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Populárny denný spravodajský newsletter Ranný brífing denníka SME prinášame aj v audio verzií. Prehľad najdôležitejších správ dňa tak môžete každé ráno počas pracovného týždňa nielen čítať, ale aj počúvať. Text načítava syntetický neurálny hlas.
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Peggy Smedley Show

Peggy Smedley

The Peggy Smedley Show, your voice for our connected world, is an authoritative conversation hosted by tech journalist and sustainability influencer, Peggy Smedley with market leaders, authors, consultants, analysts, and more.
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Smertesnak er til dig, som kæmper med længerevarende smerter og til dig, som hjælper andre med at tackle deres. Dine værter er specialiserede fysioterapeuter, undervisere og smertebehandlere, som giver dig brugbare redskaber, dugfriske perspektiver og nye strategier til at blive mindre begrænset af smerter. Vi gør vores allerbedste for at punkterer de myter, misforståelser og overbevisninger som står i vejen for at komme tilbage til et liv, hvor smerter ikke er en begrænsning.
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The Smellcast

Toppie Smellie

Produced by Toppie Smellie, a fifty two year old gay guy who lives in upstate New York, The Smellcast is an audio podcast that defies being categorized or labeled. Tune in and listen as Toppie enhances true tales spun from the grist of his own self-described failed life with moments of pure fun and fiction. Topics range from his mundane day to day life to the national news and wondrous happenings from around the globe and all the amazing people who inhabit it. Fascinated by the minute and th ...
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Smeared Mascara

Smeared Mascara Podcast

You may laugh, you may cry… either way we’ll be right there with you. Mandy and Brooke are two moms and friends exploring pop culture, family and kids, along with everything that sparkles, shimmies/shimmers or touches our spirit. Get ready for an adhd fueled, midlife hobby podcast, peppered with a healthy dose of realness and comedy.
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I Smell Music!


Podcast dla wszystkich miłośników muzyki, pragnących inspirować się i poszukiwać nowych, muzycznych fascynacji. Wraz z zaproszonymi gośćmi eksplorujemy ciekawe muzyczne obszary, odkrywając nowe, nieznane nam oblicza tej wspaniałej dziedziny sztuki. Dołącz do nas!
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Smettere di lavorare

Smettere di lavorare

Francesco Narmenni vive senza lavorare da molti anni andando nella direzione opposta suggerita dai guru del business e del marketing, ovvero allontanandosi dal denaro, dal successo e vivendo fuori dagli schemi imposti dalla società. Attraverso la sua esperienza Narmenni ci insegna come semplificare la propria esistenza, vivere con pochi soldi e usare il denaro per generare altro denaro. Secondo l'autore si è veramente liberi solo dopo essersi creati una realtà dove poter decidere come vivere ...
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SND – Sme Národné

Slovenské národné divadlo

Kdekoľvek sa nachádzate, s kýmkoľvek sa prechádzate, ako odreagovanie, keď s niekým nevychádzate, práve vtedy k vám prichádzame. Vítame Vás pri počúvaní podcastu SME NÁRODNÉ. Činohra, Opera i Balet spolu na jednom mieste. Raz týždenne sa Vám budeme prihovárať správami o tom, čomu všetkému sa venujeme, keď práve nestojíme na javisku. Podcasty jednotlivých súborov vám otvoria dvere do zákulisia celkom iným spôsobom. Nechajte sa vtiahnuť do zvuku divadla. Vždy v nedeľu večer nás môžete počuť na ...
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Smell Ya Later

Smell Ya Later

Two friends from the beauty industry chat about all things scent and smell. Every week, Smell Ya Later explores the myriad ways we interact with the aromas and odors in our lives, the scents seared into our memories, and how scent defines the way we envision our future. Hosted by Tynan Sinks & Sable Yong For more info, check out our website: Follow @smellyalater.mp3 ( on Instagram for episode updates and maybe memes som ...
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The World of Taste & Smell

World Taste & Smell Association

Discover taste and smell like never before! Hosted by Stephanie Feuer and Mindy Yang of the World Taste & Smell Association (, this podcast unpacks the art, science, and innovation shaping our sensory world. Join us for inspiring stories and bold ideas from visionaries redefining the future of taste and smell.
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Your Co-worker Smells!

