Welcome to Blogasur, the place where I share my wacky thoughts without any filters.
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Hi ! I am Kumar Abhishek, your host and friend on Anchor FM Podcast, who brings you "Heart to Heart Talk" which has some interesting tidbits for you to listen to, I share some poems, songs, interviews and inspiring stories. I keep doing You. नमस्ते ! मैं कुमार अभिषेक, आपका मेजबान और एंकर एफएम पॉडकास्ट पर दोस्त हूं, जो आपके लिए "हार्ट टू हार्ट टॉक" लेकर आया है, जिसमें कुछ दिलचस्प बातें हैं, कि आप इसे सुनें, मैं कुछ कविताओं, गीतों, साक्षात्कारों और प्रेरक कहानियों को साझा करता रहता हूं।
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Interview of the people who have excelled in their field with their dedication, devotion and determination. In this podcast channel you might listen to writers, poets, doctors, teachers, professors, business professionals, psychologists, coaches etc who have started with several difficulties but at the end they got what they really dreamt of. Every guest has something unique to share which can ignite some sparks in you as well. While taking the interview I have a learnt a lot from each of th ...
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Hi there beautiful! In my podcast, I bring you topics that are close to women's heart. Using research and storytelling (and poetry), I shed light on issues that are often ignored by the society, such as contribution of full time mothers, grey hair and society ki soch, challenges faced by working mothers. I hope that you will find your story reflected in my podcasts. I also have a weekly news (samachar) brief where you can catch up with the latest from the world. So join me on a new journey e ...
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Hi everyone Welcome to my podcast, I am your narrator Alka jain and I will tell you tales and stories written by famous writers of india. Thankyou . My YouTube Channel Link - https://youtube.com/channel/UCqOV0mgtmLvH1Y3wp2AScSQ Please SUBSCRIBE , Like , Play The videos till end and share with all your friends and family it will help me a lot :) नमस्ते, मेरे पॉडकास्ट में आपका स्वागत है, मैं आपकी कथा वाचिका अलका जैन हूं , मैं आपको भारत के प्रसिद्ध लेखकों द्वारा लिखी गई कहानियाँ सुनआऊंगी। धन्यवाद
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हेलो दोस्तों मैं हूं आशुतोष चौहान शायरियां,कहानियां, कविताएं सुनाता हूं | FM Countdown में आपका स्वागत है आपको हम हर एक कहानियां, कविताओं के साथ मिलते रहेंगे | कहानियां, कविताएं कैसी लग रही हैं मुझको जरूर बताएं मुझ तक अपनी बात या अपनी कहानियों को शेयर करने के लिए, Hello friends, I am Ashutosh Chauhan, I tell poetry, stories, poems. Welcome to FM Countdown, we will keep meeting you with every single stories, poems. stories, poems Feel free to tell me to share your point or your stories to me✍ ...
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Hey Guys Welcome To The DIGITAL JAYPAL SHOW, Here You Will Get Latest Blogging, SEO And Digital Marketing Tips In Hindi. Jaypal Thakor Is Founder Of "DIGITALJAYPAL.IN" A Small Hindi Blogger . In This Podcast Series Jaypal Will Share Some Blogging, WordPress, SEO, Search Engine Marketing, Internet Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Email Marketing, Email List Building, Content Marketing, Website Engagement, Conversion Optimization And Many Many More In Hindi Language.
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Shudh Desi Chai is a fortnightly fun conversational podcast, where our hosts Himannshu Sharma & Chef Harpal Singh Sokhi sit across with some amazing guests to have amazing conversations and where they share some interesting facts about food & nutrition with their listeners. शुद्ध देसी चाय एक मजेदार संवादात्मक पॉडकास्ट है, जहां हिमांशु शर्मा और हरपाल सिंह सोखी अपने मेहमानों के साथ कुछ अद्भुत और सार्थक बातचीत करते हैं और जहां वे अपने श्रोताओं के साथ भोजन और पोषण के बारे में कुछ रोचक तथ्य साझा ...
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"If you truly love someone, you must learn to let them go"Naag phans is an old story about a mother's love for her children and how she becomes obsessed to not let her children go far from home. She takes extreme measures to fulfill this obsession.
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Jaishankar's Story About A Poor Woman.
