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Newbury Park First Christian Church

We exist to help people find and follow Jesus. Stay connected to the heart of Newbury Park First Christian by following our weekly messages. Encounter God, Experience Community, Extend Compassion.
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Join the experts at IPM Advancement for discussion and insights into nonprofit fundraising, membership, advocacy and more. Each show covers a different aspect of advancement, with topics ranging from annual giving to capital campaigns and everything in between.
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Häxjakten på NPF-mammorna


Häxjakten på NPF-mammorna” med Sandra och Jessica är en podcast om att vara mamma till barn med neuropsykiatriska funktionsnedsättningar (NPF). De delar sina erfarenheter, tips och känslor, och bjuder in experter för djupare insikter. Varje vecka släpps ett nytt avsnitt som ger stöd och kunskap till andra föräldrar i liknande situationer. Namnet speglar deras kamp mot samhällets bristande förståelse och upplevelsen av en modern häxjakt från skola, politiker och andra instanser. Dessutom vävs ...
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Familjebalanspodden - en podcast om NPF

AnnKatrin Noreliusson

I Familjebalans-podden kommer samtalen att handla om hur det kan vara att ha olika diagnoser som ADHD, OCD, Tourette, Aspergers m.fl samt om vad som kan vara bra att veta för dig som finns runt omkring. Jag arbetar som Kognitiv NPF-coach och föreläsare med ett brinnande intresse för NPF och psykisk hälsa.
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UR – Utbildningsradion

