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Hier gibt es ganz viel Vielfalt, Auflösung und geistige Nahrung. Mit allen möglichen Themen, wo ich meine eigene Erfahrung teilen. Aufklärung, TIEFENARBEIT, Impulse, Erkenntnisse.☄️🔥🤍 Ich wünsche mir, dass du für dich ganz viele Impulse und Inspiration rausziehen kannst. 🤍💸 Hör gerne hin, lausche und lasse dich in meine Welt ziehen, damit du immer mehr zu dir selbst findest und zurück zur Natürlichkeit und Ursprünglichkeit🤍 Alles, was ich teile, sind meine Erfahrungen und Meinungen. Aho🪶💫 ht ...
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Podcast on all things the Personal Journey, Culture, & self wellness and improvement. Taking matters into ones own hands, changing direction when needing too, and on adapting to best find health, fulfillment, & growth along the journey Solo episodes— SK Updates, & Hacks Interview styled- With Futbol ⚽️🌎 🍊
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Sean Baker — director, writer and producer known for the Spirit Award–nominated films Take Out and Prince of Broadway — discusses his new film Tangerine. The wickedly funny and refreshingly off-beat movie is intimate and beautifully filmed — entirely on iPhone 5s.
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My Team Tangerine Podcast

Hannah Mich

Feel less lonely and more connected with stories on parenting topics for parents with kids between the ages of 2 and 12 years old. Hannah, a parent of two children, shares pracitical advice and helpful tips, making parenting feel a bit less overwhelming and more enjoyable. Additional Information: Weekly affirmations, interviews with her daughter Olivia, and quotes from favorite picture books Duration: 15 minutes
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show series
Meine Lieben, wie schön, dass du hier bist und meinen Worten lauscht! Die erste Folge in 2025 und direkt geht sie TIEF - denn hier stelle ich einiges in Frage und kläre vor allem auf, wieso es ein NEW CAGE ist, wenn wir uns in die Weibliche o. Männliche-Energie-Schublade stecken. Teile mir doch in den Kommentaren gerne mit, wie du das Ganze empfind…
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Meine lieben Mitmenschen, schön, dass du hier bist! Diese kurze Podcastfolge soll dir als Erinnerung dienen an das, was du tagtäglich tust und wo du dich selbst einfach Mal wertschätzen darfst. An Samhain, unserem Ahnenfest <3 In Liebe, Melina Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/naturehealingsnowy?igsh=aXVvMjZ3MXBpamo0 Telegramkanal: https://t.me/…
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Mein lieber Mitmensch, wie schön, dass du hier bist und auf meinen Podcast gestoßen bist. Heute geht es um das Thema: MEDIALE FÄHIGKEITEN & HELLSINNE und wie diese entfacht bzw. gestärkt werden können. Ich teile meine Erfahrungen mit dir und was mir geholfen hat. Themen wie: Selbstvertrauen, Verstand und einiges mehr... Zum Schluss beantworte ich n…
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Mein lieber Mitmensch, schön, dass du hier gelandet bist und dir heute meine Podcast Folge anhörst und meinen Worten lauscht. In dieser Folge geht es um das Thema #Geldbewusstsein, Moneymindset, oder wie ich es gerne auf DEUTSCH sage: Gelddenkweise. Und wieso meine Manifestationen nie geklappt haben bis zu dem Moment der Erkenntnis. Unteranderem ge…
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Du wundervolles Wesen, schön, dass du hier bist! Heute teile ich mit dir meine Erfahrungen mit Microdosing von magischen Trüffeln und wie es überhaupt dazu kam... wie sie dich aus deinen verklebten Anteilen lösen und du dich selbst aus einer Adlerperspektive wahrnehmen kannst, erfährst du in diesem Podcast. Was sind die Vorteile? Was geschieht mit …
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Du wunderschönes Wesen, heute teile ich mit dir meinen Prozess. Die dunkelste Nacht von 2024 bisher. Offen und ehrlich, transparent, um dich zu erinnern. Der Phönix aus der Asche erhebt sich mit dem Funken, in der tiefschwarzen Nacht. Lausche gerne meinen Worten und lass dich von mir erinnern, wie wir die Dämonen hinter uns lassen in solchen Prozes…
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Tune into Episode 7 of the Tangerine Podcast to hear on my guests Jonny Mercado journey within the world of Football. In The Episode we connect on how Jonny groomed into one of the most sought out coaches in the world of Youth Soccer. We dive into The Summer of Soccer, and look ahead to the FIFA World CUP in 2026. We speak on what having passion si…
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Catch episode 6! In which I catch up on a recent backpacking trip in the mountains ⛰️ share on the importance of pausing and reflecting, chat on 🇨🇴🌾, acquiring healthier 💤, and lastly speak on a gap I am trying to bridge in the career space. https://pg3lz4z2nve.typeform.com/to/QEgSLNyo
