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My First Million

Hubspot Media

Sam Parr and Shaan Puri brainstorm new business ideas based on trends & opportunities they see in the market. Sometimes they bring on famous guests to brainstorm with them.
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Ramsey Everyday Millionaires

Ramsey Network

Listen to how ordinary people built extraordinary wealth - and how you can too. You’ll learn how millionaires live on less than they make, avoid debt, invest, are disciplined and responsible! Featuring hosts from the Ramsey Network: Dave Ramsey, Ken Coleman, Rachel Cruze, George Kamel, Jade Warshaw, and Dr. John Delony.
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Der Auslands-Podcast des SPIEGEL. Für alle, denen die Welt nicht egal ist. Juan Moreno will die Geschichten hinter den Nachrichten erfahren. Jeden Freitag neu. Die aktuellen Entwicklungen und Hintergründe zur US-Wahl finden Sie unter Die aktuellen Entwicklungen und Hintergründe zum Krieg in der Ukraine finden Sie unter Wir freuen uns über Kritik und Vorschläge an
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Millionaire University

Millionaire University

We believe that ANYONE can start and grow a successful business, so we created Millionaire University to help you achieve just that. At Millionaire University, we follow a proven process that has been used to create successful businesses time and time again. Do you want to start a business or currently have a business you want to grow? Do you have a skill you want to turn into a business? Do you want to learn from other successful business owners and connect to like-minded entrepreneurs? Do ...
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Wirecard: 1,9 Milliarden Lügen

Süddeutsche Zeitung

Jan Marsalek ist zurück - und dieses Mal erscheint er mutmaßlich in Gestalt eines russischen Spions. Das Phantom, das seit dem Zusammenbruch von Wirecard auf der Flucht ist, war im Exil offenbar nicht untätig. Er soll eine ganze Agentenzelle von - vermutlich - Moskau aus für russische Geheimdienste gesteuert haben, die in ganz Europa aktiv war. Diebstahl, Einbruch, Beschattungen, Geldübergaben und Schmuggel wird ihnen vorgeworfen und noch mehr: Angeblich sollen auch Anschläge und Entführunge ...
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Im Podcast „Macht und Millionen“ spricht Kayhan Özgenç mit Reporterinnen und Reportern über aktuelle, exklusive Recherchen und über klassische Wirtschaftskrimis. Im Gespräch erklären sie komplexe Zusammenhänge und Hintergrundgeschichten auf unterhaltsame Weise. Die Episoden sind etwa 40 Minuten lang und erscheinen alle zwei Wochen. Im Macht&Millionen-Club können Hörerinnen und Hörer die neue Folge schon eine Woche früher hören. Hier geht's zum Buch: Die gesamte erste ...
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The Everyday Millionaire

Patrick Francey

Embark on a transformative journey with The Everyday Millionaire podcast, where guests share their journey and secrets of wealth creation. Discover and learn the many ways that you too can fulfill your dreams and ambitions. Join us as we delve into the inspiring stories of seemingly ordinary individuals who have attained extraordinary results and success. Listen in to ignite your inspiration for becoming your greatest self and living your best life. Your journey and adventure toward becoming ...
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Chaque jour, chez 8 milliards de voisins, Emmanuelle Bastide rassemble, autour de la table, citoyens du monde et acteurs de la société civile. Emploi des jeunes, entrepreneuriat, environnement, place des femmes, éducation, urbanisation: comment évoluent nos modes de vie et nos sociétés dans le monde ? À l’antenne ou en podcast, 8 milliards de voisins donne la parole à tous les habitants de la planète, avec des débats et des conseils pratiques pour réaliser des projets professionnels. 8 milli ...
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Teaching Millionaires

Rich Smith

Teaching Millionaires is a podcast about personal finance, money management, saving and investing for retirement, and the journey to becoming financially independent. Hosted by Rich Smith, the show serves a community of lifelong learners helping them to understand how to become successful with their money.
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Mill House Podcast

Mill House

With a passion for storytelling, Mill House is more than a fishing podcast. Comprised of in-depth conversations with innovators, legends, and pioneers of the outdoors, we expose untold and compelling stories from industry leaders.
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Herzlich Willkommen zu dem Podcast: Mami goes Millionär - Der Aktien Podcast mit Dr. Carmen Mayer! 💕 Dieser Podcast nimmt dich mit auf die spannenden Reise zur finanziellen Freiheit! Dich erwartet ganz viel Know-How zu den Themen: Mindset, Erfolg, Vertrieb, Geldanlage, Motivation, Finanzen, Persönlichkeitsentwicklung und natürlich Aktien! Du erlebst wöchentlich neuen Content rund um die Börse und bekommst Einblicke in das Leben spannender Gäste wie Hermann Scherer, Jeanine Hurte, Dirk Kreute ...
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Million$ podcast

