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Mentre Morivo

Marica Esposito e Stefano DM

Mentre Morivo - Storie misteriose di donne uccise è un podcast Spreaker Prime scritto e narrato da Marica Esposito con l'editing di Stefano DM. Seguici su Instagram: @mentremorivo_podcast
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Growing mentally stronger will change your life and therapist Amy Morin wants to show you how to make it happen. Amy Morin is a psychotherapist and the author of the 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do series, which have been translated into more than 45 languages and sold over a million copies. Her TEDx talk, The Secret of Becoming Mentally Strong,” is one of the most viewed talks of all time with over 24 million views. She’s a speaker and corporate trainer who teaches companies like ...
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Moriel Ministries


Moriel Ministries is active in the area of discernment withstanding the popular apostasy in the contemporary church that The Word of God warns would precede the return of Jesus. We remain firmly aligned to the conviction that contemporary events in The Middle East , Europe, and in the church make the present time in history different from other eras when people thought it was the last days. We affirm the belief that Jesus is coming again and prophecy of His return is radically being fulfille ...
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MASZ & Moritz


Spitzenkandidatin Dr. Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann und MdEP Moritz Körner diskutieren über aktuelle politische Ereignisse und Besonderheiten der EU-Politik. Sie schaffen tiefe und oft humorvolle Einsicht in politische Geschehnisse und Kuriositäten der europäischen Politik und den Wahlkampf. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Esenciales Podcast con Morice Paris

Morice Paris

Podcast para platicar y filosofar sobre la vida, ayudarte a ser Fiel a Tu Esencia, motivarte a que vivas tu pasión, seas tu mejor versión y disfrutes tu vida al máximo. Hablaremos de temas como: motivación, desarrollo personal, bienestar, amor propio y de la vida en general. Suscríbete y escucha los nuevos episodios semanales. Por favor, califica y escribe una reseña si te gusta el Podcast. Recuerda ser siempre FIEL A TU ESENCIA.
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Dans Il n’y a pas qu’une vie dans la vie, Isabelle Morizet dévoile les multiples facettes des personnalités du monde artistique. Pendant une heure, ses invités, tels que Carla Bruni-Sarkozy, Frédéric Mitterrand ou Michel Fugain, partagent leurs parcours de vie et leurs inspirations. Bien plus qu’une simple interview, chaque épisode est une plongée au cœur de leurs confidences et révélations. À travers des entretiens exclusifs, Isabelle explore leurs chemins vers le succès, leurs transformati ...
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Dieser Podcast von Unternehmensberater Moritz Neuhaus ist für alle, die mehr über richtig gute Unternehmensberatung wissen möchten! IN. behandelt Tipps zu Einstieg, Gehalt und Bewerbung. UP! steht für Projektmanagement, Verkauf und Kommunikation. Also alles, was erstklassige Unternehmensberatung ausmacht. OUT? behandelt den nächsten Schritt der Karriere zu Kunden oder eigenen Projekten. In diesem Podcast spreche ich mit einer Bandbreite an Menschen aus der Beratungswelt. Von jungen Managemen ...
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Igreja Batista Moriá


A Igreja Batista Moriá foi organizada dia 29 de abril de 1983. Ao longo desses anos muitas vidas têm sido edificadas nesse lugar. Fidelidade à Palavra de Deus tem sido nosso compromisso, pois a Palavra limpa, purifica e produz mudanças no caráter, no modo de ser, falar e agir de cada um individualmente. Louvamos a Deus pela vida de homens e mulheres comprometidos e apaixonados por Jesus, que têm edificado sua casa na Rocha e entendido que a força está na união, na soma do melhor de cada um. ...
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Schmatz & Moritz

Manuel & Raphael

Essen kann Menschen verbinden, die Politik in der Landwirtschaft kann Menschen zerstreiten: Wir versuchen mit unserem Podcast die Begeisterung für die Schweizer Landwirtschaft und den Zusammenhang zum Essen zu wecken. Habt ihr euch auch schon gefragt, wie die Milch in euren Kühlschrank kommt? Wie Direktzahlungen wirklich funktioniert? Was welches Label bedeutet und ob die Supermärkte bei Bio Produkten wirklich mehr verdienen? Dann seid ihr hier genau richtig!
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Conversation With Alanis Morissette