Scott Sweer

This show deals with the 9-5, the late-night, and the graveyard shift that all you people do just to have a roof over your head. Even though I'll talk about something serious it's meant to be entertaining. And I hope you think so.
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I Smerteuniverset vil du lære at smerter ikke altid er så simple som mange tror og hvorfor det er muligt at have smerter selvom man ikke har nogen skade. Dette er en podcast for alle der gerne vil lære mere omkring smerter og for dig med kroniske smerter, som søger viden til hvordan du kan få en bedre hverdag eller blive smertefri. Vi tager dig på en rejse i smertens univers og interviewer både forskere, klinikere og patienter for at belyse den nyeste viden omkring smerter og rehabilitering. ...
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S.M.E. Stories Podcast

Northway Capital Group

Where we tell the exciting stories of the small business owners in Canada, whether it's your side hustle, full-time venture, or monetizing your passion project, it's all in the story. Different business owners from various industries tell you how it is. Our goal is to educate and motivate you to control your destiny. Real estate, pets, healthcare, fitness, and art industries will be on the show. Solopreneurs, partnerships, corporations, and franchise owners are all welcome. Sit back, get los ...
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Talking SME with Ten2Two … eavesdropping on the experts

Ten2Two - Experts in Flexible Recruitment and Consultancy

Ten2Two works with business large and small across all sectors and industries and has fascinating conversations every day about how businesses are adapting and leading in these changing and uncertain times. Our new series, Talking SME, lets you join us for these conversations to get insights, learnings and advice from a broad range of business leaders. Our guests talk about a subject close to their hearts and share their personal insights for your benefit. Give yourself a short break to hear ...
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Smells Like Identity Hygiene

SPHERE - Identity Hygiene Solutions

93% of organizations experienced an identity-related breach within the last year. What were they missing? How could they have avoided it? Welcome to "Smells Like Identity Hygiene," the podcast for IT professionals, cybersecurity enthusiasts and anyone looking for a better way to protect their organization's most critical assets from risk. - Stay up-to-date with cybersecurity trends, news and industry best practices - Reduce cyber insurance costs, maintain compliance and prevent revenue loss ...
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These are the voyages of three smelly pirate content creators who have done everything from swab the decks to rigging the sails on hundreds of journeys. B2B marketing content comes in all shapes and sizes. It can be aimed at a wide audience or target a handful of key decision makers. The crew at Lion’s Way has worked on every imaginable type of content for tech companies big and small. And now we are sharing tales of high adventure on the high seas and hopefully providing you with some valua ...
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Rozprávky SME

Klasické rozprávky (nielen) zo Zlatého fondu denníka SME, ktoré číta člen činohry Slovenského národného divadla Robert Roth. Ku klasickým textom od Pavla Dobšinského a Hansa Christiana Andersena v dobovom jazyku neskôr pribudnú aj nové slovenské autorské rozprávky.
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Smead Investor Podcast

Smead Capital Management

Smead Capital Management's Investors Podcast allows listeners to hear from SCM's portfolio managers and investment professionals on demand and anywhere in the world. The missives, newsletters and other communications are aimed at helping investors understand the mindset and process at Smead Capital Management.
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Smelly Cats - Der Friends Podcast

Anni & Sophie

Smelly Cats - der "Friends" Podcast. 💜 In unserem Podcast dreht sich alles um die weltbekannte und berühmte TV-Serie "Friends". Wir, das sind Anni und Sophie, besprechen dabei Folge für Folge unsere Lieblingsserie. Ihr könnt gespannt sein auf unnötiges Hintergrundwissen, viel Spaß und eine Menge Gelaber.
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The Josiah Smelser Show

Josiah Smelser

Welcome to The Josiah Smelser Show! Join me as we study and develop the mindset needed to achieve greatness. From accomplishing goals or building a business to achieving financial independence, this show is about conquering limiting beliefs to achieve next level results. Formerly the Daily Real Estate Investor podcast, the show has been rebranded as Josiah uses the financial independence he achieved through his 7-figure real estate investing business to bring you practical advice, valuable i ...
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Stærk & Smertefri

