Patrick Cohen, l'éditorialiste politique qui s'invite chaque matin à la table du petit déjeuner Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir tous les autres épisodes.
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L'actualité économique décryptée par Dominique Seux Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir tous les autres épisodes.
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The Lions Led By Donkeys podcast is a military history podcast for laughing at the worst military failures, inept commanders, and crazy stories from throughout the history of human conflict. Our podcast will always be free, but if you think what we do is worth a buck you can throw us one here:
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Du lundi au vendredi, Guillaume Tabard décrypte l’actualité politique à 8h12. Pour ne rater aucun épisode de l'Edito Politique, n'hésitez pas à vous abonner. Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
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Chaque semaine, la rédaction fait le point sur l'actualité de la semaine.
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Dyktige ledere snakker om ledelse. Vert er Ole Christian Apeland, en av Norges mest erfarne kommunikasjonsrådgivere. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Where established entrepreneurs come to feel even more alive so you grow faster and with more fun
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The Ledger Actors Workshop (LAW), a part of the Audible Local Ledger ( non-profit reading service, presents various public domain readings of suspense, comedy and drama to people who are Blind or Print disabled.
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Chaque dimanche, un journaliste du "Journal du dimanche" livre son édito dans Europe 1 Matin week-end. Distribué par Audiomeans. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
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We share stories of how the blood of Jesus has transformed ours and others' lives.
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South Carolina Lede is a podcast about the people, issues, and events shaping the Palmetto State. Join host Gavin Jackson and reporters from across the state each week for in-depth discussions of the biggest news affecting you, your family, and your fellow South Carolinians – from state politics and legislative happenings inside the state house to the ongoing effects of the pandemic and more. It’s the factual and timely information you need, with a dash of irreverent fun to keep it all inter ...
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I en verden preget av raske endringer og komplekse utfordringer utforsker vi hvordan tillit mellom mennesker er nøkkelen til suksess. I vår podcast møter du toppledere og eksperter som deler innsikt om hvordan de skaper resultater gjennom tillitsbasert ledelse. Vi tar for oss hvordan gode ledere styrker strategien, bygger en samarbeidskultur og mobiliserer mennesker til å skape bærekraftige resultater – uansett om det gjelder innovasjon, teknologi, sikkerhet eller organisasjonsutvikling. Bli ...
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Du lundi au vendredi, François Vidal décrypte l’actualité économique à 7h12. Pour ne rater aucun épisode de L'édito économique de François Vidal, n'hésitez pas à vous abonner. Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
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This is The Lede, the New Lines Magazine podcast. Each week, we delve into the biggest ideas, events and personalities from around the world. For more stories from New Lines, visit our website,
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Podcast about local economic development and placemaking. Co-hosted by Mike Spicer of PolicyDepartment and David Marlow of Third Life Economics. Mike, David and guests address the divisive, often unspoken issues facing economic development professionals in 2020s Britain. Website:
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🥇 Norges mest hørte ukentlige podcast om ledelse. Med organisasjonspsykolog Tor Åge Eikerapen fra Execu. Execu hjelper organisasjoner å utvikle enda bedre ledere og ledergrupper. Meld deg på vårt ukentlige nyhetsbrev: Spørsmål, tips eller innspill:
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Chaque matin, du lundi au vendredi, Etienne Gernelle décortique l'actualité politique sur RTL. Avec son expertise des affaires publiques, il analyse les enjeux du moment, mêlant rigueur et impertinence, le tout avec une touche de légèreté. Un rendez-vous incontournable. Distribué par Audiomeans. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
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Ledger is the gold standard of security in the crypto space. Our hardware wallets are essential for anyone wanting to take control of their digital value. At the heart of this ecosystem, Ledger connects you with everything in the digital assets space, providing access to services and freedom from compromise on security, ownership or user experience. On 'The Ledger Podcast', we have conversations with some of the most interesting thought leaders in crypto, cybersecurity and culture to discuss ...
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Bertrand Henne réalise l'exercice de l'édito politique et décrypte l’actualité politique belge et les grands débats de société. Une chronique indispensable pour mieux comprendre le pouvoir en Belgique. Avec un œil critique et accessible, la politique belge n’aura plus de secret pour vous. Ce podcast remet en perspective les concepts de nationalisme, libéralisme, socialisme, écologie politique, communisme. Il analyse les discussions concernant les sujets à l'agenda du gouvernement et du Parle ...
