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The Bible Explained

Jenn Kokal

Reading the Bible shouldn't be a chore, it should be fun! So, grab your cup of coffee and tune in for this humorous, relatable, and simplistic explanation of the Bible. Each weekday morning, you will hear Jenn (and the occasional guest) reading and discussing a different portion of Scripture in a way that you (probably) have never experienced before. For coffee drinkers only... just kidding. A P40 Ministries podcast. For more info, go to
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show series
Elisha is now the new prophet of Israel, and he's met with challenges: Some men ask for the waters of Jericho to be healed Elisha throws salt in the water and heals it Elisha travels to Bethel, where he's met by some aggressive youths What the word na'ar means when referring to youths Why Elisha cursed the youths for calling him "baldy." Be sure to…
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Paul warns us to listen to the truth and stop being influenced by non-Christians: 4 ways we can be unequally yoked: In marriage In friendships In media/entertainment In temptations Our Escape from the IFB Denomination - Leaving a Theologically Unsound Church - Part 3 Hey! Look at this other P40 conte…
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Elijah is about to be taken to heaven: The whirlwind was public knowledge The prophets keep reminding Elisha that he is about to lose his mentor Elijah parts the Jordan River Elijah is taken up to heaven, but leaves his mantel for Elisha Elisha becomes the new prophet of Israel Be sure to click every link: YouTube -…
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In today's episode: What does it mean to not receive God's grace "in vain?" NOW is the era of grace; this era will someday end The Apostles's crazy resume The Corinthians were restricting their affection for Paul, which hurt Paul's heart Our Escape from the IFB Denomination - Leaving a Theologically Unsound Church - Part 3…
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Elijah once again is in hot water with the king: King Ahab is dead, and his son Ahaziah is now king Ahaziah fell several stories and inquires of Baalzebub if he will recover God sends Elijah to the king to tell him he will die The king is angry and sends captains to take Elijah, but God sends fire from heaven Ahaziah dies Hey! Don't leave before lo…
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Paul appeals to people to be reconciled with God: Jesus died for the kosmos (universe) God adopts us as His children God has plenty of room for more children We become new creations when we believe in Jesus Need more? I don't blame you! Click the links below to see other P40 stuff: YouTube - Ko-Fi - https…
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Asa dies and Jehoshaphat becomes the new king of Judah: Jehoshaphat was one of Judah's best kings Asa trained Jehoshaphat well for the job as king The fear of God is the beginning of knowledge God blessed Judah because of king Jehoshaphat Jehoshaphat didn't train his own son well for the job as king Be sure to click every link: YouTube - https://ww…
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Here's why Christians don't need to have a crippling fear of death: Our current bodies are just "tents" We have a permanent place ready for us in heaven We walk by faith and not by sight What will we be doing in heaven? A discussion on the Judgment Seat of Christ Be sure to click every link for the full P40 experience: YouTube -…
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King Ahab willingly goes off to die: 400 prophets lie to Ahab and tell him to go to battle Macaiah, the only real prophet, reveals that the prophets were lying because God sent a lying spirit How can God send a lying spirit if He doesn't cause people to sin? Macaiah gets thrown into prison and Ahab disregards what he warns God saves the life of Jeh…
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In today's episode: What does it mean to "deny yourself" and follow Jesus? Do Christians expect people to not have nice things? What is the "Christian Poverty" movement, and is it biblical? Why Paul calls his sufferings "light" The difference between "forever" and "eternity" Need more? I don't blame you! Click the links below to see other P40 stuff…
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Ahab and Jehoshaphat strike up a deal: Jehoshaphat agrees to help Israel in battle against Syria Jehoshaphat wants to hear a prophet of God first 400 "prophets" gather to tell the king what he wants to hear Only one prophet was willing to tell the truth Ahab gets angry at the true prophet of YHWH There are so many other things P40 does! Check it ou…
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Paul discusses why Christians don't give up on the Gospel message: God gives mercy and love The Gospel is the truth 4 things Christians MUST do after they are saved Christianity is not the gospel of self Why Satan is called a "god" Need more? I don't blame you! Click the links below to see other P40 stuff: YouTube -…
