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OFFICIAL BACK UP ACCOUNT OF THE MINDFUL MUSLIMAH SPEAKS PODCAST: Empowering Muslim women to be the best version of themselves. Advice on personal growth, relationships, mindful living and more... @mindfulmuslimah *ORIGINAL PODCAST/PREVIOUS EPISODES:
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Salaam and Welcome to "Muslimahs in Motion: Professional Pursuits"— Let me introduce you to your new favorite podcast: where we're spilling the tea on what it really means to chase your dreams while staying true to your deen. Picture this: Your girl Hawa S. sitting down for real, unfiltered convos with incredible Muslimah powerhouses who are out here literally changing the game! We're talking brilliant sisters in tech building the future, healthcare heroes saving lives, community builders cr ...
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Tranquil Muslima

Zakeeya Ali

A podcast hosted by Zakeeya Ali for Muslim women to find tranquility in wifehood, motherhood and how to be a real lady. Support this podcast:
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Young Black Muslimah

Boshia Raejean

Islam | Hip Hop | Sisterhood "THE JOURNEY FROM HIP HIP TO HIP HAQ" Chapter 1 Launches for Streaming 08/31/23 An Experiential Self Help Guide, For Black girls interested in Islam or already Muslim
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Assalamualaikum Sahabat Naisha! Selamat datang di podcast Muslimah Kekinian by @naishahijrah. Podcast ini membahas hal-hal yang dekat dengan para muslimah secara seru. Harapannya, dengan mendengarkan podcast ini Sahabat Naisha memiliki pengetahuan baru mengenai hal apapun, terlebih tentang Islam. Selamat mendengarkan! Support this podcast:
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Yoruba Igbo Muslimah

Korede Azeez

My name is Korayday and I’m a Yoruba girl who grew up in Enugu. I’m a filmmaker, mom, and student of life. I like to talk about lessons learned and my experiences as I go through this introspective life of mine. Let’s connect on Instagram @korayday
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Muslimah Media Center Indonesia

Muslimah Media Center

Muslimah Media Center [MMC] adalah media Islam yang memiliki komitmen untuk bisa memberikan analisis terhadap masalah-masalah khususnya di Indonesia dan dunia Islam dengan menghadirkan Islam sebagai solusi praktis dan efektif. Semoga dapat memberikan inspirasi dalam kehidupan individu, masyarakat dan negara.
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teen muslimah

