It is the seventy sixth day of the nation wide lockdown imposed by the government of Nepal as one of its strategies to prevent covid outbreak in the country. But as the lockdown prevails in full order, no genuine effort from the government to fight the pandemic and normalize the national situation back to order is observed. It seems as though the ones who need to be working to find ways to tackle the national level problem are enjoying the lockdown and treating it as a holiday. The government had plenty of time to come up with strategies to tackle the in the first month of the lockdown. But as the duration of the lockdown kept increasing, the hopes of people that the leaders will come up with something kept diminishing and at this point, people are frustrated, they're having mental breakdowns, people are starving, businesses are falling towards bankruptcy, while the focus of the leaders and the nation keeps shifting from the India-Nepal border dispute to a murder case in the rural part of Nepal, which definitely should not be the top priority of focus of the nation wide discussion. But, are they important? Yes, they are. But the covid and the lockdown situation is much more important and them. The facts actually show that Covid is not as lethal as it is perceived to be. It is only fatal to newly borns, old aged, and people already suffering from other hazardous health complications. But what makes it so fearful is the statistics that we are being presented. In reality, WHO has asked the officials to register every death occurred to anyone who has tested covid positive to have been caused by covid regardless of other health complications or diseases the person has been suffering from. Due to this, the stats show a high death toll caused by the virus which is ultimately creating a state of panic and fear. Talking about the situation in Nepal, every case of death that is supposed to caused by the virus has shown some already prevailing health complications and most importantly hundreds of people have been recovered although they are not treated for the disease. There is no known remedy for the disease so far. So, what we can conclude is our immune system can fight the virus. So, taking this into consideration, lockdown is useless. Rather, the government should be bringing modules and plans to get the nation active. Yes, we must be careful about the infection and health implications but that should come from each individual's conscience. With the lockdown prevailing for such a long period of time, the corrupts have found opportunity to fill up their bellies with curroption even more. While the leaders seem to be asleep in this dire situation, several cunning players are taking advantages of the helpless to fill up their pockets. Are our leaders really blind? Do they not see this? or are they playing blind enjoying the comfort of their places and position? Its time to dig deep and claim our freedom from those trying to benefit from keeping us in a constant loop of fear and misinformation.…