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God pronounces judgment after Ahab and Jezebel kill a family man: Ahab is in Jezreel instead of Samaria where he should be God sends Elijah to prophesy against Ahab All prophecies of God give people time to repent Ahab actually repents God reduces His sentence on Ahab I know you need more: Ko-Fi - Website - https://w…
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In today's episode: Why did Moses put a veil over his face? Two viewpoints What is this veil that people have over their minds? There's only one way to remove the veil The Holy Spirit is the only source of freedom and truth Click all the links for more cool stuff: YouTube - Ko-Fi -…
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Ahab and Jezebel are truly the worst: Ahab decides he wants a field near his palace to grow a veggie garden Naboth, the owner of the field declines Why it was against God for Israelites to buy or sell land Jezebel enacts a plan to get the field Mass hysteria takes place, and Naboth dies Why we should always question what we hear instead of going wi…
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In today's episode: Paul explains what his letter of commendation really is Why degrees don't matter in the eyes of God The Old Testament Law brings death? A discussion of Romans 7 How can something glorious bring death? Why the new covenant is so much more glorious than the old Hey! Don't go away yet! Also check out these other P40 sites: YouTube …
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In today's episode: Ben-Hadad begs for mercy from Ahab, and Ahab makes a treaty with him God is upset with Ahab God strikes a man for not striking a prophet A prophet gets beaten as an object lesson to Ahab Ahab goes home sulking and furious There are so many other things P40 does! Check it out: YouTube -…
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Paul discusses why he was so depressed leaving Ephesus: A riot just happened that nearly killed his friends, the Corinthian church was going off the deep end, Paul had to write a difficult letter, and Titus was nowhere to be found. God freely gives His knowledge out to His followers - knowledge of many subjects. Paul explains why it's important to …
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Israel and King Ahab are in a vulnerable position: Ben Hadad besieges Samaria Ahab is willing to give his family members to Ben Hadad Ben Hadad demands more, but Ahab rejects him God protects Israel in battle and defeats the Syrians The Syrians believe the loss was due to YHWH being a "god of the hills" God protects Israel in battle and defeats the…
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Paul discusses church discipline: Why discipline is loving God disciplines His people When church discipline is necessary When church discipline goes too far What Jesus says about church discipline Why love and forgiveness should always come first Be sure to click every link for the full P40 experience: YouTube -…
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Elijah runs away from Israel after a stunning victory: Jezebel says she will kill Elijah for what he did The meaning of Jezebel's name Elijah runs to Mt. Sinai, where he encounters YHWH God is not in the wind, earthquake, or fire; He is a still, small voice Where fear usually comes from, and how to overcome it Elijah meets Elisha Hey! Look at this …
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Paul refused to visit the Church of Corinth the second time, even though he said he would: Paul had a bad experience the first time he visited Paul didn't want to keep rebuking the Corinthians because it was getting to be too much God always keeps His promises, so we should too (to the best of our ability) Why it's not good to keep reprimanding som…
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God proposes an idea to display His power to the people: Elijah tells the people that they are going to have a battle between God and Baal; the people agree Elijah starts to mock the Baal prophets as they receive no answer from their god Elijah rebuilds the altar to God and drenches it in water God wins God sends rain God gives Elijah super speed??…
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Today, we introduce 2 Corinthians: Paul's 4th letter to the Corinthians The meaning of paraklesis, or comfort from God 2 ways we can re-frame the idea of suffering Hurt Christians are called to heal others Hey! Don't go away yet! Also check out these other P40 sites: YouTube - Ko-Fi -…
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God is about to challenge Baal in front of Israel. But first, The famine and drought lasts for 3 years straight Obadiah saves 100 of God's prophets from death Elijah confronts Ahab Ahab agrees to the showdown Elijah tells Israel to get off the fence and start worshiping the true God Be sure to click every link for the full P40 experience: YouTube -…