Jacob Beermann

Stærk & Smertefri er podcasten for dig, som vil lære mere om styrketræning, smerte, kost og sundhed på en nuanceret måde uden magiske løfter. Jacob Beermann fra er din vært og guider dig igennem junglen af misinformation på en letforståelig måde, når han giver dig konkrete tips, overblik over videnskaben og overvejelser om hvorfor vi gør som vi gør.
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The SMEAR Campaign


Ground Up Radio presents The SMEAR Campaign Podcast. SMEAR is an acronym that stands for SPREADING MEDIA EVERYWHERE AT RANDOM. Hosted by QueFourFive, the show serves as pulse to tap into what is relevant in the culture of hip hop, news, and the world as we view it.
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show series
Prečítajte si Výber šéfredaktorky: Čo s Igorom Matovičom. Dilema politikov aj novinárov Čo chce Peter Pellegrini? Tabaková zažila zrážku s demokraciou. Dobre jej tak! Priali mi bitku, písali aj komentáre na môj výzor, vysmievali sa mi pre prízvuk, hovorí slamerka Gyenge Duleba: Trump a Si Ťin-pching si môžu rozporcovať svet, Rusko potom stratí subj…
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Viesť akékoľvek rozhovory s Donaldom Trumpom asi nie je jednoduché, no zdá sa, že USA a Ukrajina sa dohodli na podmienkach prípadného prímeria. Amerika následne Ukrajine obnovila pomoc, čaká sa teda, ako zareaguje Rusko. O prípadnom mieri na Ukrajine a o tom, čo by v skutočnosti znamenal, sa Tomáš Prokopčák rozpráva s Matúšom Halásom z českého Ústa…
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Florence Cassell, Founder and Creative Director of Studio Floc, talks about why she was an early adopter of the 4 day week, explains how it benefits everyone, from employees to clients and leaves us with her top tips for utilising the 4 day week model.Ten2Two - Experts in Flexible Recruitment and Consultancy
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How Can You Expand Your Lawn Care Business? Join us in hearing from Jason Rigoli, the owner of GCS Construction. He has built a successful career in the construction industry through hard work and a focus on client satisfaction. Jason started from humble beginnings and worked his way up. Look at his life and career, including the challenges he face…
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🎙 Perníková chalúpka sa vracia na javisko Opery SND! 🎭✨ Po dlhých 66 rokoch sa na scénu Slovenského národného divadla vracia čarovná opera Engelberta Humperdincka Perníková chalúpka. Ako sa inscenačný tím popasoval s touto ikonickou rozprávkou? Aké vizuálne a hudobné prekvapenia čakajú detských divákov? A čím osloví aj náročné operné publikum? To v…
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I denne episoden tar vi et dypt dykk ned i katalogen til Guru fra gruppa Gang Starr. I ungdomsårene var han faktisk skøyteløper, men la skøytene på hylla og ble rapper, og sammen med DJ Premier dannet de gruppa Gang Starr. PS! Denne podcasten er også tilgjengelig på Spotify etc under navnet L&S: The Next Episode…
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Join Kim and Alice as we travel back to India circa 1857 courtesy of epic historical legend, Mangal Pandey: The Rising. Back when companies had armies, dogs ate gunpowder and real men sang plot points whilst sitting on elephants. Sound Engineer: Keith Nagle Editor: Helen Hamilton / Keith Nagle Producer: Helen Hamilton Sources Mangal Pandey: Film an…
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Peggy talks about the biggest trends shaping how we build infrastructure in 2025 and beyond. She says we need to bring curiosity to construction to spark new innovation to help build more resilient and secure infrastructure. She also discusses: A U.S. infrastructure history lesson. Four areas shaping infrastructure today. How to spark innovation in…
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Peggy Smedley and Brian Baker, president and CEO, Sentry Equipment, talk about some of the greatest lessons learned running a 100-year-old company. He says he is proud of being a leader of an organization that has stood the test of time. They also discuss: Employee ownership and how it helps serve customers, communities, and workers. The five pilla…