hanna saidatunnisa

a place where hanna and friends can share their feelings about different topics and experiences in life through the eyes of a couple Muslims with no boundaries and no judgement. Support this podcast:
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show series
Are you struggling to find the love of your life? Thousands of muslim women have used this proven blueprint, backed by 25 years of expertise, to find their compatible spouse - following Quran and Sunnah. Download it for FREE (for a limited time) here: ----------------------------------------------------------…
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Are you struggling to find the love of your life? Thousands of Muslim women have used this proven blueprint, backed by 25 years of expertise, to find their compatible spouse - following the Quran and Sunnah. Download it for FREE (for a limited time) here: ------------------------------------------------------…
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Season 1 Episode 10: How to Stop Worrying About the Future Are you struggling to find the love of your life? Thousands of Muslim women have used this proven blueprint, backed by 25 years of expertise, to find their compatible spouse - following the Quran and Sunnah. Download it for FREE (for a limited time) here:…
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Want to Say Salaam or share a career tip ? Click here ! (It may be shared on our next episode!!) Talk about a glow-up! Mariyaah Muttalib didn't just break into tech – she shattered expectations and claimed her spot among the stars at NASA. In this can't-miss episode, she's spilling ALL the tea about her journey from presentation-panicked to powerho…
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Season 1 Episode 6: Meet My Husband and Our Love Story Are you struggling to find the love of your life? Thousands of Muslim women have used this proven blueprint, backed by 25 years of expertise, to find their compatible spouse - following the Quran and Sunnah. Download it for FREE (for a limited time) here:…
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Season 1 Episode 5: Why Can't We Date in Islam? Are you struggling to find the love of your life? Thousands of Muslim women have used this proven blueprint, backed by 25 years of expertise, to find their compatible spouse - following the Quran and Sunnah. Download it for FREE (for a limited time) here: ------…
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Season 1 Episode 2: How to Discover What You Were Meant to Do Are you struggling to find the love of your life? Thousands of Muslim women have used this proven blueprint, backed by 25 years of expertise, to find their compatible spouse - following the Quran and Sunnah. Download it for FREE (for a limited time) here:…
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Season 1 Episode 1: Why Am I Not Organized??? Are you struggling to find the love of your life? Thousands of Muslim women have used this proven blueprint, backed by 25 years of expertise, to find their compatible spouse - following the Quran and Sunnah. Download it for FREE (for a limited time) here: --------…
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Want to Say Salaam or share a career tip ? Click here ! (It may be shared on our next episode!!) Today we're sitting down with the incredible Aazain Jan, a tech queen who's literally changing the game from Quetta, Pakistan. Through her Dev Diaries blog, she's showing us what's possible when you decide to take up space in tech - even when the world …
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Want to Say Salaam or share a career tip ? Click here ! (It may be shared on our next episode!!) From Effort to Barakah: The Muslimah's Momentum Series Finale In the final part of The Muslimah's Momentum series, we bring it all together with a heartfelt exploration of accountability, self-compassion, and Islamic insights to overcome procrastination…
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Want to Say Salaam or share a career tip ? Click here ! (It may be shared on our next episode!!) Salam everyone! Hawa S. here, and welcome to another episode of Muslimahs In Motion where we dive deep into procrastination solutions and productivity techniques that actually work. Ever noticed it's not just about "bad time management"? There's usually…
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Want to Say Salaam or share a career tip ? Click here ! (It may be shared on our next episode!!) Ever found yourself dodging the harsh realities of your responsibilities, all in the name of avoiding discomfort? Join us on Muslimahs In Motion as we unpack the murky depths of procrastination and its sneaky impact on money management. This episode she…
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Want to Say Salaam or share a career tip ? Click here ! (It may be shared on our next episode!!) We're chatting with Oumou, the stylish brains behind a cool hijab and modest clothing line. This episode is all about how she balances being a student and running her business. Oumou keeps it real on finding sustainable fabrics, dealing with modest fash…