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While Elijah stays with the widow, the unthinkable happens when her only son dies: The widow blames Elijah and God Elijah prays for the boy's life A discussion on Jesus's thoughts on death Jesus wept - why that's important Why death happens and why it's unnatural Elijah raises the boy from the dead Need more? I don't blame you! Click the links belo…
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Merry Christmas! Was your year filled with worry or doubt or fear? Did you know that the Christmas story is actually filled with people who were afraid? Today, we discuss how the Christmas story relieves every single fear that we may experience. We don't have to be afraid, because Jesus has and will conquer ever fear we have. Rest - Steve Green htt…
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Elijah the prophet is introduced: He delivers a message to Ahab about an upcoming drought/famine Elijah's life is in danger, so God tells him to go live by a brook God sustains Elijah with ravens bringing him food The brook dries up and Elijah meets a widow The miracle of the widow's flour and oil never running out Be sure to click every link for t…
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Paul gives some closing thoughts to end his letter: Christians are commanded to give Givers and laborers deserve far more thanks than they get Evidence of the early church meeting on Sunday instead of the Sabbath What Paul means when he calls those who don't love Jesus "cursed by God." Click all the links for more cool stuff: YouTube - https://www.…
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King Omri and Ahab are worse than all the kings before them: King Omri establishes Samaria Omri dies and his son Ahab takes his place Ahab is worse than his father and every king before him Ahab marries Jezebel and introduces Baal worship to Israel Ahab rebuilds Jericho in spite of the curse of YHWH Why the Baal cult was especially disgusting and m…
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*Note from Jenn - "I forgot to mention what the word "rapture" means. It is a Latin word that means "caught up." Even though the word is not used in Scripture, Christians often call Jesus's 2nd coming the rapture." What will happen during Jesus's 2nd coming? When is the rapture going to take place? What is the Last Trump? Why Christians should neve…
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Asa is the king of peaceful Judah; meanwhile Israel burns to the ground: Jehu the prophet prophesies against Baasha's family Elah is assassinated while drunk Zimri, the assassin, kills Baasha's entire family Why God uses wicked people to fulfill His will The difference between a country that follows God, and a country that doesn't What we can do as…
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Scripture describes our resurrected bodies in more detail: Why it's not impossible for God to make a completely new, resurrected body Our current bodies will be nothing like the resurrected body - what will the resurrected body be like? The natural state vs. the spiritual state Hey! Don't go away yet! Also check out these other P40 sites: YouTube -…
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Jeroboam, the first king of Israel dies, and chaos ensues: Nadab becomes the next king of Israel God gives Nadab time to repent, but he doesn't Nadab dies in Philistine land Baasha from the tribe of Issachar becomes the next king If love is not provoked, then why does it say that God was provoked to anger against Jeroboam? Click all the links for m…
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Paul shares information about the 1,000 year reign of Jesus and more proof the resurrection really happened: What is the difference between rising from the dead and resurrection? Jesus is the first of the resurrected Jesus will reign on this earth for 1,000 years. What happens during and after that time? 3 more pieces of evidence that the resurrect…
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In 1 Kings 15: Asa becomes the next king Asa proves his complete dedication to Yahweh King Baasha wars with Judah Asa becomes afraid of Baasha and takes gold from Yahweh's temple to make a treaty with the king of Syria God is disappointed in the actions of Asa and punishes him How one can be completely devoted to Yahweh, yet still struggle with fea…
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Paul is about to set the Corinthians straight on the resurrection of Jesus: There were over 500 witnesses of Jesus being risen from the dead The Old Testament Scriptures prophesied about Jesus rising from the dead Why did Jesus have to rise from the dead? The core basic of Christianity is that Jesus had to rise from the dead Why cultural Christiani…
