迷因股票 - 訪談專家:Greg Levin
Manage episode 300185054 series 2971404
這個事件和「迷因股票」有什麼關係呢?在這集的節目裡,我們請到曾經在Federal Reserve Bank of New York紐約聯邦儲備銀行和還有Bank of America美國銀行擔任過分析師和交易員的Greg來和我們聊聊「迷因股票」,並說明GameStop事件的前因後果,還有告訴你「放空」和「軋空」等等到底是什麼意思。
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- Fluctuation (名詞) 波動
- Share price (名詞) 股價
The share price fluctuation is caused by the supply and the demand in the market.
- Notorious (形容詞) 惡名昭彰的
The politician is notorious for corruption.
- Short / Short squeeze
If the stock price rises sharply after you short it, you are short squeezed.
- Behemoth (名詞) 龐然大物
It’s a small company relative to some of the other large behemoths on the New York Stock Exchange.
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