עמיחי חסון ויאיר אסולין במסע זוגי שבועי בין רעיונות, רגשות ודעות על המציאות, התרבות והאינסוף
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Solidarité internationale dans la ville de Québec
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Solid Joys is a daily devotional written and read by John Piper. These short and substantive readings will feed your joy in Jesus every day of the year. Discover more from Piper at desiringGod.org.
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Rock 'n' roll all night ... and party once a week! Hosted by Pat Francis, Rock Solid is the comedy/music podcast that brings you music “both new and classic," plus lots of laughs and musical guests. Joining the fun are Producer Kyle Dodson and Pat’s hilarious rotating Co-Hosts: Mike Siegel, Christy Stratton and Murray Valeriano.
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This is your opportunity to catch up on the latest from our Merrell Bros Monday morning meetings.
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"Solidaris" s desenvolupament, s pau, drets humans i moviments socials. L'aparador de totes aquelles persones que treballen per un mn ms just. Periodisme fet amb rigor i de cocci lenta sempre amb vocaci de servei pblic. Un dels programes de referncia a l'antena de Catalunya Rdio.
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Sermon Podcast of Solid Rock Church in San Angelo, TX.
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Realtalk about community,faith, and more.
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The radio ministry of Calvary Chapel Solid Rock
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Wie sieht eigentlich ein professioneller Vermögensverwalter die Welt und insbesondere die Kapitalmärkte? In einer digitalisierten Gesellschaft, in der jeder ungeprüft Informationen teilen kann, ist eine seriöse Einschätzung unverzichtbar. Heute geht es zwar in vielen Podcasts um Geldanlage und Co. – was aber oftmals fehlt ist die fachlich, professionelle Einordnung. Professionell bedeutet: Aufbauend auf dem Fundament von 50 Jahren Kapitalmarkterfahrung. Solidvest ist die Online Vermögensverw ...
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Podcast by CUNY SLU
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Solid Ground Church | Sermons
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These teachings are from Solid Ground church's Sunday morning gatherings in Rancho Cucamonga, California.
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Podcasts from the team on aspects of law and legal work
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Solid Rock Church sermons
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»Solid Joys« (Fundierte Freuden) ist eine tägliche Andacht von dem bekannten Redner und Autor John Piper. Die kurzen und tiefgründigen Gedanken werden deine Freude in Jesus an jedem Tag des Jahres stärken. Dieser Podcast erschien im Original bei Desiring God. Übersetzung und Wiedergabe mit freundlicher Genehmigung.
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A podcast series brought to you by Solidarity, a revolutionary socialist group in Australia. www.solidarity.net.au
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Preaching from Solid Rock Baptist Church
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Solid Rock Family Church Podcast
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Dr. Michael B. Linton: a pastor, a husband, a father (biological, adoptive, foster), a sinner saved by grace
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New podcast weblog”Rock Solid IP” is a podcast for entrepreneurs, startups, and business leaders aiming to unlock the true potential of their ideas. Each episode delves into essential strategies for building and protecting intellectual property (IP), with expert insights to help listeners turn creativity and innovation into valuable business assets.
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A show to engage, encourage & equip men to ask tough questions of themselves, and to live out their destiny as men, by God’s design. Saturdays at 10am on 94.7FM the Spirit, Louisville, KY, with Kurt Sauder and Chad Russell
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A mission to improve the rational, reasonable faith of 21st century Christians. A vision to create a generation that confidently brings their best before God and to the world by righteously and reverently regarding the knowledge, understanding, wisdom, and discernment of Biblical truth in every aspect of their lives for His glory alone. This... is the Soli Deo Gloria Podcast.
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Solidmighty is a fast rising star front Nigeria
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Workers’ Liberty fights for socialist revolution, for the labour movement to militantly assert working class interests. Follow us! Find out more, and get involved at https://workersliberty.org • fb.me/workersliberty • twitter.com/workersliberty
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A weekly show from three hosts deep ”in the trenches of tech”, discussing the latest news, events, and cultural moments around the technology industry and the products, people, and services touching our daily lives.
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Welcome to a selection of Solid Gold Podcast Demos, Samples, and Trailers from our workshops, and a collection of other 'odd bin' podcasts.
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A P&A é um escritório onde o "convencional" fica à porta. Por isso mesmo, este é um podcast jurídico, que se pretende fora da caixa. É a nossa voz e é acima de tudo um meio íntimo de comunicação com os nossos clientes, colegas, parceiros e seguidores. Bem-vindos ao Podcast P&A Solicitadores.
