Podcast rund um Literatur
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hotliterati.com - hot, cool, well-read people
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Zwei Literaturverrückte zwischen Fäusten, Dolchen und zerbrochenen Krügen. Deutschabi-Vorbereitung einmal anders. Mit Larissa Niesen und Sarah Mahlberg. Ihr findet uns unter literatur_kabinett auch auf Instagram.
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Az irodalmi portál podcast-adásai. https://litera.hu
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Cult Liter Podcast Host Spencer Henry brings the bizarre every Tuesday. Each week we'll dive into a new story of cults, crime, televangelists gone wild, you never really know what you're going to get, just a guaranteed good time.
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stemcel tragics use THE POWER OF FRIENDSHIP to read litfic and classics
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A weekly behind-the-scenes dive into everything interesting, dynamic, strange, and wonderful happening in literary culture—featuring Lit Hub staff, columnists, and special guests! Hosted by Drew Broussard. The Lit Hub Podcast is a production of Lit Hub Radio Music by Dani Lencioni of Evelyn Engineering and production by Stardust House
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Amateur enthusiast Jacke Wilson journeys through the history of literature, from ancient epics to contemporary classics. Episodes are not in chronological order and you don't need to start at the beginning - feel free to jump in wherever you like! Find out more at historyofliterature.com and facebook.com/historyofliterature. Support the show by visiting patreon.com/literature or historyofliterature.com/donate. Contact the show at [email protected].
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Lit conversations about books, programs, life, and all things relevant.
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Die Seite rund um Literatur und Musik
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Reflections on 2000 Year Old Tamil Poetry
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"Welcome back to Get Lit, the literary podcast where we discuss famous works of literature and the authors who wrote them..."
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Information: Dieser Video Podcast wird per Ende Juli 2021 eingestellt. Künftige und bisherige Episoden finden Sie auf unserem Play SRF Portal (www.srf.ch/play). Im «Literaturclub» werden jeweils vier bis fünf Neuerscheinungen besprochen und diskutiert. Immer am literarischen Puls der Zeit.
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An outside of the norm podcast that talks about movies, tv, music and games while breaking down a few craft beers.
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blauschwarzberlin - Der Literaturpodcast
Maria-Christina Piwowarski und Ludwig Lohmann von blauschwarzberlin
Wir sind Maria-Christina Piwowarski und Ludwig Lohmann und einmal im Monat öffnen wir eine Flasche Grauburgunder und sprechen über unsere letzten Lektüren.
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A podcast about your 10th grade reading list, hosted by John McCoy.
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Composer/Producer Dimitri K. interviewing Award Winners and Emerging Artists in the context of our contemporary world.
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Hörbahn - Podcast für Indie- und Substream-Literature
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Casual yet stimulating talks about books and media.
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Der Pflichttermin für Bücherfans. In WDR 3 Gutenbergs Welt stellen wir Ihnen aktuelle Romane und neue Sachbücher vor. In Gesprächen mit Autoren, Kritikern und Verlegern sind Sie immer informiert über den Buchmarkt.
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Conversations that illuminate Scripture and ignite faith.
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Classic novels from the 19th and 20th centuries read aloud. All novels read are in the public domain.
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Falamos de literatura, mas não nos levem a sério. Nosso objetivo é mostrar a literatura como algo vivo, caloroso e acessível para todo mundo. Deixemos a erudição para a sala de aula e os congressos. 30:MIN é a "Sua meia hora alucinógena de literatura". Aqui temos Vilto Reis, Cecilia Garcia Marcon, AJ Oliveira, Arthur Marchetto e convidados discutindo de maneira descomplica, bem-humorada e repleta de informações estimulantes como: crushes nos livros, bêbados produtivos, violência literária e ...
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Eduardo Spohr e Thiago Cabello comentam os emails enviados pelos ouvintes do canal do Telegram (t.me/eduardospohr). Publicado no Spotify e nos demais agregadores toda sexta-feira, às 5h00. »» Ajude a manter o canal! Chave PIX para doações: [email protected]
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Ich bin Esther Schneider und das ist mein Literatur-Talk. Ich treffe mich hier mit Autor*innen und versuche herauszufinden, was sie umtreibt beim Schreiben, wie sie auf ihre Themen kommen, welche Bücher sie lesen und wie ihre Phantasiewelt aussieht. Kurz, ich bin interessiert an «the writers voice».
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La literatura debe circular, expandir horizontes. Ese es el fin de este podcast. Martín Sebero.
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Die Sendung "Andruck" ist ein Wegweiser auf dem Markt der politischen Literatur. Kompetente Rezensenten besprechen Neuerscheinungen, setzen Themen-Schwerpunkte, nehmen sich aktuelle fremdsprachige Titel vor oder blättern in politischen Klassikern.
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Literary Anything, our Marion Libraries podcast where we talk about anything literary and literary anything.
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A podcast about books and their film adaptations. It's a safe place for those who really did like the movie better than the book.
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LiteraryHype is your home for interviews with bestselling and debut authors, as well as celebrities and more. If it's bookish, you'll find it here. New episodes weekly on Tuesdays.
