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Lifehouse Hong Kong 香港生命堂

Lifehouse Hong Kong

Lifehouse Hong Kong is a dynamic, fun, and passionate English & Cantonese-speaking church based in Jordan, Hong Kong. We currently have weekly church services every Sunday at 11:30 am onsite at Jordan and online. Find out more about Lifehouse Hong Kong at 香港生命堂是一間位於佐敦,充滿活力、愉快和熱誠的雙語(英丶粵)教會。 我們目前每週日上午 11:30 在佐敦現場舉行崇拜以及在線上進行直播。 歡迎你加入我們!瀏覽更多有關香港生命堂的資訊:
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show series
How powerful is the Holy Spirit? How can his power help my life? Find out this week as we start our new series on the Power of the Holy Spirit! 聖靈是多麼地有力量?祂的力量如何能幫助我的生活?本周與我們一起探索關於聖靈的力量的新信息系列吧!Lifehouse Hong Kong
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It's the age old question: who am I? Join us this week to learn how you can discover your identity in Jesus! 這是一個由來已久的問題了:我是誰?本週與我們一起學習如何在耶穌裡找到你的身份認同吧!Lifehouse Hong Kong
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What is grace? Do I have to earn it or is it free? Find out this week as we discover the difference between legalism and grace! 甚麼是恩典?我需要賺取它嗎?還是它是免費的?本週與我們一起發掘法理與恩典的不同吧!Lifehouse Hong Kong
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How can we be transformed by renewing our minds? Tune in this week as we dive into our new series about healthy thinking. 我們可以如何被更新的心意改變?本週與我們投入有關健康思維的新信息系列吧!Lifehouse Hong Kong
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Why is forgiving people important? How does forgiving help me? Tune in this week as we look into the healing power of forgiveness and the practice of having a clean heart. 為什麼寬恕別人是如此重要?寬恕別人怎樣幫助到我?本週與我們深入了解寬恕的醫治大能及培養潔淨心靈的重要性。Lifehouse Hong Kong
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Did you know that God likes to talk to us? How does God talk to us? Find out this week as we dive into the importance of journaling! 你知道神喜愛與我們說話嗎?神是怎樣和我們說話呢?本週與我們一起深入探討靈修日記的重要性!Lifehouse Hong Kong
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How should we pray? How long does it take? What words should we be saying? Discover the power of simple prayer in this week’s message. 我們該如何禱告?禱告應該要多久?我們要說些什麼話?在本週的信息中,一起發掘簡單禱告的力量吧。Lifehouse Hong Kong
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What is prayer? How do you pray? Find out what the Lord’s Prayer means and how we can apply it to our daily lives! 甚麼是禱告?你是怎樣禱告的呢?一齊聽聽主禱文的意思和我們如何實踐到日常生活中。Lifehouse Hong Kong
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It is resurrection Sunday! Jesus is alive! Tune in to this week’s message to find out how the Savior of the World rose from the grave. 復活主日到了!耶穌復活了!收看本週的信息來看看救世主是如何死而復活的。Lifehouse Hong Kong
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It is the week of crucifixion and Jesus’s death on the cross. Why did he, an innocent man, have to die? Who was impacted by this event? What is the purpose of the cross? This week we dive into the stories surrounding the death of Jesus. 這是耶穌被釘十字架和死亡的一週。為什麼一個無辜的人必須死去?這件事影響了誰?十字架的目的是什麼?本週,我們深入探討與耶穌之死相關的故事。…
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Jesus went through a lot of pain leading up to the cross. This week we look into why he went through that pain and what was God’s purpose for Jesus. 在釘上十字架前,耶穌經歷了很多折磨。本週我們將探討為什麼他要經歷那樣的折磨和神給耶穌的目的是什麼。Lifehouse Hong Kong
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What is Communion and why do we celebrate it? Tune in this week to learn about the Last Supper and why it is important! 聖餐是甚麼?為何我們要去慶祝?收看本週的信息來了解最後的晚餐更多和背後重大的意義!Lifehouse Hong Kong
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Why Do People Love Jesus? Tune in for the start of our new series on Easter as we unpack the reason behind why people love Jesus. 為什麼人們愛耶穌? 收看我們全新的復活節信息系列去了解更多人們愛耶穌的原因。Lifehouse Hong Kong
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How can we find healing in the areas of love, marriage, and sex? Join us this week for our last message in the series to find out how we can find healing in Jesus! 我們如何可以在愛,婚姻和性的領域上找到醫治? 本週加入我們,在這個信息系列中的最後一集去找出如何在耶穌了得到醫治!Lifehouse Hong Kong
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How can we overcome temptation? This week, we learn practical ways on how to fight our battle with temptations. 我們該如何克服誘惑? 今個星期,我們一起學習對抗誘惑的實用方法。Lifehouse Hong Kong
