Es un sitio de donde las personas menos indicadas pueden dar noticias Autor: anigamstuff/
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Danna’s stuff
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Three people talking about stuff.
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Cine, TV, Series & stuff, desde Santiago de Chile; Visita nuestra web
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Welcome to El Section! English/Spanish interviews, Music, and a bunch of cool stuff.
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Saludos a todos!!! Aqui estaremos comentando mucho sobre el mundo del gaming sin pelos en la lengua!!! De esas cosas de las que la masa no habla pero son importantes saber!!! Y otras cosas mas!!! Hi everybody!!! Here we will be talking a lot about the gaming world straight up as it is!!! Of those stuff that the media reall T dont talk about but are important to know!!! And other stuff too!!!
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Queremos hacer el concepto de SYSK (Stuff you should know) en español, semana a semana te explicamos temas cotidianos que deberías saber, como si tuvieras 5 años.
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We create stories and take them all the way through pre-production...but not to production or post-production cuz we broke!!! But that is not stoping us from sharing all the cool stuff we write! So sit back and enjoy our awesome stories!
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Tu nuevo podcast favorito, conducido por tu friendly neighboorhood @EsauWashu, Mr. @Chachacharly, praising the sun since 1984, y Starfire herself, @AriTorrey. Aquí te mantenemos al día en videojuegos y geek stuff, y nos cagamos de risa entre fam (tú incluido), para que no se te olvide por qué amas ser gamer. Welcome home, madafakas. Nuevos episodios todas las semanas.
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FREE English course! Each class is about a specific expression, a few specific words or a grammatical structure and is divided into 4 tracks. In each track the things you're learning are repeated again and again but with different dynamics so you don't get bored! Track 1: Explanation (use, examples, common mistakes) Track 2: Conversation (hear the words in context in a conversation, followed by analysis) Track 3: Interesting Stuff! (a short presentation about a topic) Track 4: Translation Ch ...
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🧟 Nerds, EXPERTOS EN CINE BIZARRO 🧛 En vivo Jueves 22.30 hs Instagram live @alfilesrv 💀 Nos gusta la buena música 🤘 Charlamos en vivo con diferentes figuras
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PUT WHAT YOU'VE LEARNED TO THE TEST! Practise various uses of 'work' and 'job', plus some other vocabulary from the previous 2 parts of the class. GOOD LUCK!
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Primer junte del grupo!!!! Checking how is the sound so we can to the necessary adjustments and get this going!!!!!
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Job vs. Work - 02 - Conversation
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14:29Conversation to continue practising 'job' and 'work'! Plus 'to keep getting', 'if I were you', 'fall asleep' and 'miss' vs. 'lose'. I also give you lots of advice regarding how native speakers pronounce naturally, how we combine words and more. Like my classes? Please consider treating me to a coffee! No profile necessary, super quick and easy: htt…
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Job vs. Work - 01 - Explanation
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11:21'Job' or 'work'?!?! It can be really confusing, so here I explain HOW AND WHEN TO USE THEM, with COMMON MISTAKES, lots of EXAMPLES (or 'loads' of examples - which I explain in the episode) and an interactive section to test your VERBAL AGILITY! One use that I forgot to add is that 'job' can also be used to express 'task'. I'll cover this in the nex…
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Test your skills with 'although', 'though', 'even though' and 'even if'! Also review some of the vocabulary and pronunciation you have heard in the previous tracks. You'll have 5 seconds to translate into English to see if all of this has STUCK - Good luck! More info: If you want to support …
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Learn about a hero that very few people know about who probably saved the world from Nuclear war in the 60s! Keep practising 'although', 'even though', 'though' and 'even if' and learn some great vocabulary such as 'the Navy', 'aircraft carrier', 'to pursue', 'almost certainly' and 'to break out', plus a use of 'to pick up' related to receiving sig…
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Although, Though, Even Though, Even if - 02 - Conversation
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10:26Check out this conversation with lots of uses of 'although', 'even though' and 'even if'. You'll learn how to use lots of great vocab (pick up, cab, beat, to be on and to have some faith) plus you'll work on your comprehension skills. Enjoy! More info: If you want to support me and help me m…
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Although, Though, Even Though, Even if - 01 - Explanation
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11:08Learn how to use 'although', 'even though', 'even if' and 'though'!! Learn how to use them, how to avoid common mistakes and get a real feeling for how we use them with lots of natural examples in different contexts. Also, see how well you can use them with the interactive 'Sentence Builder'!More info:…
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Test yourself 'before' and 'after' with the gerund - an other things that have come up over the last three tracks! Let's see if you've eliminated the common mistakes and learnt some vocabulary! Good luck! More info: If you want to support me and help me make contents more often, then you can 'buy me a c…
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Hear lots of interesting facts about a famous Hollywood actor that you probably didn't know! You will keep hearing 'before + __ing' and 'after + ___ing' and a lot of other useful vocabulary. Enjoy! More info: If you want to support me and help me make contents more often, then you can 'buy me a coffee' …
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Before and After Plus Gerund- 02 - Conversation
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14:14Interesting conversation with lots of vocabulary, lots of useful pronunciation and comprehension advice and lots of 'before + gerund' and 'after + gerund'! More info: If you want to support me and help me make contents more often, then you can 'buy me a coffee' here:…
