Women, Men & Relationships is a show focused on love, dating, relationships, passion, sex, sexuality, divorce, marriage, self confidence, passion, communication, couple's therapy, understanding men and women and self care.
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Recovering biblical masculinity in a world of softness.
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Mensetsu (« entretien » en japonais) est un podcast ayant pour vocation d’interroger des français vivant au Japon. Pourquoi ont-ils décidé de vivre au Japon? Comment ont-ils fait pour venir ? Ce podcast est là pour comprendre tout cela.
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"Mensch!", der Gossip-Podcast von Elena Gruschka und Heiko Behr, taucht tief ein in die aufregenden Lebensläufe verschiedenster Promis. Von Verschwörungsverbreiter Michael Wendler über die 90er-HipHop-Ikonen TicTacToe bis zu Dieter Bohlen und Meghan Markle – kein Star bleibt unerwähnt, keine Geschichte unerzählt, kein Skandal unentdeckt. Packende Geschichten interessanter Persönlichkeiten – jeden Donnerstag ab 0:00 Uhr. Du möchtest Werbung in diesem Podcast schalten? Dann erfahre hier mehr ü ...
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Von Sternenstaub und Menschheitsträumen! Wir wagen uns in die große Dunkelheit des Kosmos, denn egal wie düster es wird: Licht findet immer einen Weg. News und Hintergrundinformationen findet ihr auf Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ein.grosser.schritt Kontakt: eingrosserschritt@gmail.com
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Covering all the narrative from the Premier League – the world’s greatest sporting telenovela – and everywhere the love of the beautiful game burns bright. Football. Passion. Empathy. Courage. New Podcasts Daily. Monday: Men In Blazers Podcast Tuesday: European Nights with Rory Smith Wednesday: Do It Live! Thursday: VAMOS with Herc Gomez Friday: WGFOP - Weekend Preview And listen to Men in Blazers Early Kickoff - our daily football news Podcast - every Monday through Friday at 6 a.m. ET. It ...
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Kants philosophische Grundfragen: Was kann ich wissen? Was soll ich tun? Was darf ich hoffen? – werden hier verhandelt. Der katholische Publizist und Schriftsteller Giuseppe Gracia erörtert im Dialog mit jeweils einem Gast die Momente der Anfechtung und des Seelenheils, die unser Leben kennzeichnen.
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Echtes Leben, atemberaubende Geschichten, übernatürliche Begegnungen mit Gott: das ist ERF Mensch Gott.
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A podcast for men going through an unwanted divorce or breakup.
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The home of dark jokes and harsh roasts. Featuring Freddy Quinne and Rob Mulholland. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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Etwas verändern. Die Welt ein bisschen positiver machen. "Sparks" ist ein Podcast über Menschen, die Beeindruckendes leisten. Die anpacken und Probleme lösen, auch wenn es mal schwierig wird. Egal ob es dabei um Müllberge, Stromverschwendung oder soziale Ungerechtigkeit geht. Wir erzählen ihre Geschichten. Immer mittwochs und samstags überall, wo's Podcasts gibt.
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Pastor John Mark Caton's weekly Tuesday morning Men's Bible Study. Join him at 6 a.m. every Tuesday at Cottonwood Creek Church in Allen, TX.
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Hier sprechen Adrian und Andi über alle möglichen Themen, die dem Feld der extremen Musik und ihrem Underground zugeordnet werden können! Es geht sehr viel um Black Metal, aber auch andere Subkulturen werden behandelt und diskutiert! Außerdem wollen wir uns auch immer wieder kontroversen und umstrittenen Themen widmen, die in den Tiefen der Szene zwar häufig verhandelt werden, aber selten einem breiten Publikum zugänglich sind.