Alanis Morissette

Conversations with different individuals from different schools and walks of life discussing everything from psychology to art to spirituality to design to health and well-being, to relationships (whether they be romantic or colleagueship or parent with children relationships). Alanis will dive into science, neurobiology, music, travel, social commentary, maybe a tiny bit of political, and feminism (which Alanis likes to call "the Feminine Movement in both Males and Females Alike") the conve ...
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MoriwOki Motor


Emisora temática del motor: Coches, motos, competición, técnica, seguridad vial, industria... Seas aficionado o usuario, esta es tu radio. 100% entretenimiento en radio. Escuchanos on line en Cadena motor. Siguenos en nuestra web donde Motociclismo y Literatura se unen:
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The Morico Show

Ken Morico

Listen to The Morico Show for business growth, personal productivity, and mindset tactics. Expert guests and monologues by Ken Morico with actionable insights tailored for new economy innovators harmoniously integrating work + personal aspects to achieve a fulfilling life.
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Welcome to Purposeful Pivots with Dr. Larry Crudup! We are glad you joined us. Tune in to be inspired, encouraged, and equipped to embrace the autonomy of a cheerful giver in your own life. Dr. Crudup delves into the profound spiritual and practical implications of giving with a joyful heart, exploring how it fosters a deeper connection with God and community. For more enriching content, connect with us on social media: Facebook Instagram YouTube Join us on this journey to discover the joy a ...
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Soy Laurentiu Pandele, fotógrafo especializado en capturar la emoción del mundo motero, pero también en inmortalizar momentos únicos en eventos, bodas y en el mundo gastronómico. Además, como community manager, ayudo a marcas y profesionales a destacar su imagen en el mundo digital. En este podcast vamos a hablar de motos y fotografía, dos pasiones que se cruzan en mi día a día. Compartiré experiencias, consejos y anécdotas sobre cómo capturar la esencia del motociclismo, ya sea en plena acc ...
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show series
Jacob discusses how Job's trials parallel Christ's first coming - His life, death, and resurrection. This teaching was originally taught on RTN TV's "Word for the Weekend" on July 20, 2024 and can be found on RTN and Moriel's YouTube and ministry channels. Word for the Weekend streams live every Saturday.…
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En este episodio te llevo de vuelta a mis inicios en la fotografía. Desde las primeras veces que sostuve una cámara hasta los momentos clave que me hicieron dar el salto a profesional. Errores, aprendizajes y anécdotas que marcaron el camino. Si estás empezando en la fotografía o simplemente te gusta este mundo, ¡acompáñame en esta charla sobre los…
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Personal growth isn't about a monumental overnight transformation. Instead, it's a series of small consistent actions that shape us over time. Some of the things I share are: The psychology and science behind the compound effect How micro wins can boost confidence and lead to significant success The science behind tiny habits The biggest mistake th…
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#CuentosDelPortal es nuestro club de lectura dedicado a #libros de #StarTrek Hoy empezamos el primer libro de la #DominionWar ¡leelo con nosotros! ------------------------------------------------- Ayudanos a bancar esta locura comprándonos un cafecito en: ⁠⁠⁠⁠ Buscanos nuestras redes:…
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Seguimos el repaso por la miniserie de #dccomics dedicada a #StarTrek The Next Generation en 1988. 🤢¿El peor comic de star trek? 🤢 Cuando la navidad se celebra en el Enterprise, ni Picard puede salvarnos de uno de los peores guiones que sufrimos hasta el momento. 🤦‍♂️ ------------------------------------------------- Ayudanos a bancar esta locura c…
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💥Vuelve #RemerasRojas con su 7ma temporada 💥 Y empezamos con todo, en el mes dedicado al gran #WilliamShatnerHoy les traemos en #ElCapituloDeLaSemana una de sus ¿mejores? actuaciones ------------------------------------------------- Ayudanos a bancar esta locura comprándonos un cafecito en: ⁠⁠⁠⁠…