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Du wundervolles Wesen, die letzten Wochen ist viel los, was Partnerschaften angeht, huihuihui! 😆 Was genau los ist und warum dir das gerade soviel Heilung bringen kann... erfährst du in der Folge. Heute teile ich einige Erfahrungen und Erkenntnisse mit dir, sowie Impulse für dich, die dich unterstützen und dir KLARHEIT geben, was diese Zeitqualität…
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Ich wünsche dir ganz viel Freude, bei dieser neuen Folge🤍 Selbstliebe ist ein Thema, was immer wieder in den Raum fällt… es wird gesagt: Du sollst dich selbst lieben! Aber was bedeutet das eigentlich? Häufig wird nur an der Oberfläche gekratzt… und heute zeige ich dir die Tiefe. 🤍 IG: @nature_healing_snowy…
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Was geschieht, wenn du plötzlich zu dir stehst? Wo fällt es dir noch schwer, zu dir selbst zu stehen? Welche Themen stecken dahinter? Wo darfst du noch mehr zu dir und deiner Wahrheit stehen? Heute teile ich einige Impulse mit dir!🥰[email protected] (Melina Tanger)
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Du wundervoller Mensch, ich möchte dich mit diesem Podcast einladen, dich selbst zu beleuchten, vor allem deine Absichten Absichten- und zu verstehen, dass gerade einiges im Kollektiv geschieht, was die tiefsten Schichten aus uns raus bringt und vor allem aus uns raus spült. 🤍🦋 Aktuell ist ganz viel Anfeindung im Feld, vor allem, wenn du zu dir ste…
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In this week’s episode, we welcome Kris Graves (and his associate Frank Francis) to our gallery and onto the podcast to discuss a multitude of topics including life with a baby, the charm and uniqueness of Queens, the origins of Hip Hop, Graves’ early commissioned work, museums’ and cultural institutions’ feelings about NFTs, Black Lives Matter, th…
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Mini meditations for the busy parent who still wants all the health benefits of meditating in their life. These mini meditations are always under 10 minutes in length (most ranging from 3-5 minutes long). Enjoy and be healthy. #Parents #moms #homeschooling #mindfulparenting #consciousparenting #positiveparenting #homeschoolmom #meditation #myteamta…
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Main Topic: What is a Good Parent? Quote from Podcast: "Our idea of a “good parent” is not just about what is happening out in the world, but how we are perceiving that world in our own head." Additional Information: Weekly affirmation, interview with my daughter Olivia, and a quote from the picture book Dinner at the Panda Palace by Stephanie Calm…
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Mini meditations for the busy parent who still wants all the health benefits of meditating in their life. These mini meditations are always under 10 minutes in length (most ranging from 3-5 minutes long). Enjoy and be healthy. #Parents #moms #homeschooling #mindfulparenting #consciousparenting #positiveparenting #homeschoolmom #meditation #myteamta…
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Hello, du Herz💫🤎 heute erzähle ich dir von meiner Schwangerschaft. Meinen Erfahrungen, wie du mehr in Verbindung mit dir selbst kommst und was du tun kannst, um dich und das Wesen optimal zu versorgen. 🤎[email protected] (Melina Tanger)
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In this episode, we talk with artists Matthew Porter and Carlo Van de Roer about how they first met, the acquisition of NFT works by institutions and museums, the ever-changing attitudes of art collectors, the challenges and strengths of working with traditional artists in the NFT space, the idea of hybridity, and what Matthew and Carlo have queued…
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Hello, du Herz🤎🪶💫 nun ist hier die letzte Folge meines Wegs der Heilung. Ich bin so dankbar für alle die wundervollen Feedbacks und Kommentare. Wow! Danke, dass ich DICH erreichen darf!! Und dich mitnehmen darf und durfte auf dieser Reise durch mein bisheriges Leben.💫 In dieser Folge erwartet dich eine Reihe von Fügungen in meinem Leben - Dinge, di…
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Hello, ihr Herzen🤎 Ich danke euch, für die zahlreichen Feedbacks und wunderbaren Worte, die ich zum ersten Podcast empfangen durfte! Ich habe mich riesig gefreut, so dass ich auch gar nicht lange Warten wollte oder euch auf die Folter spannen…. Deshalb: Hier anschließend der 2. Teil meiner Geschichte. 🤎💫 Der, wo sich alles verändert hat von 0 auf 1…
