Ep. 175 - Mindset Moguls: Conquering Life with Skiing Wisdom with Robert and Kay Lee Fukui
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Whenever we face challenges like recessions, COVID-19, business competition, or market crashes, fear tends to rear its ugly head. How we deal with fear determines how well we get through those challenging times.
Kay Lee and I recently went on a ski vacation and I noticed a lot of skiing metaphors that applied to how we deal with life and business challenges. If you’re a skier, you may pick up a pointer or two. If not, you should still understand the application this will have in your life.
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Key Takeaways:
Dealing with fear in life and business
Ride the slide - When things get tough, stand tall, ride it out as you look for the turn
Point downhill and go - It’s so easy to go from one idea to another without doing anything. Just get going then turn. Easier to turn when you’re going downhill. It’s difficult to turn when you’re still.
Always face forward - We all go through trials but it’s important to always know where you going even if you have to pivot in the midst of the journey. You’ll always come back to center. Pivots and changes are ok as long as it leads to your destination.
In crisis, stick to the fundamentals - Investing principles are the same during recession. Buy low, sell high. Marketing principles stay the same. COVID. Let people know what you’re selling and how to purchase. Life stays the same. Keys to success are the same whether things are easy or difficult. Fear will puts you in self preservation mode and make the wrong decisions.
The tendency when skiing down a steeper slope is to lean back. That is when you lose control.
When a difficult circumstance arises in the business, you’ll want to hold and hide.
Sliding on ice you’ll want to lean back. If you stand tall and ride the slide, you’ll eventually hit a softer patch of snow to turn on. Ride the slide
Conserve energy for greater success - The Fundamentals & Proper technique takes less energy and improves your chances for success
Running, business profits, marriage, finances, self. In business, poor fundamentals creates less efficiency forcing you to work longer, harder, and spend more money.
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