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Bhagavad Gita For Women By KrsnaG


Bhagavad Gita has always been male oriented since every character therein is male. From Arjuna to Shri Krishna, Duryodhan to Karna, Bhima to Dushyasan and even the Masters are male, Women would find it extremely difficult to correlate to it since it is the battlefield and men fought the wars. This is a spiritual masterpiece which needs to be deciphered. Our Master KrsnaG or fondly called Krsna Guruji also goes by the name Krsnaknows decodes this wonderful journey from the beginning to the en ...
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Calling all seekers of spiritual wisdom and it’s worldly applications! The scriptures have them all but the texts are so difficult to interpret! Instead, ask our dear KrsnaGuru questions which you have trouble finding answers to. You need these answers to improve your life at home, to ease your frustrations at your workplace or just to excel in any public domain. KrsnaGuru answers all of life’s toughest questions with poignant and precise explanations. He teaches on Self Improvement, Mindful ...
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Emma Gom

Una Charla Con Krsna es un podcast donde un yogui aborda diversos temas como políticos, sociales, espirituales y muchos más, desde la perspectiva del Tantra Yoga. Si tienes dudas enviamelas por cualquiera de mis redes sociales. IG: @krsnaparthasarathy Tiktok:@eldiariodeunyogui Aportaciones o donaciones por:
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show series
Anger is doorway to hell. How does anger arise and how it leads one to complete ruin is mentioned by Shri Krishna to Arjuna in these verses from the Srimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 2 Verses 61 Onwards as given by Krsnaknows exposition. For more details click links below 👇For more: https://krsnaknows.comSubscribe to us on Youtube:…
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How do the senses and sense objects react in the world? How to overcome them? Shri Krishna explains to Arjuna how he has to control his senses. Bhagavad Gita Chapter 2 Verses 59 Onwards explained by Krsnaknows. For more details click the links below 👇For more: https://krsnaknows.comSubscribe to us on YouTube:…
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How to practice equanimity of mind? and be balanced in the mind. Shri Krishna teaches Arjuna not to get upset or disturbed by the mind. This is the first series of lessons on mind control taught to Arjuna by Shri Krishna. Krsnaknows explains the verses to you. For more details on this click here 👇🏾For more: https://krsnaknows.comSubscribe to us on …
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Arjuna asks Shri Krishna to tell him how he should recognise a person who is enlightened and with a stable mind! What are his characteristics and behaviour? Shri Krishna explains to Arjuna about desirelessness and satisfaction of mind. Krsnaknows explains the verses to you from Bhagavad Gita Chapter 2 Verses 54 Onwards. For more details click the l…
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How to overcome Delusions in the mind? Oneness with the divine when you are free from the Delusions of Mind. Equanimity of the mind is called Yoga. Yoga mind is one with God and does not sway or get disturbed by anything happening around it. Shri Krishna explains to Arjuna that oneness with the Lord is called Yoga. Krsnaknows gives his exposition o…
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When Shri Krishna explains Yoga to Arjuna, he talks of equanimity and equipoise of the mind. The mind should never be swayed by the two extremes of life. There is no right or wrong, no good or evil and one must not get entrapped into taking sides. We should never be disturbed or deluded by the mind. KrsnaKnows explains the verses from the Srimad Bh…
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What is the duty of every human being? What are his or her rights to work? What should we have equanimity of mind? What should we perform duties without focusing on the end result? Shri Krishna explains to Arjuna why these are important questions for every human being to ask and know them. Krsnaknows explains how to get the best knowledge here. Krs…
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Is it necessary to do rites and rituals and get benefits from deities? What is the use of going to heaven? Why does a man run after enjoyment? Shri Krishna explains to Arjuna why it is not required for a devotee to run after such rites and rituals. Instead, he should focus on devotion and not run after desires. Krsnaknows explains the verses to you…
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What is Selfless Action and why should we perform the Yoga Of Selfless Action? What is Karma Yoga? Shri Krishna explains to Arjuna why he should stop giving reasons and just do his required actions. He should not dwell on it in his mind but keep on performing these actions without guilt and shame. Here on earth, no one is actually responsible for t…
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What is action and what is selfless action? Shri Krishna explains to Arjuna why he should perform all actions selflessly and not for selfish purpose. The explanation of why we have to be the most suitable and efficient person to perform our duties to whatever station in life we are assigned to. Krsnaknows gives you an in-depth explanation for the a…
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How to understand what your Swadharma is? Shri Krishna is telling Arjuna to rise to the occasion of the war and fight since he is a warrior and a Kshatriya. Everyone has to know their reason for birth and existence and follow the path so that they can be truthful to their purpose in life. Krsnaknows explains why it’s impossible to know why and wher…