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Learn how to use 'before' + gerund and 'after' + gerund - useful structures! Make sure you never make the common mistakes again! Practise the structures with the interactive 'Sentence Builder' and hear them plus lots of useul vocabulary in loads of examples. More info: If you want to support me and hel…
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Test yourself on 'be into' and '-wise', plus other things that have come up in the Translation Challenge! You have 5 seconds to translate from Spanish to English - Good luck! More info: If you want to support me and help me make contents more often, then you can 'buy me a coffee' here: https://www.buymeacof…
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Here I talk about the fascinating origins of Rastafarianism and discuss some of the less well-known facts about the followers of the belief. Throughout the audio I continue to repeat examples of 'be into' and '-wise'. More info: If you want to support me and help me make contents more often, then you can 'b…
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To Be Into and the suffix '-Wise' - 02 - Conversation
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16:06Keep practising 'to be into' and the suffix '-wise', this time in a challenging conversation between two native speakers. After the conversation I'll break down and analyse the material, including how we combine sounds when speaking naturally. You'll learn lots of vocabulary, structures and more and, when you hear the conversation again at the end …
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Learn how to use the phrasal verb 'to be into' to express likes and interests, and the suffix '-wise' to express 'relating to'. Lots of examples, advice on usage and an opportunity to improve your speaking with the sentence builder! More info: If you want to support me and help me make contents more often, …
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FREE English course! Each class is about a specific expression, a few specific words or a grammatical structure and is divided into 4 tracks. In each track the things you're learning are repeated again and again but with different dynamics so you don't get bored! Track 1: Explanation (use, examples, common mistakes)Track 2: Conversation (hear the w…
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How well have you learnt 'to be on the ball' and 'to struggle'!? And the other vocabulary from the last three tracks? Find out by taking the Translation Challenge! You have five seconds to translate from Spanish to English - GOOD LUCK!! More info: If you want to support me and help me make contents …
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Here I talk about the effects of caffeine on memory and attention, all the while repeating 'on the ball' and 'struggle' to keep reinforcing them! More info: If you want to support me and help me make contents more often, then you can 'buy me a coffee' here: It…
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On the Ball and Struggle - 02 - Conversation
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16:45Here you continue to hear 'to be on the ball' and 'to struggle' again and again but this time in a conversation. The conversation is quite challenging and full of other, useful things. After the conversation I analyse and teach the most important things. Then you listen to the conversation again and you should understand it better! More info: https…
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On the Ball and Struggle - 01 - Explanation
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10:50Explanation of how to use 'to be on the ball' and 'to struggle'. I explain what they mean, when to use them, common mistakes and common uses. There's an interactive 'sentence builder' and lots of examples in different contexts. Listen and enjoy! More info: If you want to support me and help me make …
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Episode Notes FREE English course! Each class is about a specific expression, a few specific words or a grammatical structure and is divided into 4 tracks.In each track the things you're learning are repeated again and again but with different dynamics so you don't get bored! Track 1: Explanation (use, examples, common mistakes)Track 2: Conversatio…
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Episode Notes ¡Curso de inglés GRATIS! Cada clase trata sobre una expresión específica, unas palabras concretas o una estructura gramatical y se divide en 4 pistas.¡En cada pista se repite lo que estás aprendiendo una y otra vez pero con diferentes dinámicas para que no te aburras! Pista 1: Explicación (uso, ejemplos, errores comunes)Pista 2: Conve…
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Level 4-10: PS5 Y Xbox Series X, un año después
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1:41:52Además del chisme de la semana, les traemos algunas opiniones de la next gen a un añito de que se estrenaron. ¿A ustedes qué les han parecido? SUSCRÍBANSE AL CANAL:
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Level 4-H1: Juegos que se ven cute pero no lo son
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1:19:14Empezamos nuestros especiales de Halloween como cada año, y arrancamos con este listado que ya les habíamos adelantado: los juegos que se ven cute pero que están retorcidones en el fondo... justo por si querían opciones para jugar en estas fechas. Y as usual, uno que otro chismecin. SUSCRÍBANSE AL CANAL:…
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Level 4-9: Gamersouls - A 10 años de Dark Souls
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1:28:58Bien lo advertimos que nos cambiaríamos el nombre a GamerSouls y ahí la llevamos. Nos queda de lujo que justo esta semana se cumplieron 10 años de que Miyazaki se rifó con una saga que haría historia. OBVI aquí platicamos de todo lo referente a esto y hasta una historia de Hidetaka les contamos. Of cors que no faltaron las notitas y chismes relevan…
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Level 4-8: Los bosses más ¿raros?
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1:20:10Volvimos con chismes y un temita raro, y esta vez no se trata de cuáles jefes están más cabrones de pasar sino cuales están más fumados. Por eso quisimos mencionar a los que tienen las transformaciones más random que neta te hacen imaginar de cuál se fumaron los directivos de estos estudios, y por qué vergas no invitan n_n…
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Level 4-7: Las hazañas gamers más IMPRESIONATIs
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1:34:14Y es que como Zague, así dijimos cuando vimos a estos pinches loquitos hacer madres casi imposibles, también hubo otros que más bien nos dieron penita, como todos los simps en Twitch que regalan varo, pero cada quien. Como siempre, dejen su comments y suscríbanse también en Spoti, Apple Podcasts y Google Podcasts. SUSCRÍBANSE AL CANAL: https://www.…
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