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The Biblical Truth

Pastor Atef & Raedah Saman

To have a better life through the program, “The Biblical Truth”. This is a program that takes Truths from the Bible and helps all of us to live this truth for a better life. Jesus said in John 10:10, "The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly." This program is in 2 languages Arabic & English - Same content. Season 2 is Arabic and Season 1 is English.
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A Biblical Truth

Hilldale Church of Christ

Welcome to the Hilldale Church of Christ's "A Biblical Truth" podcast. This podcast has been created to provide you with the audio from our weekly lessons. We hope that you will be encouraged and convicted by these truths that come from the Bible. If you are need of reaching out to any of our ministers you can message our Facebook page. You can also find the full video lesson on our YouTube channel. ...
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Do you struggle with feelings of unworthiness, self-doubt, or just feeling like you are not enough? Do you want to make more of an impact for God's Kingdom but have beliefs that hold you back? In my journey over the years, I have struggled with limiting beliefs that kept me in bondage. As I sought help, I realized a lot of the help out there was worldly based and not based on truth. This is NOT another self-help podcast but one steeped in Biblical truth. As you listen, you can expect to brea ...
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Biblical Truth Central

Dee Heningburg

This podcast is about encouraging others to not focus on their problems, but to focus on God and trust that the LORD will lead them down the path that they need to go . Support this podcast:
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Biblical Truth – Old Paths and More is a production of Smyrna Gospel Ministries ( and features an audio version of their monthly magazine "Old Paths" with sermons, biblical studies, life experience stories and more for help in daily Christian living.
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Abiding Free | Biblical Truth & Encouragement

