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Libri, libri e ancora: Libri! In bookanieri parliamo dei libri che ci piacciono e che, speriamo, possano piacere pure a voi!
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La domenica dei libri è la trasmissione di libri e cultura di Radio Popolare. Ogni settimana, interviste agli autori, approfondimenti, le novità del dibattito culturale, soprattutto la passione della lettura e delle idee. Condotta da Roberto Festa
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Seznamte se s knihami, které doporučují známé osobnosti. Všechny díly podcastu Ex libris můžete pohodlně poslouchat v mobilní aplikaci mujRozhlas pro Android a iOS nebo na webu
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Hörspiele lassen fantastische Welten in unseren Köpfen entstehen: das nebelverhangene London, ein Piratenschiff im Sturm, die Weiten des Weltraums – alles wird vor unserem inneren Auge lebendig und das nur durch die Kraft von Stimmen, Geräuschen und Musik. Beim Theater ex libris kann man Hörspiel sehen - live auf der Bühne. Mit Live-Musik, einer aufwändigen Bildpräsentation und stimmungsvollen Lichteffekten verwandelt das Ensemble Literaturklassiker und eigene Geschichten in spannende Live-H ...
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Yugen (cinema, serie tv, libri, fumetti, musica, giochi, luoghi, consigli, classifiche, film, nerd)
Claudio Garioni
Ingredienti: consigli, liste di cose belle, film, musica, libri, fumetti, amici nerd, serie tv, videogiochi, luoghi e tutto quello che passa per le teste qui riunite da Claudio Garioni. Special Guest: CARLO LUCARELLI, ANDREA DELOGU, LUCA RAVENNA, PAOLA BARBATO, MAX COLLINI (Offlaga Disco Pax), GIULIO PRANNO, GIACOMO KEISON BEVILACQUA, GIANLUCA MOROZZI, WALTER LEONARDI, BARONCIANI, SANTAMATITA, CARLO CORALLO, LEONARDO PATRIGNANI, STANLIO KUBRICK (I 400 calci), MEGANOIDI, FRANCESCO DIMITRI, LU ...
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Un’inviata virtuale in libreria per scoprire le ultime novità del mercato editoriale. In ogni puntata due interviste dal vivo a scrittrici e scrittori, italiani e stranieri, per parlare dei romanzi: dai personaggi ai temi, dalle trame ai retroscena della scrittura. Con uno stile informale Alessandra Tedesco racconta i romanzi e talvolta anche gli aspetti inediti degli autori. Un modo per orientarsi nella vasta produzione editoriale e scegliere il libro adatto a sé.
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Getting the intelligence back from AI with history's greatest truths not spoken.
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Um podcast rápido e ligeiro (às vezes) sobre Política, Comportamento Humano, Ciência, Tecnologia e Cultura do Projeto Impressões Digitais.
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Hosted at, read by Karen Savage
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free public domain audiobooks
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Programa de ràdio sobre llibres. (Ràdio Cardedeu). Presentat i dirigit per Clara Calbet.
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Benvenuti amanti dei libri! Questo podcast nasce con l'obiettivo di diventare una grande libreria comune dove potrete trovare, ogni settimana, nuovi suggerimenti di lettura.
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Das Ö1 Literaturmagazin präsentiert Neues aus der Welt der Literatur - Neuerscheinungen, Kritiken, Texte sowie Autor/innen im Porträt.
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Libri per il successo si presenta come un podcast dove si propone all’ascoltatore un libro che possa fornire spunti per migliorare la sfera personale e professionale. Ogni due settimana un libro- un argomento, una pillola pratica, se mettiamo insieme podcast dopo podcast nell’arco di un periodo ci troviamo ad assimilare una serie di strumenti che di danno una marcia in più. Ovviamente i libri vanno letti e questo programma è pieno di opinioni e aneddoti personali del suo autore, non intende ...
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Se nos ocurrió estudiar Letras y acá estamos: esperando algún día vivir de hablar de libros que leímos.
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Scrivi? Vorresti lavorare nel mondo dei libri? Leggi? Se l'editoria ti sembra un pianeta misterioso, scopriamolo assieme!
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A Libri Magazin podcast-csatornája íróportrékkal, könyvajánlókkal és tematikus műsorokkal várja a könyvrajongókat. Kövesse csatornánkat a Spotify-on vagy a Google és az Apple podcast-alkalmazásaiban, és kerüljön képbe a legfrissebb könyves újdonságokkal!