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Want to Say Salaam or share a career tip ? Click here ! (It may be shared on our next episode!!) In this episode, we sit down with Hedaya Peterson, a talented Muslim copywriter and writer, to explore her inspiring journey through the world of words. Join us as we delve into her creative process, the challenges she’s overcome, and how her faith infl…
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Want to Say Salaam or share a career tip ? Click here ! (It may be shared on our next episode!!) Join Hawa and Afnan as they celebrate Muslim women in entrepreneurship in this inspirational episode of Muslimahs In Motion. In this evocative narrative, you'll hear the remarkable journey of a Muslim woman who turned her love for henna into a thriving …
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Want to Say Salaam or share a career tip ? Click here ! (It may be shared on our next episode!!) What does it take to balance faith, creativity, and a successful professional career? Meet Nadia Smith, an inspiring Muslimah event planner and henna artist, who shares her captivating journey from academia to the world of professional event planning. I…
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Want to Say Salaam or share a career tip ? Click here ! (It may be shared on our next episode!!) What’s the IMAN Framework, and Can It Transform Your Life? In this episode of "Muslimahs in Motion: Professional Pursuits," we explore the I.M.A.N. Framework—Intention, Mindfulness, Advocacy, and Nurturing—a powerful tool to help Muslim career women pro…
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I’m so grateful for this journey, alhamdulillah, and I pray to continue it this episode it’s all about being unapologetically Muslim in spaces that I don’t necessarily feel is excepted, now, there’s only one example of being the best, Muslim we can possibly be. I truly believe my Prophet Muhammad swa is that. I do understand that we all are unique.…
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Want to Say Salaam or share a career tip ? Click here ! (It may be shared on our next episode!!) COMING SOON SEPTEMBER 2024 !! What if you could pursue your dream career without ever having to compromise your faith or values? Join us as we embark on a journey into the world of Muslimah professionals who are shattering stereotypes and setting new be…
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Bestie, ternyata yang bingung nyari rumah bukan cuma warga +62 aja loh.. Tapi warga negara Jerman ternyata juga kebingungan mencari tempat untuk tinggal karena harga rumah dan apartemen di sana sangat mahal. Gimana nih lanjutannya? Yuk React with Bestie~
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I realized that I didn’t deserve to be a Muslim, but God made me one anyway, and for that, I will forever be in debt to the one, the true artist, Allah. This journey is so beautiful to reflect on. I pray it is helpful and connect to your soul deeply as I peak back the layers of my life.
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Aktivitas amar ma'ruf nahi munkar dalam rangka mewujudkan penerapan Islam secara sempurna dalam kehidupan adalah fardhu kifayah. Fardhu kifayah kadang-kadang bisa dilakukan oleh sedikit orang, tetapi tidak jarang hanya akan terlaksana jika dikerjakan banyak orang. Simak selengkapnya di podcast ini
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Laporan dari PBB untuk urusan kemanusiaan OCHA menyatakan 7,1 juta orang di Sudan mengalami kekurangan pangan tingkat tinggi. Hal ini berkaitan dengan konflik tentara militer. Bagaimana solusi Islam? Simak penjelasannya pada podcast berikut!
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Implementasi program swasembada gula dan bioetanol yang dicanagkan pemerintah di Kabupaten Merauke, Provinsi Papua Selatan untuk pengembangan tebu dikhawatirkan menyebabkan terjadinya deforestasi hutan Papua yang lebih masif. Bagaimana solusi mewujudkan swasembada pangan tanpa merusak alam?
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Kok bisa sih, wanita asal Taiwan ini tega nyembunyiin jasad ayahnya biar bisa tetep dapet dana pensiunan ayahnya. Mungkin terpaksa kali ya? Soalnya di zaman Kapitalisme ini semua serba mahal. Yuk simak kelanjutannya di podcast React with Us!
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Di Madinah Al-Munawwaroh bukan hanya kaum muslimin bertambah jumlah, karena tidak hanya orang-orang Makkah yang memeluk Islam, tapi hampir semua rumah-rumah di Madinah itu sudah dimasuki cahaya Islam. Sekalipun tidak semua masuk Islam, tetapi mereka adalah masyarakat yang menerima Islam dengan penerimaan yang sempurna sampai Rasulullah memberlakuka…
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Dengan makin maraknya kemunkaran yang terjadi di dunia, sepatutnya seorang Muslim harus berani bersuara dan melawan kemunkaran yang ada. Akan tetapi, pada faktanya banyak Muslim yang dihinggapi sifat pengecut dan tidak berani menyuarakan Islam dan kebenaran serta melawan kemunkaran. Apa sebenarnya penyebab sifat pengecut ada pada diri manusia? Dan …