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Hello, ihr Herzen♥️ nun ist es vollbracht - meine erste Podcast Folge ist fertig. Der 1. Teil von der Geschichte, wie mein Weg der Heilung entstanden ist und was ich erleben musste, damit ich hier bin, wo ich bin und das Wesen bin, welches ich nun bin. ✨ Folg mir gerne auf Instagram: nature_healing_snowy…
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Main Topic: Creating a Safe Space When Your Child is Upset Quote from Podcast: "Simple adjustments can turn an ordinary room into an area that is rejuvenating and calming simply by being in that space." Additional Information: Weekly affirmation, interview with my daughter Olivia, and a quote from the picture book The Little Red Fort by Brenda Maie…
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Main Topic: How to Navigate Children's Emotions Quote from Podcast: "Without this pause and self-regulation, you end up reacting NOT to your child, but to your own emotions that are being triggered." Additional Information: Weekly affirmation, interview with my daughter Olivia, and a quote from the picture book The Happy Hedgehog by Marcus Pfister …
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Main Topic: Arguing Among Siblings and Peaceful Resolution Quote from Podcast: "...your responsibility as a parent is to respond to the situation in a way that brings calm and order. How do you do that when the last thing you feel is calm and peaceful?" Additional Information: Weekly affirmation, interview with my daughter Olivia, and a quote from …
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Quando J. R. Oppenheimer acertou os cálculos e finalizou o projeto da bomba atômica, não foi só na Terra que as consequências foram sentidas. Outros planetas redobraram as atenções para a evolução do ser humano. E quem recebeu o recado foi um brasileiro: Chico Xavier. Veja também: Documentário A Data Limite Segundo Chico Xavier Inferno Astral: Data…
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Tune into Episode 4 of The Tangerine Podcast to hear about my Guest Khalil Stewart, journey on the pitch and in the studio. In the episode, we connect on how Khallil, an Ex Jamaican National Team Player, and Club National Champion, connected with the game and began musically producing. Khalil covers his Love for the beautiful game and his music wit…
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In this episode, we talk with artist Mitchell F Chan about his early NFT project titled Digital Zones of Immaterial Pictorial Sensibility, ideas of ownership and locating the source of value, techno utopianism, conceputalism within the NFT space and much much more. Mitchell F Chan has created innovative works about technology since 2006. He creates…
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Como poder uma cadeira despertar tanto ódio? A história de uma obra prima de Charles e Ray Eames que se tornou um clássico do modernimo, mas falhou no tribunal da internet. Participação: Toufiic Haddad e wwwmlna. Transcrição, links e mais informações do episódio: https://quemmatouatangerina.wordpress.com/2023/01/17/31-a-cadeira-que-a-internet-decid…
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Tune into Episode 3 of The Tangerine Podcast to hear about my Guest Danny Kerieth, journey from Football To Finance. In the episode we connect on how Danny, one of the better footballers growing up in the South East, went from colligate athlete to playing Professionally in Europe. We hear on a difficult circumstance faced, and a how a pivot was mad…
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In our most recent installment, Mike Varley (one half of the artistic duo Highley Varlet) has (half of) us over to his very official podcast studio (in his apartment) to discuss his and their artistic endeavors including the “2020: Total Clarity” project where they walked a marathon a day, five days a week, for a full calendar year, the people they…
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In this episode, we talk with Lau Wai about their practice and process with discussions around Chinese naming conventions, the use of (or reference to) mocap suits, the differences between consumer and commercial software, how avatars can represent or misrepresent us, deep fakes, the influence of Hong Kong cinema, hybridity, NFTs, virtual galleries…
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O briefing: incentivar a população a não apostar valores altos em dinheiro. A ideia: uma criança triste porque o pai apostou sua poupança em quem seria campeão da Copa do Mundo 2014. O diretor de criação que não entende de futebol: "coloca Alemanha". Transcrição, links e mais informações do episódio: https://quemmatouatangerina.wordpress.com/2022/1…