För alla som är intresserade av frågor som rör barn med neuropsykiatriska diagnoser. Psykologen Bo Hejlskov Elvén och logopeden Ulrika Aspeflo svarar på frågor och ger handledning om hur man kan hjälpa barn med särskilda behov.
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show series
Jacqueline är kuratorn som kämpar för att alla barn och ungdomar ska få känna tillhörighet och gemenskap i skolan. Alla har rätt till utbildning men det är inte alla som klarar att vara i skolmiljön och det av olika anledningar. Vi reder ut begreppen om hemmakämpare och hemmaliggare. Men vad är rätt benämning på elever med skolfrånvaro? För att vet…
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In our “Jesus Is” message series we’re taking a look at the many facets of Jesus through the book of Hebrews. With so many different definitions of Jesus floating around our culture today we wanted to give you a close look at how the Bible defines Him and see how that definition can actually change your life. No matter what your background or your …
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In our “Jesus Is” message series we’re taking a look at the many facets of Jesus through the book of Hebrews. With so many different definitions of Jesus floating around our culture today we wanted to give you a close look at how the Bible defines Him and see how that definition can actually change your life. No matter what your background or your …
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Ensuring the success of your nonprofit hinges on effectively capturing and maintaining donor attention and support. But when tackling tough issues that may take years or even decades to solve, how do you sustain donor engagement for the duration? In today's episode, we delve into strategies for keeping donors engaged on hard-to-solve issues through…
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In our “Jesus Is” message series we’re taking a look at the many facets of Jesus through the book of Hebrews. With so many different definitions of Jesus floating around our culture today we wanted to give you a close look at how the Bible defines Him and see how that definition can actually change your life. No matter what your background or your …
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Välkommen till första avsnittet av “Häxjakten på NPF-mammorna”! I denna debutepisod presenterar värdarna Sandra Lundin och Jessica Nilsson sig själva och delar sina personliga resor som ensamstående mammor till barn med neuropsykiatriska funktionsnedsättningar (NPF). De ger en inblick i vad lyssnarna kan förvänta sig av podcasten framöver. Sandra o…
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Jonna arbetar som Nepsycoach på Åland, desamma som npf-coach här i Sverige Nepsy är en annan förkortning för npf. NEuroPSYkiatriska funktionsnedsättningar. Hon har startat NPFbanken med massor av information om npf.Vi samtalar om vad som finns i npfbanken och hur hon arbetar med sina klienter. Hon arbetar till exempel med ångest, depression, panik,…
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In our “Jesus Is” message series we’re taking a look at the many facets of Jesus through the book of Hebrews. With so many different definitions of Jesus floating around our culture today we wanted to give you a close look at how the Bible defines Him and see how that definition can actually change your life. No matter what your background or your …
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In our “Jesus Is” message series we’re taking a look at the many facets of Jesus through the book of Hebrews. With so many different definitions of Jesus floating around our culture today we wanted to give you a close look at how the Bible defines Him and see how that definition can actually change your life. No matter what your background or your …
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In our “Jesus Is” message series we’re taking a look at the many facets of Jesus through the book of Hebrews. With so many different definitions of Jesus floating around our culture today we wanted to give you a close look at how the Bible defines Him and see how that definition can actually change your life. No matter what your background or your …
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In our “Jesus Is” message series we’re taking a look at the many facets of Jesus through the book of Hebrews. With so many different definitions of Jesus floating around our culture today we wanted to give you a close look at how the Bible defines Him and see how that definition can actually change your life. No matter what your background or your …
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För oss som lever nära någon med psykisk ohälsa behövs stöd för att vi ska orka den börda som vi bär. Särskilt då inte vårdapparaten är så bra på att fråga hur det går för oss. Anhörigstöd finns i många kommuner men inte i alla, där de finns ska vi ta kontakt för att få stöd. Martina och jag pratar om den situation vi anhöriga befinner oss i och de…
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In our “Jesus Is” message series we’re taking a look at the many facets of Jesus through the book of Hebrews. With so many different definitions of Jesus floating around our culture today we wanted to give you a close look at how the Bible defines Him and see how that definition can actually change your life. No matter what your background or your …
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Americans are losing confidence in higher education, alumni are carrying record level student debt loads, and charitable giving in general is shifting more towards social impact causes — all of which makes it harder for higher ed institutions to make their case for support. In today’s podcast episode, we look at strategies for higher ed fundraising…
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In our “Jesus Is” message series we’re taking a look at the many facets of Jesus through the book of Hebrews. With so many different definitions of Jesus floating around our culture today we wanted to give you a close look at how the Bible defines Him and see how that definition can actually change your life. No matter what your background or your …
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In our “Jesus Is” message series we’re taking a look at the many facets of Jesus through the book of Hebrews. With so many different definitions of Jesus floating around our culture today we wanted to give you a close look at how the Bible defines Him and see how that definition can actually change your life. No matter what your background or your …
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In our “Jesus Is” message series we’re taking a look at the many facets of Jesus through the book of Hebrews. With so many different definitions of Jesus floating around our culture today we wanted to give you a close look at how the Bible defines Him and see how that definition can actually change your life. No matter what your background or your …
