Jsme FAJN. Jsme jako ty. Tedy snažíme se být jako ty :) Se vším co k tomu patří. Jsme tvoje rádio. Jsme FAJN.
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Thought share about the application of Islamic belief and ethics in our modern pluralistic society. The “How”, for those who understand “Why”. And the “Why” for those who need to understand the reason.
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🎙️ Resmi Podcast dari RADIO FAJRI FM 99.3 MHz 📢 Suara Kebangkitan Islam 📚 Belajar Islam Jadi Lebih Mudah 📞 Call Center/Admin: 0813-60-993-993 💬 Konsultasi & Interaksi Acara: 0811-1110-993
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Olá, seja bem vinde. Eu me chamo Angresson e esse é o Fajucast, um podcast para falar sobre Cultura Pop e sobre a vida nos Estados Unidos.
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Welcome to the Fajardh podcast, where amazing things happen.
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Mi esszük, te hallgatod.
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Gibah, opini, dialog lintas agama, dark jokes, yang isinya becanda semua.
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Selamat datang di podcast Fajrin Fadlillah. Cover art photo provided by Samuel Zeller on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@samuelzeller
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berdoa di ujung malam dan menanti fajar tiba, sembari mengingat setiap selip tawa yang pernah kita lalui bersama. kini kamu dimana, aku rindu saat saat itu.
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Welcome to The FajarF Audio Experience, dengan pembicara seorang entrepreneur, speaker, investor Fajar Fadhilah Hasan. Didalam Podcast ini anda akan mendengarkan DailyF Eposide, Interviews, Speach Fajar tentang ( Kecerdasan Keuangan, Entrepreneurship, Tips & Trik Investasi, Motivasi), semoga bermanfaat :)
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Teman bicara untuk bahasan bahasan anak anak 90.an
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Silakan dinikmati obrolan random ini
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ngomongin orang nomor satu!!
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Fajri Hulvi Podcast adalah Podcast dari Fajri Hulvi yang berisi berbagai insight buat kamu
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Sedang belajar membuat dan mengeksplor podcast pribadi/ personal...
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Kasian ya kopi punya biji tapi gapunya tytyd
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W podcaście Fajne Życie opowiadam czym jest i jak dążyć do Fajnego Życia. Każdego dnia szukam nowych sposobów na to, jak odrzucać utarte schematy i dążyć do harmonii z samym sobą. Dzielę się sposobami na mądre wprowadzanie zmian, budowanie pozytywnych nawyków i pokonywanie kolejnych barier. Podpowi
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Welcome to 'Empowering Confidence with FajasFits.com.' Join us as we explore the world of high-quality Fajas and Shapewear designed to empower women. Discover our vision, commitment to quality, and the variety of products available. Learn how we're dedicated to providing exceptional customer care and ensuring secure shopping. Empower your confidence with FajasFits.com
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Sahabat Pemberdaya... Jaringan Podcast ini disimak oleh seluruh jaringan Penta Helix dari kalangan Akademisi, Dunia Usaha, Pemerintahan, Komunitas dan Insan Media yang menjadi mitra strategis LSM KOMPAS. Dalam PodCast "BARENG FAJAR" ini, Sahabat Pemberdaya dapat : 👉🏼 Aktif berinteraksi dalam memberikan permintaan/request, pandangan, saran serta masukan untuk tema yang ingin dibahas. 👉🏼 Mengajukan diri sebagai narasumber/teman ngobrol/tamu. 👉🏼 Menyerukan Aspirasi dalam bentuk aduan masyarakat ...
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Espacio para compartir información sobre mis 3 pasiones: Emprendimiento, Marketing y Finanzas.
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People have many choices. Today we will decide if happiness is one of them with author Tyson Morrissey.