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Only one in a billion can know the soul, one in million has heard about it and one in a trillion see it. Shri Krishna explains in the Bhagavad Gita that the soul is unborn and eternal. Gita For Women Chapter 2 Verses 28-30 is expounded by Krsnaknows here. To know more join our Skool group ⬇️ more: https://krsnakn…
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What is the Soul and who are you? Who is God? What is this Divine Consciousness? Some basic questions are answered by Shri Krishna. Krsnaknows explains the Bhagavad Gita verses 20-27 of Chapter 2. For more information join our Skool community by clicking below ⬇️ more: https://krsnaknows.comSubscribe to us on Yo…
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Shri Krishna explains the Soul Is Immortal And the body is unreal and it Perishes. You are the Soul and you take up bodies all the time. Krsnaknows explains how we are the essence of That Divine. We get so engrossed in the material world that we forget who we truly are and become mundane human beings fighting for our lives. Shri Krishna explains th…
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Arjuna's Dilemma as to why he should fight and kill his kinsmen. Krishna reprimands Arjuna that there is no one who can show such weakness during such trying times, especially during the War. He should give up his likes, dislikes, good or bad, right or wrong and fight. Krishna tells him that everyone has to die and be reborn and that he cannot have…
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Bhagavad Gita For Women Chapter 2. Shri Krishna tells Arjuna not to behave in a manner unsuitable for warriors. KrsnaKnows explains the words of Shri Krishna.#krsnaconsciousness #hinduscripture #bhagavadgita #krsnag #krsnaknows Join our Skool community by clicking link below ⬇️ more: https://krsnaknows.comSubscr…
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Aruna is showing his unwillingness to fight. There are laws, rules, societal norms, religious sentiments, behavioural restrictions and so on concerning the way of life. These are traditional or religious in nature and should not be misused or misinterpreted by humans so the society puts strictures and regulations to curb them. What is dharma and ad…
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Bhagavad Gita for Women by Krsnaknows or Krsna Guruji. Also known as KrsnaG he gives an explanation to the Bhagavad Gita from the women’s point of view since the war was fought by men and mostly men are involved in the state affairs. Today it is a neutral zone where everyone is allowed to be who they are. Men, women and others are welcome to break …
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KrsnaG gave his first introductory satsang explaining the concept of Bhagavad Gita. This live class recording is put up here for women to understand what Bhagavad Gita is all about. There were two more introductory sessions which will be put up soon. If you too wish to join these satsangs you can hear Guruji by clicking the link below 👇🏾 https://ww…
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Why teach Bhagavad Gita for women? The Bhagavad Gita is the essence of all the Vedas and other important scriptures. Women today have entered almost every fields and are doing well for themselves. They too need the teachings of the Gita explained so that they too can fight their professional, physical or mental battles in life. To know more anyone …
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What is time? We always wanted to control time. Time slips from our hand easily so we wish we could freeze time. There is time for everything if you can only respect time. Spend it very frugally and don’t waste it. Create time for yourself by proper planning and execution. Add time to your life by sleeping one hour lesser than usual. Such valuable …
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Welcome to "My Krsna's Talks," a podcast channel dedicated to simplifying life. I am your host "KrsnaG".I am a spiritual teacher and I will share esoteric wisdom with those seeking solutions to complex human problems. I apply time-tested methods and teachings to provide simple solutions to life's most challenging situations.As the tagline suggests,…
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Hoy hablaremos el porqué las mujeres han sido excluidas de las prácticas espirituales, su historia como grandes guías espirituales, la importancia del tantra en la vida de la mujer y su guía hoy en día ante los problemas sociales.--- Send in a voice message:…
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Disclaimer: Este episodio va dirigido para todxs, pero especialmente para aquellos hombres que intentaron ligar y cayeron en el acoso, está es mi experiencia y mis consejos, espero que te guste y recuerda "Todo con conscentimiento"--- Send in a voice message:…
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El tema de la felicidad es muy importante y todo mundo concuerda con la idea de que la felicidad está en el interior pero ¿como se llega a ese punto? ¿Que hay que hacer para encontrar esa felicidad interior? ¿Hay una técnica? Bueno hoy te resolveré esas dudas que muchos místicos, yoguis, filósofos y sabios del pasado hablaron hace años.--- Send in …
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Muchos te dicen que vayas al GYM o que realices cierto ejercicio, pero este hack de verdad te ayuda a ponerte en movimiento, a ponerte a hacer ejercicio, y no precisamente el GYM es necesario.--- Send in a voice message:
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Como saben algunos, estuve algo inactivo por redes durante 3 meses. Lo cuál explicaré en este episodia, y además menciono algunos cambios que habrá en el contenido, de verdad estoy muy feliz porqué tengo mucho que compartirles. --- Send in a voice message:…
