EP4【帶動唱】🎵 快樂天堂【Sing along】🎵Happy paradise (lyrics with English translation)
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🥳 2022年新年快樂!在2022年的第一場童樂會呢我們要來和大家唱一首非常好聽又帶有正能量的歌曲,這首歌叫做快樂天堂,這首歌其實算是一首老歌,在1986年的時候,滾石唱片為了台北市圓山動物園搬家,召集了很多有名的歌手共同一起歌唱以動物關懷還有環境保護為主題的歌;貝媽用烏克麗麗伴奏,一句一句解釋帶唱 Let’s sing a very hopeful and cute song “Happy Paradise “ together with Bei Ma and Do Mei. Bei Ma will go over the lyrics including English translation. This song was created and sung by several famous singers back in 1986 for Taipei Zoo.
🥳快樂天堂歌詞列印 Lyrics print out with English and PinYin
🥳牛年即將結束了,虎年即將來到,在節目中我們分享對於牛年感謝的事情,感謝牛年並且送走牛年然後迎接嶄新的一年虎年,小朋友你對牛年有哪些感謝的事情呢?語音留言或是臉書頁留言給我們喔~The Year of Ox is coming to an end. We shared what we are grateful for this year to say farewell to the year of Ox and welcome the year of Tiger. What things are you grateful for? Leave us a voice message.
🎧貝媽另一個故事Podcast "中文故事屋 Little Mandarin Pod" 歡迎小朋友來聽故事喔!Please also check out Bei Ma’s story Podcast “ Little Mandarin Pod”
貝媽來自台灣,在美國當臨床藥師,最歡樂的時間就是和小朋友說故事,天馬行空聊天,和孩子一起學習🥳。豆妹是一位6歲在美國可愛又無俚頭女孩🤩,口頭禪是「 and 再」(然後的意思) 😜Bei Ma aka BeiBei Mommy, originally from Taiwan, is a clinical pharmacist in the US. She loves telling stories to kids and learning with kids. Do Mei is a fun and loving 6 y/o girl in the US, who loves singing, being silly and tickling her baby brother. 😜
🎂2022生日慶生報名表Birthday celebration sign up form
🟦Facebook臉書: https://www.facebook.com/LittleMandarinPod 歡迎來留言給我們喔~😉
📧各類合作Email: [email protected]
☎️貝媽豆妹語音信箱voice message line
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