S2EP2. 你也得了「無手機恐懼症」嗎?|Do You Have Nomophobia?
Manage episode 269951655 series 2762156
Are you the type of person who just can't put your phone down? Do you find yourself constantly checking your phone or get anxious when you're unable to use it for a period of time? You might be getting "nomophobia"!
In this episode, we're gonna talk about what exactly is nomophobia and how it can possibly affect your life.
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【Podcast 關鍵字】
nomophobia (n.) 無手機恐懼症
phobia (n.) 恐懼症
disorder (n.) 失調
claustrophobia (n.) 幽閉恐懼症
confined (adj.) 禁閉的;限制的
trypophobia (n.) 密集恐懼症
closely-packed (adj.) 緊密聚集的
mental disorder (n.) 心理疾病
diagnostic (adj.) 診斷
statistical (adj.) 統計
manual (n.) 手冊
psychiatrist (n.) 精神科醫師
diagnose (v.) 診斷
define (v.) 定義
symptom (n.) 症狀
nausea (n.) 噁心;反胃
dizziness (n.) 暈眩
adolescent (n.) 青少年
suffer (v.) 遭受;受苦
virtual (adj.) 虛擬的
reliance (n.) 依賴
criteria (n.) 標準;準則
agitation (n.) 焦慮;躁動不安
elevated (adj.) 提高的
palm (n.) 手掌
shallow (adj.) 淺的
distracted (adj.) 分心的
unconsciously (adv.) 不知不覺地
partially (adv.) 部分地
attention span (n.) 注意力
otherwise (adv.) 否則
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