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Transmissão ao vivo do Culto de Adoração ao nosso Deus, realizado na Igreja Batista Moriá. Compartilhe com seus amigos!Esperamos sua visita: Avenida Rio Doce, 217 - Ilha dos Araújos - Governador Valadares/MG - Telefone:(33) 3275-3289 Nossa Programação: Quarta-feira: 20h Culto da Vitória Sábado: 19h Espaço Jovem Domingo: 09h Escola Bíblica Dominical…
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Transmissão ao vivo do Culto de Adoração ao nosso Deus, realizado na Igreja Batista Moriá. Compartilhe com seus amigos!Esperamos sua visita: Avenida Rio Doce, 217 - Ilha dos Araújos - Governador Valadares/MG - Telefone:(33) 3275-3289 Nossa Programação: Quarta-feira: 20h Culto da Vitória Sábado: 19h Espaço Jovem Domingo: 09h Escola Bíblica Dominical…
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Transmissão ao vivo do Culto de Adoração ao nosso Deus, realizado na Igreja Batista Moriá. Compartilhe com seus amigos!Esperamos sua visita: Avenida Rio Doce, 217 - Ilha dos Araújos - Governador Valadares/MG - Telefone:(33) 3275-3289 Nossa Programação: Quarta-feira: 20h Culto da Vitória Sábado: 19h Espaço Jovem Domingo: 09h Escola Bíblica Dominical…
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Do you feel awkward in video meetings? Do your text messages get misunderstood? Do you worry about the tone you convey in your emails? Virtual communication can be tricky — unless you know the strategies to master it. Professor Andrew Brodsky says virtual communication can help us grow closer and get more done once we understand the science behind …
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A fé em Jesus transforma radicalmente nossa vida. Nesse relato de Marcos podemos conhecer a fé que remove barreiras por meio da amizade, do perdão e de uma nova vida. Pregação do Rev. David Horta no Culto do dia 09 de março de 2025 na Igreja Presbiteriana Moriah em Americana-SP.
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Dr. Lutz Mieschke hat mit MHP und Porsche eine der erfolgreichsten Beratungen Deutschlands aufgebaut. Porsche, IBM, SAP – alles große Namen in seiner Geschichte. Heute startet er mit der dbeyond ag neu und wächst auch da rasant mit mittlerweile 130 Leute in nur acht Monaten. Warum klassische Hierarchien für ihn gescheitert sind, was Unternehmer in …
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durée : 00:03:31 - Le Billet de Daniel Morin - par : Daniel Morin - 61% des Français se disent favorables au retour du service militaire. Commençons par les membres du gouvernement... avec un parcours du combattant installé dans les jardins de l'Elysée.Daniel Morin
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durée : 00:03:31 - Le Billet de Daniel Morin - par : Daniel Morin - 61% des Français se disent favorables au retour du service militaire. Commençons par les membres du gouvernement... avec un parcours du combattant installé dans les jardins de l'Elysée.Daniel Morin
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Catching Up With Jacob is political commentary from a Biblical perspective. Join Davy, David and Sandy as they discuss today's hot topics. The rest of the team is in Israel filming the documentary. Aired live on 3/07/2025 on MorielTV, RTNTV, YouTube and Rumble.MorielTV
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Un entretien d'une heure avec un invité, pour faire tomber le masque et révéler les mille facettes de sa personnalité. Au fil de la conversation, Isabelle Morizet recueille les confidences et retrace alors une destinée entière, au-delà des évidences.Europe 1
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Jacob discusses the times we're living in and just how close to the end we are. This teaching was originally taught on RTN TV's "Word for the Weekend" on June 15, 2024 and can be found on RTN and Moriel's YouTube and ministry channels. Word for the Weekend streams live every Saturday.MorielTV
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Seguimos viajando por la serie que dividió las aguas en el fandom.¿Es #StarTrekDiscovery una serie hecha para la #NuevaGeneración o para los viejos #Trekkies?Para eso un trekkie generación X se junta con dos generación Z para ver episodios de esta serie y analizarla con muchas referencias a otras series o franquicias, risas, enojos e indignación.En…
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Are social media influencers shaping how we view mental health—for better or worse? The growing trend of "Instagram therapy" is distorting what it truly means to heal and grow. From oversimplified “self-love” advice to outright inaccuracies, it's important to learn the truth about what’s helpful, what’s harmful, and how to develop real mental stren…
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