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In this week's parasha , the Torah, in two different places, mentions the fact that when the Jewish people were leaving Egypt, Hashem gave them חן in the eyes of the Mitzrim , and the Mitzrim gave them their gold and silver and clothing. In parashat Shemot as well, the Torah repeats the same thing. Why was this such an important fact that the Torah…
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The Chovot HaLevavot , in Sha'ar Cheshbon HaNefesh (Chapter 3), teaches that no one in this world can give us anything unless Hashem wills it. Even if a person was the only one in the world, he would not possess a single thing more than what Hashem decreed for him. And even if the world's population doubled, he would not have one possession less th…
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People often say, "Baruch Hashem, we're able to get by with our daily expenses, but we don't have enough to afford moving into a house." Some people have lived in small apartments with large families for years, dreaming of the day they can move into a more spacious home. Hashem has countless ways to provide a person with a home. He can lead them to…
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One of the reasons we don't fully appreciate Hashem as much as we should is because, even when we receive clear blessings, we tend to attribute them to the people who gave them to us directly. We often fail to internalize that these people are merely Hashem's messengers. The Chovot HaLevavot , in Sha'ar HaBitachon , writes that Hashem has more love…
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Those who understand that hishtadlut is merely a way of camouflaging Hashem's involvement—and that He alone brings results—make Hashem's will their top priority when deciding what hishtadlut to undertake. The Sefer Sas B'Imratecha shares the story of a man in desperate need of a $6,000 loan. He made an appointment at a gemach that was open only one…
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In this week's parasha , Va'era , we read about the makot that Hashem sent upon the Egyptians. These upcoming parshiyot describing Yetziat Mitzrayim form the foundation of our emunah in Hashem. It is here that Hashem demonstrated to the world that He is actively involved in every aspect of life. On Pesach, we drink four cups of wine corresponding t…
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The Midrash in parashat V'Etchanan says a person should be happier with his yissurin – afflictions – more than when he receives open good because yissurin cleanses a person and gets rid of his averot . The Yalkut Shimoni in Tehillim says a person should thank Hashem when yissurin befall him because yissurin bring a person much closer to Hashem. At …
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Sometimes in order for a person to receive a yeshua , he first has to go through a period of kapara and then, from that difficulty, Hashem sends the salvation. If a person knows that perhaps the difficulty he is going through is preparing him to receive a blessing, it will be easier to handle. In fact, the Gemara says in Masechet Taanit , daf 20, i…
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The Gemara in Masechet Berachot teaches that whoever recites Tehilla L'David (Ashreh) three times a day, praising Hashem, is a ben Olam Haba . Yet the same Gemara states that one who recites Hallel daily is considered a blasphemer. We know Hallel is one of the greatest praises, so how can this be understood? The Meshech Chochmah in Parashat Bechuko…
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After Moshe was placed in a basket in the Nile River, the pasuk states: ותתצב אחתו מרחק לדעה מה־יעשה לו "His sister stood from afar to see what would happen to him." The Midrash explains that the entire pasuk uses language referring to the Shechina , as if to say that it was Hashem Himself who was standing from afar, watching over Moshe. What is th…
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The pasuk says in this week's Parasha, Shemot, that Pharaoh decreed all the Jewish baby boys should be thrown into the Yeor . But the Torah testifies that the Jewish midwives feared Hashem and did not listen to Pharaoh, but rather they kept the babies alive. The Chafetz Chayim asked, the words, "ותחיינה את הילדים," that they kept the babies alive, …
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Hashem speaks to us all the time. We need to be aware and keep our eyes and ears open for His messages. Sometimes a person needs a yeshuah and seeks something to improve on as a zechut . It's possible that Hashem will convey what he needs to work on in a subtle way, but he must be vigilant and on the lookout for the message. A 7th-grade rebbe share…
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If someone has been making hishtadlut in a certain area for a long time but hasn't seen success, there is a segula attributed to Rav Chaim Palachi that can work wonders. Whether the hishtadlut pertains to shidduchim , parnasa , health, or any other matter, strengthening one's bitachon in the following way can bring great siyata dishmaya . The pract…
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If a person gets taken advantage of or is wronged by another individual or business and then the person sees how much that other individual or business is flourishing as a result, he may begin to feel that it pays to do the wrong thing because those who do, get away with it and enjoy from it. But there could be nothing further from the truth. The M…
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It is possible for a person to have a completely incorrect understanding of how Hashem interacts with us, stemming from misconceptions about concepts they learned as a child. For example, Chazal teach us that Hashem punishes midda keneged midda —measure for measure. Some people might perceive this as a form of revenge, chas v'shalom , as if to say,…
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In this week's parasha , Vayechi, Yaakov tells Yehuda, " יהודה אתה יודוך אחיך ", that he will be the king, and the Jewish people will be named after him— Yehudim . This honor was granted to Yehuda because of his ability to admit his guilt, even when it would lead to public humiliation. The Midrash recounts that when Yehuda convened a bet din to jud…
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The Sefer Oznayim LaTorah relates a story passed down through a chain of tradition: From the Brisker Rav, who heard it from his father, Rav Chaim, who heard it from another rabbi, person to person, back to the one who experienced it. On one occasion, Napoleon visited a small city in Poland. The local leaders and dignitaries prepared a grand recepti…
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One of the pillars upon which this world stands is Gemilut Chasadim.Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Friedman, author of the Noam Siach , related that he was in Israel this past Yom Kippur. He went to Viznitz for Kol Nidre , and as is known, they start a half hour before everybody else. He was so busy on the phone helping people back in America that he arrived …
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The shidduch process can be very frustrating, waiting for suggestions, waiting for responses. Sometimes, things look like they are going so well, and all of a sudden, everything falls apart. Sometimes, after waiting a long time, a prospective shidduch is finally set up. The girl begins getting excited, hoping this could be the one. Then, on the day…
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One of the very difficult parts of life is when a person feels left out, when everybody else seems to have or get what he doesn't. He wonders why he has to be different. He doesn't feel like he did something so wrong to deserve less than everyone else. Seeing everyone enjoying themselves while he is left out adds to his sadness. If all of a girl's …
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In this week's parasha, Vayigash , Yosef reveals himself to his brothers with the words, אני יוסף, העוד אבי חי - "I am Yosef; is my father still alive?" These words evoke the statement from Chazal, אוי לנו מיום הדין , "Woe to us from the Day of Judgment." Yosef's brothers had repeatedly expressed concern for their aged father, but when Yosef asked …
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One of the reasons that Hashem wants us to make a hishtadlut for our physical needs in this world is because of the spiritual elevation we are able to achieve as a result. A person is obligated to put in an effort and then believe whole heartedly that the results had nothing to do with his effort. The Chovot HaLevavot writes in the Shaar HaBitachon…
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Chazal tell us the Yevanim made the Jewish People write on the horn of an ox "אין לנו חלק באלוקי ישראל - We have no share in the G-d of Israel." The Sefat Emet asked, this phrase is seemingly self- contradictory. On the one hand they were told to write that they have no share, but they were also saying that Hashem is the G-d of Israel. The Sefat Em…
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If a person is going through a difficulty and he feels like his world is crashing down around him, the best thing he could do is strengthen himself like a lion and go on with life happily. Hashem is the One who has brought about the difficulty for the person's benefit. If he believes that, it would give him the strength he needs to move on. Initial…
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During these days of Chanukah, we are celebrating the fact that we have freedom to serve Hashem as we please. The Yevanim made harsh decrees that prevented the Jewish People from being able to perform mitzvot until Hashem came and saved them from their hands. We know that man has no control in this world, and the Greeks had absolutely no power to h…
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