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This is a monthly podcast where friends Morgana and Elle chat about a topic that has caught their eyes this week, from discussions about influencer culture, feminism and sustainability to Love Island and what they’ve been eating this week. We hope you enjoy! Please rate and review, we value all feedback. Twitter: @fajitastonight Instagram: @ellpicton @morganachess
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Cześć, witam Cię w moim podcaście Fajne życie, w którym dzielę się z Tobą moją pasją do prowadzenia dziennika. Mam do Ciebie pytanie, lub dwa. Takie, które skłonią Cię do refleksji, do nauki, do działania. Pytania, które pomogą Ci odkryć coś nowego o sobie i o świecie. Pytania, które sprawią, że prowadzenie Twojego własnego dziennika będzie dla Ciebie ciekawe i przyjemne. Jestem przekonany, że codzienne pisanie w dzienniku to świetny sposób na lepsze poznanie i zrozumienie siebie, zwiększeni ...
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RadioLacan.com | Hacia las 47 Jornadas de la ECF: Aprender, deseo o adiestramiento: Entrevista a Fabián Fajnwaks y Virginie Leblanc, organizadores de las Jornadas.
RadioLacan.com es el sitio de audios y conferencias de la Asociación Mundial de Psicoanálisis.
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No compromise with fundamentals
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Auto-generated transcript: Surah Al-Ran Al-Rahim Al-Hamd Al-Illahi Rabbil Alameen. Wa Salatu Wa Salamu Alaa Ashera Fi Al-Anbiya’i Wa Al-Mursaleen Muhammadu Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Alaa Alihi Wa Sallam. Tasliman Kathiran Kathiran. Salma Vaadu. These are oak trees with what is called Spanish moss on them. Spanish moss is not moss, it’s lichen…
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WAKE UP SHOW: Víte co je to klinománie?
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S kým se zas líbal Bachelor? Umí Natka vyměnit žárovku a proč nemá Dan poličky? Fiala telefonoval do foťáku a Adam Vojtěch se vrací. To byl čtvrtek s WAKE UP SHOW.Fajn Rádio
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Introducing Allahﷻ – Part 2
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Auto-generated transcript: My brothers and sisters, I mentioned two ways of introducing Allah SWT and His glory and majesty to ourselves and remind ourselves and to introduce Allah to the people in my last video, one was by reciting Allah’s introductions, places where Allah introduced Himself, Surah Al-Ikhlas, Ayatul Kursi, the last part of Surah… …
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WAKE UP SHOW: Rozchod v éteru? Really?
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1000 kroků proti depresi, 1000 mužů za den jako novej rekord. Satelit ve vlaku a jen 2 drinky v letadle. Dej si WAKE UP SHOW!Fajn Rádio
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https://youtu.be/Sd-8jKCk80wAuto-generated transcript:My dear brothers and sisters, I'm standing on a little hillock in Mactayo Park which looks down on the Connecticut River which you see there in the middle distance and part from snow melt, part from rain, the river is full back to back. It is very cold. It is right now it says feels like minus 1…
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WAKE UP SHOW: Dorazil za náma Kuba Štáfek!
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Bydleli by s Vaškem u mámy? Jak Kim K plýtvá vodou, spánek jako nová superschopnost i dělení Grónska, o kterým Dánsku nikdo neřekl. Klasicky nabitá WAKE UP SHOW.Fajn Rádio
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Auto-generated transcript: Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic34 Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic This is very, very important to keep in mind because what happens especially today, only bad news sells. So almost everything you hear, whether it’s on television, whether it…
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WAKE UP SHOW: Fico ty Pico!
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První pondělní Rhyme Time! Sprchuješ se ráno nebo večer? Ctitelky Jaromíra Soukupa, kuchyňský vychytávky Váši a Natky i dokument o Aviciim. To všechno v dnešní WAKE UP SHOW!Fajn Rádio
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Auto-generated transcript:As-salātu wa s-salāmu ala ash-sharafī al-anbiyā'ī wa al-mursaleen, Muḥammadun Rasūlu Llāhī sallallahu alayhi wa alā alihi wa sābihi wa sallam, tasleemun kathirun kathirun. From Mabādhu, my brothers and sisters, if there is one... if you ask me to give you one single line or one single thought or one single word, which is t…
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Keutamaan Bulan Rojab - Ustadz Ahmad Jamaludin, Lc.
