S2EP12. 學習新語言的「黃金時期」?|When Is The Best Time to Learn A New Language?
Manage episode 279132207 series 2762156
Do you remember how you "learned" to speak your native language? When did you start learning your second language? Scientists have found out that there is actually a critical age for human brains to learn a new language!
In this episode, we're gonna talk about how we "acquired" our first language, and when the best time for humans to learn a new language is!
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【Podcast 關鍵字】
native language (n.) 母語
part of speech (n.) 詞性
instinct (n.) 本能;直覺
linguistic (n.) 語言學
acquire (v.) 取得;學到
expose (v.) 暴露
infant (n.) 嬰兒
language delay (n.) 語言發展遲緩
unintentionally (adv.) 無意間地
distinguish (v.) 區分
selective course (n.) 選修課程
psycholinguistic (n.) 心理語言學
code-switching (n.) 語碼轉換
automatically (adv.) 自動地
cognitive (adj.) 認知的
advantage (n.) 優勢
fluently (adv.) 流利地
native-like (adj.) 道地的;像母語的
critical (adj.) 關鍵的
acquisition (n.) 取得;學習
neurological (adj.) 神經學的
mechanism (n.) 機制
factor (n.) 因素
motivation (n.) 動機;意志
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