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Hi! I'm Joe, the former host and DM of the first ever Pathfinder 2E actual play podcast. On this show, I share my thoughts on RPG's, life, and whatever else happens to cross my mind. I mostly stick to role playing games though... I promise.
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Learn Hindi with LinguaBoost


You can download the entire audio course on our website: www.linguaboost.com Boost your fluency in Hindi with LinguaBoost! Each lesson contains useful everyday phrases related to a specific topic. You’ll learn the language in context, not just isolated words. All material is translated and spoken by native speakers.
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That's So Hindu

Hindu American Foundation

The podcast that interviews entrepreneurs and activists, politicians and professors, journalists, entertainers, spiritual teachers, and more on how Hinduism shapes their work and lives. All American. So Hindu. Brought to you by the Hindu American Foundation. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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Hinduism History Practices Mantras

Venkata Ramanan

Sanatan Dharma, aka Hinduism, was present throughout the world in ancient days. One can find evidence of this in almost all the countries. In the forthcoming Podcasts, I shall be sharing researched information on this point. For more detailed information on this subject,you may visit www.ramanisblog.in
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Learn Hindi On The Go

Jaibodh Pandey , Shraddha Pandey & Ritansh

•World’s number one podcast series with almost 1 million listens worldwide. •This podcast is created by Jaibodh, Shraddha & Ritansh- a family of native Hindi speakers & renowned Hindi teachers. •Learn Hindi bit by bit by following the podcast series. •Learn to listen & respond to native Hindi speakers – by participating in interactive quizzes, role-plays & oral drills. •The content is well-organized, scientific, easy to follow & will gradually take you to a higher level. •Based on the world' ...
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Hindi lernen mit LinguaBoost


Sie können den gesamten Audiokurs auf unserer Website herunterladen: www.linguaboost.com LinguaBoost Hindi ist ein Audio-Kurs für Anfänger oder für alle, die sich schwer tun, fließend Hindi zu sprechen. Jede Lektion enthält nützliche alltägliche Ausdrücke, die sich auf ein bestimmtes Thema beziehen.
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Experience the best in Indian Horror with Bhay Originals, the internationally recognized Hindi horror stories podcast. From acclaimed writer Ankan Sharmishtha Bose, get lost in immersive, movie-style Hindi horror audio dramas filled with spine-tingling suspense and bone-chilling scares. Featuring original Hindi horror stories, ghost stories, paranormal encounters, and truly terrifying tales. Subscribe to Bhay Originals for your weekly dose of scary stories! [HindiHorrorPodcast, IndianHorror, ...
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Hindustan Daily News Wrap