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In de Mooie Mensen Podcast deel ik waardevolle inzichten als spreker, schrijver en auteur. In het dagelijks leven gediplomeerd rouwcoach en vertrouwenspersoon. En ik ga in gesprek met mooie en échte mensen. Gesprekken met mensen die daadwerkelijk iets bijdragen aan de maatschappij. Door te spreken en door het interviewen van verschillende mooie mensen wil ik anderen inspireren. Om zo meer liefde, begrip en verbinding over de wereld uit te strooien. De host van deze show is Kiki Scheepens.
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Evil Men is a podcast hosted by three comedians - Chris Locke, James Hartnett, and Michael Balazo. Each episode, they select a single evil man, bad person, or fictional character and discuss what made them so damn evil - all while joking their heads off. You’ll hear some super interesting nuggets of information about dubious historical or cultural figures, provided by three guys who don’t actually know what the hell they’re talking about.
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This is Sentimental Men. Quincy Brown and Kevin Bianchi are here to talk (and maybe scream) about their favorite women in musical theatre.
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We Don't Deserve Men is a show dedicated to shifting the dynamic between men and women from competition to cooperation.
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Bewegende Geschichten aus dem Leben. Menschen bei Annette Radüg, das sind Prominente und vor allem auch ganz normale Menschen, die über ihre Berufungen, Erfahrungen und Herausforderungen erzählen.
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We’re Shawn and Clayton, two queer men who love movies and love talking about movies, and after a lot of urging - we started a podcast!
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Your Home for Healthy Masculinity!Real guys having real conversations for you!
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Herzlich willkommen bei Handwerksmensch! Wir helfen Deinem Handwerksbetrieb raus aus der Arbeitsfalle. Für entspannte Betriebsinhaber. Für begeisterte Mitarbeiter, die bleiben. In diesem Podcast findest Du viele nützliche Infos für eine entspannte und mitarbeiterorientierte Betriebsführung. Du möchtest noch mehr über uns wissen? Hier der Link: https://www.handwerksmensch.de/links
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Menschenrechte: nachgefragt! - Der Interview-Podcast rund ums Thema Menschenrechte
Die Politische Meinung, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung
Seit Jahrzehnten befasst sich die Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung mit Menschenrechten – in Deutschland und weltweit. Sie versammelt Akteure aus Politik, Wissenschaft, Medien und Zivilgesellschaft, die sich dem Schutz der Menschenrechte verschrieben haben. In unserem neuen Podcast „Menschenrechte: Nachgefragt“ stehen hochkarätige Interviewpartner Rede und Antwort. Wir möchten mit dieser Reihe komplexe Zusammenhänge verständlich erklären und Hintergrundinformationen liefern, die nicht in der Zeitung ...
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Der Tod - ein Mysterium und Tabuthema. Was passiert, wenn man ertrinkt? Wie gefährlich ist Strahlung? Was ist die schlimmste Todesart? Jeden Monat erzählen wir dir tragische Schicksale von Menschen, die auf die unterschiedlichsten Arten ums Leben gekommen sind und erklären dabei die medizinischen Hintergründe.
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Get ready to receive wisdom and guidance from some of the country’s most respected Christian men on how to strengthen your marriage, be a better father, get control of your finances, heal the wounds from your past, be the spiritual leader of your family, and walk faithfully with God. Learn the things your dad should’ve taught you, but probably didn't. No judgment, no shame, just real answers for real men with real challenges seeking real change for God's glory.
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En podcast av- for- og med Parkinsonforeningen Oslo/Akershus
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Learn to lead in life & love with head, heart, and guts. Join men's guide Jason Lange to explore how to deepen your presence in the world, clarify your purpose, connect with your power, and find ease in dating & relationships.
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Listen to the broadcast of BYU men's basketball games, including play-by-play, pregame, postgame and highlights from the radio call by 'Voice of the Cougars' Greg Wrubell, and former Cougar hoopster Mark Durrant.
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A podcast about Men’s health -we tackle the subjects that men just don’t talk about enough.