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Podcast by L Mc
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This is the podcast for women who want to love being married and feel connected to the people that matter most to them. Better relationships make for a better life. Each week you'll learn the tools to improve all of your relationships from master certified relationship coach, Sara Payne. Find more resources at www.sarapayne.com and @sarapaynecoaching on Instagram and Facebook.
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Solidarity Is This is a podcast created and hosted by Deepa Iyer, Director of Strategic Initiatives at the Building Movement Project where she runs Solidarity Is, a multi-strategy program to deepen transformative solidarity practices, models, narratives, and ideas. On the podcast, we explore how individuals and institutions are experimenting with cross-racial and cross-movement solidarity in America’s changing racial landscape. Learn more at www.solidarityis.org
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Design, Technology, CAD and FAB
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This podcast gives you SOLID truth, prayer, and inspiration that will rejuvenate you after a long work week. Get ready to be real, and refreshed.
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Rank and File Worker and Trade Union Show, covering current affairs, progressive issues and news and events from the labour movement. Includes "This Is The Week" with Kevin Healy.
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Every Monday morning, voices from the Ignatian network will reflect, explore, and respond to injustice through the lens of Ignatian spirituality and previous Sunday’s daily readings. We seek to understand one another’s stories, to individually and collectively rise up to engage in the work of building a more just and peaceful world.
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Metal Gear Solid! One of the best series of all time comes to an end. With Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain out, we talk all Metal Gear Solid news!
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Let's dig deep into scripture together! Our journey with the Lord is deep and meaningful and can impact every aspect of our lives.. that is... if we let it. Join in the study of God's word and be encouraged as you watch your life change piece by piece. It would be a shame for you to think that your spiritual health with the Lord could be maintained by a single day per week, sitting in a building, listening to a person on a stage, then walk away and somehow believe that your life will magical ...
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This is about lifestyle of my every day improvement
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Solide Kracht
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The experience of a former inmate in solitary confinement.
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Spreading the Word of God to those who choose to hear.
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College football in all its glory. Ditch the mainstream and break the huddle with The Solid Verbal. Since 2008, Ty Hildenbrandt and Dan Rubenstein have been shaking up the college football podcasting scene with their fun and unique blend of commentary. Whether you're a diehard or a casual observer, the show taps into your fandom with spirited debates, fresh perspectives, and segments you won't hear anywhere else. Recognized as trailblazers in the podcasting world, The Solid Verbal isn't just ...
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Welcome to Youssef Soliman, where amazing things happen.
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Welcome to the Solid’s podcast, where amazing things happen.
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A segment on the branch types in the True Vine from a Biblical discussion on the topic of abiding in Jesus in a Godly faith walk. Wanna REACH OUT? [email protected] OR @thesolideogloriapod (IG)
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Come Alive In '25 - Focus #4: Attitude x Effort x Skill = ??
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15:36Taking ownership of your attitude can drive effort and skill. In this week's episode, Brian and Greg discuss the CAREER spoke of the wheel. Are you happy where you are? If not, perhaps you need a shift in your foundation rather than a new job.Merrell Bros.
