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show episodes

Passionate Pioneers with Mike Biselli

Mike Biselli

Passionate Pioneers with Mike Biselli, a nationally ranked healthcare and innovation podcast, and a member of the Health Podcast Network, highlights the innovators, the game changers, and the pioneers who are deeply passionate and relentless in valiantly solving the problems our healthcare industry is facing.
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Bisexual Killjoy


It’s not a phase; it’s a phenomenon. Bisexual Killjoy is an informative, hilarious, and occasionally spite-fueled podcast dedicated to everything bisexual+ (which means welcome to our pansexual and non-monosexual friends). Fronted by two bi+ folks willing to talk about anything and everything bi+, you can expect to hear good stories, meet bi+ scholars and advocates from around the world, and learn how to be a better Bisexual Killjoy. Find us @bisexualkilljoy on Instagram.
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Biserica Buna Vestire Chișinău

Biserica Buna Vestire

Studierea Cuvântului lui Dumnezeu are prioritate în mijlocul nostru. La Biserica Buna Vestire vă veți putea încadra în grupe mici de studiu biblic sau la studiul săptămânal împreună cu întreaga biserică, veți putea participa la seminare de studiere a Bibliei, la orele de rugăciune, precum și la evenimentele de evanghelizare pe care le organizăm. Ne adunăm împreună la serviciile divine ca să ne închinăm Domnului plini de mulțumire și recunoștință pentru felul cum lucrează Dumnezeu prin Cuvânt ...
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A Bisexual and a Boyfriend

Ania Magliano and Will Rowland

A Bisexual and a Boyfriend is a fresh, funny, and insightful comedy podcast that explores the intersections and divergences of queer and straight experience. Each episode features Ania Magliano (the bisexual) and Will Rowland (the boyfriend) presenting and discussing a topic, trend, or cultural phenomenon from their respective perspectives.
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Bisexual Brunch


Bisexual Brunch is a unique podcast for people who identify as bi to come together and celebrate their sexuality. Presented by Ashley Byrne, Lewis Oakley and Samantha Baines. Produced by @mimproductions
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Bisexual Baby👏🏽

It’s your girl Bisexual baby

My podcast is pretty much about life and tips as a African American bisexual 18year old teen heading into adulthood and chasing your dreams.🌈 Cover art photo provided by Honey Yanibel Minaya Cruz on Unsplash:
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The Bisexual Agenda

The Bisexual Agenda

A podcast from your local bisexual who literally can’t stop talking 🌈 Bisexuals to the front - everyone is welcome 🌈🥰 Queer-themed nonsense, tarot readings & a different guest every episode!
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Bisexual Real Talk

Alex Anders

A channel devoted to bisexual empowerment, bisexuality and all things related to being mostly-straight and the B in LGBT, whether it's TV shows, movies, myths, tips for coming out or the latest scientific research.
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On a un peu tout entendu sur la bisexualité. Elle a été souvent simplifiée, fantasmée, caricaturée, considérée comme un entre-deux, comme une sorte de sas de réflexion en attendant de " faire un choix ". Ce podcast ne va pas tenter de la définir, au contraire, il va plutôt donner un aperçu de ce qu’elle peut être. Tout en nuances et loin des clichés qui accompagnent généralement cette orientation sexuelle, il laisse la parole à cinq personnes qui ont aimé, désiré des hommes et des femmes. Da ...
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Wie Frau Liebt - ein Podcast zu Bisexualität und weiblicher Sexualität, also zwei der schönsten Sachen der Welt! Alle 2 Wochen werde ich euch mitnehmen auf eine Reise, um herauszufinden was Liebe und Sexualität alles bedeuten kann, warum ein bisschen bi nie schadet (jedenfalls für mich), wie das Leben und Lieben von bisexuellen Menschen aussieht und was uns Frauen helfen kann unsere Sexualität zu finden und aktiv mitzugestalten. Taucht also ein in die kunterbunte Welt unter dem Regenbogen! F ...
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Bisexual Diaries

Brooke Finegold, Cameron Escalante

A comedy and culture podcast about demystifying bisexuality. Hosted by comedians Brooke Finegold and Cameron Escalante featuring sexy and hilar guests. Rot your brain every Wednesday with Bisexual Diaries. Time to find a new religion, bitch. Edited by JT Tomlinson Produced by Brooke Finegold and Cameron Escalante
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The Bisexual Talk

Alloriginalleo Germain Ricci

The Bisexual Talk. Is A Podcast About Myself As I Like to Call it My Bisexual Life I've created this podcast in the Hopes to help other ppl out there that might some how relate . Join Me As I Open A Window Into my everyday life ,my Journey ,my experience , Join Me On My Quest For Success , Happiness & Acceptance Support this podcast:
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LGBTQ+ Stories: The Creative Process: Gender, Equality, Gay, Lesbian, Queer, Bisexual, Homosexual, Trans Creatives Talk LGBTQ Rights