Joe Bastianich e Tommaso Mazzanti - Dopcast

I business man Joe Bastianich e Tommaso Mazzanti dell’Antico Vinaio partono per un viaggio che ha l’ambizione di raccontare il mondo del business e i suoi protagonisti da una prospettiva diversa. Da imprenditore a imprenditore. Direttamente dalla business lounge di Million$, parte il nuovo podcast dedicato alle storie delle imprese. Alle storie di chi sogna in scala. Una produzione Dopcast
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If you live in Greater Manchester and you want to understand your world better, this is the podcast for you. Every week, we tackle a big story in the city region or interview a key figure who provides some new insight into the issues that are shaping this par of the world. It's all produced by the team at The Mill, whose award-winning journalism has won national acclaim and which specialises in in-depth reporting that digs a few levels deeper than regular news. To find out more about The Mil ...
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Une Goutte de Jazz, deux doigts de Blues, un soupçon de chanson française, trois doses de Rock N' Roll, Million Dollar Session vous propose le meilleur de la musique, des années soixante à nos jours. Sur Euro Info à Pau et sur le net via Itunes. Enregistrée à Biarritz dans les conditions du direct.
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Million Dollar Grit

Julie Chenell

Welcome to Million Dollar Grit, the podcast that dives deep into the world of entrepreneurship, where tenacity meets strategy, and dreams meet reality. Here, we explore the raw, often overlooked truths of what it takes to succeed in business and in life. It's not just about the glossy success stories - it's about the grit it takes to get there.
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A Million Other Choices

Kim Toller

When my niece was murdered in 2018, my interest in true crime turned to an obsession. I cover mostly Canadian cases and largely from my hometown of Calgary. I respect the victims and their families because I’ve been there. Every victims story deserves to be told. No chatting about my personal life or witty banter….I just get right to the case and tell the victim’s story. My personal story can be found in Season 1, episodes 17&18.
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Millionaires Unveiled

Jace Mattinson, CPA

Millionaires Unveiled interviews and tells the stories of everyday millionaires. We provide detailed insight into their investing strategies and current portfolio allocation. How did they get started? What decisions did they make along the way? How has their portfolio allocation changed, and what are they doing now to not only keep, but also grow, their highly sought after "millionaire" status? From these extensive and thought provoking interviews, you'll be able to assess your current portf ...
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Millionaire Car Salesman Podcast

Dealer Synergy

The Millionaire Car Salesman Podcast is the #1 resource for automotive sales professionals, managers and owners. Let Sean V. Bradley, CSP and L.A. Williams teach you how to make money, accumulate wealth, and all-out ball-out in the automotive industry.
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The self made millionaire is a myth -- you don't get there without help. I was help made. Being a help made millionaire is about helping YOU be the BEST you can be while helping others along the way on your journey to becoming a help made millionaire!
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Think Millions Podcast

Alexa D’Agostino

Think you know business? Buckle up and get ready for Think Millions Podcast with Thynktank Coaching, a podcast by real entrepreneurs talking about real business problems and providing the solutions to scale your business.
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Million Dollar Flip Flops