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Der Podcast, der das literarische Leben in Bremen und dessen Vielfalt anschaulich, nachvollziehbar, erlebbar macht. Die Stadt hat in den vergangenen Jahren viel erreicht und ist zum Freihafen des literarischen Wortes avanciert, in dem Diversität den Ton angibt. Dazu gehören nicht nur AutorInnen, sondern auch die unterschiedlichsten Lesegenerationen, die BuchhändlerInnen der Stadt, die Verlage sowie sämtliche Einrichtungen, die sich die Vermittlung literarischer Inhalte, Themen und Ausdrucksf ...
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Die Welt der Literatur - Neuerscheinungen und Empfehlungen zum Wiederlesen.
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Literati Press is a creators-led literary community located in the historic Paseo Arts District in Oklahoma City. Founded in 2010 as a scrappy boutique publishing company to herald innovative storytelling throughout the state, we steadily expanded through the years, opening a brick and mortar bookshop in 2016 and a creative writing center in 2024. This podcast series focuses on the booksellers, storytellers, and other amazing voices within our widening community.
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Literate Ape co-editors Don Hall and David Himmel hold court, interview interesting people and talk about the perspectives of the week.
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Welcome to augustus beauford podcast if you like that we support homeless people or you like the episodes you can donate @$gustusblue are PayPal augustus beauford thanks in advance Cover art photo provided by Rangus Moiboi on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@rangusmoiboi
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Magazine littéraire animé tour à tour par Anny Bussières, Marie-Hélène Desroches, Ève Sansfaçon et Élizabeth Lord Suivez Chut! Madame lit sur facebook : https://www.facebook.com/chutmadamelit/
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Interviews with Writers about their New Books Support our show by becoming a premium member! https://newbooksnetwork.supportingcast.fm/literature
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A Carolina Panthers Podcast. Alex Bryant hosts and primarily talks about nonsense and the Carolina Panthers. Mostly nonsense though…
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A weekly podcast focusing on horror literature of all kinds.
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Noc to pora innego czytania i rozmawiania o literaturze. Odwróconego od dziennych bodźców, zwróconego w stronę tekstu i własnego wnętrza. To pora przypomnień, łączenia teraźniejszości z przeszłością, refleksji nad pełnią lekturowego i życiowego doświadczenia. Moment zapomnienia o hierarchiach. Czas rozmyślań pozbawionych niekiedy dziennych skrupułów. Aktualnych nie tylko nocą. ➡ Podcast jest realizowany dzięki wsparciu Słuchaczek i Słuchaczy w serwisie Patronite. Serdecznie zapraszam do tego ...
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Deine Dosis Literatur aus der Schweiz. Alle zwei Monate unterhalten sich Katja Büchi und David Koch über eine literarische Neuerscheinung. Für alle, dich endlich mal wieder ein gutes Buch abseits des Mainstreams lesen wollen.
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Welcome to your new favourite book club. If you enjoy deep dives into the greatest books ever written, you will love Hardcore Literature. Provocative poems, evocative epics, and life-changing literary analyses. We don’t just read the great books - we live them. Together we’ll suck the marrow out of Shakespeare, Homer, and Tolstoy. We’ll relish the most moving art ever committed to the page and stage from every age. Join us on the reading adventure of a lifetime.
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Podcast que no aparece en la radio en el que subo los poemas, los relatos y los libros que me gustan.
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Your home for Down the Pipe & Natty Lite and the Litecast, the podcasts from the popular SB Nation site Wide Right & Natty Lite.
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Alex, Max und Philipp reisen mit euch, zwei Mal im Monat, in die Welt der Bücher. Nicht immer ernst, aber gemütlich und unterhaltsam. Dabei wenden wir uns nicht nur Büchern neueren Erscheinungsdatums zu, sondern stöbern quer Beet in den Jahrhunderten der Literaturgeschichte. Ein Projekt, auf das wir uns sehr gefreut haben. Unser Ziel ist es, wieder mehr zum Lesen und zum Austausch über Bücher anzuregen. Social Media Kanäle von Frontispiz: Podigee: https://frontispiz.podigee.io/ Instagram: ht ...
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The Well Lit Path is a podcast where preachers and teachers from Lake Worth Baptist Church in Lake Worth, Texas work their way expositionally - book by book - through the Bible. To contact us, please feel free to email us at [email protected].
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Die Schriftstellerin Valerie Springer spaziert durch die zeitgenössische Literatur. In jedem 5-Minuten-Shot liefert ihr Bücherpodcast kurz und knapp Inhaltsangabe, Leseprobe und Autoreninfo eines von ihr ausgewählten Buches. Ihre Empfehlungen sind Ungewöhnliches abseits des Massenware-Mainstreams sowie Neuerscheinungen, Bekanntes und auch Bestseller. Ihr Motto: Literatur beflügelt, Lesen befreit.