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È finalmente arrivato il momento di partire per un viaggio che ci catapulterà nel mondo dei libri e dei brividi di amore, dolore, piacere, stupore, follia che riescono a fare vivere nei nostri corpi… vera LIBRIDINE. Un programma di Radio NFO realizzato da Elena Piazza, Andrea Firrincieli e Giorgio Grasso.
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Gli incipit di Due Minuti Un Libro. Il piacere della lettura ad alta voce. Che sia un thriller, un romanzo, un manuale, un libro per bambini o ragazzi, di poesie, un distopico, un autobiografico, uno spirituale a noi piace leggerli. Buon ascolto!
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by L.M. Montgomery, audiobook read by Karen Savage
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Le anteprime audio degli audio libri di Antonio Tombolini Editore, disponibili su "Il Narratore"
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Listen to some of the UK’s wittiest wordsmiths cross pens as they bluff and counter bluff in Ex Libris LIVE! the entertaining panel show adaptation of Ex Libris, the game of first lines and last words. Be prepared for a good deal of bluffing, entertaining chit-chat and outright literary sneakiness! While panelists set about writing fake but plausible opening or closing sentences to genuine books, the Ex Libris LIVE! host, broadcaster David Freeman, will interview, in turn, each contender dis ...
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William Librizzi is the founder and director of The Wellspring Counseling Center and the Wellspring Communications Group in Manasquan, New Jersey. He, along with his team of Christian counselors, assist individuals in the areas of emotional and spiritual growth. They work with their clients integrating the word of God with sound, psychological principals. Reverend Librizzi is a Licensed Professional Counselor within the state of New Jersey and an ordained minister. Prior to counseling full t ...
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I romanzi di Ferrante saranno la cartina di tornasole per guardare ai libri scritti dalle donne, al femminismo per come lo intende Ferrante e soprattutto alle italiane che sono le vere protagoniste dell’opera monumentale dell’autrice invisibile. Io sono Viviana Scarinci ho scritto fino a oggi alcuni libri su Elena Ferrante pubblicati in Italia e in Germania.
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Mi chiamo Mariana, sono una ladra compulsiva, ossessiva e ripetitiva. E sono una ladra di libri. Ogni lunedì on line con le #bookreviews della settimana, interviste e tutte le news dal mondo dell'editoria e dei libri.
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Podcast sul mondo dei libri gialli e non solo. Sono Federica, giornalista patita di libri, cacciatrice di storie. Se ami scoprire nuovi libri da leggere, sei nella stanza giusta.
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Zona Lettura è un podcast di recensioni letterarie ideato per avvicinare alla lettura, per stimolare alla riflessione, per approfondire temi di interesse letterario, e per consigliare nuovi titoli a chi è in cerca di novità.
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Autrice di romance, thriller e fantasy MM e LGBTQ, ma anche lettrice compulsiva e book-blogger. Amo leggere e scrivere per poter condividere, con chi ama la lettura, quelle che sono le mie sensazioni, emozioni, pensieri vissuti quando leggo un libro, e per dare visibilità a quegli scrittori esordienti, schiacciati dai big, ma che meritano di essere letti. Con questi podcast proseguo una rubrica già intrapresa su Facebook, Instagram e YouTube di lettura di incipit, prologo, primo capitolo o e ...
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Shpjeguar nga Hoxhë Lulzim Perçuku. Pesë librat prej ku është marrë komenti i librit: 1. Fet’hul Mexhid – Abdurrahman Ibn Hasen (nipi i shejhut), Allahu e mëshiroftë 2. Tejsirul Azizil Hamid – Sulejman Ibn Abdilah (nipi i shejhut), Allahu e mëshiroftë 3. Temhid – Shejh Salih alu Shejh, Allahu e ruajtë 4. Ianetul Mustefid – Shejh Feuzani, Allahu e ruajtë 5. El Kaulu el-Mufid – Shejh Uthejmini, Allahu e mëshiroftë ©Të gjitha të drejtat i përkasin shoqatës "Qendra Udhëzimi". Menaxheri i këtij p ...