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Everyone thing is possible with your beautie
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This is an interesting and popular story. Hope you will like it. My Youtube Channel - https://youtube.com/shorts/5Y_D1iYTSv8?feature=share ( shorts ) Posting a story after a long time.
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ये कहानी एक ऐसे लड़के की है जो अपने बीमार मां के लिए दूसरों के घर जाकर काम करके अपने मां के लिए खाना लेकर आता है।
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यह जीवन कॉफी की तरह है। हमारी नौकरियां पैसे, पद, कप जैसी हैं।ये सिर्फ जीवन जीने के साधन हैं, खुद जीवन नहीं! और हमारे पास कौन सा कप है, यह न तो हमारे जीवन को परिभाषित करता है और न ही इसे बदलता है।कॉफी की चिंता करो, कप की नहीं। दुनिया के सबसे खुशहाल लोग वे नहीं हैं जिनके पास सब कुछ सबसे अच्छा है, वे तो जो होता है बस उसका सबसे अच्छे से यूज़ करते हैं।…
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Letterbox is a story by Agyay about a man at a refugee camp who meets a child and asks him whom he wants to post a letter to . Listen till the end as his story is sure to surprise you . My YouTube Channel - https://youtube.com/channel/UCqOV0mgtmLvH1Y3wp2AScSQ
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Saccha Mann is a popular folktale from Uttar Pradesh about a man who watches a sage greet god everyday with yoga and tries to copy him . Visit My YouTube Channel - https://youtu.be/kykBDzz0mGs
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Chori Hua Tapu is a popular folktale from Andaman and Nicobar islands about a bird named saka who tries to steal and make an island his own but gets caught . Visit My YouTube Channel https://youtu.be/kykBDzz0mGs
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Anmol Rai Is a Popular Folktale From Assam about a rich man who goes to a market and sees that only one man has not left his shop at night . He inquires and learns that he is a person selling 'advice' . Visit My YouTube channel - https://youtu.be/kykBDzz0mGs
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Shivji Ka Vahan is a popular folktale from Assam about Shivji Choosing his ride out of many animals who are willing to be his ride . Visit My YouTube Channel - https://youtu.be/kykBDzz0mGs
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Bono Ka Desh is a popular folktale from Andaman and Nicobar . Visit My YouTube Channel - https://youtu.be/GN3ys05IoIU
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Episode 3 Shiksha pe Charcha with Nitin Menaria
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29:37Nitin Menaria is the executive manager of Bal Vinay Mandir in Udaipur, Rajasthan.Anupam Mishra
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Dhaan Ki Kahani is a popular folktale from Uttar Pradesh . Visit My YouTube Channel - https://youtu.be/GN3ys05IoIU
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Episode 2 Poetess & Writer Vasudha Goyal sharing her poetic essence
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31:57Vasudha Goyal has recently published her anthology 'Kasturi' and has been writing for magazines and many other poetic groups for a long time. Let's listen to her views about poetry and life.Anupam Mishra
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Lalach Buri Bala is a popular folk tale from Assam . Visit My YouTube Channel - https://youtu.be/GN3ys05IoIU
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Daan Bhavna is a popular folktale from Karnataka . Visit My YouTube Channel - https://youtu.be/GN3ys05IoIU
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Episode 1 Inner Self Conversation with Manoj Joshi, Founder of IT Solutions & Services
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42:48Manoj Joshi, the founder of IT Solutions and Services has been in the field of IT for a decade and has reached to a new level of accomplishments in the field of his passion and interest with his firm will power, determination and perseverance.Anupam Mishra
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Maar ke aage bhoot Bhaaga is a popular folktale from Chattisgarh . Visit My YouTube Channel - https://youtu.be/GN3ys05IoIU
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Suraj Ki Aur is a popular folktale from Andaman And Nicobar . Visit My YouTube Channel - https://youtu.be/GN3ys05IoIU
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Do Mukhiya is a popular folk story in the state of Nagaland . Visit My YouTube channel - https://youtube.com/channel/UCqOV0mgtmLvH1Y3wp2AScSQ
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Pol Khul Gayi is a folktale from assam
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Nadiyaan aur Samudra is a story by Ramdhari Singh Dinkar about how a sage teaches his student an important lesson about women with the example of rivers and ocean . Listen till the end to learn that lesson yourself !
