Join Father Adam as he dives into scripture and helps us understand what is being said and put it into action!
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Divine Mercy Radio is a lay apostolate dedicated to sharing the truth and beauty, and the love and joy of the Catholic faith primarily through radio. Our mission is to strengthen Catholics in their faith, to invite fallen-away Catholics back to the faith, and to inform non-Catholics of the gospel of Jesus through programming which proclaims His message of truth, mercy, and love.
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In their new podcast, Divine Mercy Calls to Our Hearts, Fr. Mark Baron and Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle offer wisdom and insights for faithful Catholics during this Lenten Season and the Jubilee Year of Hope.
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Daily Reflections on Divine Mercy: 365 Days with Saint Faustina. Reflections and prayers inspired by the Diary of Divine Mercy. The Diary of Saint Faustina is a spiritual treasure given to the Church by Jesus Himself through the humble instrumentality of a cloistered nun. It consists of Saint Faustina’s six handwritten notebooks revealing her faith and her daily encounters with our Lord. These short reflections were written to help you discover the spiritual wisdom revealed by Saint Faustina ...
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Divine Mercy is a gift that Jesus Christ Himself gives to us and all we have to do is ask for it. Please join me in discussing the treasure that is Divine Mercy and remember always, the more we need His Mercy, the more He wants to grant it to us.
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Fr. Jacek Mazur, pastor of Divine Mercy Catholic Church in Niagara Falls, NY, and Rick Paolini, Business Manager for The Station of the Cross, discuss aspects of the message of Divine Mercy as revealed by Jesus to St. Maria Faustina. To contact the program:
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The Chaplet of the Divine Mercy sung by Jennie E. Nicassio Support this podcast:
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Good News Reflections written by Terry Modica Cover art photo provided by ORNELLA BINNI on Unsplash:
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Each week, Dr. Bryan Thatcher, MD, delves into the Divine Mercy message and devotion, exploring topics such as living a sacramental life, forgiveness of others and self, trust in God in all situations, suffering, how to carry our crosses, being icons of mercy through deeds done out of love of God and neighbor, and more. May this podcast bring you to a deeper understanding of how much God loves you.
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Join us as we revisit the powerful speeches delivered by renowned speakers Jim Wahlberg, Ben Steele, Elvis Grbac, and Fr. Don Calloway during the Divine Mercy Sunday gathering of 2024 in Stockbridge, MA. Each episode offers a profound glimpse into the themes of redemption, forgiveness, and grace, echoing the timeless message of Divine Mercy that resonates with hearts across the world. Tune in and experience the transformative power of faith and mercy in these captivating talks. Check out the ...
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Divine Mercy Kids - Episode 80: Forgive with St. Rita
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18:06Send us a text Join Nicole Swannack as she shares with you the virtue of forgiveness and learn more about St. Rita Kids! Your challenge for this week is - Ask God who YOU need to forgive and offer that forgiveness in the name of Jesus. Would you like your child to receive our Divine Mercy Kids Kit for FREE? sign up for the quarterly kit at https://…
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It is a grace from God to see ourselves as we are. And what will we see if we see ourselves this way? We will see our misery and nothingness. At first, this may not be all that desirable. It may even seem contrary to the dignity we have in Christ. But that’s the key. Our dignity is “in Christ.” Without Him, we are nothing. We are misery and nothing…
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Listen as Father Adam gives a reflection of the readings for today to help us on our Lenten journey.Divine Mercy Parish
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Jubilee Year of Hope and St. Faustina's 25th Anniversary
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50:32In this episode, Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle and Father Mark Baron introduce the Jubilee Year of Hope, discussing its biblical foundation, the meaning of indulgences, and the importance of embracing hope in daily life, all while reflecting on the inspiring example of St. Faustina.Marian Press
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Which image of Christ are you more comfortable with? Which image do you more easily identify with? The image of Christ glorified as King of all? Or the image of the beaten and suffering Christ? In the end, we will fix our eyes on the Lord in glory and majesty and this will be our delight for eternity. However, while we are pilgrims in this earthly …
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2025 Daily Lenten Reflections with Fr. Adam - Day 5
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18:09Listen as Father Adam gives a reflection of the readings for today to help us on our Lenten journey.Divine Mercy Parish
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FaithWorks - Saints in the Making - St. Katharine Drexel, St. Patrick and St. Joseph