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Peggy Smedley and Ty Witmer, president and founder, ProjectTeam, talk about the CMMC (cybersecurity maturity model certification) and why it is critical. He says since 2017 there have been rules in place for contractors working with the federal government to protect sensitive government data—and often it hasn’t been enforced, but that enforcement s…
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Prečítajte si prehľad správ z 12. marca 2025: Búrka sa po rokoch rozpadá, prímerie je v rukách vojnového zločinca 1. Súd oslobodil ďalšiu sudkyňu z kauzy Búrka. Skutok nie je trestný čin, hovorí verdikt 2. Prečo musí SIS zaplatiť za pokus o diskreditáciu aktivistu. Súd zverejnil verdikt 3. Čo teraz urobia Rusi? Ak Putin odmietne návrh na prímerie, …
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🚀 Revolutionizing Pipeline Rehabilitation with UVGRP Technology!In this episode of The DooDoo Diva’s Smells Like Money Podcast, host Suzan Chin-Taylor dives into the cutting-edge world of UVGRP (Ultraviolet Cured Reinforced Pipe) and its impact on the wastewater and civil infrastructure industries. Joining her are top industry experts from Fulton C…
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Ti sembra impossibile? E invece è più facile che mai! La maggior parte delle persone è distratta, segue la massa e ignora i principi fondamentali per la crescita personale e finanziaria. Il segreto per distinguersi? Fare l’esatto contrario! In questo video scoprirai perché basta un minimo di consapevolezza e azione mirata per ottenere risultati str…
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Vládna koalícia má teoreticky 76 poslancov, prakticky len 75, čo nestačí ani na otvorenie schôdze v parlamente. Do toho sa bývalý poslanec Hlasu Samuel Migaľ fotí s opozičnými politikmi z PS a hovorí, koho podporí a koho nepodporí za predsedu parlamentu. Či má Robert Fico teda väčšinu, ako dlho ju nemusí mať a čo to znamená pre výkon politickej moc…
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Prečítajte si prehľad správ z 11. marca 2025: Chorváti vidia za vilou pri mori Fica, u Žilinku fingovali trest pre prokurátora 1. Fico vysvetľuje správy o vile v Chorvátsku. Podozrenie zmieňujú chorvátski novinári 2. Žilinkova prokuratúra hovorila o treste za prípad Čurillu. Dozorový prokurátor nemal ani pohovor 3. Kyjev súhlasí s mesačným prímerím…
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Did you know that beneath our noses this whole time, our beloved Bath & Body Works have been releasing their own body mist line of dupery? The collection is a flexible series of scents that go in and out of style based on... perfumes most mentioned on Tiktok? Most inescapable scents in the culture? Mysterious trend forecasting documents? Who can kn…
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Rumunsko malo mať nového prezidenta už na konci minulého roka. Ústavný súd však prvé kolo volieb, v ktorom s prekvapivým výsledkom 23 percent vyhral krajne pravicový kandidát Calin Georgescu, anuloval z dôvodu vážnych podozrení o zahraničnom vplyve. Georgescu dnes čelí obvineniam z viacerých trestných činov a volebná komisia mu zakázala opätovne ka…
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Toppie and Manyan are back out on the road, this time seeking food from one fast food chain in particular. Hint: they make burgers YOUR way. Write to Toppie at [email protected]. Leave a comment on Toppie’s blog! Friend Toppie on Facebook by emailing him YOUR FB name and link, then Toppie will find YOU and friend you!…
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Prečítajte si prehľad správ z 10. marca 2025: Migaľ to hrá na obe strany, koalícia si Radačovského zariadi inak 1. O jeho hlas sa uchádza Fico, Migaľ rokoval so Šimečkom 2. Vyzerá to na ďalší týždeň parlamentných prázdnin. Schôdza PS nebude, o Radačovskom rozhodne Žiga 3. Americký viceprezident ponižoval Ukrajinu. Jeho bratranec pritom bojoval na f…