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Jan Weiler berichtet über Selt- und Wundersames aus dem ganz normalen Irrsinn seines Alltags: spitz und überhöht, manchmal aber auch meinungsstark und entschieden, geistreich und immer neugierig in der Beobachtung seiner eigenen Erlebniswelt – und der der Hörerinnen und Hörer.
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From sinners to saints, kings to commoners, rock stars and regular folks. Everyone is here and they’re sharing their stories. Sit down and grab a beer with the men of The Mens Room.
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Der Podcast „Fragen des Menschseins” beschäftigt sich mit den existenziellen Themen, die uns Menschen bewegen. Was gehört zu einem guten Leben? Wie können wir mit äußeren und inneren Bedingungen, in die wir eingebettet sind, umgehen? Und was braucht es, um unser Leben selbstbestimmt und sinnerfüllt zu gestalten? Der Existenzanalytiker und Psychotherapeut Dr. Christoph Kolbe, Hannover, tauscht sich in den ersten 13 Folgen dazu mit der evangelischen Theologin, Moderatorin sowie Autorin Annette ...
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Vanity Fair’s Little Gold Men takes you inside the world of film and television, from standing ovations at Sundance to the Best Picture award at the Oscars. With special guest appearances from stars, creators, and critics, our expert hosts dive into the power and glamour of Hollywood, as only Vanity Fair can. For more on Little Gold Men, visit vanityfair.com/podcast/little-gold-men
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Saturday morning free breakfast and devotional messages sponsored by the Men's Ministry of Little Country Church, Redding, California
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Podcast for men, by men, to build better men.
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Gay Men Going Deeper is a weekly podcast that showcases raw and real conversations about personal development, mental health, and sexuality - from an unapologetically gay perspective. Hosted by Matt Landsiedel and Michael DiIorio, and featuring a wide range of special guests, you can expect to be inspired, entertained, and even a little triggered from time to time. This provocative podcast is for anyone who craves deeper conversations on topics ranging from spirituality to sexuality - and ev ...
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The Con Men Podcast is a disputed history podcast. Each week, we have a round table discussion about the 'underbelly' of history that is not often discussed.
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A podcast about love and war in the 31st century. Join three friends each week as they attempt to share their love of the Battletech stories & fiction a few of chapters at a time.
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Because It's About Time Someone Did
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What does it mean to be a man in the 21st century? Detoxicity is an interview podcast designed to explore the many possible answers to that question The podcast will cover a wide range of topics from relationships to creativity, from psychology to sexuality with thoughtfulness, sensitivity, and humor. Detoxicity is hosted by radio personality and mental health/sexuality educator Mike Joseph.
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Exploring theology, culture, and politics within a biblical and reformed worldview. Welcome to the Dead Men Walking Podcast.
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Sara, Shayna, and Alison break down what’s on their minds about pretty much anything. They also smile more. No mansplaining allowed!
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Chattin’ It Up!
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Was verbindet Hollywood-Stars, erfolgreiche Unternehmer, Spitzensportler, Bestseller-Autoren und Millionäre mit Lebensrettern oder Menschen, die existenz- oder lebensbedrohende Krisen überwunden haben? Das was wirklich zählt, sind nicht die Erfolge, sondern die Menschen hinter den Erfolgen. Ihre persönliche Geschichte, ihre Gedanken, ihre Gefühle – ihre Strategie und ihr Handeln. Ab sofort hier in „Menschen im Porträt“!
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Je komt als consument vaak dingen tegen waarvan je denkt: moet dat nu echt? Mensen die de pijlen in de supermarkt niet volgen. Middenvakrijders. Paaseitjes die al met kerst in de winkel liggen… WinWin-host Xavier Taveirne gaat samen met Chaima Saysay en een wekelijkse gast de strijd aan met onze kleine ergernissen van het dagelijkse leven. Omdat een klein beetje ergeren gewéldig kan opluchten.
