CD 721 ”For What is YOUR LIFE”
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Life is Short – Death is Sure
Sin the Cause – Christ the Cure
Preached:11/10/24 A.M. Location: VICTORY WORSHIP CENTER
”For What is YOUR LIFE”
STARTER QUESTION: Have you ever asked yourself this question: Why am I here? What is this time really for between birth and death?
*TEXT: James 4:13-5:8 – V.14 “FOR WHAT IS YOUR LIFE” – !
In James 4:13-5:8, we see two contrasting approaches to life that are shaped by who we are serving:
1️⃣ Serving Self (James 4:13-16): This passage warns against making plans without considering God's will and assuming that we have control over our lives. Instead, we're called to humble ourselves and acknowledge that God is the one who determines our future.
2️⃣ Serving God (James 5:1-8): In contrast, this passage speaks about the importance of aligning ourselves with God's values, including showing compassion to the poor and not prioritizing worldly wealth. It reminds us that our true treasures are found in heaven and encourages us to live in a way that reflects our faith.
These contrasting sections highlight how our approach to life and our view of success are shaped by who or what we're serving. By choosing to serve God rather than ourselves or worldly desires, we can experience true fulfillment and make a lasting impact for His kingdom.
#1 SOURCE of Life
*READ Genesis 1:26-28, 2:7 – see John 1:1-4 & 10:10 (1 John 5:10-12).
#2 SHORTNESS of Life
*READ Psalms 90:10 – note to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord (2 Corinthians 5:8).
*Matthew 6:27 says Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his “stature”?
Note add to “stature" - same Greek word translated “age" twice in John 9:21 & 23.
Q. How long is eternity?
A. Compare 70 years to eternity - Illustration: Take a tape measure and stretch it out across the front of the church showing the timeline of the eternity - use 1 inch for your life and show how easy it is to get lost in time but God wants you to know everything you do counts - good or bad! – JFK had plans for November 24,1963 - Elvis Presley was starting a new tour in Portland Maine on August 16, 1977, Princess Dianna no doubt had plans for September 1 but she never saw that day, the 13 victims at Columbine lost their lives on April 20, 1999, 12 people this past July died in a Colorado movie theatre, they too had plans! Life is not certain in this world but it is in Jesus Christ!
Illustration: A distraught patient phoned her doctor's office. Was it true, the woman wanted to know, that the medication the doctor had prescribed was to be taken for the rest of her life? She was told that it was.
There was a moment of silence before the woman continued, "I'm wondering then, just how serious my condition is. This prescription is marked "No Refills!
*READ Psalms 90:14-16 – then Psalms 91:16.
*READ Luke 12:15-21 –
*Galatians 1:15-16 says
Closing Illustration: TOOL BOX- we were created to be God’s TOOL – out of the tool box of life we
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