The Joyous Privilege Of Sharing Jesus With Others!
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Privilege Of Sharing Jesus With Others!
Scripture| Mark 1:17
Memory Verse| "'Come, follow me,' Jesus said, 'and I will make you
fishers of men.'" Mark 1:17
I. God Wants Us To Know The Joy Of Sharing Jesus:
1. The joy of being _________ followers of the One we love first.
Mark 1:17
2. The joy of having a _____ understanding of what we have in
Christ. Philemon 6
3. The joy of knowing Christ's ________ of overcoming regardless
of our circumstances, past, personality, or emotional disposition.
Revelation 12:11; 2 Corinthians 2:14
4. The joy of knowing the significance of being Christ's ________
in redemption. 2 Corinthians 5:20a
II. A Biblical Formula For Sharing Jesus:
SF + UP + CM + BB = CPW = TL
Spirit-filled understanding people clear message building bridges continued powerful witness transformed lives
Acts 1:8 Gospel Accounts 7 verses, 12 words John 4:4-26 Acts 5:42 John 1-21
A. The Spirit-filled life:
1. His compassion compels us to overcome our _______.
Matthew 9:36-38; Luke 24:49
2. His courage calms our _____. 2 Timothy 1:7; 1 John 4:18
3. His conviction commits us to ____ __. Luke 19:10; John 16:7-10
• A Great Tragedy: Most Christians “gratify the desires of the ______
_______ rather than living by the _______.” Galatians 5:16-17
B. Understanding people:
1. Everyone wants to be special! Everyone wants to be significant,
secure, and sufficient!
2. Everyone has more disappointments, hurts, and heartaches than
you could ever imagine!
ME S S A G E July 1, 2012
3. Everyone has more insecurities, struggles, and temptations than
you could ever imagine!
4. Everyone has more failures and sin than you could ever imagine!
• Without Jesus’ touch on our sorrow and sin, we cannot be _____ __
and _________ and we live on this road:
resentment→ bitterness→ blame→unresolved anger→ pouting
and sulking→ stewing or spewing→self pity→searching→
fear→ dead in our sins→ disobedient→ depraved and doomed to
a wasted life.
C. Clear message:
1. Since most question ____________ today, after hearing their
story, I ask the question, “what is ________ to be the authority
for your life?” and challenge them to ____________ the Bible
using apologetics and prophecies sheets.
2. Once a person has come to their own __________________
about the Bible, I show them what the Bible says about knowing
Christ as Lord and Savior using the 7 verses and 12 key words and
4Ws & 2Rs sheets.
D. Building bridges:
1. See the LORD daily and answer His ___________. Isaiah 6:1-9;
Matthew 28:19
2. See God’s _________________ for everyone! John 3:16-17;
2 Peter 3:9
3. Make yourself _________ moment by moment to what God is
doing all around you! Matthew 9:36-38; 1 Peter 3:15-16
E. Continued powerful witness:
1. _______ Jesus in the power of the Holy Spirit and ________
the results to God. 1 Corinthians 3:6-7; Mark 4:13-20
2. If you are “following Jesus,” you are _______! Mark 1:17
F. Transformed Lives
1. We get to experience and see others experience Christ’s
_______, Christ’s _____, and Christ’s _________.
John 8:36; Colossians 1:27; Galatians 5:19-23
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