livehindustan - HT Smartcast

खबरें कभी रुकती नहीं, चाहे जो हो जाये। इसीलिए हम लेकर आएंगे आपके लिए राजनीति, व्यवसाय, खेल और मनोरंजन की दुनिया की खबरें; हर सुबह और शाम, बीटा परीक्षण पहल के भाग के रूप में। यह एक हिंदुस्तान प्रोडक्शन है और आप सुन रहे है एचटी स्मार्टकास्ट।
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This podcast presents Hindi poetry, Ghazals, songs, and Bhajans written by me. इस पॉडकास्ट के माध्यम से मैं स्वरचित कवितायेँ, ग़ज़ल, गीत, भजन इत्यादि प्रस्तुत कर रहा हूँ Awards StoryMirror - Narrator of the year 2022, Author of the month (seven times during 2021-22) Kalam Ke Jadugar - Three Times Poet of the Month. Sometimes I also collaborate with other musicians & singers to bring fresh content to my listeners. Always looking for fresh voices. Write to me at [email protected] #Hind ...
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क्या आपको कहानी सुनना अच्छा लगता है? स्टोरीजैम में सुनिए कहानियां, कुछ जानी पहचानी, कुछ अनजानी. प्रेमचंद के गाँव हो या मन्नू भंडारी का कनाट प्लेस, भीष्म साहनी का पंजाब या फणीश्वर नाथ रेनू का बिहार, देश भर की चुनिंदा कहानियां आप यहाँ सुन सकते हैं तो सुनो कहानी स्टोरीजैम में आरती की ज़ुबानी ! I read aloud stories/ kahaniyan to you. Stories that are sometimes well known, sometimes lesser known, always memorable! From Premchand to Mannu Bhandari, Bhisham Sahani to Renu, you're sure to find a stor ...
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Isn’t it time for a fresh take on Medicine? Welcome to BSFreeMD where the content is raw, real, and honest when it comes to healthcare issues that matter most to physicians and their patients. If you’re in the mood for a good time and intriguing dialogue, join this physician couple on a fun and engaging ride every week. There is even the occasional cocktail hour toasting to great stories and shared wisdom. Join the fun. See you there. Want more? Find and connect with us on our FB and IG page ...
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This Hindi Podcast brings to you in-depth conversations on politics, public policy, technology, philosophy and pretty much everything that is interesting. Presented by tech entrepreneur Saurabh Chandra, public policy researcher Pranay Kotasthane, and writer-cartoonist Khyati Pathak, the show features conversations with experts in a casual yet thoughtful manner. जब महफ़िल ख़त्म होते-होते दरवाज़े के बाहर, एक पुलिया के ऊपर, हम दुनिया भर की जटिल समस्याओं को हल करने में लग जाते हैं, तो हो जाती है ...
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Horror Story Hindi

Ajab-Gajab Story

हम यहां पर डरावनी भूतिया कहानी आप लोगों को सुनाते हैं, इसके अलावा हम यहां पर विभिन्न रहस्यमई घटनाओं और विज्ञान से संबंधित पॉडकास्ट भी करते हैं. आप हमें हमारे ईमेल ऐड्रेस [email protected] पर ईमेल कर सकते हैं. या फिर हमारे यूट्यूब चैनल Ajab Gajab Story को सब्सक्राइब कर सकते हैं. हमारे चैनल का लिंक https://youtube.com/c/AjabGajabStorySugan09 Follow us on Our official website https://facttechno.in
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Welcome Book Lovers! Books.Com is a podcast that celebrates anything and everything about books. Hosted by bookworm Subhashini, each episode is designed to bring you stories that are most read, from the annals of history, literature, from fiction/nonfiction and from far and near. Listeners get insights into their favourite authors' lives, reading tips, reviews/summaries interestingly in English, Hindi, and Tamil. So, tune in every Fornight to listen her gush about popular and not so popular ...
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हिन्दी कार्तक्री नत्तवचन ''थ्रू दी बाइबल'' की विच्च्वस्तरीत बाइबल च्चिक्षा नेवकाई का एक हिस्ना है। तह कार्तक्री श्रृंखला ीूलतः डा० जे व्हॅरनन ीॅगी द्वारा रची गती है और १०० ने अधिक भाषाओं तथा प्रांतीत भाषाओं ीें इनका अनुवाद किता गता है और उन्हें रूपांतरित किता है। इनका उद्धेच्च्त है कि श्रोता प्रतिदिन ३० ीिनट का रेडिता कार्तक्री नुनकर नम्पूर्ण पवित्र बाइबल का नुचारू रूप ने अध्ततन करें। अब वही कार्तक्री आपके लिते ऑन लाईन उपलब्ध है। ही आपके आभारी है कि आपने परीेच्च्वर के वचन को अधिक नीखने हेतु ...
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Jyotish in Hindi

Astro Life Sutras

LEARN JYOTISH LIKE NEVER BEFORE! Join Nitin P.Kashyap in this official podcast of Astro Life Sutras Jyotish Academy and master the fundamentals of Astrology. We are going to discuss fundamentals of Astrology in hindi. Divine and occult knowledge of astrology can make you a good human being. This subject is not for knowing future. This subject will help you to know your inner self. This is astrology podcast for the learner of Jyotish. You can learn astrology here. Nitin P.Kashyap is going to ...
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Kanhai Kapadia