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Épisode du 2025-03-10Chantale Coulombe
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Your prayers are the aroma of heaven, sweet smelling before the throne of God and before the Lamb.John Piper
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A segment on an "I Am" statement of Jesus's from a Biblical discussion on the topic of abiding in Jesus in a Godly faith walk. Wanna REACH OUT? [email protected] OR @thesolideogloriapod (IG)
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Durch seinen Tod am Kreuz hatte Jesus das Recht erworben, den Rest der Heilsgeschichte zu eröffnen und sein Volk siegreich hindurch zu führen.Evangelium21
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#473 The High Cost of Freedom 3/10/25
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46:00“Freedom isn't free.” That's a bumper sticker for some people, but it's been a way of life for the men, women and families of the United States military. On this weeks, Kurt and Chad sit down with veterans Don Waddell (Air Force, Vietnam) and Derek Henricks (West Point, Army, Afghanistan). Don and Derek talk about their experiences and perspectives…
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In this sermon, we explored how the promise God made to Abraham serves as our secure anchor through Christ. God promised Abraham that he would have many descendants, and that through him, the entire world would be blessed. As Abraham walked in faith, God reaffirmed His promise by swearing upon Himself, demonstrating the unwavering certainty of this…
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I Know the LORD is on my side! (The Trap is Broken)
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26:56Psalm 124 NLT (What if the LORD had not been on our side?) [email protected] Doss
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Pride is a form of unbelief. Faith admits need. Pride won’t. Faith banks on God. Pride won’t. Faith casts anxieties on God. Pride won’t.John Piper
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39 || ABIDE IN ME? || SDG PODCAST || 3.9.25
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55:11A Biblical discussion on the topic of abiding in Jesus in a Godly faith walk. Wanna REACH OUT? [email protected] OR @thesolideogloriapod (IG)
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Der Glaube gibt zu, dass er Hilfe braucht. Der Stolz tut das nicht. Der Glaube setzt fest darauf, dass Gott die nötige Hilfe schenken wird. Der Stolz tut das nicht. Der Glaube wirft all seine Sorge auf Gott. Der Stolz tut das nicht.Evangelium21
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The Prayer on the Mount - Rinus Geldenhuys
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43:44This morning Rinus Geldenhuys starts our new series on The Sermon in the Mount in Matthew 5:1-7:27.Starting with the Lord’s Prayer and how important it is that we don’t separate the sermon on the mount from the preacher on the mount - Jesus.Solid Ground Church
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Aliances contra el masclisme
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54:33Hi ha molts collectius i entitats encapalades per dones que treballen en xarxa per millorar la vida d'altres dones i, d'aquesta manera, lluitar contra la desigualtat de gnere. Entrevistarem Vero Santiago, de l'associaci gitana de dones Drom Kotar Mestipen; Assumpta Rigol, voluntria de l'associaci feminista Hlia, i Merc Ruiz, presidenta de l'associa…
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Getting Back on Track with Jesus, Part 2 of 2
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26:00Building On The Solid Rock Radio Ministry Broadcast for March 09, 2025; from CCSR sermon taught on March 20, 2020, #43089Troy Neeley
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A mustard seed of faith is infinitely closer to being a mountain of faith than it is to being no faith. There is an infinite difference between a spark and no spark.John Piper
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Öffne die Fenster zu deinem Herzen für Gottes Verheißungen und lass den Geist jeden Raum deines Herzens durchwehen. Der Heilige Wind Gottes wird weder zerbrechen noch auslöschen. Er wird deinen Kopf aufrichten und deinen Funken zu einer hellen Flamme entfachen.Evangelium21
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Palestine: Silencing Dissent II Tempi: A call for Action II Community Action 4 Cobargo Recovery II Framings of Wombat Forest II CFMEU Women II
IWWD edition of Solidarity Breakfast a tribute to women of actionSpeakers @ Sydney Rally the last day of the Israeli Ceasefire in Gaza IIHannah Thomas here II Tells us why she put her hand up to be a candidate for the Federal seat of Grayndler (Albanese's electorate). - Associate Professor Jumanah Bayeh here II Speaking of Randah Abdel Fattah and t…
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Was Trump und RFK mit dem US-Gesundheitssystem vorhaben #Research-Talk mit Sebastian Hofbeck
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27:19Herzlich Willkommen zum Solidvest-Podcast! In der heutigen Folge hat Podcast-Host Michael-Philip Müller den DJE-Unternehmensanalysten Sebastian Hofbeck zu Gast, der bei der DJE Kapital AG den Pharma-Sektor analysiert und interessante Einblicke in den US-Gesundheitssektor gewährt. Die beiden sprechen über den Sektor und seine Performance im vergange…
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How can you experience an outpouring of the Holy Spirit? Meditate day and night on the promises of God.John Piper
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Wie können wir erleben, dass der Heilige Geist über unsere Gemeinde und uns selbst ausgegossen wird, der uns mit unerschütterlicher Freude erfüllt und uns befreit und befähigt, unsere Mitmenschen so tief und authentisch zu lieben, dass sie für Christus gewonnen werden?Evangelium21
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Beyond the binary: transgender liberation and socialism
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15:26Trans rights are under attack. Casey Forsyth explains why our rulers are so keen to promote transphobia and how we can defeat it and win a world of trans liberation. Read more about the fight against transphobia. Find out more about Solidarity.solidarity.net.au
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יאיר אסולין ודרור פויר משוחחים על אווירת הנכאים של העת הישראלית הזאת, על הבצורת הטבעית מסביב והבצורת הרעיונית בהנהגה, על הסדרה סינדרום עזה והטעות שלעולם חוזרת ועל האפשרות שאסטרואיד יפגע בנו בתמונה: הרמטכ"ל היוצא והרמטכ"ל הנכנס, יונתן זינדל, פלאש 90 See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.…
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Trademark Bootcamp – Series 2 - Why do we have trademarks?