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Ein Podcast für Menschen, die auf ihre eigene Kreativität vertrauen https://zks-medien.de
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Welcome to the Stand Like Men podcast. Join Logan and Daniel as we delve into the true purpose of masculinity and what it means to be a man.
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Episode 171 - Attachment Styles - Bev Mitelman
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Send us a text In this episode I talk to Bev Mitleman about attachment styles. What they are, how the develop and if they can be changed. https://securelyloved.com/ Support the show https://www.risingphoenixpodcast.comMichael
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An Urgent Request for Your Participation in Guided Meditation Download the FREE 14 Minute Guided Visualization http://jjflizanes.com/fires JJ Flizanes is an Empowerment Strategist, Creator of the Empowering Minds Network and the host of several podcasts including People’s Choice Awards nominee Spirit, Purpose & Energy. As Director of Invisible Fitn…
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Definition of a Man's Success
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Send us a text What does success mean today? Is money the only measurement? What about family and relationships? Is it better to be successful or valuable? MadMenRadio.comMad Men of Masculinity
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Dyche is out, Moyes is in, and the FA Cup stays weird: Men in Blazers 01/13/25
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The Moyes is back in town. That's right...David Moyes is back at the helm of Everton after the club's conscious uncoupling with Sean Dyche. Rog and Rory break down Dyche's legacy, and what the Moyes hiring means for the Toffees now and into the future. Then, Rog and Rory dive into all of the FA Cup weirdness: Arsenal and Manchester United going to …
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Check-In: Why Are You Tolerating Sin? (EP:932)
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The Real Men Check In is a quick way to help you start your week off on the right foot, in the right way - as a husband, father, and leader. Every Monday, Joe Martin shares personal insights, encouragement, and support that will move you beyond “church” to “real change.” To make sure you don't miss a Check-In or interview episode, make sure you "St…
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S1 E13 Godly Fatherhood Pt 2
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Let’s keep the conversation about godly fatherhood going in part 2!Daniel and Logan
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Because reality is full of things, the Winter Special is… not quite ready. But it will be in a week, and we think you’re going to love it! Apologies for the delay and we’ll see you then!
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Saving America's Unborn Children with Jason Storms
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In this episode, we talk with Jason Storms, National Director of Operation Save America, a masculine endeavor to save America's unborn children from murder in the womb. Jason talks about how to actually make real change in society and politics, including grassroots efforts, and how Christians can see change on the issue of abortion. The way you hav…
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Anne of Green Gables - 1985 with Brenna C. Gray
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We're going back in time and off to Canada this week and talking Anne of Green Gables! We're joined by kindred spirit, podcaster, and Anne expert Brenna Gray to discuss friendless weirdos, sturdy looking girls, and backhanded compliments as we dig into this classic story that is beloved the world over! Check out our Patreon for exclusive episodes e…
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Episode 80- Wolves on the Border Chapters 22-25
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This week we continue with part two of the book we have been working through, Wolves on the Border by Robert N. Charrette Wolves on the Border can be purchased @ https://store.catalystgamelabs.com/products/battletech-wolves-on-the-border You can reach us @ Email: advice@heat.management You can follow us @ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ofmech…
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Uttafor men Innafor episode 01 -2024 Lemia Boussaada er vår helsefaglige konsulent
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Godt Nytt År med første episode i Parkinsonmiljøets viktigste podcast! Vi åpner med Helsefaglig konsulent Lemia Boussada som Ukens Gjest, og her deler hun villig vekk om alt det hun gjør for medlemmene våre. Dessuten hvor navnet kommer fra (det er flere enn deg som har lurt...), hva hun gjør på fritiden og mere til.Ikke minst - Hvem får Ukens Frems…
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This Awards Season Keeps Getting Weirder