Gender, Equality, Gay, Lesbian, Queer, Bisexual, Trans Creatives: Creative Process Original Series

LGBTQ+ episodes of the popular The Creative Process podcast. Listen to Gay, Lesbian, Queer, Bisexual, Trans creatives tell their stories, discuss their lives, work & creative process. To listen to ALL arts & creativity episodes of “The Creative Process · Arts, Culture & Society”, you’ll find our main podcast on Apple:, Spotify:, or wherever you get your podcasts! Exploring the fascinating minds of creative people. Conversations with w ...
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show series
Would you wear a bra underneath your chainmail? Is Oatly in on the next sword in the stone? This and so much more on the latest A Bisexual and a Boyfriend! __________ Ania is on tour! See the latest dates and get a ticket ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠here⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠. Questions for Will and Ania or topics for discussion? DM the show on ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Instagram⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ or E-mail⁠⁠…
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Secretul gândirii pozitive. Cum reușești să-ți păstrezi gândirea pozitivă indiferent de circumstanțe? Viața aduce atât momente bune, cât și provocări, iar atitudinea noastră face diferența! În acest video, vom descoperi împreună secretul gândirii pozitive, inspirându-ne din exemplul apostolului Pavel din Filipeni capitolul 4. Vom învăța cum a reuși…
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Welcome back to Bisexual Killjoy! This week, we’re diving into bi+ mental health with a very special guest: Dr. Mimi Hoang. In honor of Bi+ Health Awareness Month, we discuss the mental health disparities bi+ folks face, the lack of research on bi+ BIPOC communities, and why it’s critical to have bi+ affirming mental health professionals. We also e…
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Will discusses the torturous experience of being in a double bed that's up against the wall, as Ania reminisces on the internet bliss of Club Penguin. Shout out to Habbo Hotel as well. ------------------ Ania is on tour! See the latest dates and get a ticket ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠here⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠. Questions for Will and Ania or topics for discussion? DM the show on ⁠⁠…
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This episode’s Community Champion Sponsor is Ossur. To learn more about their ‘Responsible for Tomorrow’ Sustainability Campaign, and how you can get involved: CLICK HERE Episode Overview: The traditional infusion care experience is overdue for a consumer-centered transformation. Our next guest, Torben Nielsen, is leading this revolution as CEO and…
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Putere exemplului personal de credință. În acest video, vorbim despre puterea exemplului personal de credință, inspirându-ne din Filipeni capitolul 3. Apostolul Pavel ne arată ce înseamnă să trăiești cu adevărat pentru Hristos și să fii un model demn de urmat. Vom descoperi cum dedicarea și trăirea autentică fac diferența, dar și cum să evităm să c…
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Ania has been to see Paul Mescal as Stanley Kowalski, Will has been on the National Lottery website. It's time for A Bisexual and a Boyfriend. TW: Contains brief mentions of sexual trauma. ------------------ Ania is on tour! See the latest dates and get a ticket ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠here⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠. Questions for Will and Ania or topics for discussion? DM the show on …
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Clarifică scopul vieții tale . Ai simțit vreodată că viața ta are nevoie de mai multă claritate? Că rătăcești printre dorințe, planuri și provocări, dar nu ești sigur(ă) care este scopul real pentru care trăiești? Aplicare la lecție: 1. Ce lucruri din trecutul tău consideri o pierdere în comparație cu prețul nespus de mare al cunoașterii lui Hristo…
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Welcome back to Bisexual Killjoy! We’re kicking off Season 3 with a deep dive into intersectionality—what it actually means, how it’s been co-opted, and why it’s essential for bi+ folks navigating multiple forms of marginalization. Originally coined by legal scholar Kimberlé Crenshaw, intersectionality is not just about personal identity—it’s a fra…
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We've got special guest Sunil Patel in this week to help settle the timely debate of Secrets vs. Trousers! ------------------ Ania is on tour! See the latest dates and get a ticket ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠here⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠. Questions for Will and Ania or topics for discussion? DM the show on ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Instagram⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ or E-mail⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ A Bisexua…
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Male fertility represents an often overlooked yet critical component of the reproductive health journey. Our next guest, Matt Alley, is transforming this space as COO of Posterity Health, a pioneering virtual-first center of excellence dedicated to male fertility. With extensive operational leadership experience at Amazon, Alto Pharmacy, and HelloF…
