strong, as committed?Gospel reading: John 6:14-29SEEK Christian Podcast, Sponsored by St. Stephen Church, Sylvania, Ohio
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How do you feel about interruptions? Jesus gets interrupted twice...we never do find out exactly what he wanted to do..but in those interruptions, he provides healing and restoration to two different families. Gospel reading: Mark 5:1-43SEEK Christian Podcast, Sponsored by St. Stephen Church, Sylvania, Ohio
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Ever been scared and overwhelmed? Not sure you were going to make it? The disciples know this feeling! They're (literally) in the midst of a storm and are terrified that their boat will sink. Listen to what happens next!Gospel reading: Mark 4:35-41SEEK Christian Podcast, Sponsored by St. Stephen Church, Sylvania, Ohio
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What, me, witness? What, you want me to testify? Yes, we do....and so does Jesus! But because this can seem like a big job, Jesus also gives us some help...the Holy Spirit. Listen and find out how that works! Gospel reading: John 15:26-27, Acts 2: 1-21SEEK Christian Podcast, Sponsored by St. Stephen Church, Sylvania, Ohio
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How's your math? In the night before Jesus is arrested and brought to trial, he prays that his disciples would all be one. In our fractured world, what does it mean to be one, to be united in Christ? Gospel reading: John 17:11SEEK Christian Podcast, Sponsored by St. Stephen Church, Sylvania, Ohio
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What is our relationship to Jesus? In the last meal Jesus would eat with the disciples before his death on the cross, Jesus tells them that he considers them his friends. So, too, we who follow Jesus are called his friends. What does that mean for our life in the Christian faith?Gospel reading: John 15:4-17…
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This Sunday, we remember and celebrate that Jesus is the good shepherd, willing to lay down his life for us. Today we hear the famous words of the 23rd Psalm, words that many find meaningful. Reading: Psalm 23SEEK Christian Podcast, Sponsored by St. Stephen Church, Sylvania, Ohio
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The surprise of Easter is that Jesus is alive, resurrected from the dead! Jesus' best friends are amazed--and yet, have some questions and wonderings about this. How about you? What do you wonder about? Jesus doesn't scold the disciples for their questions, but patiently invites them to watch and see. Gospel reading: Luke 24:36b-48…
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Ever felt like your whole world has come crashing down around you? That's where the disciples are on Easter evening....and they've locked themselves in the house because they're so worried and scared. What happens next is pretty remarkable! Gospel reading: John 20:-19-21SEEK Christian Podcast, Sponsored by St. Stephen Church, Sylvania, Ohio
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The women approach Jesus' grave, wondering who will roll away the grave stone for them, as they have brought spices to anoint his body. To their amazement the stone is rolled away...and they learn even more amazing news. Jesus is risen from the dead! But what will they do with this amazing news? Maybe what we least expect. Gospel reading: Mark 16:1…
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Why does Jesus choose to ride a donkey on Palm Sunday? A horse would certainly be more majestic; a camel would imply being part of wealthy caravan; even an ibex has a hint of the exotic. But a stubborn, independent, homely creature? What does Jesus choice say about him and about us? Gospel reading: Mark 11:1-11…
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What do you know by heart? In this 5th Old Testament covenant, God promises to give the people a different way to understand the divine. God will write the holy law in their hearts, and they can choose to live together in harmony and peace. Old Testament reading: Jeremiah 31:31-34SEEK Christian Podcast, Sponsored by St. Stephen Church, Sylvania, Ohio
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What does it mean to live together in community? How do we keep families functional? Workplaces healthy? The 3rd of God's covenant promises to us is found in our Old Testament reading, as we hear God's 10 commandments. Exodus 20:1-17SEEK Christian Podcast, Sponsored by St. Stephen Church, Sylvania, Ohio
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