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David and Richard unpack some truly bizarre SAG Award nominations and who they have boosted (Jonathan Bailey!) and who is falling (a few Oscar-winning actresses, to start). They also discuss the best-picture frontrunners outlined by the directors’ guild, Richard’s time at the National Board of Review gala, and the terrifying impact of the Los Angel…
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Sara, Shayna and Alison are back after the holidays and are ready to discuss all things hockey. They recap a great weekend that was the kickoff of the PWHL Takeover Tour as well as NHL contracts, Detroit's coaching change and the impact of injuries. They also *must* discuss how things affect The Leafs before diving into hockey talk and FMK. Follow …
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#194 Every Spork I've Ever Met
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Get your DeadMeet tickets at deadmentalkpod.com Rob has brought a new game which involves guessing and orifices (it’s classic Dead Men!). Freddy wants a wife who lays eggs and sausages (it’s classic Dead Men!). Is a knife just a small sword (Classic Dead Men!)? We rawdog an email and give Tom a new name (More CLASSIC Dead Men!). Hosted on Acast. Se…
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Coming out to our families can be one of the most difficult experiences we navigate as queer folk. Sometimes it can be made even more difficult if the people we are opening up to are challenged by it, or don’t understand it. Other times, we may find ourselves in the company of people who do understand, or simply meet our openness with their own. Or…
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E171: Jian Ghomeshi with Andrew Johnston
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Hello listeners! This week we welcome back our good friend, Hollywood comedian Andrew Johnston. Our topic is disgraced Canadian busker and broadcaster Jian Ghomeshi. Enjoy? Be sure to follow Andrew on Instagram and TikTok and check out his new standup album Pomp & Circumcised on Apple Music and YouTube! *** ATTENTION: TORONTO The next EVIL MEN: LIV…
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In this episode, I share a powerful practice of choosing an annual “lens” – a perspective through which to view and experience your life throughout the year. I explain how this differs from traditional goal-setting, as a lens simply offers a way to reframe experiences rather than something you can succeed or fail at, using examples from my own jour…
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30. Reverse Sexism: When Inclusion Feels Exclusive with Yichen Hao
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In the first episode of 2025, host Kayla Yoder engages in a thought-provoking discussion with Yichen, a sociologist originally from China. They delve into the topic of reverse sexism, examining how gender dynamics have evolved and how men are now experiencing sexism in today's cultural climate. Yichen shares personal stories illustrating hard and s…
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DetoxPod 188: Courtney Brame (Educator)
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Happy New Year, friends! Our first episode of 2025 spotlights Courtney Brame, who is doing a ton of work around men's mental health and erasing STI stigma. He's the founder of SPFPP (Something Positive for Positive People), which supports people who are living with herpes. He also founded SELFED, which promotes emotional wellness for men and recent…
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Terrorist Attacks, Brother Wars, Nazi's and Jews with Cory Wing
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Send us a text This week Greg sat down with Cory Wing host of CivEccly Minded Podcast. They discussed the two domestic terrorist attacks that happened on American soil last week, why the bloated Federal Government is garbage, and then got into the "Brother Wars" issue, with Greg and Cory giving their thoughts on the rise of Nazi sympathy and Jew ha…
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Daniel Cook
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65. "Glinda Controls the Weather" (with Marty Lauter)
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This week, the boys have invited Marty Lauter (RPDR’s Marcia Marcia Marcia) on the pod for a truly Sentimental chat about their journey from being a little kid who loved The Wizard of Oz to being a big kid who loves Wicked. And with side conversations about non-replica productions, super quiet screening audiences and gag-worthy premiere looks, you’…
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Are the DRONES in NEW JERSEY a possible false flag/ Jay-Z next to go down?
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Are the drones in New Jersey a possible false flag operation? In this video, we delve into the ongoing mystery of these unexplained drone sightings and their potential ties to Project Bluebeam, foreign adversaries, or even a staged prelude to World War 3. Are these events part of a larger conspiracy, government deception, or something else entirely…
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Bob and Jeff discuss their number one movies and, as usual, go off track discussing other subjects.twoboringoldmen
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