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The "No Feelings" Mock Draft
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14:18I use historical data, PFF draft needs and Daniel Jeremiah's big board to create a mock draft where my independent biases are irrelevant!Kitty Lit
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The Southern Thruway
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1:09:55Send us a text This episode we talk about Julio Cortazar's short story, The Southern Thruway, about a traffic jam that turns into a community. We chat about the concept of the "fantastic" in literature, our experiences driving in Italy and Vietnam, and gave our expert opinion on the complexities of Russian politics and the portrayal of Putin. Suppo…
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Épisode du 2025-02-15Anny Bussières, Ève Sansfaçon, Marie-Hélène Desroches, Élizabeth Lord
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In this episode, we listen to the consoling words of the confidante, as depicted in Sangam Literary work, Kalithogai 150, penned by Nallanthuvanaar. The verse is situated in the ‘Neythal’ or ‘Coastal Landscape’ and portrays trust in the goodness and compassion of a person. அயம் திகழ் நறுங் கொன்றை அலங்கல் அம் தெரியலான் இயங்கு எயில் எயப் பிறந்த எரி ப…
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It's Valentine's Day! So Drew chats with Chloé Caldwell about her recent piece "Yes, I've Been Selling My Book on Dating Apps" — and asks listeners to call in with their recent favorite reads! Plus, Calvin Kasulke chats with K. Kerimian about the Nonbinarian Book Bike's leap to brick and mortar. The Lit Hub Radio Hotline: 845-377-0903 The Lit Hub P…
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don't be a sucker for nobody #respect
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12:37must listen life lessons #respect
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Get Lit Episode 308: Viola Spolin
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44:02Send us a text If you haven't made space for a little play in your life, maybe take a little inspiration from this week's author, educator, and improvisor Viola Spolin. Spolin revolutionized play as a tool for community building and connection, using games to help struggling members of her community in Chicago and beyond. Her work combined improvis…
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Nikolai Gogol: Cutting your nose to spite the faceless bureaucracy
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38:40"For how could the nose, which had been on his face but yesterday, and able then neither to drive nor to walk independently, now be going about in uniform?" We take a break from reading novels and take a quick nose dive into Gogol's famous 1830s short story, talking absurdity, bureaucracy, and Russian wives. Status and bureaucracies: The most strai…
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Walmart vs. Small Towns, Luka Gone Away, and Tear-Jerking Flicks!
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1:54:15In this episode of Casually Lit Podcast, we dive deep into the corporate world by unraveling Dollar General's business model and discussing how Walmart's dominance affects small towns. Due to the Luka trade we also talk about the buzz surrounding Jason's questionable Laker allegiance—is his fandom for real or just a ruse? We breakdown the trade in …
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Join us as Claudette, Kim, and Kylie engage in another lit talk. In this episode, we ask Kylie many questions about her pregnancy and what she has learned. Send us a textKillingly Public Library
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c is for The Candidate, by Henry Slesar
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19:23The Atrocious Abecedarius - 2025 A is for Antichrist Superstar, by Marilyn Manson a is for The Adventure of the German Student, by Washington Irving B is for Batman: Death of the Family, by Scott Snyder b is for Button, Button, by Richard Matheson C is for The Chocolate War, by Robert Cormier c is for The Candidate, by Henry Slesar D is for ... d i…
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#59: Katie Turner - Joy Amidst Trials
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1:54:52Katie Turner is one of the most humble, genuine, kind, tenderhearted, and honest people you will ever meet. She is a talented artist, a homeschool mama of 6, a devoted wife, and a committed disciple of Christ. To be around her is to feel like you’re home, and she has touched the lives of so many people with the love of Christ (Mindi included!). Yet…
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1:16:32The guys discuss the film adaptation, NICKEL BOYS, based on the 2019 Pulitzer Prize winning novel by Colson Whitehead.… Nickel Boys tells the story of Elwood Curtis, a black teenager growing up outside Tallahassee, Florida in the 1960s. One day, as he attempts to hitchhike his way to a historically black technical school to take courses for college…
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171: Frank O'Connor Stories
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58:20I’ve heard it said by men of wide experience that podcasts used to be better in the old days. Kieran Healy discusses three short stories by Frank O’Connor: “First Confession,” “The Majesty of the Law,” and “Guests of the Nation.” John McCoy with Kieran Healy Support this show and other shows like it on The Incomparable network by becoming a member.…
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EP.83 - For me to Live is Christ
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34:10In Psalm 90, we'll explore the trials of our fleeting days, the hope of eternal rewards, and the call to live boldly for His glory. Find encouragement to trust God through every moment and season. Life is brief, but God’s purpose is eternal.Lake Worth Baptist Church
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ISNI ist die neue Nummer - §LIT - Bewusst Publizieren 09
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49:49§LIT - Bewusst Publizieren 09 ISNI ist die neue Nummer Uwe Kullnick spricht mit der Anwältin Nadja Kobler-Ringler (Hördauer ca. 50 Minuten) Als Autor, Selfpublisher, Blogger, Influencer oder Verleger ist es wichtig, sich mit rechtlichen Aspekten auseinanderzusetzen, um mögliche Probleme zu vermeiden. Mit etwas Wissen und Vorsicht kann man diesen He…
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