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Fra Ekspert til Leder er en podkast av Kjetil Helliesen. Kjetil Helliesen, brenner for å hjelpe mennesker som vil skape glede og inspirasjon i sin hverdag. Og ikke minst hvordan bli en bedre leder? Vi skal i denne podkasten, ha flere gjester om både vanskelige og positive sider med det å være leder. Og ikke minst, ta den dype samtalen. Hos oss skal du få samtaler til refleksjon og ettertanke. Ønsker Dere å annonsere i podkasten er vår mail :
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Everyone’s favorite intuitive, Nikki Novo shares her insights about soul-led living. Tune in each week to hear Nikki’s intuitive insights and to receive spiritual guidance for your everyday challenges.
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Ledger is a podcast about the craft of writing, from novels to non-fiction to computer code! Stories are an essential part of life. We need them so we seek them out in every way possible. Ledger features interviews with writers across formats and genres to focus on the craft itself, the thoughts and actions that led to stories being written. How do writers deliver the words from their heads and out into the world for others to find? Give the show a listen!
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In this podcast, Finn Thormeier, Founder of Project 33, shares the best Founder-Led Marketing strategies & playbooks from CEOs & Founders. Prior guests include Jason Fried, Henry Schuck, Megan Bowen, Guillaume Moubeche, Josh Braun, Todd Busler, Peter Caputa, Chris Walker, Greg Head, Adam Robinson, Gal Aga, Alina Vandenbergh, Alec Paul, Melissa Kwan and many more. Key Topics: Demand Gen, SaaS Growth, B2B Marketing, B2B Content, Linkedin, Personal Branding, Founder Branding.
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The Audible Local Ledger, a non-profit organization, reads local news and information to several hundred blind and print disabled listeners on the Cape, Islands and South Coast of Massachusetts. Along with our Sero Phone app, smart speakers, specially tuned SCA receivers and cable streams, our podcasts are yet another channel we employ to bring our blind listeners their community and regional news 24/7/365. More info is available at:
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We explore the intersection between customer experience (CX), employee experience (EX), and how companies are creating leaders and cultures that are maniacal about their customers - both internal and external. Visit us on
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Lederskap er en podkast fra NHH – Norges ledende fagmiljø innen strategi og ledelse. Professor Therese Egeland og forsker Tellef Solbakk Raabe inviterer kloke gjester for å diskutere aktuelle tema og relevant forskning. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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La webradio de l'Éducation
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Hvad kræver det at blive en god erhvervsleder? Og hvordan får Danmark flere kvinder i ledelse? I Mod til at lede undersøger kvinder fra det danske erhvervsliv netop disse spørgsmål. Podcasten er sponsoreret af Mercedes-Benz.
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Praktiske tips for å bli en bedre leder. Er du en leder eller toppleder i dag? Eller kanskje du aspirerer til å bli det? I denne podcasten intervjuer Alexander Haneng ledere og eksperter og gir deg praktiske tips til hvordan bli en bedre leder.
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Hosted by Leon and JR, we break down the biggest trends in blockchain, digital assets, and decentralized finance—unpacking how they shape industries, economies, and society. From short-form insights to in-depth interviews with experts, we cut through the noise to bring you what matters in the evolving world of crypto.
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Vincent Hervouët vous propose une analyse détaillée des grands enjeux mondiaux. À travers son édito, il explore les conflits, les diplomaties et les stratégies des acteurs internationaux, offrant une perspective unique sur les dynamiques géopolitiques, la sécurité mondiale et les crises internationales. Découvrez des analyses approfondies sur la guerre en Ukraine, les tensions globales et les enjeux géoéconomiques pour mieux comprendre notre monde interconnecté. Distribué par Audiomeans. Vis ...
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The Ledge, n: slang for the legislature. Mostly used by members of the legislative press gallery. On the Ledge posts weekly when the Ontario Legislature is sitting. But there have been times when we've had to "recall" the Ledge for an emergency session to address pressing matters of Ontario politics when Queen's Park isn't sitting! Our OTL team includes former Ontario Premier, Kathleen Wynne, former Progressive Conservative Leader, (and Wynne's erstwhile parliamentary sparring partner), Tim ...
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euradio est une radio associative, citoyenne et indépendante qui émet dans la région de Nantes en FM depuis 2007, en DAB+ à Paris, Marseille, Lyon, Lille, Strasbourg, Bordeaux, Toulouse, Nice, Rouen, Le Havre, Saint-Nazaire, La Roche-sur-Yon et partout en Europe et dans le monde sur Retrouvez-nous prochainement à Bruxelles, Tours, Orléans, Rennes et Angers. euradio est la première radio européenne généraliste et indépendante en France.