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Quem faz você sentir-se culpado por assistir a Copa do Mundo quer mais é que você fique distante de qualquer tipo de prazer. Transcrição, links e mais informações do episódio: https://quemmatouatangerina.wordpress.com/2022/11/24/29-nao-permita-que-roubem-a-sua-copa-do-mundo/
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In this very special podcast, Alexandro and Joseph do their best infomercial impression to pitch our new gallery initiative, the Lydian Stater Collector Pass. The Lydian Stater Collector Pass is an annual pass issued in the form of an NFT that guarantees ownership of exclusive physical and digital artworks from every artist exhibited in our 2023 se…
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Do que adianta ser campeão do mundo de futebol e ter que declarar as compras feitas no exterior? Essa foi a pergunta da comissão técnica que voltou dos Estados Unidos com 14 toneladas de produtos em 1994. Transcrição, links e mais informações do episódio: https://quemmatouatangerina.wordpress.com/2022/11/14/27-o-voo-da-muamba/#more-82…
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Que o corpo do líder nazista jamais foi encontrado, bom, isso todo mundo sabe. Mas e que tem muita gente que jura tê-lo visto perambulando por Mato Grosso? Você sabia? Transcrição, links e mais informações do episódio: https://quemmatouatangerina.wordpress.com/2022/11/10/26-o-tumulo-de-hitl3r-em-mato-grosso/…
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This week, we have Elisa Gutiérrez Eriksen on the show to talk about her curatorial practice including the current exhibition at Lydian Stater “Neither Here Nor There,” her experience working as a cultural specialist in Mexico, how she carved a path to the visual arts, NFTs as a medium rather than a container, her recent exhibitions in New York “Co…
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In this week’s episode, we sit down with Huidi Xiang to talk about her work in our current exhibition “Neither Here Nor There” at Lydian Stater in addition to how gaming influences her work, the overlaps between digital gaming assets and NFTs, the ethics of underpaying oneself, the problems of underpaying others, repetition as a metaphor for labor,…
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In this episode we speak with Nando Alvarez-Perez. We reflect on our previous exhibition, post industrial digital dysmorphya, and discuss the politics of being a triplet, when the right time to “retire” a body of work is, image selection and the flattening of history, the indirect impact Walter Benjamin has had on his practice, deskilling, doodles,…
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In this week’s episode, we catch up with Christos Makridis, the CTO/COO and co-founder of the Web3 multimedia startup Living Opera, to discuss how writing can be an approach to understanding the world, human capital, how NFTs and music are such a natural fit, the way Living Opera is working to support emerging opera musicians, the Magic Mozart NFT …
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On this week’s episode, we are joined by artist Carlos Franco. Carlos Franco Maldonado is an artist based in Brooklyn, New York. Maldonado holds a bachelor's degree in Philosophy and Visual Art from the University of Puerto Rico and a master’s in New Genres from the San Francisco Art Institute. His works and projects have been presented at the Lab,…
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On this week’s episode, we are joined by Ryan Tanaka, co-founder of Teia Surf, musician, and crypto-historian, to discuss the crypto space and it’s overlap with music and art, the promise Web3, Ethereum’s fallibility, diversity within the crypto ecosystem, the potential of Tezos as a blockchain for art, the challenges the Metaverse faces, and the i…
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In a special episode for us this week, we sit down with Brian Alfred, artist and host of the SOUND & VISION podcast, who is a big inspiration on what we do here at Arranging Tangerines. In our discussion, we touch on the curatorial process, the importance of soccer, the gravitas that comes with age and experience, the overlap between music and visu…
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In this week’s episode, we welcome back Anika Todd, our inaugural guest on the podcast. As we talk about what Anika has been up to for the last year, we discuss teaching, the ethical concerns of sunlight access, the transferable nature of air rights in NYC, how a nomadic lifestyle helps emphasize incongruities, balloonery, space travel with a lower…
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