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In questo podcast del Digital marketing, a cura di Massimo Brugnone, appuntamento ogni venerdì con i libri editi e proposti dal Sole 24 Ore
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Ogni lunedì recensisco i migliori libri di marketing e business per aiutarti a: - crescere - impara subito i 3 punti chiave del libro - scoprire di più sui migliori autori
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Questo podcast si intitola "Libri che raccontano idee" perché bisogna sempre farsi ispirare dalle idee che circolano per non rimanere mai indietro. Io mi chiamo Luigi Serra e sono un consulente di Marketing e le idee di questi libri sono dedicate ai piccoli imprenditori, a quelli che devono fare tutto da soli per promuovere una azienda e a quelli che cercano nuove strade. In "Libri che raccontano idee" parlerò di marketing, di comunicazione, di business e di digitale.
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Un libro, un podcast. Le conversazioni dei nostri autori con il direttore editoriale della nostra casa editrice, Marco Lillo. Arricchite, talvolta, da uno o più commentatori autorevoli che partecipano al dialogo. Il primo episodio è dedicato a Contro! di Alessandro Di Battista. Seguiranno L’Uomo nero e le stragi di Giovanni Vignali con la partecipazione di Carlo Lucarelli e Antonella Beccaria, Le Banane della Repubblica di Pino Corrias, Il caso Khashoggi di Marco Lillo e Valeria Pacelli, Io ...
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La mia cosa preferita sono...con Gianluca Dario Rota & Jacopo Napolitano!
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In questo episodio vi parliamo di una graphic novel (o fumetto) dal titolo "La mia cosa preferita sono i mostri" scritto e disegnato da Emil Ferris e pubblicato in Italia da Bao Publishing. Un giallo che è anche un omaggio ai mostri che arrivano dalle storie degli anni settanta, che è anche uno slice of life nella vita di una ragazzina messicana su…
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89 - Indiana Jones e l'antico cerchio giocato da un archeologo e uno storico veri
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Yugen Podcast ha chiesto all'archeologo Francesco Bellu e allo storico Davide Campi di raccontarci come è stato giocare al videogame Indiana Jones e l'antico cerchio.Seguici per non perderti nulla del mondo di cinema, serie tv, libri, musica e molto altro ancora!
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La domenica dei libri di domenica 19/01/2025
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La domenica dei libri è la trasmissione di libri e cultura di Radio Popolare.Ogni settimana, interviste agli autori, approfondimenti, le novità del dibattito culturale, soprattutto la passione della lettura e delle idee.Condotta da Roberto Festa
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Una donna che ha superato i 40 anni diventa madre. Un evento sicuramente potente che spiazza e che trasforma. Un evento che fa diventare il ricordo di una bisnonnax, che aveva passato alcuni giorni in un manicomio, quasi un'ossessione: ricostruire la sua storia diventa un'urgenza. Un evento che stimola riflessioni su come la scrittura, ossia l'arte…
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LibriVox recording of When a Man's a Man by Harold Bell Wright. Read in English by KevinS. When a Man's a Man is a novel written by Harold Bell Wright, an author who was quite popular in the first decades of the 20th Century.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This item has files of the following types: 128Kbps MP3, 64Kbps MP3, Archive B…
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LibriVox recording of Worlds Within by Rog Phillips. Read in English by Ben Tucker. Lin Carter, engineer engaged in top secret research at Lockheed, was shaving when the knock came at his apartment door.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This item has files of the following types: 128Kbps MP3, 64Kbps MP3, Archive BitTorrent, Item Tile, …
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LibriVox recording of Episodios, anécdotas y leyendas del descubrimiento y la conquista by Anselmo Fletes . Read in Spanish by LibriVox Volunteers. Tomando como modelo las "Noches de la Alhambra" de Washignton Irving, el autor nos invita a sumergirnos en 28 leyendas muy diversas e interesantes sobr.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. Thi…
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LibriVox recording of Hamlet (Spanish) by William Shakespeare. (Translated by Celso García Morán.) Read in Spanish by Victor Villarraza. La tragedia de Hamlet, príncipe de Dinamarca (título original en inglés: The Tragical History of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark), o simplemente Hamlet, es una trag.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This it…
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LibriVox recording of Mother Earth, Vol. 1 No. 7, September 1906 by Various. Read in English by LibriVox Volunteers. Mother Earth was an American anarchist journal that described itself as "A Monthly Magazine Devoted to Social Science and Literature".... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This item has files of the following types: 128Kbps …
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LibriVox recording of Studies in the Sermon on the Mount by Oswald Chambers. Read in English by LibriVox Volunteers. In this work Oswald Chambers sets out to provide insights that help explain Jesus’ most well-known teaching.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This item has files of the following types: 128Kbps MP3, 64Kbps MP3, Archive B…