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39:24Send us a text Saints in the Making, our brand-new monthly segment here on FaithWorks. We'll dive into the lives of saints who inspire us to live with purpose, faith, and love. Each month, we’ll highlight saints whose feast days fall within the month, exploring their incredible stories, virtues, and the lessons they offer for our own lives. This ep…
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We all encounter struggles in life. The question is: “What do you do with them?” Too often, when struggles come our way we are tempted to doubt the presence of God and to doubt His merciful help. In fact, the opposite is true. God is the answer to every struggle. He alone is the source of all we need in life. He is the One who can bring peace and s…
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2025 Daily Lenten Reflections with Fr. Adam - Day 4
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10:03Listen as Father Adam gives a reflection of the readings for today to help us on our Lenten journey.Divine Mercy Parish
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Knights Armor: Lent and Easter
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51:49Send us a text Join Keith, George, Dana, Paul and David on their conversation on what practices have worked best for themselves and with their families for Lenten and Easter practices. These men of St. Michael's parish discuss practical ways that they have become closer to God and how you can to, this upcoming Lent and Easter season. More Knights A…
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When others do well, how do you react? Most likely when a child does well it brings delight to your soul. But what about others? A sure sign of a merciful heart is the ability to sincerely find joy in the good that others do. Too often jealousy and envy get in the way of this form of Mercy. But when we delight in the goodness of another and rejoice…
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Listen as Father Adam gives a reflection of the readings for today to help us on our Lenten journey.Divine Mercy Parish
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March 2025 Pints with Padre
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30:27Sharing Father Adam's talk from Pints with Padre this month on the "Conclave" in case you were not able to join us at Frontera's. Next month we will meet on Saturday, April 5 after the 4:30 pm Mass and hear about "Death and Funeral Rites". We are going to make an effort to record and share as many of these talks as possible for those not able to jo…
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Fast Forward with Father - The First Sunday of Lent
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18:08Listen as Father gives a reflection on this coming Sunday's readings to help us prepare for Mass.Divine Mercy Parish
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Some acts of love are meant to be shared only between lovers. Acts of the utmost intimacy and self-giving are precious gifts of love shared in the secrecy of a relationship of love. This is also the case with our love of God. We should regularly look for ways to express our most profound love of God in ways that are known only to Him. In return, Go…
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Listen as Father Adam gives a reflection of the readings for today to help us on our Lenten journey.Divine Mercy Parish
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Some people, day in and day out, experience the harshness and cruelty of another. This is quite painful. As a result, there can be a strong desire for justice so that the person causing pain be held accountable. But the real question is this: What is the Lord calling me to do? How shall I react? Shall I be an instrument of God’s wrath and justice? …
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Listen as Father Adam gives a reflection of the readings for today to help us on our Lenten journey.Divine Mercy Parish
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Are you comfortable calling Jesus your Master? Some may prefer to call Him “friend” or “shepherd.” And these titles are true. But what about Master? Ideally, we will all come to give ourselves to our Lord as the Master of our lives. We must not only become servants, we must become slaves. Slaves of Christ. If that doesn’t sit well then ponder simpl…
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Divine Mercy Kids - Episode 79 : Hope with Saint Jude
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20:10Send us a text Join Nicole Swannack as she reads a story about St. Jude. Kids! Your challenge for this week is - Find God in at least one thing each day! Would you like your child to receive our Divine Mercy Kids Kit for FREE? sign up for the quarterly kit at and we will mail it to you.…
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When you are at church, do you listen? Specifically, do you listen to the voice of God? Often times we sit and listen to the homily and our mind wanders and we miss all or most of what was said. Where does your mind wander? The truth is that sometimes a wandering mind is from the Lord. Sometimes there may be one thing said at Mass that our Lord the…
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When speaking to others, the love and Mercy of God must flow from our lips. But how? What should our speech look like? One way to examine our speech to others is to look at it in the light of how we should speak to God. When speaking to God we should speak with honesty, simplicity, humility and confidence. Think of a sincere child praying to God. T…
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FaithWorks: Sister, Soldier, Surgeon: Dr. Leisa Marie Carzon on Sister Dede Byrne’s Inspiring Life