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Send us a text Alberto and Domenica Castro once again see the ghost, Frederick Hay, who returns to their modern-day farm from 1851 on his way to Canada to escape the Fugitive Slave Act. Nobody is sure they believe in ghosts, especially not Frederick. B is for Bisexual - short stories by Laura P. Valtorta…
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Să alergăm pentru premiul chemării cerești. Viața noastră de credință este adesea comparată cu o cursă. Nu este o cursă scurtă, ci una care cere perseverență, dedicare și privirea ațintită asupra premiului final – chemarea cerească în Hristos Isus. Apostolul Pavel ne îndeamnă să alergăm astfel încât să căpătăm premiul (1 Corinteni 9:24). Dumnezeu n…
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Welcome to another episode of A Bisexual and a Boyfriend! We have Chess Grandmaster Ania, sharing her secrets. Will with a money saving tip at the vets and Sugar vs. Eunuchs is hotly debated. ------------------ Ania is on tour! See the latest dates and get a ticket ⁠⁠⁠⁠here⁠⁠⁠⁠. Questions for Will and Ania or topics for discussion? DM the show on ⁠…
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This episode’s Community Champion Sponsor is Ossur. To learn more about their ‘Responsible for Tomorrow’ Sustainability Campaign, and how you can get involved: CLICK HERE Episode Overview: In healthcare's technological revolution, the balance between innovation and patient-centered care has never been more critical. Our next guest, Dr. Craig Norqui…
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Cum să ții sus cuvântul vieții până în ziua lui Hristos? Într-o lume plină de provocări, cum putem rămâne statornici în credință și să ținem sus Cuvântul vieții? În acest video, descoperim ce înseamnă să trăim în lumina lui Hristos, păstrând credința curată și mărturisindu-L prin viața noastră de zi cu zi. „Ținând sus Cuvântul vieții, ca să …
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Welcome to another episode of A Bisexual and a Boyfriend! The ultimate test for musicals as they're up against the mighty stag do. How much gas can one child pass during Wicked? Would you want a kiss from Mr Tumnus? And just how much singing can Ania do without copyright infringement? Enjoy! ------------------ Ania is on tour! See the latest dates …
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Let us know your views now - text us here Named the world's best bisexual podcast after research by Feedspot put Bisexual Brunch 6th in the globe's top 100 LGBT podcasts. A few days later the show was named number One LGBT podcast in the UK. The research criteria is based on relevance, authority, social media followers & freshness. This is the UK's…
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Cum să-ți duci mântuirea până la capăt? Mântuirea nu este doar un moment, ci o călătorie zilnică de credință, ascultare și perseverență. În acest videoclip, vom descoperi pași practici prin care poți rămâne statornic în umblarea cu Dumnezeu și cum să-ți trăiești credința într-un mod autentic. ✅ Ce înseamnă să-ți duci mântuirea „cu frică și cutremur…
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Welcome to another episode of A Bisexual and a Boyfriend! This week, old journals are pulled out of the cupboard, the supermarket is put on blast, the pros, and cons of sharing a Kindle library are discussed as are cycling on a bicycle. ------------------ Ania is on tour! See the latest dates and get a ticket⁠⁠here⁠⁠. Questions for Will and Ania or…
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This episode’s Community Champion Sponsor is Ossur. To learn more about their ‘Responsible for Tomorrow’ Sustainability Campaign, and how you can get involved: CLICK HERE Episode Overview: The degradation of community ties across America has created an unprecedented health crisis, impacting millions of lives. Our next guest, Darin Buxbaum, is addre…
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#Smerenia care înalță. Drumul care duce la înălțarea noastră trece mai întâi pe calea smereniei. Acest adevăr este de neînțeles pentru o minte lumească. Într-o societate în care oamenii sunt nerăbdători să se afirme, să-și zidească propriile realizări și să fie în centrul atenției – uneori chiar și în cercurile creștine – Scriptura ne oferă o pe…
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Welcome to another episode of A Bisexual and a Boyfriend. This week we're discussing having cold extremities, how steak could be but a vessel for salt and butter, AI as a best friend and cat neutering. ------------------ Ania is on tour! See the latest dates and get a ticket ⁠here⁠. Questions for Will and Ania or topics for discussion? DM the show …
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In this episode of Speaking Out of Place podcast Professor David Palumbo-Liu talks with Maya Schenwar and Kim Wilson on their new book, We Grow the World Together: Parenting Toward Abolition. They talk about what inspired them to commission a wide range of amazing activists, artists, scholars, and organizers to write whatever came to their minds ab…
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This episode’s Community Champion Sponsor is Ossur. To learn more about their ‘Responsible for Tomorrow’ Sustainability Campaign, and how you can get involved: CLICK HERE Episode Overview: Healthcare organizations face mounting cybersecurity threats that can disrupt patient care, compromise sensitive data, and cripple operations. Our next guest, Ge…