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Prise de position et réflexion sur l’actualité, l’éditorial du Figaro est le rendez-vous incontournable de votre journal quotidien avec nos éditorialistes Alexis Brezet, Laurence de Charette, Philippe Gélie , Gaëtan de Capèle, Yves Thréard, Vincent Tremolet de Villers, Etienne de Montéty. Retrouvez-le tous les matins en podcast sur le site du Figaro et sur les plateformes Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Deezer et Amazon Music Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour ...
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How Michael Maximoff Scaled Belkins to $15M: Retention, Pricing & Profitability
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37:30Michael Maximoff co-founded Belkins, a $15M/year appointment-setting agency that’s grown into one of the most efficient and well-run ops in the space. Alongside the agency, Michael also helped launch Folderly, a SaaS product born out of Belkins' internal needs. In this episode, Michael shares why retention is the real growth lever for agencies, how…
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How to be an effective place champion: lessons in tech-led economic development from Cambridge Ahead
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43:02David and Mike explore Cambridge's tech-led economic development, its role as a global tech hub, and the challenges and opportunities of being a focus of national growth plans. Joined by Dan Thorp, CEO of Cambridge Ahead, they discuss lessons for other city regions and how non-governmental place champions like CA can effectively promote their succe…
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219. Messages About Your To-Do List
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26:35Enjoy the episode!Nikki Novo
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Takeaways: Engaging in romantic endeavors can evoke profound emotions, revealing one's capacity for love. The experience of giddiness and excitement can signify a deeper connection with oneself and others. Disappointment in romantic encounters may lead to introspection and a renewed sense of hope. Encountering unexpected emotions during dates can i…
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Episode 355 - The Turtle, The World's First Combat Submarine
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1:12:35Liveshow tickets are now available for April 11th in London: tickets are also available for those who can't make it:…
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The MCB Community Update: Laurie Korazcyk, Program Supervisor, MCB Vending Facilities Program
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28:56This reading is intended solely for People who are Blind and/or Print-Disabled. The Audible Local Ledger, a non-profit organization that is part of the Massachusetts Audio Information Network, reads local news and information to several hundred blind and print disabled listeners on the Cape, Islands and South Coast of Massachusetts. Along with our …
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Wareham Week - Friday, 3-28-25 - Part of the High School Seniors Read 2 Seniors Program
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26:31This reading is part of the SR2S (Seniors Read to Seniors) Program and is intended solely for People who are Blind and/or Print-Disabled. The Audible Local Ledger, a non-profit organization that is part of the Massachusetts Audio Information Network, reads local news and information to several hundred blind and print disabled listeners on the Cape,…
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Supermarket Shopping Guides For Friday, 3-28-25 From The Talking Information Center
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1:58:50Approximately 15 minute readings of grocery shopping circulars for Hannaford, Trucchi's, Market Basket, Big Y, Roche Brothers, Shaw's/Star, Stop & Shop and Whole Foods.Audible Local Ledger
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The Sandwich Enterprise - Friday, 3-28-25
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59:54This reading is intended solely for People who are Blind and/or Print-Disabled. The Audible Local Ledger, a non-profit organization that is part of the Massachusetts Audio Information Network, reads local news and information to several hundred blind and print disabled listeners on the Cape, Islands and South Coast of Massachusetts. Along with our …
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The Mashpee Enterprise - Friday, 3-28-25
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58:07This reading is intended solely for People who are Blind and/or Print-Disabled. The Audible Local Ledger, a non-profit organization that is part of the Massachusetts Audio Information Network, reads local news and information to several hundred blind and print disabled listeners on the Cape, Islands and South Coast of Massachusetts. Along with our …
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This reading is intended solely for People who are Blind and/or Print-Disabled. The Audible Local Ledger, a non-profit organization that is part of the Massachusetts Audio Information Network, reads local news and information to several hundred blind and print disabled listeners on the Cape, Islands and South Coast of Massachusetts. Along with our …
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The Cape Cod Times - Friday, 3-28-25
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58:39This reading is intended solely for People who are Blind and/or Print-Disabled. The Audible Local Ledger, a non-profit organization that is part of the Massachusetts Audio Information Network, reads local news and information to several hundred blind and print disabled listeners on the Cape, Islands and South Coast of Massachusetts. Along with our …