Compelling conversations with CEOs and business owners, who share their experiences and what they might have done differently, now that they have the benefit of hindsight.
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Hindsight is 20:20 vision, and the Sales Hindsights podversations with Patrick Kagan and guests creates invaluable insights into sales success, sales management growth, small business long term achievements, and sometimes even improvements on the personal forefront of life©2021 -2022 PK Solutions Group. All rights Reserved.Not to be distributed for commercial use without express permission
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hindi vibhag

हिंदी में कथा कहानी लोक कहानी तथा साहित्य की सामग्री सुनने के लिए विशेष तौर पर हिंदी विभाग कार्य कर रहा है आप हमसे हमारे ब्लॉग हिंदी विभाग से भी जुड़ सकते हैं Visit my blog - Hindivibhag.com
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Sachhe Hindustani

Aarna singh

Listen about India‘s current and past,health issues,stories,poems etc....... E-mail id/PayPal id:[email protected] Website:-www.singhaarna.com Facebook group:-Sachhe Hindustani Facebook page:-Podcast Please do shopping for best quality and cheapest price in market by going on below link address which is Amazon influencer affiliate link address for my podcast facebook page :- https://www.amazon.in/shop/podcast
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show series
Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools are increasingly being used in classrooms around the world. Last month, British universities were warned to “stress-test” all assessments after new research revealed that “almost all” undergraduates are using generative AI (GenAI) in their studies. Last year, a study by TeamLease EdTech revealed that over 61% of e…
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From "Communist Kamala" to Bollywood endorsements, artificial intelligence and disinformation played a big role in some of the biggest democratic elections last year. - "कम्युनिस्ट कमला" से लेकर बॉलीवुड विज्ञापनों तक, कृत्रिम बुद्धिमत्ता और गलत सूचना ने पिछले वर्ष के कुछ सबसे बड़े लोकतांत्रिक चुनावों में बड़ी भूमिका निभाई।…
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BR Ambedkar is rightly remembered for his role in creating the Indian Constitution and for his outspoken anti-caste views. Less known is how many of his views on hot button political issues in India today align far more with those of so-called Hindu nationalists than his contemporary supporters would have you believe. In this episode we speak with …
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Earlier this week, the United States recorded its first death due to measles after over 10 years. Why is this significant? The US had declared the eradication of measles, a highly infectious viral disease, from its country in the year 2000. Over 150 people, mostly children, are currently ill in Texas, and the outbreak has now spread to other States…
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We discuss why joining a club or an association is the glue that binds civic society to democracy. They are the classrooms for our citizenship! Pete’s civic action toolkit recommendations are: Join a club! Re-inhabit the world that you’re in, by learning about it. Pete Davis is a bestselling author of Dedicated: The Case for Commitment in an Age of…
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Do you want to be rich or wealthy? Do you want to earn money because you want to buy 'things' just to show-off people how rich you are or do you want to earn money to secure a future that is stable and well-grounded. In this review, Subhashini discusses life's most important topic - Money from the book "The Psychology of Money" by Morgan Housel and…
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🔹 This episode is sponsored by: Set for Life Insurance Protect your income and secure your future with True Own Occupation Disability Insurance. Visit www.doctorpodcastnetwork.co/setforlife today. 🔹 This episode is sponsored by: CrowdHealth Ditch the bureaucracy and take control of your healthcare with a smarter, more transparent system. Join the r…
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आज कल जिस तेज़ी से AI मॉडल्स आ रहे हैं, ये सवाल तो उठना जायज़ है कि क्या इंसानों की नौकरियाँ खतरे में हैं? इस सवाल का जवाब तो कोई नहीं जानता लेकिन इस पर पुलियाबाज़ी तो बनती है। आप भी सुनिए और हमें बताइये कि आप के विचार क्या हैं? क्या AI में आपको आपदा नज़र आती है या अवसर? We discuss: * How is Generative AI different from traditional computing? * How AI …