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43:21Send us a text Join Ellen as she talks with Dr. Leisa Marie Carzon and be inspired about the life of this amazing surgeon, soldier and now a sister in the Little Workers of the Sacred Heart. Sister Deirdre Byrne is an active missionary sister and superior of her community in Washington, DC. She is double board-certified in family medicine and gener…
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Do small sacrifices matter? Sometimes we can think that we should try to do great things. Some may have ideas of grandeur and dream of accomplishing some great feats. But what about the small, monotonous, daily sacrifices we make? Sacrifices such as cleaning, cooking, helping another, forgiving, etc.? Do the small things matter? Most certainly. The…
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Meet the Priest: Fr. Boban Madathiparampil
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30:47Send us a text Join Mark as he gets to know Fr. Boban (Bob) Madathiparampil of St. Mary's Church in Garner. All past episodes can be found on our website. www.divinemercyradio.orgDivine Mercy Radio
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Could you be happy if you were in prison? Or what if you were called at a young age to enter a cloistered monastery and live in seclusion throughout your life? Could you find happiness if you were living in the utmost poverty having barely enough to feed your family each and every day? The answer is “Yes.” You most certainly can find happiness with…
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Does your soul feel like it is in a spiritual drought at times? Do you wish you could have greater spiritual consolation in your daily life? This is a common struggle and one that we should not worry about. The primary goal of our spiritual life is to do the Will of God. Often times, a certain spiritual dryness actually helps us live the Will of Go…
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Fast Forward with Father - The 8th Sunday in Ordinary Time
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10:30Listen as Father gives a reflection on this coming Sunday's readings to help us prepare for Mass.Divine Mercy Parish
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After Jesus’ death, one of the soldiers came to Him and was ordered to make certain He was dead. So that soldier pierced His precious body with a lance and immediately blood and water gushed forth from His wounded Heart. This has been prayerfully reflected upon throughout the ages and has been seen as a sign of the Sacraments of Baptism and Holy Co…
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Sin is a topic that many avoid. We don’t like to think about our sins. We don’t like to admit to them, and we often rationalize them as if we do not have any. We can easily come up with excuses for this “sin” or that. But here is another perspective on sin. We should see our sin, no matter how grave or how small, as a little twig. And then we shoul…
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Divine Mercy Kids - Episode 78
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15:58Send us a text Join Nicole Swannack as she reads a story about Serving with Saint Dominic Kids! Your challenge for this week is - St. Dominic served by doing the smallest things with great love for God. Who can you serve with great love in your home today? Would you like your child to receive our Divine Mercy Kids Kit for FREE? sign up for the quar…
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Is it possible to know that someone has a deep interior life of prayer? Even though this is “interior” and is a spiritual reality, is it possible to sense this externally? Most certainly it is. In fact, the deeper one’s life of prayer the more that this interior life will shine forth for others to see (See Diary #172). How about you? What does your…
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The secular world is filled with bad news. The newspapers, talk shows, and other forms of media thrive on sensational and exaggerated tragic events to keep our attention. And we, for our part, are often eager to share the latest gossip or criticism. But what about the good news? What about the news of God’s abundant Mercy? How often are you fascina…
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FaithWorks: Freedom Coaching with Steve Pokorny
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45:08Send us a text Join Ellen as she talks with Steve Pokorny, As founder and president of Freedom Coaching, Steve works tirelessly to help individuals break free from the grip of pornography compulsion and grow in true freedom through faith, accountability, and personal transformation. He brings a wealth of experience and a deep passion for guiding ot…
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Think of the most beautiful sunset possible, gleaming over the wide ocean in the evening with the sky radiant in color. Or think of the majestic mountain peaks piercing through a bright blue sky, or a mighty waterfall, pouring forth from the heights. All of these gifts of creation are glorious, beautiful and breath-taking. But none of them compares…
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Come to Me: Encounters with the Eucharist - Guest Andrew Tatum
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46:06Send us a text Join Brittany Makely, of Divine Mercy Radio - Catholic 540AM - as she chats with Andrew Tatum and discovers all about his remarkable journey to the Catholic Faith. Catch other Episodes of Come to Me: Encounters with the Eucharist on Divine Mercy Radio.…