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What is God's plan for marriage? Join us this week to discover God's plan for marriage and how we enjoy that amazing plan! 神對婚姻的計劃是什麼?今個星期與我們一起探討神對婚姻的計劃,以及我們如何可以享受那個美妙的計劃吧!Lifehouse Hong Kong
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What does God say about love, marriage, and sex? Tune in for the start of our new series on relationships as we unpack what God says about sex, gender, and partnership. 神如何看待愛情、婚姻和性?收看我們全新的人際關係信任系列,深入探討性別、性和伴侶關係在神眼中的意義。Lifehouse Hong Kong
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Why is it important to be generous? What does God think about generosity? Tune in this week to discover how God uses generosity to help others! 為什麼慷慨那麼重要?神對慷慨有什麼想法?收看本週的信息來看看神如何用慷慨來幫助他人!Lifehouse Hong Kong
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Did you know there is power in singing a new song? What song is flowing from your heart? In this message we look at how praise and worship can get us ready for the new things that God wants to do in our lives. 你知道唱一首新歌是滿有大能的嗎?哪一首歌在你心裡流轉?在這信息中,我們會探討讚美和敬拜如何裝備好我們去迎接神想在我們生命裡做的新事物。Lifehouse Hong Kong
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Are you able to recognise the new things that God wants to do in your life? How can we get ready for the new things in this new year? 你能夠分辦出神想在你生命所做的新事物嗎?我們如何在這新的一年裡為新的事物作好準備?Lifehouse Hong Kong
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What will you take with you into the New Year? Join us as we look at leaving behind disappointments and looking ahead with faith and hope! 你會把什麼帶進新的一年?和我們一起看看怎樣把失望放下,帶著信心和昐望來迎接新的一年吧!Lifehouse Hong Kong
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What’s the greatest gift you have ever received? Join us in celebrating the joy of Christmas. Good news for everyone. 你收過最好的禮物是什麼?與我們一起慶祝聖誕的喜悅吧!這是給每個人的好消息。Lifehouse Hong Kong
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How can we make destiny decisions in emotional chaos? Discover how God uses ordinary people to be part of His extraordinary plans. 我們如何在情緒混亂中作出命定的決定? 發掘神如何使用平凡的人成為他不可思議的計劃中的一部分。Lifehouse Hong Kong
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What if God’s interruptions could be a gift? God invites Mary to be a part of His great story. We are invited too! 有沒有想過神的闖進可以成為一份禮物?神邀請馬利成為他偉大故事的一部分。我們也受到邀請!Lifehouse Hong Kong
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Did you know that God is not far? He came close to us. Join us for the start of the Christmas season, as we look at how God's masterplan for the earth unfolded. 你知道神並不遙遠嗎?他親臨在我們中間。 加入我們迎接聖誕季節的開始,一同探索神為地球制定的大計。Lifehouse Hong Kong
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What is valuable to God? We honour God when we value what He values and he values people! Let's be a part of His rescue mission. 甚麼對神是珍貴的?當我們重視他所珍惜的,尤其是人,我們就是在尊榮神! 讓我們成為他救援行動的一部分。Lifehouse Hong Kong
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What is #1 in our life? This November we start a new series "Closer to Honour". To honour is to place value on something or someone. Who do we honour and why is this important. 甚麼是我們生命中的首位?這個十一月我們開始全新的信息系列——「更靠近尊榮」。尊榮即指把價值放在某些事物或人身上。我們該尊榮誰?為甚麼這很重要呢?Lifehouse Hong Kong
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How can we share the good news about Jesus? This message of eternal hope is too good to keep to ourselves. Be inspired by how your story can be a witness to others. 我們如何可以分享關於耶穌的好消息? 這個關於永恆希望的信息需要大肆宣揚。你的故事可以成為別人的見證。Lifehouse Hong Kong
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Did you know that what we do in this life on earth impacts our eternity? How can we live with eternity in mind and make this life count? 你知道在地上所做的事智影響我們的永生嗎?我們如何想著永恆而活並且不枉此生?Lifehouse Hong Kong
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What is eternity like? Will there be judgement or rewards? God's heart for us to be saved. Tune in and be encouraged. 永恆看起來是怎樣的?會有審判或獎勵嗎?神的心渴望我們得救。希望你會被這次訊息鼓勵到。Lifehouse Hong Kong
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What happens to us after we die? Is there a way we can be sure that we will go to heaven? We have good news to share this week, because of Jesus we can have a secure hope for eternity. 我們死後會怎樣?有沒有一個方法能確保我們死後會上天堂?本週我們有好消息要分享,靠著耶穌,我們可以對永恆有昐望。Lifehouse Hong Kong