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The Falmouth Enterprise - Friday, 3-28-25
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57:56This reading is intended solely for People who are Blind and/or Print-Disabled. The Audible Local Ledger, a non-profit organization that is part of the Massachusetts Audio Information Network, reads local news and information to several hundred blind and print disabled listeners on the Cape, Islands and South Coast of Massachusetts. Along with our …
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The Bourne Enterprise - Friday, 3-28-25
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57:52This reading is intended solely for People who are Blind and/or Print-Disabled. The Audible Local Ledger, a non-profit organization that is part of the Massachusetts Audio Information Network, reads local news and information to several hundred blind and print disabled listeners on the Cape, Islands and South Coast of Massachusetts. Along with our …
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The Barnstable Patriot - Friday, 3-28-25
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58:50This reading is intended solely for People who are Blind and/or Print-Disabled. The Audible Local Ledger, a non-profit organization that is part of the Massachusetts Audio Information Network, reads local news and information to several hundred blind and print disabled listeners on the Cape, Islands and South Coast of Massachusetts. Along with our …
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Donald Trump TARIFFIES the Auto Sector
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49:23The Useful Idiot is at it again. Whether he was simply trying to distract from the Signal App scandal in Washington or is Trump deliberately asserting himself into the federal election campaign in Canada, the 25% tariffs on the auto sector caught Doug Ford off guard. And it appears to be the final nail in the Can-Am relationship. In this edition of…
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The Real Impact of USAID Cuts on Africa
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46:54On this episode of Global Insights on The Lede, economist James Shikwati and New Lines’ North Africa Editor Erin Brown consider the impact of drastic cuts to American aid in Africa with host Kwangu Liwewe, and wonder what the continent’s future might look like without such aid. Produced by Finbar Anderson…
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Dans cet épisode, le journaliste Vincent Trémolet de Villers analyse en profondeur le réquisitoire du procureur financier contre l'ancien président Nicolas Sarkozy dans l'affaire du financement libyen de sa campagne électorale. Il s'interroge sur l'équité du processus judiciaire et sur les rapports de force entre le pouvoir politique et le pouvoir …
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En quoi ce départ marque-t-il plus que celui de n’importe quel autre collaborateur du chef de l’Etat ? Mention légales : Vos données de connexion, dont votre adresse IP, sont traités par Radio Classique, responsable de traitement, sur la base de son intérêt légitime, par l’intermédiaire de son sous-traitant Ausha, à des fins de réalisation de stati…
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Édito. Procès Sarkozy-Kadhafi : quelle que soit l’issue, l’affaire va laisser des traces sans doute historiques !
durée : 00:02:39 - L'édito politique - Le parquet financier a requis jeudi sept ans de prison à l'encontre de l'ex-chef de l'État Nicolas Sarkozy lors du procès des soupçons de financement libyen pour sa campagne de 2007.franceinfo
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durée : 00:03:19 - L'édito politique - par : Patrick Cohen - Au procès Sarkozy-Kadhafi, les procureurs financiers ont donc réclamé 7 ans de prison contre l’ancien président. Les explications de Patrick Cohen.Patrick Cohen
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Le casse-tête de la réforme du chômage, du statut d'artiste et des périodes assimilées Merci pour votre écoute Les coulisses du Pouvoir c'est également en direct tous les jours de la semaine vers 7h40 sur Retrouvez tous les épisodes de Les coulisses du Pouvoir sur notre plateforme :…
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Mention légales : Vos données de connexion, dont votre adresse IP, sont traités par Radio Classique, responsable de traitement, sur la base de son intérêt légitime, par l’intermédiaire de son sous-traitant Ausha, à des fins de réalisation de statistiques agréées et de lutte contre la fraude. Ces données sont supprimées en temps réel pour la finalit…
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Kristin Lian, Hafslund Kraft
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37:39Kristin Lian leder Hafslund Kraft, som lager vannkraft nok til nesten tre millioner nordmenn. Hun forteller om kraftbehov, upopulære utbygginger, arbeidet med å smelte sammen flere kulturer og hvordan det var å være alene på vakt da halve Oslo mistet strømmen. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.…
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Il n’est plus impensable que les deux rives de l’Atlantique se retrouvent dans des camps opposés sur l’échiquier géo-stratégique. Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations.Le Figaro
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An OTL Bonus: Carney starts fast. Opinion polls show the Canadian federal election is a real horse race!
