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Pesem v žepu


Na robu večera ne potrebuješ nobenih velikih besed, samo greš. Kitara v kovčku, klobuk na glavi in … Pesem v žepu. Poneseš jo na oder ali na cesto; pustiš ji, da poišče pot do tujih ušes. Tudi skozi radijski eter, kjer je našla svoj dom v večerni glasbeni oddaji. Skozi slovensko kantavtorsko in avtorsko sceno se s pesmijo v žepu sprehaja glasbena urednica Teja Klobčar.
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Blues Zeppelin

Mark Stenzler

"Working hard to make reality a lot less painful", the Blues Zeppelin airs on Sunday afternoons from 15h00 - 17h00 CET on Radio RaBe, Bern's alternative radio. Hosted by Mark Stenzler, the Blues Zeppelin, which has been part of the Swiss radio landscape since 1989, features an eclectic mix of blues, zydeco, folk and world music. In addition, a wide range of musicians, artists and writers have been guests on the program.
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Discovering Jesus with FirstNaz Zephyrhills

Discovering Jesus with FirstNaz Zephyrhills and Pastor Nick Deford

Sermons, Seminars, Classes, Q&A's, and Discussions from Pastor Nick Deford and others who join at First Nazarene Church in Zephyrhills Florida. We talk about Jesus-Who he was, is and what he is doing. We look at how that intersects us where we are and what he is calling us to do as we work alongside him.
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Zephyr Yoga Podcast

Zephyr Wildman

Zephyr Wildman offers words of inspiration to guide you through your Yoga Practice, Meditation or even your daily commute. In her own words, Zephyr blends Yogic philosophy, psychology and personal insight into the victories and struggles of daily life. Her informative introductions to the practice of Yoga provides you with more meaning, intention and focus. Stories and observations from time-to-time are a welcome bit of uplifting and encouraging motivation to continue to follow a path of bal ...
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Zephyr Podcast

Zephyr Podcast by Josh & Krishna

Krishna Guruswamy and Josh Beckman talking about San Francisco and Chicago, technology and a well-intentioned life. http://ybv.github.io & http://andjosh.com
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Diego Cruz

sigueme en: https://soundcloud.com/diegin-cruz-tapia http://www.mixcloud.com/neozephyr/ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfCRw8InvYOh6vEiSi2xdHQ https://www.facebook.com/diegincrt http://www.ivoox.com/escuchar-podcast-neo-zephyr-podcast_nq_68596_1.html
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Zephyr Podcasts

Skyler Ledbetter

This is where I talk about multiple subjects. You can give me feedback like what I did well, what I can improve on and, most importantly, what you want to hear me talk about here: https://plus.google.com/communities/100917855399334251856 ~=[]=~=[]=~=[]=~=[]=~=[]=~=[]=~=[]=~=[]=~=[]=~=[]=~=[]=~=[]=~ Cover art photo provided by Jeremy Thomas on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@jeremythomasphoto
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ZEP, le podcast


Bienvenue sur le podcast de la ZEP, le média qui mixe la parole des jeunes pour une meilleure écoute de notre époque. Hébergé par Acast. Visitez acast.com/privacy pour plus d'informations.
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Sinergia con Jairo Zepeda