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Did you know that the same God who created the universe knows you by name? Join us for the start of a new series "Closer to Eternity" - where we looking at the biblical truth about eternity, heaven and why that matters for us all today. 你知道嗎?創造宇宙的那位神知道你的名字。 歡迎收看我們的新系列「更靠近永恆」 - 我們將探討有關永恆、天堂的聖經真理,以及為甚麼這對我們今天每個人都很重要。…
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Did you know praise is a powerful weapon? As we trust in God He gives us great victory. Don't miss out on the last message in our our "Closer to Praise" series. 你知道讚美是一個很強勁的武器嗎?當我們相信神,他會讓我們得勝。不要錯過我們「更靠近讚美」系列的最後一個信息。Lifehouse Hong Kong
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Could you find reasons praise God in hard times? Join us as we see how our praise bring breakthrough and blessing to our lives and those around us! 你能在逆境中找到讚美神的原因嗎?與我們一起看看我們的讚美能如何在生命中以及我們身邊的人帶來突破和祝福!Lifehouse Hong Kong
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Are you waiting for an answer to prayer? How can we stay full of faith and hope while we wait? Why don't you join us as we look at how praise positions us for breakthrough. 你是否在等待神回應你的禱告?我們怎樣在等待的同時保持滿有信念和希望?不如和我們一起,了解讚美如何幫助我們有所突破。Lifehouse Hong Kong
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Did you know that a lifestyle of gratitude is beneficial to our health? This month we start a new series, "Closer to Praise" encouragement to give thanks to God in all circumstances. 你知道常懷感恩的生活態度有利於我們的健康嗎?這個月我們將開始一個新的系列——「更靠近讚美」,鼓勵你在任何境況都讚美神。Lifehouse Hong Kong
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How can we process baggage from the past ? Be encouraged this week as we look at how Jesus can bring healing and freedom from past hurt and disappointment. 我們可以怎樣處理過往的包袱?我們會探討耶穌如何可以帶來醫治,將我們從過往的傷痛和失望中釋放出來。相信你會備受鼓勵。Lifehouse Hong Kong
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How can we keep the vision strong and the flames of love burning in marriage? The world can paint a sad picture of marriage, but with God we can continue to thrive with joy. 我們如何可以在婚姻中保持異象及維持愛火?社會可能對婚姻感到悲觀,但靠着神我們可以繼續帶着喜樂成長。Lifehouse Hong Kong
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Are you waiting for Mr or Mrs Right? Then you will be encouraged by this week's message "What to do in the wait?" God has a good plan for you in your season of singleness and for marriage! 你是否在等待對的那一位?相信你會被本週的信息「在等待當中應該怎樣做?」勉勵。神在你單身的季節中有一個好的計劃給你,也為你的婚姻預備了一個好計劃。Lifehouse Hong Kong
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What happens when Jesus is invited to a wedding? Join us this August for 'Closer to Love,' a series that explores God's vision for marriage and looks at what the Bible has to say about relationships. 當耶穌受邀出席婚禮會發生什麼事?這個八月與我們一起投入「更靠近愛」—— 一個探討神給婚姻的異象和細看聖經是如何看待關係的。Lifehouse Hong Kong
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Is reading the Bible a chore or a joy for you? In this weeks message we look at how we can come back to the joy of hearing God's Voice in our lives. 閱讀聖經對你來說是例行公事還是喜樂?在這禮拜的信息,我們會一起探討一下如何可以回到在生命中聽到神的聲音的喜樂。Lifehouse Hong Kong
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How can we be sure that we are hearing God's voice? Join us as we look at how we can recognise God's voice and how His Word is powerful and reliable. 我們如何確信我們聽到神的聲音?與我們一起發掘我們如何能夠辨認神的聲音,以及他的話語是如何充滿大能和可信靠的。Lifehouse Hong Kong
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Have you ever needed wisdom to make an important decision? In this weeks message, Ps Richard encourages us on how we have a heart that's in tune with God and receive wisdom. 在做出重要的決定時,你有試過需要智慧嗎?在本週的信息中,Richard 牧師鼓勵我們要有與神一致的心並藉此得到智慧。Lifehouse Hong Kong
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What does God's voice sound like and how can we hear His voice in our everyday life? We believe that you will be encouraged as you watch this message. 神的聲音聽起來是怎樣的?還有我們如何在日常生活中聽到他的聲音?我們相信當你觀看這個信息會被鼓勵。Lifehouse Hong Kong
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Did you know that we can hear God's voice? In our new series "Closer to Hearing God" we look at how we can have a heart that is open to hear and be changed. 你知道我們可以聽見神的聲音嗎?在我們新的信息系列中,我們會看看如何可以擁有一顆願意聆聽和改變的心。Lifehouse Hong Kong
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Can we still have purpose in tough times? This weeks message is all about how God can work out everything for our good. 我們在艱難的時候仍然可以有目標嗎?本週信息是關於神如何能夠使事情都為我們的益處而作。Lifehouse Hong Kong
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