Shannon Sergey & Kristin Nave

A podcast about being rooted in truth and living life to the full! Because even though life can be messy and hard, God has promised to give us freedom here and now! This freedom gives us a secure identity, even with a broken past. It helps us have joy in parenting, even when we are exhausted. This freedom gives us love for our spouses- even when they are unlovable. And it can give us purpose in our careers- even if it’s not the one we want. Welcome to the Abiding Free podcast with Shannon an ...
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show series
Our culture has coined a phrase that we consider to be new. People will speak about “my truth.” I expect that you have heard this phrase used before. In fact, we are encouraged to speak “our truth.” You are told that you need to speak “your truth.” The idea is that there is something that can be true for me that is not true for you. But this is not…
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Do you know WHY you believe what you believe? Have you just accepted what you have been taught without studying it for yourself? Why dig into Romans and learn the truth of the Christian faith for yourself? Because, you will connect with it and it will deepen your relationship with God. What sets this study apart? I am not a theologian. I am just a …
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اليوم، سنتحدث عن المرارة وأثرها السلبي علينا وعلى من حولنا. ما هي مخاطر مشاعر المرارة؟ مشاعر المرارة تُعتبر أقسى من الموت عندما تسيطر على الإنسان. إنها تجعل الشخص يُفضّل الموت على الحياة إذا كانت تأتي من شخص يكرهه. هذه المشاعر تجعل الإنسان كالأعمى، لا يرى العواقب ويقوم بتدمير نفسه والآخرين. الغفران أقل تكلفة من البغض والكراهية. 1. المخاطر الجسدية: …
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I want to begin the lesson by hearing a promise that God makes: I will give them a heart to know that I am the LORD, and they shall be my people and I will be their God, for they shall return to me with their whole heart. (Jeremiah 24:7 ESV) God says that he is going to give his people a heart to know him because they are going to return to him wit…
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“For I am not ashamed of the gospel…” (Romans 1:16). It is a bold statement that I want us to think about as we begin this lesson. Paul was not ashamed of the gospel. Do you feel ashamed of the gospel? We do not want to be ashamed but we can certainly be tempted to be ashamed. I believe everyone would readily admit that we need to have more boldnes…
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Several years ago I purchased a mug for my much required coffee fix during those long podcast recording days that has become an Ebenezer Stone of sorts in my life. It had a simple message that I knew I needed… “One Step at a Time”. As an overplanning, overthinking person, this mug represented a true spiritual question and struggle for me…. How do w…
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Listen to what Paul says: “I am a debtor…” (Romans 1:14). We do not want to be debtors. We do not want to have obligations. We try to free ourselves from every debt. But this is a good debt. Paul embraces the fact that he is debtor and it is understand the debt of the gospel that has changed his life purpose. Thankful For the Proclaimed Gospel (Rom…
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There are many New Testament scriptures that speak about the glory of God as seen through the amazing work of our Lord Christ Jesus. But we can miss the depth of what those images and teachings are giving because we do not know intimately what the prophets were proclaiming. Often the New Testament assumes we know those prophetic pictures so that we…
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I want to begin the lesson today by asking an important question. What is the gospel? If someone were to come up to you, could you answer this question? If your neighbor asked you, “What is the gospel?”, what would you tell them? What exactly is the gospel? Now if you have grown up in the pews, you might quickly answer that the gospel is good news.…
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Do you know WHY you believe what you believe? Have you just accepted what you have been taught without studying it for yourself? Why dig into Romans and learn the truth of the Christian faith for yourself? Because, you will connect with it and it will deepen your relationship with God. What sets this study apart? I am not a theologian. I am just a …
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We are in a section in the prophecy of Jeremiah where we are learning about having a heart for God. In Jeremiah 20 we saw the terrible treatment of God’s prophet. Jeremiah is mocked, scorned, and verbally abused. His close friends seek revenge on Jeremiah because of his teachings. Jeremiah was arrested, beaten, and put in prison for proclaiming God…
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تخيل الوقوف في وجه نظام غير عادل، وأنت في حالة حزن على وفاة والدك وقلق بشأن مستقبلك. هذا هو ما واجهته خمس بنات صَلُفْحَادَ مَحْلَةُ وَنُوعَةُ وَحُجْلَةُ وَمِلْكَةُ وَتِرْصَةُ. كان الوضع غير عادل وخطير. توفى والدهن دون أبناء ذكور ليرثوا أرضه واسم عائلته و امانه المالي. ووفقًا للقانون اليهودي، لم يكن بإمكان النساء وراثة الأرض، مما جعلهن في حالة يأس. …
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We are looking at how to fight against the temptations that our enemy, the devil, is using to attack our faith. Our enemy wants us to doubt God, doubt God’s love, doubt our relationship with God, and doubt that God cares for us. There are many, many doubts that the devil launches at us so that we will question God, weaken our faith, and ultimately …
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Do you know WHY you believe what you believe? Have you just accepted what you have been taught without studying it for yourself? Why dig into Romans and learn the truth of the Christian faith for yourself? Because, you will connect with it and it will deepen your relationship with God. What sets this study apart? I am not a theologian. I am just a …
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We are beginning a new series called A Heart For God. We are going to be looking at how to have a heart for God when life is particularly painful while trying to live for God. We would think that doing the right thing would keep us safe. We want to think that if we are following God and doing what he says that this would keep us from having to go t…
