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Today is the Solemnity of Saint Joseph. Many people have father issues in one way or another. Do you find yourself in this category? Did you know Saint Joseph can help you with those wounds? Father Kubicki explains how.Fr. Kubicki 2 Minute Prayer Reflections
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Today is the feast of Saint Cyril of Jerusalem. In a world where the belief of the true presence of the Eucharist is doubted by many, Father Kubicki shares some powerful words from this Saint about the truth of the Eucharist.Fr. Kubicki 2 Minute Prayer Reflections
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Father Kubicki talks about the transfiguration of Jesus on the Mountain? What was the importance of this story and what are some significant aspects of this passage? Father Kubicki explains in this daily reflection.Fr. Kubicki 2 Minute Prayer Reflections
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Father Kubicki shares a poem about the importance of fasting during lent. But what does it mean to fast during Lent? Abstaining from meat is good but what does it matter if our lives are not changed through our fast.Fr. Kubicki 2 Minute Prayer Reflections
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Father Kubicki talks about the story of Jonah and the whale. Why didn’t Jonah want to preach to the city of Nineveh? It might be different than you think, but the really interesting thing is how this story applies to us today.Fr. Kubicki 2 Minute Prayer Reflections
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Father Kubicki talks about today’s reading where Jesus teaches His disciples how to pray with the Our Father prayer. What did Jesus mean when He said, “lead us not into temptation”? It is probably different than what you are thinking.Fr. Kubicki 2 Minute Prayer Reflections
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Father shares some insights from today’s Gospel from Pope Benedict. Jesus was tempted just like we are tempted. Let us unite our own temptation and weakness with Jesus to grow closer to Him and grow more in hope.Fr. Kubicki 2 Minute Prayer Reflections
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Today is the feast of Saint Juan de Dios. For the first 40 years of his life he lived a very immoral life as a soldier. One day he heard a sermon that changed his life; he repented and did great things in the later years of his life.Fr. Kubicki 2 Minute Prayer Reflections
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Today is the feast of Saint Perpetua and Felicity, two young mothers who gave their life for the Gospel. Father shares an inspirational address to all woman which was shared during the second Vatican Council.Fr. Kubicki 2 Minute Prayer Reflections
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Today is Ash Wednesday, the first day of the season of Lent. Father talks about the meaning of the ashes we receive on our foreheads and how this season is a happy season. Check out this reflection to hear the strange insight.Fr. Kubicki 2 Minute Prayer Reflections
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Today as we celebrate Mardi gras. Father has some insights on this day where we feast right before lent. Did you know you can be presumptuous on this day? Father explains how we can improve our relationship with God.Fr. Kubicki 2 Minute Prayer Reflections
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Today is the feast of Saint Katharine Drexel an American saint who was very wealthy. She used this wealth to help those who were less fortunate than her. She is an example of how to use everything we have for the glory of God.Fr. Kubicki 2 Minute Prayer Reflections
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Are you tempted to judge people? Father talks about how today’s readings help us learn how to look inward at our own sinfulness before looking at the sins of others around us. Grow in virtue with today’s reflection.Fr. Kubicki 2 Minute Prayer Reflections
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Father Kubicki talks about the importance of friendship. What is friendship even? Did you know that Jesus called you His friend in the bible? Father Kubicki explains all of this and more about friendship in this reflection.Fr. Kubicki 2 Minute Prayer Reflections
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Why is it important not to delay our conversation back to God daily? Father Kubicki shares the answer to this question from the readings for today. What will we be judged by at the end of our lives? Father explains in this reflection.Fr. Kubicki 2 Minute Prayer Reflections
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Father discusses today’s reading about the apostles who were arguing about who was the greatest. This teaching of the first shall be last is pretty difficult but is necessary if we are to become like Jesus.Fr. Kubicki 2 Minute Prayer Reflections
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Is impatience a sin? Father Kubicki tackles this question into today’s reflection by examining the readings from today’s Gospel. Is impatience really the vice or does our impatience go deeper than just the feeling?Fr. Kubicki 2 Minute Prayer Reflections
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Today’s Gospel comes from the Luke’s version of the sermon on the mount. These words are very challenging. Father Kubicki explains the meaning of these difficult lines which ultimately calls us to be more like God.Fr. Kubicki 2 Minute Prayer Reflections
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Today is the feast of Saint Peter Damian, a monk of the 11th century. What can we learn from a monk who prayed alone in a cell? How does that relate to us today? Father Kubicki explains in this reflection.Fr. Kubicki 2 Minute Prayer Reflections
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Father Kubicki shares some insights from today’s Gospel from the Mark. Jesus askes His disciples who they say that Jesus is. How do you answer that question in your life? How can you find the answer? Father explains in this reflection.Fr. Kubicki 2 Minute Prayer Reflections