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LibriVox recording of Bardelys the Magnificent by Rafael Sabatini. Read in English by Mark Nelson. Being an Account of the Strange Wooing pursued by the Sieur Marcel de Saint-Pol; Marquis of Bardelys, and of the things that in the course of it befell him in Languedoc, in the year of the Rebellion.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This …
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LibriVox recording of David Copperfield, Band 07 (Version 2) by Charles Dickens. (Translated by Julius Seybt.) Read in German by josvanaken. David Copperfield von Charles Dickens ist ein viktorianischer Bildungsroman, der die Lebensgeschichte des Protagonisten David Copperfield erzählt.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This item has fi…
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Ilona Wiśniewska: Mihotání. Na konci Grónska
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Reportérka, polonistka a fotografka Ilona Wiśniewska přijíždí do oblasti Qaanaaq, kde nejsou asfaltové silnice a ke hřbitovu vede písčitá cesta lemovaná lavičkami z europalet. Přesto by původní obyvatelé toto místo za jiné nevyměnili, natož aby ho prodali. Leckdy ale cítí bezmoc. Už 70 let jsou sice občany Dánska, ale zdaleka si tak nepřipadají. Co…
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LibriVox recording of A mi madre by Rosalía de Castro. Read in Spanish by Lu. "A mi madre", es uno de los primeros poemarios escritos por la autora gallega y editado por D. Juan Compañel en 1863. Como en muchas de sus obras, aquí Rosalía refleja una idea romántica, ofrece una estética sin gran.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This ite…
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LibriVox recording of John Inglesant, a Romance by Joseph Henry Shorthouse. Read in English by LibriVox Volunteers. "John Inglesant" is the best known of Mr. Shorthouse’s novels: it is also the most perfect embodiment of this spirit of mysticism in fiction.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This item has files of the following types: 12…
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LibriVox recording of The Moral Picture Book by Anonymous. Read in English by Maria Abrenica and mleigh. A collection of stories is presented here with the intent of teaching children the value of moral behavior.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This item has files of the following types: 128Kbps MP3, 64Kbps MP3, Archive BitTorrent, It…
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LibriVox recording of Criminal man: according to the classification of Cesare Lombroso by Gina Lombroso. Read in English by Leon Harvey. This book is an English summary and paraphrase of the multi-volume Italian work of the same name compiled by Cesare Lombroso, the father of the author of this work.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. Th…
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LibriVox recording of The Queen's Cup by G. A. Henty. Read in English by gracesilvey. Follow Frank Mallet, Henty’s gentleman hero, as he aids in putting down the mutiny of the Sepoys of Barrackpore and then comes home to his estate in England only to be off on another adventure when his sweetheart.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This…
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LibriVox recording of Canciones, 1921-1924 by Federico García Lorca. Read in Spanish by Epachuko . Ampliamente reconocido como el mejor dramaturgo y poeta español del siglo XX, Federico García Lorca (1898-1936), fue escritor popular y al mismo tiempo un pionero a la hora de introducir imágenes.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This ite…
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LibriVox recording of Wilde Rosen by Louise Aston. Read in German by AliceStein. Sie hören die 12 Gedichte aus dem ersten Gedichtband von Louise Aston, der Feministin und Revolutionärin, die erst in Deutschland verfolgt und dann aus Deutschland vertreiben wurde.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This item has files of the following type…
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LibriVox recording of From Spring Days to Winter by Oscar Wilde. Read in English by LibriVox Volunteers. LibriVox volunteers bring you 22 recordings of From Spring Days to Winter by Oscar Wilde. This was the Fortnightly Poetry project for January 5, 2025.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This item has files of the following types: 128K…
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LibriVox volunteers bring you 17 recordings of Then And Now by Paul Laurence Dunbar. This was the Weekly Poetry project for January 12, 2025. Much of Dunbar's more popular work in his lifetime was written in the "Negro dialect" associated with the antebellum South, though he also used the Midweste.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This…
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LibriVox recording of Desert Gold, a Romance of the Border by Zane Grey. Read in English by KirksVoice. A FACE haunted Cameron—a woman's face. It was there in the white heart of the dying campfire; it hung in the shadows that hovered over the flickering light; it drifted in the darkness beyond.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This ite…