Jairo Zepeda

Sinergia con Jairo Zepeda, es un podcast de estilo de vida y tecnología que llega a ti de la mente única, inspiradora e innovadora de este estratega digital. ⁣ ⁣ 💻 Estrategia Digital ⁣ 📢 Publicidad⁣ 🤖 Chatbots⁣ ⁣ Apoya a figuras públicas a potenciar su proyecto a través de medios digitales. ⁣ ⁣ Si tienes alguna consulta, no dudes en contactar. ¡Le encantaría conectar contigo! Envía un mensaje. http://bit.ly/jairozepeda
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Dr. Christian Zepp is an expert for sport psychology, a researcher and lecturer whose motivation it is to help his athletes, coaches, teams, and students take the next step in their athletic, mental and personal development. Based on his experiences as an athlete, national team coach and his applied work with many elite athletes, coaches and teams from different countries in the world, he shares with you tips, tricks and strategies to develop an optimistic attitude, have powerful habits, and ...
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show series
The Four Noble Truths of Buddhism outline the nature of suffering and its resolution: The Truth of Suffering (Dukkha): Suffering arises from impermanence—everything changes, and nothing lasts. Life is a mix of joy and sorrow, and seeking lasting satisfaction is futile. Accepting suffering as part of existence is key. The Cause of Suffering (Samuday…
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There's a good reason I'm coming back to this show, after almost 5 years. Watchtower has released a version of this show in fantastic quality, without the noise reduction that muffled prior releases. It's also one of the best shows from one of the best years of one of the best bands around. So there's that. This is band's first night of their first…
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Pastor Nick's sermon discusses Jesus' entry into Jerusalem and his cleansing of the temple, emphasizing the temple's purpose as a place for prayer and connection with God. He explains how the temple had become commercialized, with money changers and sellers impeding individuals' sincere worship. Highlighting that Jesus welcomed the marginalized, su…
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Jure Novak in Uroš Buh sta Natriletno kolobarjenje s praho, nenavaden glasbeni dvojec, ki že dobro desetletje združuje več umetnostnih polj: izčiščeno poezijo v Juretovi unikatni, renčeči igralski naraciji ter težki, skoraj metalski rock z navdihom v 70. in 80. letih prejšnjega stoletja v večinstrumentalni Uroševi izvedbi. Svoji ustvarjalnosti vedn…
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In this episode, we explore Siddhartha’s profound journey to awakening, revealing the timeless truth of human suffering and its transcendence. Siddhartha’s encounter with Mara, the embodiment of our inner obstacles; ignorance, egotism, attachment, aversion, and fear. This teaches us that true freedom lies not in resistance but in mindful acceptance…
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On August 19, 1971 Led Zeppelin began their North American tour in Vancouver, BC and we have the pleasure of hearing peak Zep, thanks to an intrepid taper. Last time I touched upon this show we featured the first few songs; this time we're back for more. I play a scorching Black Dog (sung like the record), a powerful (better than the European ones,…
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In this sermon, Pastor Nick explores the teachings of Jesus in Matthew 18, emphasizing the importance of approaching the kingdom of heaven with the humility and innocence of a child. He highlights how welcoming children parallels welcoming Christ Himself and discusses the severe consequences for leading them astray. Pastor Nick encourages the congr…
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May 11, 1986 is the date The Firm played the Cleveland Colosseum for concert which was broadcast on the Westwood One Radio Network, back in the day. Thus the quality is professionally mixed stereo. The fantastic sound quality brings out the virtuosity of the band. Tony Franklin and Chris Slade are a beautifully solid rhythm section, fluid enough to…
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Pastor Nick discussed a passage from Mark 10, where Jesus rebukes his disciples for turning away children who want to come to him, emphasizing that the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. He highlighted the importance of approaching faith with the awe and simplicity of a child, suggesting that adults often lose this wonder and trust. Pastor al…
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Drago Mislej Mef nam v Pesem v žepu prinaša svojo novo knjigozvočnico »Novele«. Zgodbe, domislice in vtise, na katere je naletel v pogovorih z najrazličnejšimi ljudmi, je prelil v 39 kratkih proznih črtic in devet (pravzaprav deset) pesmi. Posnel jih je s producentom Andreo Flegom, zdaj pa jih predstavlja po Sloveniji skupaj s svojo mlado zasedbo N…
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"It's not the side effects from the cocaine. I'm thinking that it must be love"David Bowie struggled a bit in the late 80's/90's, in a comparative sense, after the stratospheric success of Let's Dance with the MTV generation. In the tour he is partnered with King Crimson/Zappa alum Adrian Belew, with whom Bowie had recorded Pretty Pink Rose (a mino…
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Led Zeppelin played Kyoto, Japan on October 10, 1972 on their second (and last) tour of the country. This is a merge of two excellent sources, put together and speed corrected by Dario Romero. The sound is very good as is the performance. You'll like it. Where else are you gonna hear The Rain Song played with a wah wah?The band are now the biggest …
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Welcome to today's episode of "Life at Stake," where we delve into the profound value of human life through the lens of Scripture. In this week’s message titled "Saving One," we journey into the heart of the Exodus story, exploring the incredible faith and courage of two Hebrew midwives who stood against tyranny to protect innocent lives. As we div…
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Pevka in flavtistka Klara Veteršek je članica različnih glasbenih zasedb, kot sta Funk Fu in Magic Pond, tokrat pa nam v Pesmi v žepu predstavlja svoj prvi samostojni mali album »Intuicija in iskanje strani neba«. Glasba z elementi jazza, popevke in kantavtorstva ustvari okvir za Klarino osebno izpoved, vpeto v širši kontekst našega jezikovnega in …