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It’s easy to presume that everyone we know will go to Heaven. This, of course, should be our hope. But if one is to attain Heaven, there must be a true interior conversion. Each person who enters Heaven is there because of a personal decision to give one’s life to Christ and to turn from sin. How do we assist those around us on this journey? The mo…
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Divine Mercy Kids - Episode 77: Smiling Mother Teresa
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15:25Send us a text Join Nicole Swannack as she reads a story about Smiling Mother Teresa Kids! Your challenge for this week is - Be a missionary of love by smiling and making eye contact with the people that you see today. Love others through your smile! Would you like your child to receive our Divine Mercy Kids Kit for FREE? sign up for the quarterly …
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There are both interior and exterior difficulties we encounter as we attempt to form a daily habit of prayer. Interior difficulties: discouragement, dryness, heaviness of spirit and temptations. These difficulties are overcome through patience and perseverance. Exterior difficulties: fear of what others may think or say, and setting time aside. The…
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What is it that makes your soul beautiful? Prayer. What is it that keeps you from sin? Prayer. What is it that fills you with hope? Prayer. What is it that leads you on the road to holiness? Prayer. Prayer is the key to all things. Without prayer, each and every day, you are directionless in life and are left to your own wisdom and ability, which i…
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Do you love with a pure love? What does this form of love look like? Pure love is one that flows directly from the Heart of Christ to and through your life. This holy love has beautiful characteristics. First, it is plentiful. When we love with the Heart of Christ we love in abundance. There is no limit to how much love we can share. It’s like the …
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Divine Mercy Kids - Episode 76: Grateful with Karl Leisner
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18:21Send us a text Join Nicole Swannack as she reads a story about Karl Leisner. Kids! Your challenge for this week is - Be a missionary of love by saying “thank you”! Commit to saying thank you to God to at least one person every day this week. Would you like your child to receive our Divine Mercy Kids Kit for FREE? sign up for the quarterly kit at ht…
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It’s true that, throughout your day, God is speaking to you. He is constantly communicating His truth and His direction for your life, and He is constantly bestowing His Mercy. The problem is that His voice is ever so gentle and silent. Why? Because He wants all of your attention. He will not attempt to compete with the many distractions of your da…
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We are called to be saints. And if we walk down that road, we will be called to live heroic virtue. Heroic virtue will not always be understood by others. In fact, in the opinion of worldly wisdom, heroic and holy virtue is foolishness. But we must not allow the opinions of worldly “wisdom” to confuse us, tempt us or distract us from the road of tr…
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FaithWorks - Life Lesson with Bill Donohue, Judi Paparozzi, and John Allen
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50:54Send us a text Join Ellen as she discusses with Judi and John and local marchers about their experiences from this years March for Life in Washington, DC. She will also talk with Bill Donahue about the status of the Catholic vote post - 2024 presidential election. Show sponsored by Thales College. www.divinemercyradio…
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Our tongue can build others up, or cut them down. Our tongue also has a direct effect upon our own soul. When the tongue speaks words inspired by God, we grow in holiness. When the tongue speaks words not from God, we do great damage to our souls and others. The goal is not so much exterior silence; rather, it’s interior silence. Interior silence m…
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Diving In With Deacons - Deacon Steven Yates - St. Thomas More Parish of Chapel Hill
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41:33Send us a text Join Host Mark Baratta as we get to know more about Deacon Steven Yates! Find other episodes of Diving in With Deacon at our website www.divinemercyradio.orgDivine Mercy Radio
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Often times we can be so preoccupied with ourselves and our own problems that we fail to see the struggles and needs of those around us, especially those of our own family. At times, because we are so self-consumed, we run the risk of adding unnecessary burdens to those we are called to love and care for. We need to foster within our hearts true Ch…
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It is true that our goal must be Heaven. We must constantly keep our eyes on this eternal reality. Why? Because in comparison to this passing world, Heaven is all that ultimately matters. So how do we keep our focus on Heaven without becoming complacent with our daily duties? Would it be proper to neglect our daily duties and responsibilities so as…
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Sometimes we do not feel like going to Mass or may be deeply distracted as we approach the Blessed Sacrament. Perhaps one of the best things to do in this case is to live in holy obedience. Jesus wants you to receive Holy Communion every Sunday and every holy day because He knows you need it. He knows that this Food from Heaven is necessary for you…
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