S100E106 - Selfie Death and Salsa Coffins
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Selfie Death and Salsa Coffins
Welcome to Happy Fun Time Maybe comedy the best smelling podcast in North America.
I’m your funeral director Blake Blake with me as always is my OG Organist Amanda Mandy and Baller Embalmer Walter Amos.
At the end of the road we all need a little levity, and that’s what this podcast is all about.
If you were able to choose, what would you like your last meal to be?
News: Colorful coffins lighten mood at New Zealand funerals https://www.lagrandeobserver.com/news/news-of-the-weird/article_9ee3db40-a06a-11eb-b9a3-37b4f2cd9be9.html Mark Zuckerberg Explains His Really Weird Sunscreen Face https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/katienotopoulos/mark-zuckerberg-sunscreen-surfing
Meet the 12-year-old graduating high school and college in the same week https://www.cnn.com/2021/04/27/us/12-year-old-graduating-high-school-college-trnd/index.html
Curious Morgue https://meyerandassoc.com/blog/life-insurance/death-by-selfie/
What would be the worst last words? Episode Notes
Notes go here
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