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Abijam reigns as the next king of Israel after the death of Reheboam: Abijam was also known as Abijah - the significance of the two different names Abijam gives a good sermon to Jeroboam Abijam dies as a disgraced king Asa his son reigns in his place Asa and Abijam have the same mother?? Need more? I don't blame you! Click the links below to see ot…
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Paul discusses the orderly way to have a church service: There must always be an interpreter when speaking in tongues Up to 3 people can speak at a time, but only one at a time Chaotic church services are against God's nature for peace and order If God is "not the Author of confusion" what does it mean when we are confused about something in the Bi…
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Rehoboam started out as a good king, but fell shortly after: Rehoboam works on building up the kingdom Judah sees 3 years of great success 5 years in, Shishak I loots Israel and Judah Judah turned to God, so Shishak was unable to do as much damage How western churches compromise Scripture the same way Judah did Be sure to click every link for the f…
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The Corinthian church was struggling to understand the concept of tongues: Tongues is useless in a church setting without an interpreter Everyone who has the gift of tongues should be praying for the spiritual gift of interpretation Paul encourages all Christians to understand what they are praying Paul's gift of tongues benefited many people Why t…
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Jeroboam's son is very sick: Jeroboam sends his wife to the prophet Ahijah The prophet could see through the disguise Ahijah has some bad news for Jeroboam Jeroboam's family was going to be destroyed Why God sometimes takes godly people early God kills Jeroboam Get your Adore Advent Devotional before Sunday!…
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Paul wants believers to have prophecy rather than tongues: There are 2 types of tongue gifts - personal and interpersonal Tongues are edifying for one's own devotion The Word of God must be understood to be believed Tongues are not understood without an interpreter, so they are not useful in church if there's no interpreter Prophecy is a more unify…
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A man of God meets an old prophet: A man of God travels to Israel to prophesy against it The man of God was commanded to fast until he got back home An old prophet lies to the man of God The man gets killed by a lion Was the old prophet a good guy or a bad guy? Be sure to click every link: YouTube - Ko-Fi…
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Why love is so important: Love covers sin - what this means Love looks for the positive Love endures through bad circumstances Love will last forever, but everything else will be done away with Spiritual gifts won't always be around Be sure to click every link: YouTube - Ko-Fi -…
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King Rehoboam made a big mistake: After harshly confronting the people, the Israelites rebel The northern tribes stone the tax collector Rehoboam flees for his life to Jerusalem, where he decides to start a war YHWH confronts Rehoboam Jeroboam becomes the king of the northern tribes, now the new state of Israel Israel immediately falls into idolatr…
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The "love chapter" has a lot of convicting verses: Why Paul needed to write this chapter What "agape" love means Why love is so much deeper than mere kindness An in-depth explanation of each aspect of agape love Hey! Don't go away yet! Also check out these other P40 sites: YouTube - Ko-Fi - https://ko-fi.…
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Rehoboam and Jeroboam go head to head: Rehoboam is next in line for the throne, but God promised it to Jeroboam The people demand conditions from Rehoboam Rehoboam goes to the elders for advice, but immediately rejects it Instead, he takes advice from his friends How to discern between good and bad advice Hey! Look at this other P40 content! YouTub…
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Here's a better understanding of Spiritual gifts: Spiritual gifts are unique and diverse Some Spiritual gifts are showier than others, but that doesn't mean they are better than other Spiritual gifts Are some Spiritual gifts no longer around? Why Scripture tells us to "want the best gifts" if all gifts are equal to each other Be sure to click every…
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The third and final enemy of Solomon happens to be an Israelite: Jeroboam gets the king's attention as an industrious man Jeroboam climbs the ranks A prophet rips his new clothes and gives 10 pieces to Jeroboam Why did the prophet keep 2 pieces of the clothes? Solomon tries to kill Jeroboam but fails Solomon dies If you want to support the Bible Ex…
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