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1995 was a great year for Zep fans. Jimmy Page and Robert Plant had finally reunited, and were touring with a huge ensemble including (not one, but) two orchestras, and the guitarist for the Cure.... and a hurdy gurdy. It worked out splendidly.This is October 26, 1995 at Madison Square Garden, where Jimmy and Robert played a smashing gig. I play No…
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Po Festivalu slovenskega šansona leta 2023 je ta zvrst pri nas dobila svež zagon, spoznali smo precej mladih ustvarjalk in ustvarjalcev, ki danes oblikujejo podobo slovenskega šansona. V prvi letošnji Pesmi v žepu tako izpostavljamo štiri šansonjerske albume z letnico 2024: »Carmina Humana« Primoža Vidoviča, »Besede ne ubogajo več« Andrejke Možina …
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December 20, 1972 at the Brighton Dome in good old Brighton, UK. This is digital transfer of the original master cassette, courtesy of KRW_Co. Being a master recording all the clarity which the recorder could capture is preserved. I play Misty Mountain Hop and a 30 minute, everything but the kitchen sink, rendition of Whole Lotta Love. So many medl…
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In the final week of our Advent series "More Than You Can Imagine", Pastor Nick digs into Isaiah 61 to discover how we can have ultimate Joy in Christ's righteousness. Interestingly, this is the same passage that Jesus preached from in his first and only sermon at his hometown synagogue. It resulted in them trying to kill Jesus! Fortunately, no one…
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Zadnjo Pesem v žepu v letu 2024 namenjamo retrospektivi: izbrali smo sedem skladb z letošnjih kantavtorskih albumov, vsako s svojo zgodbo. Med izvajalci se znajdejo Drago Mislej Mef, Blaž Mencinger, Klara Veteršek, Milan Kamnik, Jernej Zoran, Fed Horses in Jure Lesar, spomnimo pa se tudi legendarnega letos preminulega tonskega mojstra Aca Razbornik…
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The 1998 Walking Into Everywhere Tour is a goldmine for great music. The rhythm section of Michael Lee, and Charlie Jones, had really jelled with Jimmy Page, and were a formidable force live. This show is the penultimate show of the tour, December 1, 1998 in Ghent, Belgium. I play Tangerine, Babe I'm Gonna Leave You (great work from everyone on thi…
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Bolj star, bolj bluz. Tako s kančkom humorja svoj deseti album »Štuo je pa štk, štk je pa štuo« označi koroški kantavtor Milan Kamnik. Z albumom nadaljuje svoje poslanstvo pisanja pesmi v koroškem narečju, doda pa jim še nekaj takšnih, ki jih lahko razumejo povsod po Sloveniji. Po glasbeni plati ta album predstavlja odmik od prej prevladujočega cou…
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This is one of Robert Plant's greatest shows. He's full blast and the rest of the band is right there with him. August 7, 1971 in Montreux, Switzerland right before heading the US for another amazing tour. You can't get better than 1971 Led Zeppelin, and it's so cool to hear them play Zep IV songs to an audience that had never heard them yet. I pla…
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We discussed something that popped up in this morning's sermon. In Ephesians 4:11, Paul tells us that Jesus gave 5 gifts for the church: Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Shepherds, Teachers. So, we spent a few mins talking about the implications of those gifts on the church.Discovering Jesus with FirstNaz Zephyrhills and Pastor Nick Deford
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In his sermon, Pastor Nick reflects on Deuteronomy 18, where Moses speaks of a future prophet who will arise among the Israelites. He delves into Moses' role as a mediator between God and His people, emphasizing the need for discernment in recognizing God’s voice amidst the noise of the world. Drawing from his own experiences, Pastor Nick encourage…
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Sermon from Psalm 2 In his sermon, Nick explores the contrasting expectations that the Israelites had about the Messiah and the reality of Jesus' arrival and ministry. He emphasizes how, despite their hopes for a powerful and conventional king, Jesus came with a different purpose—bringing a radical message of love, salvation, and the promise of the…
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Je v današnjem svetu še kaj prostora za optimizem? Je, če si le upamo živeti tu in zdaj. To je izhodišče novega albuma, pod katerega se podpisuje Jure Lesar. Priložnost za samorefleksijo, ki jo prinašajo besedila, se lepo dopolnjuje z ušesom prijazno glasbo, pri čemer je Jure navdih za ustvarjanje našel pri slikovitosti starega rocka. »Tu in zdaj« …
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In the sermon, Pastor delves into the story of Abraham and Sarah as outlined in Genesis 17. He emphasizes God’s promises to them, highlighting the covenant and profound significance of faith. The sermon explores how God asked Abraham to believe in a promise that seemed impossible at their advanced ages, showcasing the faith required to trust in God…
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I've been going through a bit of a Brussels period, with 1980 and now 1972 back to back. Led Zeppelin usually played well in Brussels, and this show is no exception. May 28, 1972 has the band in fine form as I play Immigrant Song/Heartbreaker and the entire acoustic set of Going to California, That's the Way, and Bron-y-Aur Stomp. Acoustic Zeppelin…
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Ksenija Jus je zelo samosvoja ustvarjalka. Nagrajena pesnica, članica zbora Kombinat in avtorica njihove Pesmi upora, pa tudi prva slovenska poklicna kantavtorica je po več letih premora pred kratkim izdala dva literarnoglasbena projekta: »Lom strahov« in »Poti domov«. Že nekaj let ne poje več, saj ima težave s sluhom, vendar to ni zlomilo njenega …
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I was led to this show by a thread on Royal Orleans (a Zep fan site) in which someone wrote a brilliant essay about 1980 and how it deserves another look, as it's not all dysfunction, addiction, and flat performances. I've gotten to the point where I'd say at least half the 1980 Tour over Europe is pretty damn good, even great. June 20, 1980 the ba…
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