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Even though we are still in the midst of winter, especially in the Midwest, Father Kubicki shares our hope for springtime. It is the same in the spiritual life. We are in a winter but looking with hope to coming of the kingdom of God.Fr. Kubicki 2 Minute Prayer Reflections
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Today in the readings we hear about the story of Noah and the flood. Father shares some words from Pope Francis about the flood which God brought down and the pain He experienced as a good father disciplines his children.Fr. Kubicki 2 Minute Prayer Reflections
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Today is the feast of 7 cloth merchants who left their worldly lives in order to serve Mary. They founded an order which became known as the Servites. One such priest wrote some words about the need for forgiveness.Fr. Kubicki 2 Minute Prayer Reflections
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Are there instructions to help us get to heaven while we are here on earth? It would be nice to have something like our GPS to help us navigate the winding roads of life. Father Kubicki gives this instruction guide in today’s reflection.Fr. Kubicki 2 Minute Prayer Reflections
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Today we celebrate the feast of Saints Cyril and Methodius. These saints went to evangelize the Slavic people of Eastern Europe. How did they manage to gain the favor of these people? Father explains in this reflection.Fr. Kubicki 2 Minute Prayer Reflections
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Today is the day of the Death of Sister Lucia of Jesus and of the Immaculate Heart. She was one of the Fatima children visionaries. Father shares the question that Lucia would ask our lady each time she saw her.Fr. Kubicki 2 Minute Prayer Reflections
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Yesterday was the World Day of the Sick, instituted by Pope Saint John Paul II. Father shares a letter from this saint about the need to care for the sick both physically and spiritually. How do you unite your suffering to God?Fr. Kubicki 2 Minute Prayer Reflections
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Today we celebrate the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, Father Kubicki shares the miraculous story of the healing waters of Lourdes where Mary wants to show us the love of God. Do you believe in the healing power of Loudes?Fr. Kubicki 2 Minute Prayer Reflections
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Today is the feast of Saint Scholastica, a woman who with her brother, started a monastery for women wanting to live a life of work and prayer. Where did this desire come from to be religious? Father answers that in this reflection.Fr. Kubicki 2 Minute Prayer Reflections
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Today is the feast of Saint Josephine Bakita, the patron saint of human trafficking. She was kidnapped when she was 9 years old and treated in horribly cruel ways. She eventually was able to join a religious order and became a patient, charitable woman.Fr. Kubicki 2 Minute Prayer Reflections
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Today father talks about a man who died today in the year 1920, named Frank Parater. Frank was a seminarian who had a rule of life which Frank wrote for himself which Father Kubicki shares in this reflection.Fr. Kubicki 2 Minute Prayer Reflections
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Today is the feast of Saint Agatha. She was a consecrate virgin who was pursued by many men who wanted to marry her. When she refused to marry, she was handed over to be tortured. Father shares her story for us to reflect on.Fr. Kubicki 2 Minute Prayer Reflections
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Father Kubicki talks about today’s Gospel about the woman who had hemorrhages but was healed when she touched Jesus’ robes. Father shares some insights from Pope Francis on the true healing that occurred in this passage.Fr. Kubicki 2 Minute Prayer Reflections
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Today is the feast of Saint Blaise. There is a tradition in the Catholic Church to use blessed candles to bless people’s throats on this day. Where does this tradition come from and what is its importance? Father explains in today’s reflection.Fr. Kubicki 2 Minute Prayer Reflections
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Today is the feast of the presentation of Jesus. Father talks about how we were consecrated to God at our baptism just as Jesus was presented in the temple to be consecrated to God. Father invites us to renew our baptismal promise.Fr. Kubicki 2 Minute Prayer Reflections
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Father Kubicki shares some reflections on today’s Gospel reading. It is easy to understand ourselves in this story but what is challenging is Jesus’ attitude. Did you know this is the only time we see Jesus sleeping in the Bible?Fr. Kubicki 2 Minute Prayer Reflections
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Today is the feast of Saint John Bosco. One of the things Saint John Bosco was all about was the salvation of souls. Father Kubicki shares how we can participate in Jesus’ work of salvation of souls and shares a great quote form Saint John BoscoFr. Kubicki 2 Minute Prayer Reflections
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What kind of lamp are you? Father Kubicki poses this question and shares some words from Pope Francis about us being lamps. Are you living with the light of Christ or has your light gone out? Father asks us to reflect on this today.Fr. Kubicki 2 Minute Prayer Reflections
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Father Kubicki shares some insights from today’s reading about the Sower who shattered seeds across many different types of soil. How are we like Sowers for those around us? Father explains in this daily reflection.Fr. Kubicki 2 Minute Prayer Reflections
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