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29:20This is an OTL BONUS! Welcome to POLITICALLY SPEAKING. Three days into the federal election campaign in Canada and the latest polling aggregators have seat modelling suggesting Mark Carney's Liberals are in a position to win a strong majority. But hey! It's early yet. One thing we do know is it's shaping up to be a very close race between the Liber…
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The Nantucket Inquirer & Mirrror - Thursday, 3-27-25
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28:43This reading is intended solely for People who are Blind and/or Print-Disabled. The Audible Local Ledger, a non-profit organization that is part of the Massachusetts Audio Information Network, reads local news and information to several hundred blind and print disabled listeners on the Cape, Islands and South Coast of Massachusetts. Along with our …
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The Providence Journal - Thursday, 3-27-25
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28:50This reading is intended solely for People who are Blind and/or Print-Disabled. The Audible Local Ledger, a non-profit organization that is part of the Massachusetts Audio Information Network, reads local news and information to several hundred blind and print disabled listeners on the Cape, Islands and South Coast of Massachusetts. Along with our …
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The Cape Cod Times - Thursday, 3-27-25
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59:41This reading is intended solely for People who are Blind and/or Print-Disabled. The Audible Local Ledger, a non-profit organization that is part of the Massachusetts Audio Information Network, reads local news and information to several hundred blind and print disabled listeners on the Cape, Islands and South Coast of Massachusetts. Along with our …
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The Fall River Herald News - Thursday, 3-27-25
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52:53This reading is intended solely for People who are Blind and/or Print-Disabled. The Audible Local Ledger, a non-profit organization that is part of the Massachusetts Audio Information Network, reads local news and information to several hundred blind and print disabled listeners on the Cape, Islands and South Coast of Massachusetts. Along with our …
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The New Bedford Standard Times - Thursday, 3-27-25
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29:28This reading is intended solely for People who are Blind and/or Print-Disabled. The Audible Local Ledger, a non-profit organization that is part of the Massachusetts Audio Information Network, reads local news and information to several hundred blind and print disabled listeners on the Cape, Islands and South Coast of Massachusetts. Along with our …
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Chaque semaine, Quentin Dickinson revient sur des thèmes de l'actualité européenne sur euradio.Quentin Dickinson
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Dans cet épisode de l'édito de la rédaction, Maxence Jaillet explore la puissance et la résilience de la francophonie dans le Nord-Ouest. Chaque mois de mars, alors que les bourrasques d'hiver persistent, un symbole de fierté s'élève : le flocondelisé. Ce drapeau, à la fois discret et déterminé, s'inspire de la neige nordique et affirme la couleur …
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Le président du RN a voulu se poser en défenseur des Israéliens contre le terrorisme islamiste. Une posture qui favorise un changement de regard sur le RN, auquel on colle depuis longtemps une étiquette d’antisémitisme. Mention légales : Vos données de connexion, dont votre adresse IP, sont traités par Radio Classique, responsable de traitement, su…
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Dans cet épisode, Alexis Brézet analyse une décision cruciale du Conseil constitutionnel qui pourrait avoir un impact majeur sur l'avenir politique de Marine Le Pen. La présidente du Rassemblement national fait face à une peine d'inéligibilité avec exécution provisoire, ce qui pourrait l'empêcher d'être candidate à l'élection présidentielle de 2027…
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durée : 00:02:30 - L'édito politique - La commission spéciale chargée d'étudier le projet de loi de "simplification" a voté mercredi la suppression des "Zones à faibles émissions" (ZFE), censées pousser les automobilistes à acheter des véhicules moins polluants. Plus question de braquer les automobilistes.…
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durée : 00:03:02 - L'édito éco - par : Dominique Seux - C’est fini, la population française n’augmentera plus ou presque.Dominique Seux
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Chaque matin, Vincent Hervouet nous livre son regard sur l'actualité internationale. Ce jeudi, il fait le point sur les négociations pour un cessez-le-feu en Ukraine alors que Zelensky était en visite en France. Emmanuel Macron a promis une nouvelle aide de deux milliards d'euros au président ukrainien. Distribué par Audiomeans. Visitez audiomeans.…
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durée : 00:03:20 - L'édito politique - par : Patrick Cohen - Patrick Cohen replonge au cœur d'une affaire qui alimente toujours les fantasmes.Patrick Cohen
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Le projet de réforme du chômage du ministre MR David Clarinval relance les interrogations sur le statut d’artiste en Belgique. En prévoyant une limitation des allocations à deux ans, y compris pour les artistes, la réforme remet en cause un régime dérogatoire conçu pour tenir compte de la précarité et de l’irrégularité de leurs contrats. Cette remi…
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Ecoutez L'édito d'Etienne Gernelle du 27 mars 2025. Distribué par Audiomeans. Visitez pour plus d'informations.Etienne Gernelle
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Dans cet épisode, Agnès Verdier-Molinié analyse en détail les enjeux de la simplification de la vie économique en France. Elle souligne les nombreux comités, agences et organismes publics qui se chevauchent et génèrent des coûts importants. Selon elle, des milliards d'euros d'économies pourraient être réalisés en rationalisant ce maquis administrat…
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