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LibriVox recording of Aus dem Märchenbuch der Wahrheit by Fritz Mauthner. Read in German by LibriVox Volunteers. Sammlung meist sehr tiefsinniger bzw hintergründiger Kurzgeschichten, oft mit philosphischem oder sozialem Gehalt und Bezug zu mancher Besonderheit des menschlischen Verhaltens (auch al.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This…
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LibriVox recording of Emily's Quest by Lucy Maud Montgomery. Read in English by Nancy Halper. Her school years behind her, Emily is back home at her beloved New Moon. She continues to climb “the Alpine path” as she watches her dearest friends leave home to find their places in the world. Man.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This item …
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LibriVox recording of Short Mystery and Suspense Collection 017 by Various. Read in English by LibriVox Volunteers. We are back with the 17th Librivox Short Mystery and Suspense Collection! Readers were invited to select and submit mystery or suspense stories and, as usual, came up with a diverse cr.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. Th…
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LibriVox recording of Sammlung kurzer deutscher Prosa 064 by Various. Read in German by LibriVox Volunteers. Diese Sammlungsreihe erscheint unregelmäßig und umfasst 10 verschiedene deutschsprachige Prosatexte.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This item has files of the following types: 128Kbps MP3, 64Kbps MP3, Archive BitTorrent, DjVuT…
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LibriVox recording of The Uses of Water in Health and Disease by John Harvey Kellogg. Read in English by LibriVox Volunteers. A practical guide in the use of hydrotherapy for the treatment of disease and the promotion of health.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This item has files of the following types: 128Kbps MP3, 64Kbps MP3, Archiv…
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LibriVox recording of A Dramatic Version of Greek Myths and Hero Tales by Fanny Amanda Comstock. Read in English by LibriVox Volunteers. This is a collection of 25 short plays, each covering a different Greek myth or tale.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This item has files of the following types: 128Kbps MP3, 64Kbps MP3, Archive BitT…
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LibriVox recording of Crime: The Autobiography of a Crook by Eddie Guerin. Read in English by Jim Locke. This is not what one could call in any shape or form a pretty story. It is the plain unvarnished tale of a man who has been a notorious criminal from his boyhood days, and it is printed only beca.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. Th…
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LibriVox recording of The Black Cat Vol. 04 No. 09 June 1899 by Various. Read in English by LibriVox Volunteers. The Black Cat (1895-1922) was a monthly literary magazine, publishing original short stories, often about uncanny or fantastical topics.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This item has files of the following types: 128Kbps MP…
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LibriVox recording of The Gnome King of Oz by Ruth Plumly Thompson. Read in English by Phil Chenevert. The Gnome King has escaped from Runaway Island and Scraps, the Patchwork Girl has disappeared from the Emerald City.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This item has files of the following types: 128Kbps MP3, 64Kbps MP3, Archive BitTorr…
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LibriVox recording of Hebrew Melodies by George Gordon, Lord Byron. Read in English by Alan Mapstone. Byron wrote the Hebrew Melodies to accompany music by the composer Isaac Nathan which he claimed derived from Synagogue tunes used at the time of the Temple in Jerusalem, although it is likely that .... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. Th…
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LibriVox recording of The Crystal Pointers by Frank W. Boreham. Read in English by LibriVox Volunteers. Frank W. Boreham was a Baptist preacher from England who spent many years in New Zealand and Australia, but also traveled extensively in the U.S.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This item has files of the following types: 128Kbps MP…
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LibriVox recording of Orlando Furioso Canti 13 - 20 by Ludovico Ariosto. Read in Italian by LibriVox Volunteers. Sono i canti dal tredicesimo al ventesimo del poema cavalleresco Orlando Furioso, in cui si intrecciano numerose vicende fantastiche incentrate sull’amore di Orlando (e di molti altri) .... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This…
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LibriVox recording of Steppenwolf by Hermann Hesse. (Translated by Basil Creighton.) Read in English by Ben Tucker. This controversial literary classic paints the portrait of a man who perceives himself to live in two worlds, that of the idealist, cowed and comfortable living amongst the bourgeoisie.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. Th…
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LibriVox recording of When Railroads Were New by Charles Frederick Carter. Read in English by Ted Lienhart. This history of American railroads originated as a series of articles in Railroad Man's Magazine before being compiled into a book in 1909.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This item has files of the following types: 128Kbps MP3,…
