COVID 期間的餐廳 (Restaurants During COVID) - 訪談專家:Ed Gonzalez
Manage episode 300185039 series 2971404
疫情對餐飲業的衝擊十分巨大,連鎖速食店或許可以用量來彌補,但是很多餐廳的生意甚至只剩下 20%。
和外送平台合作似乎是個解決方法,但是平台抽取的 30-40% 佣金也讓餐飲業者備感壓力。
自己建立線上訂餐平台會是另一個選擇嗎?今天墨西哥餐聽 Eddy's Cantina 的老闆 Ed 要來告訴你餐飲業遇到的困難,還有他是如何利用自己建立的線上訂餐平台和額外的服務來讓傷害減到最低。
**Eddy's Cantina:
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**訪談片段在 (04:00 - 32:48)
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- Trial by fire (名詞) 測試某樣東西或某人的能力
First year law associates must pass through a trial by fire if they want a long-term career at the firm.
- To slang (動詞) 快速的製作並販賣
Slanging tamales is a lot of work, you need a team to do so.
- To throw in the towel (動詞片語) 認輸
After being rejected from Stanford for the third time, Alex decided to throw in the towel.
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