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We are looking at how to fight against the temptations that our enemy, the devil, is using to attack our faith. Our enemy wants us to doubt God, doubt God’s love, doubt our relationship with God, and doubt that God cares for us. There are many, many doubts that the devil launches at us so that we will question God, weaken our faith, and ultimately …
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Do you know WHY you believe what you believe? Have you just accepted what you have been taught without studying it for yourself? Why dig into Romans and learn the truth of the Christian faith for yourself? Because, you will connect with it and it will deepen your relationship with God. What sets this study apart? I am not a theologian. I am just a …
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The apostle John is writing to help Christians know if they have eternal life (cf. 1 John 5:13). John does not want anyone to be deceived regarding their relationship with God. He wants us to evaluate our walk so that we can know if we are walking in the light or if we are walking in the darkness. The third chapter of this letter has been set off b…
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We are looking at how to fight against the temptations that our enemy, the devil, is using to attack our faith. In last week’s lesson we observed the first step that the devil uses against us is doubt. Our enemy wants us to doubt God, doubt God’s love, doubt our relationship with God, and doubt that God cares for us. There are many, many doubts tha…
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Do you know WHY you believe what you believe? Have you just accepted what you have been taught without studying it for yourself? Why dig into Romans and learn the truth of the Christian faith for yourself? Because, you will connect with it and it will deepen your relationship with God. What sets this study apart? I am not a theologian. I am just a …
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The apostle John is writing to help Christians know if they have eternal life (cf. 1 John 5:13). John does not want anyone to be deceived regarding their relationship with God. He wants us to evaluate our walk so that we can know if we are walking in the light or if we are walking in the darkness. The third chapter of this letter has been set off b…
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We are beginning a short series called Filters where we are going to talk about how to look at temptations properly so that we can overcome them. The apostle Paul claimed that there is no temptation that is unique to you. Listen what he taught in 1 Corinthians 10:13. No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he…
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Do you know WHY you believe what you believe? Have you just accepted what you have been taught without studying it for yourself? Why dig into Romans and learn the truth of the Christian faith for yourself? Because, you will connect with it and it will deepen your relationship with God. What sets this study apart? I am not a theologian. I am just a …
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The apostle John has proclaimed a glorious truth for us to hear. “See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God, and so we are” (1 John 3:1 ESV). We have been placed into an amazing, undeserved relationship with the Father, being called his children. We noticed in 1 John 3:3 that everyone who has this ho…
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The teacher of Ecclesiastes brings us to the final conclusions regarding his look at life. Remember that this book began with the teacher trying to determine what a person gets for all of his efforts in life. What is the gain? What is the advantage? What is the benefit? Do you get the payoff for all that you put into this world? What we have seen t…
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We are starting a new series this evening in which we are going to examine God’s love and how his love is to change who we are and how we live. Now it is important to remember the purpose that the apostle John has for writing his first letter. John says he writes these things so that our joy may be full (1 John 1:4). John also states at the end of …
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We are coming to the end of our series called Don’t Waste Your Life as the book of Ecclesiastes explores what is the gain and advantage for all your effort in this world. We are now coming to the concluding wisdom for life in the final chapters of the book. In Ecclesiastes 10 the teacher offers more wisdom about how to not live foolishly (Ecclesias…
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We have noted how God has sent Jeremiah on some missions as a living parable to teach the people regarding their condition and what God is doing. We have seen Jeremiah use spoiled linen undergarments to show how the people have defiled themselves. Jeremiah was not allowed to be married or go to funerals, weddings, or parties to show the lack of joy…
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We enter a new year full of new hope and high expectations. This year is going to be different. This year is going to be better. This year we are going to do what we did not get down this last year. This is going to be our year. But you also know that you have said this before. You know there is an underlying problem in with life. Life is frustrati…
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Our culture often wisely will emphasize the need to live a balanced life. Popular life coaches will speak to the need for not being excessive in certain areas of your life. But this is not a new idea. Rather, the need for balance in life is a biblical teaching that you find in the scriptures. The teacher is continuing to take us to the school of li…
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اليوم، نتعمق في الكلمات التي نصليها كثيراً: "واغفر لنا ذنوبنا كما نغفر نحن أيضاً للمذنبين إلينا." تخيلوا قول هذه الكلمات ونحن نحمل في قلوبنا عدم الغفران. هل نحن قادرون على الغفران، والتسامح، وتجاوز المواقف؟ الغفران هو واحد من أصعب الأمور على الإنسان، وهو ما يختلف عن طبيعة الرب المليئة بالرحمة. البشر يميلون إلى الاحتفاظ بالخطأ. غالباً، ما يتعبنا هو …
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