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Wakil Mentri Perdagangan, Jery Sambuaga mengatakan, "Game online dapat menyumbangkan devisa bagi negara." Perpres Game Online pun akan segera disahkan meski telah tampak dampak buruk yang diakibatkan dari game online. Bagaimana pandangan Islam terkait Perpres ini? Simak penjelasannya pada podcast berikut!…
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Pengurus besar PGRI mengingatkan pemerintah untuk memberikan perhatian yang sama kepada sekolah negeri dan swasta termasuk dalam pemenuhan kekurangan guru. Guru-guru swasta PPPK disarankan dikembalikan ke sekolah asalnya. (sekolah swasta). Mengapa tata kelola perekrutan guru menjadi rumit? Bagaimana solusi Islam?…
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Hmm... virus kesepian emang bisa bikin orang normal jadi gak normal ya. Karena kesepian, tapi gak mau repot-repot ngurus hewan, akhirnya banyak orang korea pada pelihara batu. Katanya sih buat temen curhat... Gimana ya kelanjutannya? Yuk simak di react with us!
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Era pemuda sekarang sering kali dikaitkan dengan generasi yang suka galau. Fenomena galau menjadi marak sehingga dianggap sebagai sesuatu yang wajar. Sebenarnya, apa penyebab fenomena galau ini? Dan bagaimana solusi Islam untuk fenomena galau? Yuk simak podcast ini!
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Hijrahnya Rasulullah ﷺ bukan semata-mata berpindah tempat saja, melainkan perpindahan dalam rangka meninggalkan sistem jahiliyah menuju penerapan Islam Kaffah. Peristiwa hijrah ini masih diingat oleh kaum muslim sampai saat ini, sekalipun kita hidup dimana sistem Islam tidak lagi diberlakukan. Lalu, bagaimanakah kita mengembalikan kehidupan Islam i…
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Sebanyak 14 orang warga dilaporkan meninggal dunia dalam bencana banjir dengan ketinggian mencapai tiga meter dan disertai tanah longsor di Kabupaten Luwu, Sulawesi Selatan. Banjir dan tanah longsor di Sulsel ini bukan terjadi hanya kali ini saja, tapi sudah menjadi kejadian yang sering berulang, namun mitigasi dan upaya penjegahan yang dilakukan o…
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Seorang pemuka agama lain menyinggung ibadah zakat dan shalat dan membandingkannya dengan ajaran agamanya. Zakat dianggap sebagai satu ajaran yang persembahannya sangat kecil sehingga mestinya tidak menuntut ada fasilitas yang luar biasa. Bagaimana pandangan Islam terkait hal ini? Simak penjelasannya pada podcast ini!…
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Dakwah Islam adalah misi para Nabi dan Rasul, tak terkecuali Rasulullah Muhammad. Banyak umat Islam yang tidak menyadari bahwa dakwah yang diserukan Rasulullah sejatinya merupakan dakwah ideologis. Simak selengkapnya di podcast berikut
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Islam menghadapi banyak tipu daya. Menghadapi makar keji terhadap hukum-hukum, dan para pengemban dakwahnya yang ikhlas. Tujuan mereka adalah untuk menjauhkan pengaruh Islam kepada pemeluknya dan umat yang lain. Simak selengkapnya di podcast berikut!
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Makin kesini banyak sekali terjadi pelanggatan syariat yang dilakukan umat Muslim. Muslim sekarang tidak takut melakukan maksiat kepada Allah SWT. Bagaimana bisa fenomena ini terjadi? Serta bagaimana solusi dalam Islam supaya umat Muslim bisa kembali merasa takut bermaksiat kepada Allah?
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Ada yang penasaran gak dengan Benteng Shalahuddin? Sosok Shalahuddin tentu sudah tidak asing lagi ya di telinga kita. Beliau adalah panglima yang berhasil menaklukkan Baitul Maqdis yang direbut oleh pasukan Salib. Kali ini MMC ingin sharing hasil jalan jalan ke Mesir, tepatnya di Benteng Shalahuddin. yuhuuuu...Yuk simak aja di podcast berikut!…
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Perempuan di China ini resign dari pekerjaannya sekalipun gajinya perbulan cukup besar. Ternyata eh ternyata pekerjaannya yang terlalu membebani itu bikin dia resign. Yaiyalah, masak grup chatnya aja sampai 600. Emang dikira robot?! Yuk ikuti kelanjutannya di React with Us!
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Masa lalu memang sulit kita untuk melepaskan diri dari masa lalu. Apalagi, kalau peristiwa tersebut adalah peristiwa yang sangat mendalam, baik dari sisi dampak positif, maupun negatif. Sehingga, orang banyak yang masih melihat ke belakang dan pesimis terhadap masa depan. Bagaimana solusi Islam agar kita mampu sembuh dari trauma di masa lalu?…
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Sirah dakwah Rasulullah ﷺ menunjukkan tidak disisakannya satu keraguan pun terhadap pemikiran Islam dan menjauhkannya dari realita yang mungkin bisa mempengaruhinya. Bahkan, Rasulullah dan para Sahabat yang berjuang, berusaha untuk mewarnai realita dan memunculkan perubahan. Simak selengkapnya di podcast berikut!…
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Hari raya umat muslim (Idul Fitri dan Idul Adha) disahkan UNESCO sebagai warisan keagamaan. Hal ini dikaitkan dengan resolusi PBB yang mendukung tahun toleransi PBB. Apakah toleransi yang dibangun ini sesuai dengan ajaran Islam ? Simak penjelasannya pada podcast berikut!
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