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In this Q&A with KrsnaGuru session our Guruji answering the Spiritual question asked by His disciples “On What basis does the DIVINE allot us our SWADHARMA?” For more subscribe to our channel: If you have any spiritual questions you can write to us Podcast Channels: iTune…
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In this Q&A with KrsnaGuru session our Guruji answering the Spiritual question asked by His disciples “What is the purpose of scripture and why it is important?” For more subscribe to our channel: If you have any spiritual questions you can write to us Podcast Channels: i…
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In this Q&A with KrsnaGuru session our Guruji answering the Spiritual question asked by His disciples “Why does a disciple not follow the Guru's command or the simple instructions from the Guru?” For more subscribe to our channel: If you have any spiritual questions you can write to us Podcast Channels: A…
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In this Q&A with KrsnaGuru session our Guruji answering the Spiritual question asked by His disciples “How can one focus and accelerate on Spiritual, if your material world is in tatters or you are consumed with it totally? How to you attain the momentum or the velocity to come out of it?” For more subscribe to our channel: If …
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In this Q&A with KrsnaGuru session our Guruji answering the Spiritual question asked by His disciples “What should one give up to be in Spiritual?” For more subscribe to our channel: If you have any spiritual questions you can write to us Books by Master: Ask Away, My Dear!: Parabl…
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In this Q&A with KrsnaGuru session our Guruji answering the Spiritual question asked by His disciples “What is the right way to deal with emotions? Should we offer them to God? Should we express them in a healthy manner? Or suppress/avoid them completely?” For more subscribe to our channel: If you have any spiritual questions y…
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In this Q&A with KrsnaGuru session our Guruji answering the Spiritual question asked by His disciples “What is the esoteric significance of vasudevo upasana, seeing krishna in everyone and everything. How does this transform?” For more subscribe to our channel: If you have any spiritual questions you can write to us https://bit…
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In this Q&A with KrsnaGuru session our Guruji answering the Spiritual question asked by His disciples “Is my swadharma caused by my past life karma or has the Divine given it regardless of past karma?” For more subscribe to our channel: If you have any spiritual questions you can write to us Books by Mast…
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In this Q&A with KrsnaGuru session our Guruji answering the Spiritual question asked by His disciples “How to be detached still being a part of a family?” For more subscribe to our channel: If you have any spiritual questions you can write to us Books by Master: Ask Away, My Dear!:…
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In this Q&A with KrsnaGuru session our Guruji answering the Spiritual question asked by His disciples “How do we reach our goals without expecting the results?” For more subscribe to our channel: If you have any spiritual questions you can write to us Books by Master: Ask Away, My Dear!:…
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In this Q&A with KrsnaGuru session our Guruji answering the Spiritual question asked by His disciples “How to be dispassionate in the current day and age without being rude?” For more subscribe to our channel: If you have any spiritual questions you can write to us Books by Master: Ask Away, My Dear!: htt…
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In this Q&A with KrsnaGuru session our Guruji answering the Spiritual question asked by His disciples “When disciple surrenders to his Guru, who then is ruling the mind?” For more subscribe to our channel: If you have any spiritual questions you can write to us Books by Master: Ask Away, My Dear!: https:/…
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In this Q&A with KrsnaGuru session our Guruji answering the Spiritual question asked by His disciples “In the stories you have narrated, some devotees seem to have more than one Guru (ie more than one physical manifestation). Can you explain What is the role of the Guru in disciple’s life?” For more subscribe to our channel: If…
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In this Q&A with KrsnaGuru session our Guruji answering the Spiritual question asked by His disciples “When do I know that I am on the path of spiritual and what are the signs?” For more subscribe to our channel: If you have any spiritual questions you can write to us Books by Master: Ask Away, My Dear!: …
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In this Q&A with KrsnaGuru session our Guruji answering the Spiritual question asked by His disciples “How does the constant remembrance of Guru transform the disciple?” For more subscribe to our channel: If you have any spiritual questions you can write to us Books by Master: Ask Away, My Dear!: https://…
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Can Maya alter Destiny? For more subscribe to our channel: If you have any spiritual questions you can write to us Books by Master: Ask Away, My Dear!: Parables: Follow Us: Instagram: @krsnaguru [] Facebook: @QAwithKrsnaGuru [https://bit.…
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When we dream of some unfavourable situation or a scenario and we have the irritating thought lingering in the mind the whole day. How to get rid of that mood as in that situation, people don’t like to even attempt to divert. What is the step by step process to deal with this as it is a mind created illusory situation but the irritation is so stron…
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