Rodric Lenhart

Welcome to "Million Dollar Flip Flops," the podcast that invites you on a transformative journey diving deep into the minds of thought leaders, game changers, and business builders from around the world. We explore pivotal moments, motivations, challenges conquered, and the inspiration that fuels their success. Guiding you on this journey is none other than Rodric Lenhart, a multi 7 figure business owner, #1 Bestselling Author, International Speaker, and Certified Business Coach. Learn more: ...
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show series
Tweets by the world's richest man have ignited a furious controversy about CSE. Joshi Herrmann, the founder of The Mill, has been reporting on this story for years now. He talks to the journalist Darryl Morris about the background to the story - and why official inquiries and police investigations have yet to support the theories of an online campa…
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Rev. Dr. Andrew T. Draper is the Executive Director of Winebrenner Theological Seminary in Findlay, OH. He is also teaching pastor at Urban Light Community Church in Muncie, IN. He has authored numerous books and articles on race, disability, and the church. Dr. Draper holds a PhD in theological ethics from the University of Aberdeen and an MDiv fr…
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For every one of us, a time will come when we breathe our last breath. And if you have accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior, then you know what is to come: Heaven. But what about our present moments? How do we live today in light of the gift and hope of eternity with God? Tune into this heartfelt conversation between our Senior Pastor and his dad…
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Donald Trump scheint unentschlossen: Wird er China als Konkurrenten attackieren oder umgarnen? Taiwan könnte dabei zur reinen Verhandlungsmasse werden. Am Telefon stimmte die Chemie offenbar. Kurz vor seinem Amtsantritt sprachen US-Präsident Donald Trump und Chinas Staatschef Xi Jinping miteinander. Die beiden Männer wünschten sich einen guten Star…
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Get our Business Monetization Playbook: Episode 670: Sam Parr ( ) and Shaan Puri ( ) talk to Andrew Wilkinson ( ) about the AI tools that are replacing new hires. — Show Notes: (0:00) AI to kill admin work (7:37) the K-shaped future (16:29)…
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In this episode of the Million Dollar Landscaper Podcast, hosts Scott and Kati Molchan dive into the art of customer communication and how it can transform your landscaping business. If you’ve ever struggled with getting clients to call you back, managing customer expectations, or keeping up with today’s fast-paced communication methods, this episo…
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Unlock the power of quiz marketing to attract leads, gain insights, and skyrocket your sales! In this episode, host Kirsten Tyrrel is joined by Maxwell Nee, Chief Revenue Officer at ScoreApp, an AI-powered quiz marketing platform. Maxwell shares his journey from corporate life to entrepreneurship, offering insights on building resilience, finding a…
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Hvad kan vi forvente af Trump? Hvornår vender de danske aktier for alvor igen? Og hvilke sektorer bør man satse på, hvis man skal have maksimalt afkast på den lange bane? Der findes desværre ingen entydige svar, men masser af holdninger, og Millionærklubben deler beredvilligt ud af sine, når dagens panel, chefanalytiker Lau Svenssen fra Svenssen & …
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Sur le continent africain, l’accès des filles à l’éducation reste un défi majeur. Selon l’Unesco, 9 des 10 pays affichant les taux de non-scolarisation des filles les plus élevés se situent en Afrique subsaharienne. Et quand elles ont la chance d’aller à l’école, elles sont encore nombreuses à ne pas finir leur parcours scolaire. Toujours selon l’U…
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Matthew 10:39 Would you like to have today's episode in written form? Consider joining our Patreon! It's a fantastic place to connect with other praying moms, and get lots of free prayer resources to help you make prayer a more practical priority! Your support helps Million Praying Moms keep this podcast going—all funds provide for the work of the …
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💵 Sign up for EveryDollar today - Create a free Budget! Listen to how ordinary people built extraordinary wealth - and how you can, too. You’ll learn how millionaires live on less than they make, avoid debt, invest, and are disciplined and responsible! Next Steps: 💰Need Help with your investments? Click here to connect with a SmartVestor Pro. 🏠To l…
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Years after her daughters death, Stella is contacted by the Killer from prison. He tells her, he has information and Stella must head down a rabbit hole to find out the truth. Today, I'll be covering this British miniseries, and the mysteries within. Excellent premise and cast make this a gripping and emotional drama. Title: Day Of Chaos by Kevin M…
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In this engaging episode of Mindset Matters, Patrick and Steffany explore the profound connection between language, resilience, and personal growth. The conversation begins with the intriguing word "abracadabra," which they reveal is derived from Hebrew, meaning "as I speak, so I create." This sparks a thoughtful dialogue on how words shape our rea…
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In this episode, I talk with Devyn Ricks on how she makes money playing and teaching video games through a platform called Outschool and how you can use Outschool to make money teaching and connecting kids with something you're passionate about! (Original Air Date - 6/26/23) What we discuss with Devyn: + Introduction and Personal Anecdote + Discove…
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👉 Learn more about Gift Trusts: 🔥 Wealthy families use the Optimized Gift Trust (OGT) to protect generational wealth and save millions in taxes. Estate planning expert Jonathan Morrison reveals the advanced trust strategy used by business owners and high net worth families to: ✓ Save up to $200M in estate taxes …
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Første regnskab klar i C25-ligaen - dagen byder på regnskabstal fra Tryg, og Millionærklubben taler med selskabets adm. direktør, Johan Kirstein Brammer. I studiet debatterer chefanalytiker Lau Svenssen fra Svenssen & Tudborg og senior strateg Michelle Nørgaard fra Jyske Bank om det igen er tid til europæiske aktier og hvilke, de i givet fald selv …
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On les imagine, les yeux rivés sur les écrans, les mains greffées au téléphone, à scroller sur les réseaux sociaux, loin des textes longs et construits. Mais les jeunes se désintéressent-ils vraiment de l’écriture ? Selon une étude réalisée en France, en 2024, par l’association Lecture Jeunesse et l'Institut national de la jeunesse et de l'éducatio…
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