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Yuk Simak dan Dengarkan...
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Auto-generated transcript: Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. My dear respected brothers, sisters, elders, I remind myself and you that mankind, all human beings, irrespective of where they are, where they come from, which country they live in, what nationality, what race, what religion, all human beings live a life of anxiety. It’s only the level of anxi…
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Jak dělá pořádnej KIm? Pitomio ojíždí naše zastupileství. Za párek v rohlíku do pracovního tábora! Západní HOT-DOG je krutý :) McKozy prodává teplý nugetky a šok na konec! Na Slovesku mají internet!Fajn Rádio
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Auto-generated transcript:In the name of Allah, the most Gracious, the most Merciful. All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the worlds. And peace and blessings be upon the honorable prophets and messengers. Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, and upon his family, peace and blessings be upon him. My brothers and sisters, the... …
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WAKE UP SHOW: Jak říkáte "tý věci" v obchodě?
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Kolik času v životě strávíš čekáním ve frontě? Víc než sexem. A portál Death List zveřejnil, kdo má v roce 2025 umřít. Nejsme tam! Hezkej pátek s WAKE UP SHOW!Fajn Rádio
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Auto-generated transcript:Alhamdulillah, my dear brothers and sisters, we heard the story of Ahnab bin Khayz, Rahmatullah Ali, may Allah be pleased with him, and his humility and his figure. The main thing is this, his figure, his concern, the deep concern that he had for himself and his connection and his position with Allah. We live in a life wit…
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WAKE UP SHOW: Kdo posílá Vaškovi nudes?
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Tomio má holku, McDonald´s problémy a Vegas nový roboty. Podvádí tě tvůj kluk nebo holka? I to jsi mohl zjistit ve WAKE UP SHOW!Fajn Rádio
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WAKE UP SHOW: Virus v Číně a mimozemšťani na Slovensku
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Zůstane Bachelor na ocet? Které účastnice už nemají zájem? Jak Natka s Vášou trénujou mozek a zvládl Dan opravit pračku? Dej si WAKE UP SHOW!Fajn Rádio
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Auto-generated transcript: In the name of Allah, the most Gracious, the most Merciful. My dear brothers, sisters, respected elders, Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala jalla jalaluhu sent his kalam, his word, his speech with one purpose only, purpose. Al naqsadul nuzoorul kalamullah, huwa wahid faqad. That we should reflect on it, tadabbur fiha, and change o…
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Auto-generated transcript: My brothers and sisters, I remind myself anew that if you want to measure success and failure in life, how do you measure it? Any ordinary person. I want to measure, say take my career, if I have a successful career or my career going down the drain, how do I measure that?… Continue reading Spend to get The post Spend to …
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Auto-generated transcript: In the name of Allah, the most Gracious, the most Merciful. All praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds. And peace and blessings be upon His servants and messengers. Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him and upon his family, and upon the companions of the Prophet, peace… Continue reading Forget liking T…
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WAKE UP SHOW: Vzal by si Váša Madonnu?
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Natky dramatická jízda vlakem, nebo recept na nesmrtelnost za 50 mega ročně. A existuje Squid game in real life? Dej si pondělní WAKE UP SHOW!Fajn Rádio
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https://youtu.be/_ba2G380D70Auto-generated transcript:In the name of Allah, the most Gracious, the most Merciful. All praise belongs to Allah, the Lord of the worlds. And peace and blessings be upon the honorable prophets and messengers. Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him and upon his family and companions. Peace and blessings be…
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Surest sign of a free mind
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https://youtu.be/hVMcHK4Zcig Auto-generated transcript: In the name of Allah, the most Gracious, the most Merciful. Peace and blessings be upon the Prophet Muhammad and his family. And upon his family and his companions. Madhu, I’ve run the sisters. In my view, if there is one single differentiating factor which separates people who are free, not e…
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Vašek Matějovský a jeho někdy dost drsný komentáře událostí týdne. Takže Putin, Fico + pár dalších idiotů :)Fajn Rádio
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