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15:35Episode Summary In this episode of Rock Solid IP, we continue our Trademark Bootcamp series with Rob Wells from Rock IP law firm in Washington, D.C. This discussion dives into why trademarks are essential for businesses of all sizes, how they contribute to brand recognition and trust, and why early trademark registration is crucial to avoiding lega…
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You cannot sink so low in despairing of your own resources that God does not see and care. He is at the bottom waiting to catch you.John Piper
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Inside the ACC’s New Deal with ESPN’s David Hale
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47:20The ACC ain't dead yet! In this college football podcast episodes, we go inside the ACC's new deal with ESPN’s David Hale and discuss how Florida State and Clemson were are enormous winners, how Jim Phillips sold smaller schools on the idea of taking less money, what happens in the 2030s when exit fees are more managable, and more! Key Topics Discu…
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Robin McAuley Returns
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38:23Pat welcomes singer Robin McAuley back to the "Zoom Room" to discuss his new album "Soulbound." See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.
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So sehr du auch über dein eigenes Unvermögen verzweifelst, wirst du nie so tief sinken können, dass Gott dich nicht mehr sieht oder du ihm gleichgültig wirst.Evangelium21
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Women's Fightback 33 — Trump, Putin's Russia, Israel/Palestine, the "manosphere" and alt-right, culture & more
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3:12:25Women's Fightback 33, Winter/Spring 2025. With Trump back in office, and the far right ascendant across large partsof the world, the challenges facing socialists and feminists are starker than ever. In this issue we hear about the fight for democracy in Putin's Russia, from a military refuser in Israel building the opposition to the occupation of P…
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Turn from self and come to Jesus as your source for true joy. His fullness will satisfy your itch of emptiness.John Piper
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Wenn du aufhörst, aus deinem eigenen Ego heraus deinen Durst stillen zu wollen, um bei Christus alle Freude zu finden, dann wird dein Sehnen von einer Fülle ersetzt, die Jesus als „Quelle von Wasser“ bezeichnet, „das bis ins ewige Leben quillt“.Evangelium21
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To Exiles and Strangers - 1 Peter 1:1-2 (March 2, 2025)
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56:36To Exiles and Strangers - 1 Peter 1:1-2 (March 2, 2025) by Michael B. LintonMichael B. Linton
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The Results of Sin - Exodus 32:15-29 (February 16, 2025)
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54:49The Results of Sin - Exodus 32:15-29 (February 16, 2025) by Michael B. LintonMichael B. Linton
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Our Need for a Substitute - Exodus 32:30-35 (February 23, 2025)
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57:59Our Need for a Substitute - Exodus 32:30-35 (February 23, 2025) by Michael B. LintonMichael B. Linton
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There are no lapses in God’s commitment or in his joy in doing good to his children — to those who trust him.John Piper
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State of the States: Vibe Checks for 8 College Football Programs
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1:10:52We kick off March with a vibe check of 8 college football teams with ‘State’ in their names. In this college football podcast episode, we take a look around college football, from Ohio State’s title glow to Oklahoma State’s tumble. Join us as we dive into Arizona State’s swagger, Penn State’s high hopes, Iowa State's best season ever, NC State's di…
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The Power of Receiving
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18:13I'm quite certain that you are an excellent giver. You give your time, your resources, and your energy to people and causes that matter to you. What about receiving? How comfortable are you at open up to receive? This is the topic of today's podcast.Sara Payne
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Mustard Seed Church (3/2/25)
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34:42If you want to accomplish big things, start by thinking small—as small as a mustard seed. Guest speaker John Dixon (Crest Community Church, Riverside) explains why the church's strength lies not in its size or resources but in the radical obedience and love of its members. Discover how small gestures, supercharged with love, can lead to monumental …
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Wie sollte dir irgendetwas mehr Mut machen können als die Tatsache, dass Gott Freude daran hat, dir Gutes zu tun? Nicht nur, dass er dir Gutes tut. Nicht nur, dass er sich deinem Wohl verpflichtet fühlt. Sondern, dass er Freude daran hat, dir Gutes zu tun.Evangelium21
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The evidence of God’s power in our lives is not the absence of our willing, but the strength and joy of our willing.John Piper
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