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As Cyclone Alfred approaches a densely populated part of Australia's coast for the first time in 50 years, SBS Hindi spoke with residents and weather experts to understand the current situation, precautionary guidelines, and safety measures in place. The Bureau of Meteorology (BoM) now predicts the cyclone will make landfall later than initially ex…
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आज हम देखेंगे कि किस तरह से युद्ध दूसरे दिन से चालू होता है और छठे दिन तक जाता है। हम कई तरह के व्यूह के बारे में भी जानेंगे।Atul Purohit
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"My Melbourne," a film collaboratively created by renowned directors Imtiaz Ali, Onir, Kabir Khan, and Rima Das, is set to release worldwide on March 6. The film, that touches into the lives of four women, addresses sensitive issues like gender identity and disability. Melbourne-based film producer Mitu Bhowmick and co-director Puneet Gulati recent…
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The Department of Employment and Workplace Relations is running the Fee-Free TAFE campaign to encourage individuals from multicultural communities to consider enrolling in TAFE courses tuition-free. In this podcast, SBS Hindi speaks with nursing professional Harleen Kaur who shares her experience of acquiring the necessary skills to work in the car…
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India's northeastern state of Assam is now deemed safe for travel, except for four districts, bringing it in line with major destinations like Delhi and Mumbai. In a significant travel update, Australia has recently eased its advisory for travellers visiting the state.
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बपतिस्मा प्रदर्शित करता है कि एक व्यक्ति मसीह के साथ एक व्यक्तिगत संबंध में प्रवेश किया है और उसके अनुग्रह के राज्य के सिद्धान्त के अनुकूल जीने की ठान ली है।Adventist World Radio
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New research by Super Members Council of Australia shows Australian retirees could be the wealthiest in the world by 2031, but a gender gap in superannuation remains with women retiring with significantly less savings than men. Melbourne-based retired Mechanical Engineer Indy Jasal shares his viewpoints in conversation with SBS Hindi.…
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The All India Trinamool Congress (TMC) has released documents showing that some voters in West Bengal have the same EPIC numbers as some voters in states like Gujarat, Haryana and Punjab. The elector photo identity card (EPIC) is a unique number, and the fact that it is unique is critical to avoid voter impersonation or other kinds of fraud. The El…
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दिसंबर तक सीएम होंगे डीके शिवकुमार; कांग्रेस नेता के दावे से कर्नाटक कांग्रेस में हलचल, ट्रंप के अरमानों पर फिरेगा पानी! गाजा पर मास्टरप्लान तैयार, एकजुट हुए अरब मुल्क, हिंदी थोपने से हरियाणा, बिहार और यूपी की मातृभाषाएं नष्ट हो गईं: उदयनिधि स्टालिन, अब जमीन भी कब्‍जाने लगे रोहिंग्‍या? मारपीट के बाद BJP नेत्री ने 50 पर कराया केस, सेमीफाइनल से पहले …
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This International Women’s Day, let's shine a spotlight on financial planning specifically designed for women. In a conversation with financial planner Deepak Bansal, SBS Hindi explores strategies for optimising budget planning and making informed investment choices, with a focus on investment bonds and other investment options such as stocks, shar…
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— 👋 🔹 This episode is sponsored by: Set for Life Insurance Protect your income and secure your future with True Own Occupation Disability Insurance. Visit www.doctorpodcastnetwork.co/setforlife today. —👋 🔹 This episode is sponsored by: CrowdHealth Ditch the bureaucracy and take control of your healthcare with a smarter, more transparent system. Joi…
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कलिसिया एक देह है जिसमें कई सदस्य होते हैं, जिन्हें हर कुल, जाति, भाषा और लोगों से बुलाया जाता है। मसीह में हम एक नई सृष्टि हैं।Adventist World Radio
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