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LibriVox recording of Robert Browning (Version 2) by G. K. Chesterton. Read in English by Owlivia. This mystery of the unconscious man, far deeper than any mystery of the conscious one, existing as it does in all men, existed peculiarly in Browning, because he was a very ordinary and spontaneous man.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. Th…
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LibriVox recording of Three Sermons on Hebrews 1:1-2 by Thomas Goodwin. Read in English by InTheDesert. God, who at sundry times, and in divers manners, spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets, hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, .... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. Th…
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LibriVox recording of Amurath to Amurath by Gertrude Bell. Read in English by LibriVox Volunteers. Gertrude Bell was a renowned explorer and chronicler of the Middle East. In this book, she details a five month journey, spanning a period of turmoil and revolution.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This item has files of the following ty…
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LibriVox recording of All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque. (Translated by Arthur Wesley Wheen.) Read in English by Atul Sharma. All Quiet on the Western Front is an iconic anti-war novel.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This item has files of the following types: 128Kbps MP3, 64Kbps MP3, Archive BitTorrent, DjVuTXT,…
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LibriVox recording of David Copperfield, Band 06 (Version 2) by Charles Dickens. (Translated by Julius Seybt.) Read in German by josvanaken. David Copperfield von Charles Dickens ist ein viktorianischer Bildungsroman, der die Lebensgeschichte des Protagonisten David Copperfield erzählt.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This item has fi…
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John V. Fleming: Antikomunistické manifesty
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Proč lidé propadli komunistické ideologii a pak ji opustili? Na to odpovídá John V. Fleming ve své knize Antikomunistické manifesty. Čtyři knihy, které formovaly studenou válku. Vybral si k tomu publikace Tma o polednách, Svědek, Ze tmy a Zvolil jsem svobodu. Na jejich příběhu přibližuje proces, jakým se vesměs členové komunistických stran různých …
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LibriVox recording of Cairo to Kisumu by Frank G. Carpenter. Read in English by BettyB. Another chapter In Carpenter's continuing tour of the world, this time in Africa covering between Egypt and Kisumu (Kenya), with Interesting stories of the people, industries, geography and daily life.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This item has …
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LibriVox recording of Barnaby Rudge, A Tale of the Riots of Eighty (version 4) by Charles Dickens. Read in English by Mark Leder. Charles Dickens' fifth published novel is set in the village of Cligwell.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This item has files of the following types: 128Kbps MP3, 64Kbps MP3, Archive BitTorrent, DjVuTXT, Dj…
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LibriVox recording of Unfinished Rainbows, and Other Essays by George Wood Anderson. Read in English by LibriVox Volunteers. George Wood Anderson was educated at Ohio Wesleyan University, and became a noted pastor and evangelist as well as an accomplished musician and hymn writer.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This item has files of…
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LibriVox recording of El buen mozo (Bel ami) by Guy de Maupassant. (Translated by Augusto Riera.) Read in Spanish by Mongope. En esta novela, una de las más conocidas obras de Guy de Maupasssant, nos cuenta la historia de George Duroy, un joven ambicioso, sin escrúpulos, y con un gran atractivo fÃ.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. Th…
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LibriVox volunteers bring you 17 recordings of Sweetheart Winter by Vachel Lindsay. This was the Weekly Poetry project for January 5, 2025. While in New York in 1905 Lindsay turned to poetry in earnest.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This item has files of the following types: 128Kbps MP3, 64Kbps MP3, Archive BitTorrent, DjVuTXT, Djv…
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LibriVox recording of Shifting Sands by Sara Ware Bassett. Read in English by Roger Melin. After days of fog Stanley Heath, a stranger whose power-boat runs aground on the treacherous Cape Cod shoals, stumbles into the Homestead and into the life of Marcia Howe, a young widow with whom half the men .... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. Th…
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La domenica dei libri di domenica 12/01/2025
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- Riccardo Staglianò: Hanno vinto i ricchi (Einaudi)- Irene Soave, curatrice di Le Pervestite di Camila Cederna (Nottetempo)- Fulvio Ferrari, traduttore di Rituali scritto da Cees Nooteboom (Iperborea)Condotta da Roberto Festa
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