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Join host Rich Frazier and guest Jarrett Ransom for a candid conversation on what it takes to be successful — and stay sane — in nonprofit fundraising. Jarrett shares insights from her 15-year journey as a consultant in the nonprofit sector, including her latest inspiration from the documentary "Uncharitable" featuring Dan Pallotta. Other topics in…
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This Easter Sunday Pastor Ken challenges us to not just believe that Jesus is King but coronate Him as King. There's a tendency in all of us to pretend to be on the throne of our own lives, but if the resurrection tells us anything it reminds us that there is a power much greater than we can possibly understand and we are not in control. Jesus is w…
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När jag vill prata med nån om särskilt stöd, anpassningar eller lågaffektivt bemötande då väljer jag gärna Annelie Karlsson. Hon vet vad hon pratar om. I detta avsnitt behandlar vi tydliggörande pedagogik i anpassad skola och LSS. Annelie är också huvudförfattare till boken med samma namn. Medförfattare är - Jennie Linde, Helena Molker Lovén och Da…
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A workforce shortage in the nonprofit industry is forcing many organizations to do more with less, resulting in stress and burnout that only worsens staff turnover. How can we expect nonprofits to go out and make the world a better place if the organizations themselves are not well? In today's episode, we take a deep dive into the topic of organiza…
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Messaging that engages your audience is the key to good fundraising, which in turn is what allows your organization to deliver the programs and services that impact your community. In today's episode, we examine the 5 essential elements of messaging, share real world examples of how to apply them, discuss pitfalls to watch out for, and more. Free 3…
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Guest Pastor Rudy Haygood delivers a special message on Luke 5:17-21, the story of the man carried by his friends to the feet of Jesus. Rudy challenges us to embrace faith needed to find healing and wholeness in Jesus. For more information about our church, visit To help support the ongoing work of NPFCC and our mission partners around th…
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Från gravid till småbarnsförälder med npf eller utan diagnosJag tyckte det var svårt att bli förälder, då visste jag inte att jag hade adhd och kanske lite extra svårt att hantera tillvaron när vi blev flera i familjen. I samtalet med Veronika och Johanna får jag veta hur det också kan vara för andra. Det var så givande att samtala med dem. Till N&…
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We all make decisions every day and those decisions determine the direction and ultimately the destination of our lives as well as the lives of those around us. Jesus came that we might have life and have it to the full. But the only way to experience life to the full is by deciding to follow Jesus and live a life on mission for His Kingdom. For mo…
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Vi vet att långvarig stress hos barn kan leda till att uppväxten blir svår och skoltiden känns omöjlig att orka med då behövs återhämtning och en värld där man får fylla på energierna. För vuxna är sjukskrivningar på grund av stress och psykiskt dåligt mående alltför vanlig idag. Häng med in och lyssna när Agneta och jag tar oss an detta viktiga äm…
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We all make decisions every day and those decisions determine the direction and ultimately the destination of our lives as well as the lives of those around us. Jesus came that we might have life and have it to the full. But the only way to experience life to the full is by deciding to follow Jesus and live a life on mission for His Kingdom. For mo…
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The percentage of individuals giving to nonprofits has reached its lowest point in 40 years. This "giving crisis" has led to an overreliance on major gifts that isn't sustainable for most nonprofits. In today's episode, we discuss why measuring donor relationships (not just revenue) must be a part of your fundraising plan, how to enroll your leader…
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We all make decisions every day and those decisions determine the direction and ultimately the destination of our lives as well as the lives of those around us. Jesus came that we might have life and have it to the full. But the only way to experience life to the full is by deciding to follow Jesus and live a life on mission for His Kingdom. For mo…
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We all make decisions every day and those decisions determine the direction and ultimately the destination of our lives as well as the lives of those around us. Jesus came that we might have life and have it to the full. But the only way to experience life to the full is by deciding to follow Jesus and live a life on mission for His Kingdom. For mo…
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Good donor relationships where supporters are engaged and satisfied with giving to your nonprofit can have a profound effect on the success of your organization. More than just ensuring financial support, meaningful relationships with donors foster trust, loyalty, and a sense of shared purpose. In today's episode, we will discuss common stewardship…
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This podcast is one in a series on prayer where we explore how prayer is the communication that keeps us connected, empowered, and growing in our relationship with God. Our hope is that this series helps you view and practice prayer in a brand new way. We also want to point you to a supplemental resource designed specifically for your LifeGroup to …
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Har du nån i din omgivning som varit nedstämd länge, då kan det vara dystymi. I detta avsnitt samtalar jag med Emelie Blad hon arbetar som psykolog på Mindler och träffar människor som blivit kvar i sin nedstämdhet. Välkommen in att lyssna!AnnKatrin Noreliusson
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This podcast is one in a series on prayer where we explore how prayer is the communication that keeps us connected, empowered, and growing in our relationship with God. Our hope is that this series helps you view and practice prayer in a brand new way. We also want to point you to a supplemental resource designed specifically for your LifeGroup to …
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