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Send us a text Overwhelmed by the New State and its anti-conservation efforts, Giovanna and her friend Todd start a new church - St. Turtle. Giovanna's mother, Carmen, returns to Alabama from exile in New Mexico to tell them how to do it. B is for Bisexual - short stories by Laura P. ValtortaLaura P. Valtorta/ Dante Valtorta/ Marco Valtorta
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Ești pregătit pentru încercări? Descoperă cum să te înarmezi cu gândul suferinței, astfel încât să rămâi tare și să biruiești în momentele dificile!Aplicarea lecției:1. Ce suferințe ai avut pentru Hristos în viața ta și cum ai trecut prin ele? Ce greșeli ai făcut? Ce rezultate au adus suferințele în viața ta?2. Ce suferințe ai acum sau te aștepți s…
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Welcome to the first episode of A Bisexual and a Boyfriend. Our inaugural show sees Ania talks about speaking to god during a 2-hour yoga session, being at an all-girls school, screaming in her sleep and Will talks about cheesestrings and picking his nose (or not!). -------- Ania is on tour! See the latest dates and get a ticket here. Questions for…
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Ce înseamnă să fii cu adevărat un ucenic al lui Isus Hristos? Este mai mult decât un titlu sau o declarație – este un mod de viață! În acest video, vedem diferențele dintre cei care se numesc creștini și cei care își trăiesc credința ca ucenici ai lui Isus.
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This episode’s Community Champion Sponsor is Ossur. To learn more about their ‘Responsible for Tomorrow’ Sustainability Campaign, and how you can get involved: CLICK HERE Episode Overview: Healthcare systems are rapidly evolving to meet patients where they are - online and on-demand. Our next guest, Emily Will, is leading this digital transformatio…
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Cum să ai întotdeauna gândul lui Hristos? Cum putem să ne modelăm gândirea astfel încât să reflectăm gândul lui Hristos în tot ceea ce facem? În acest video, vom vedea împreună ce înseamnă să ai întotdeauna gândul lui Hristos, pornind de la motivațiile Sale – dragostea, smerenia și ascultarea de voia lui Dumnezeu.Vom analiza exemple din Biblie, pre…
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Alege cu înțelepciune oameni care să te inspire. Acest mesaj profund și practic îți va arăta cum să identifici influențele negative, să te protejezi de ele și să alegi oamenii potriviți care să te inspire și să te ajute să crești spiritual. Vei descoperi principii biblice puternice, exemple relevante și mărturii personale despre importanța discer…
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Ce se întâmplă cu sufletele după moarte: creștini și necreștini. Închipuie-ți că te apropii de sfârșitul vieții și poți afirma plin de încredere că ai avut o viață împlinită, iar moartea nu te înspăimântă. Ce se întâmplă atunci când un credincios moare? Ce se întâmplă atunci când un necredincios moare? -------------------- Vasile Filat Email: conta…
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This episode’s Community Champion Sponsor is Ossur. To learn more about their ‘Responsible for Tomorrow’ Sustainability Campaign, and how you can get involved: CLICK HERE Episode Overview: Life-altering trauma creates ripple effects far beyond the initial injury, impacting survivors, families, and entire communities. Our next guest, Matt Kalina, is…
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“This book has a lot of the wisdom of things that feminists and queers have learned in the community about sexuality, but the book is really for anybody who is political, even those just starting out and beginning to realize that there is something wrong with the systems they live under. I want to be in movements. Our movements are made of relation…
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Why is it that we find the courage to boldly confront mainstream societal norms and structures, yet are so often unable to treat romantic partners with care and generosity? Why do we lose our principles when we become insecure, disappointed, or jealous? Why do we act our worst in sexual and romantic relationships? And why do we prioritize romantic …
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Ce folos că le faci bine dacă primești doar dispreț înapoi? Care trebuie să fie atitudinea ta, atunci când binele făcut este întors cu rău și lipsă de recunoștință? Ce faci când ajungi să-ți pară rău de binele pe care l-ai făcut? -------------------- Vasile Filat Email: Instagram:…
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This episode’s Community Champion Sponsor is Ossur. To learn more about their ‘Responsible for Tomorrow’ Sustainability Campaign, and how you can get involved: CLICK HERE Episode Overview: In today's digital age, cybercriminals are increasingly targeting healthcare organizations through sophisticated social engineering attacks, putting patient data…
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Cum să-ți planifici anul corect, ca planurile să nu rămână doar pe hârtie? Cum putem să valorificăm la maxim anul 2025 pentru Dumnezeu și Împărăția Lui? -------------------- Vasile Filat Email: Instagram: Facebook: X:…
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