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Ti sei mai chiesto perché sembra che siamo sempre in conflitto tra di noi? Politica, social media, economia: tutto sembra dividerci. In questo video analizziamo le tecniche che vengono usate per manipolare le nostre emozioni e metterci gli uni contro gli altri. Capire questi meccanismi è il primo passo per difendersi e smettere di essere pedine in …
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Česká republika bývala tradične naším najbližším partnerom. No zdá sa, že Robertovi Ficovi je oveľa bližší Viktor Orbán než náš historický súrodenec a vzťahy medzi Českom a Slovenskom nie sú práve najlepšie. Ako slovenskú politiku teda momentálne vnímajú z Prahy, aké to má praktické dôsledky a či sa zmena geopolitickej orientácie môže odohrať aj u …
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Prečítajte si prehľad správ z 9. marca 2025: Štátny úrad šetrí svojsky, Fico v Bruseli nedosiahol nič zásadné 1. Po luxusnom BMW má neviditeľný úrad aj nové sídlo. Sťahovanie sprevádzali čudné udalosti 2. Ficovi stačila veta, Orbánovi nie. Na čom sa dohodli európski lídri 3. Spojenca Fica aj Putina odsúdili. Maďarské jednotky ho mali v Bosne zachrá…
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Vitajte pri počúvaní série podcastu Dobré ráno - Čítanie na nedeľu. Každú nedeľu si môžete vypočuť vybraný text, ktorí napísali naši kolegovia a načítavame ho my moderátorky a moderátori Dobrého rána. Načítaný text: Načítal Tomáš…
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Trump pozastavil vojenskú pomoc Ukrajine, prerušil aj zdieľanie spravodajských informácií s Ukrajinou. Vyzerá to tak, že momentálne je americký prezident viac v línii s Ruskom, než so Západom či Ukrajinou. V tomto znamení bol aj summit tento týždeň, lídri EÚ sa zhodli na vyhlásení, ktoré sľubuje ďalšiu podporu Ukrajine. Všetci lídri v dohodnutom te…
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Prečítajte si Víkendový výber: Toto mesto nie je pre ženy. Čo treba urobiť inak? 1. Sú to lesní duchovia, objavia sa len vtedy, keď sami chcú. Nakrúcať rysa trvá roky 2. Sú v ňom smiešni a neschopní. Film Anora priniesol Rusom uznanie, túžili po ňom ako po droge 3. Aby mohol vyhrať Oscara, pripravili ho o Oscara. Prípad Kierana Culkina je ukážkou k…
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Cosa succederà se un asteroide gigante colpirà la Terra? In questo video analizziamo i dati scientifici, le probabilità reali di un impatto e cosa potrebbe significare per il futuro dell’umanità. Fantascienza o realtà? Scopriamolo insieme!
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Brusel hostí 27 európskych lídrov a píše históriu. Európa sa po ráznych krokoch Donalda Trumpa mení, stavia sa na vlastné nohy a tvorí spoločnú obrannú politiku. Slovensko však zastupuje predseda vlády, ktorý torpéduje druhú tému – pomoc Ukrajine a pre stále neobnovený tranzit plynu kladie nohu do dverí. Rokovanie výboru pre európske záležitosti, n…
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Welcome aboard, for a special compilation of the Smelly Pirate Content Creation Show! Join us as we navigate the high seas of B2B marketing content creation with our favorite clips from past adventures. Learn how Karl feels about cubicles! Learn one or two of Joel's secret ingredients for a good interview! Learn how we really feel about Microsoft W…
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Prečítajte si prehľad správ zo 6. marca 2025: Ficove naivné predstavy sú mimo reality, PS robí zbytočnú školácku chybu 1. Ficov okamžitý mier na Ukrajine je nemožný. Čo hrozí Slovensku odpútaním sa od spojencov? 2. Šimečka verzus Matovič: o čo ide v spore o mandát koaličného poslanca Radačovského 3. Oslepnú ATACMS aj Storm Shadow. Čo spôsobí americ…
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Posledné dni priniesli obrovské posuny na poli zahraničnej politiky. Amerika po roztržke v Bielom dome zastavila vojenskú pomoc Ukrajine, aj zdieľanie spravodajských služieb. A kým Trump po svojom prvom turbulentnom mesiaci v úrade tvrdí, že iba začína, európski lídri sa snažia zistiť, ako naraz riešiť svoju vlastnú obranu, aj obranu Ukrajiny. Čo k…
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