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Sailab Is a story by Lakshmi Shankar Bajpai About a man who believes his mother is very emotional because his brother had died suddenly and left his mother in shock . Listen Till The End to know how his opinion changes .
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Sudhar Is a story by Harishankar Parsai about how everyone only cares about their own profits and promotions . Listen till the end to find out what happens in this story !
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Moorti Is a story by Khalil Gibran about a man who has a statue lying freely in front of his house but does not know about how rare the statue really is . Listen till the end to find out what happens when a man sees the statue , knowing about its rarity !
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Sonu Ki Bandook is a story by Laxmi Shankar Bajpai about a child who makes a gun with his hands and shoots people with it playfully . Listen Till the end to know what happens in this story !
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Kashmiri Seb is a story by Munshi Premchand about a man who does not pay attention to the apples he is buying from a shop , so the shopkeeper takes advantage of him and gives him rotten apples . Listen Till The End To Find Out What happens Next . My YouTube Channel - https://youtu.be/CaPiFDKmBj8
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Vairagi Is a story by Jaishankar Prasad about a man who sacrifices his own place of living for a helpless woman without hesitation .
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Akalank Is a story by agyeya about the armies and soldiers that sacrifice their lives to save us
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Dukh Ke Saath Is a story about people's sadness and a man who wishes that he could swap Sadness with other people . That Night he gets a dream that changes his mindset . Listen till the end to find out what it was !
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Aalsion Ka Ashram is an interesting story about lazy people .
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Do Baltiyaan is a story about failure and weakness of someone . This story shows how weaknesses are not always bad but sometimes help ur too.
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Kharcha E Maweshiyan is a story by kamleshwar about how ministers show they are better than others in front of public , but deep down they are all the same , corrupt .
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Uddhar is a story By Rabindranath Tagore About how a wife suffers due to her skeptical husband . My YouTube Link - https://youtu.be/8n_C_DDfZUM
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गीत सुहाने |Geet Suhane
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15:09गीत सुहाने -इस शीर्षक में आज आप सुनेगे दो सुहाने गीत जो वक़्त फिल्म से है / ओरिजिनली गया है आशाजी ने इसे कवर किया है नाम अनजान है जबकि दूसरा गीत किषोरदा का स्वयं के स्वर में -खिलते है गुल यहाँ। ...फिल्म शर्मिलीसे है। आशा करता हूँ ये प्रोग्राम आपको पसंद आएगा। धन्यवाद्। In this title aaj aap sanege do suhane song which is from movie Waqt/Originally Ga…
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Adalati Faisla Is a short story by Kamleshwar . Visit my YouTube channel - https://youtu.be/-3YhU-YYSus
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Apne Hi Doston Ne is a short story by Kamleshwar . Visit my YouTube channel - https://youtu.be/-3YhU-YYSus
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This story is a short story by Vishnu Prabhakar . Visit my YouTube channel - https://youtube.com/channel/UCqOV0mgtmLvH1Y3wp2AScSQ
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This story is a short story written by sudarshan . Visit my YouTube channel - https://youtube.com/channel/UCqOV0mgtmLvH1Y3wp2AScSQ
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Butwaara is a story by Vishnu Prabhakar about 2 brothers who seperate families from each other due to one of them being very financially dependent on the other one . Listen till the end to know what happens next ! Please Like Share And Subscribe My YouTube Channel - https://youtu.be/gNMdrURhE_M
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Guru Mantra is a story about the preparations done by one to become a sadhu like the voice and tone they need to maintain and the responsibilities .
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Dil ka sukoon दिल का सुकून Where do you go for rest... it's inside you....सुकून बाहर ढूंढते है हम लोग , असल में खज़ाना तो हमारे भीतर है। बस ज़रूरी है एक बार डुबकी मरने की।
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Vyawastha Ka Raajdar is a story by Vishnu Prabhakar about a woman who is sitting on a seat of a bus and a policeman who is lying down on 3 seats . A man comes and what he says his surprise you so Listen Till the end !
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Band Darwaaza is a story by Munshi Premchand about a baby . Though this might not seem like a big thing , This baby reflects the whole humanity . Listen till the end to find out how he shows a trait of humanity while only being a baby .
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Sangati Ka Asar is a story about Gautam Buddha's teachings . He shows how different types of company can affect u differently . Listen till the end to find out how a small little company from someone can make u better or worse .
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