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周末变奏 Key Change


冷门好歌,创作者访谈,以及从音乐延展出的更多。Independent radio presenter Fangzhou selects the best of alternative music, and invites artists from China and beyond to talk about their musical inspirations.
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M脫殼,Music and Talk ! 專屬PODCAST的音樂頻道, 但,有時候也會講點幹話。(笑) 透過這個頻道,我希望挖掘出各行各業的人聽什麼音樂、如何聆聽以及聆聽背後的思維。音樂背後的故事往往更迷人,音樂背後的人反而更有趣。此外,喜歡我們節目的話,別忘了訂閱、五星吹捧以及留言。也請記得分享給身邊三個熱愛音樂的朋友,讓更多人可以聽到我們節目。也歡迎請我喝杯咖啡支持創作。 業務配合 抖內: IG: musictalk_podcast FB: Email: More Informations: Powered by Firstory Hosting
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From Unicorns and Ninjas to Dinosaurs and Rock Collections, we talk about it all. The Chatty Monkey (蛇猴閒聊) is a Daddy-Daughter Mandarin podcast where we (爸爸和嫣嫣) chat about what excites us in life. Adventurers of all ages welcome. 歡迎所有冒險家來聽聽我們的廣播“蛇猴閒聊“! 是ㄧ個爸爸女兒(七歲)(爸爸和嫣嫣)ㄧ起錄的對話系列. 話題卻五花八門. 既然嫣嫣的興趣繁多我們什麼都談. 獨角馬也好, 水上樂園也好, 無論你興趣怎樣我們大概都會講ㄧ點點. 是ㄧ個以華語為主的廣播. 來吧. 跟我們一起談啊.
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Felix Poon Dreamilizer

Felix Poon

Felix潘敬祖,一位夢想實踐家,身兼激勵導師、唱作歌手、節目主持、司儀、影音公司及培訓公司創辦人。過去二十年的努力,成功實踐歌手夢,曾加入華納唱片成為作曲人、奪得香港青年協會歌曲創作及樂隊比賽獎項,並為電台、慈善團體及多個商業機構創作歌曲。Felix熱愛以音樂傳遞正能量,於08年首次自資推出慈善唱片及音樂會,收益撥捐慈善之用,其後活躍於大小舞台演出及擔任歌唱比賽評判。 2012年正式進軍香港樂壇,推出唱作大碟及舉辦個人音樂會,奪得新城勁爆新登場男歌手獎項,同年創立「飛帆影音製作有限公司」,是一位高級影音顧問及唱片監製,近年亦開始擔任活動節目主持。除了熱愛以音樂,Felix亦是一位擁有十多年經驗的體驗式培訓導師,從小接觸野外挑戰訓練,機遇下於2005年為慈善機構創作主題曲而參與青少年領袖培訓,展開十多年的慈善工作及體驗式培訓之路。 其後考獲多項專業培訓資歷,包括:攀石、潛水、繩索技術、繩網教練等,同時熱愛心理啟發和藝術治療研究,考獲Points of You®、Personality Dimensions®、NLP、Music Therapy、Circle Painting及A ...
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野獸藝起肖 wildgather


野獸之音是最愛歡笑流淚的組合! 野獸之音是最愛狂放自由的聲音! 野獸之音,吼出你的文化之音! 歡迎收聽野獸之音製播的廣播節目:野獸藝起肖 (Wildgather)! 來這裡,野獸用最生活的方式,邀請八大藝術領域名人, 到這邊,野獸用超口語的作風,訪談所有跨域跨文化專家, 聽這裡,野獸用最專業的模式,提供即時文化綜合新聞聯播與評論, 你要不懂藝術也難,因為你正在成為,藝術的野獸! 我們在台灣時間的每個週日下午2點到3點,在FM104.1正聲廣播聯名首播,另外,每週一的早上8點,我們在Apple Podcast/ Google Podcast/ KKBOX/ Spotify/ SoundOn平台全面重播上架,YouTube也不定期會有LIVE Podcast影音集數上架,歡迎聽友們訂閱追蹤我們的頻道:野獸藝起肖,要你做個文化的野獸! 節目內容分為多種類型小單元,有與聽眾互動與活動行銷串接的〈野獸揪派對〉(WILD Party),也有將藝術專家哲思進行整理探究並科普的〈野獸有藝思〉(WILD ARThoughts),還有與藝術家綜合對談的〈藝術狠野獸〉(Super WILD),更有將 ...
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压力大 number one, a lot of people today are suffering, they are suffering from heavy workload and everyday pressure 找到发泄口 they need to find a way out 消除负面情绪 release bad emotions and let these negatives gone in their life 心底的那份爱 because they just love it from the bottom of their heart, no different reasons…
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超爱上网 I think that I’ve spent a lot of time on the Internet 喜欢玩社交软件和其他软件 and it's related social apps and different kinds of apps for sure 免费 it is nearly free of charge, I don't have to pay for it 忙碌之余空虚寂寞冷 after a tough day of regular study or work and I would find the life quite boring
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历史时期是三十年前 没车没互联网的时候 Mention about the topic, the historical period that I have interest is about thirty years ago when we didn't have the Internet and lots of private cars on the street 那个年代我都没出生 at the time, the period was quite different you know and I wasn't born then, but I learned something according to some videos and my parents` words and gr…
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肯定的啦 Yeah sure, I'm saying yes with a hundred percent 这样做就很舒服啦 because by doing so, I would feel very safe and very happy 去溜达或者户外 hang out with a bunch of my friends or spend a lot of time in the open area 在家呆着 听歌 what I like to do is sitting in somewhere in my home, and putting on my earphone then listening to some music…
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不会的 Not really, no I wouldn't do anything in that way, no way 太傻了 I don't think it's a very smart decision and it is not a popular way for us to do so 去没去过的地方的话 when I'm trying to travel to somewhere that I'm not familiar with or that I've never been to before 我才不同意呢 I wouldn’t say yes with 100%
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优点可多啦 There are actually so many good points of using public transport 主要有两点 I think two good points can be identified 价格优势 每个人买得起 it has the price advantage, everyone in the world can afford it 乘坐方便 it is user friendly in life, whenever we want to take a cab or take the subway, you would just find one that you need…
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打车花了一百多 心疼 I need to spend like more than one hundred Yuan each time, and that would kill me for sure 打车从市中心到机场肉疼 just from the city center to the airport and that would certainly drive me crazy you know 我也没敢说啥 but I didn't say anything 不便宜 But I still think that it was too much for me and I couldn't afford it…
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科技互联网改变生活 The Internet is the modern technology and certainly it influences our life for sure you know 金钱观改变 Traditional attitude to money has been totally changed Wifi随处可见 At the same time, the free wifi could be found anywhere that you can imagine 真快 就几秒 When you are trying to download something you need, just a few seconds then everything would …
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超爱吃甜食 Yeah sure I'm a super fan of sweet food you know, like the ice cream for example, like different kinds of chocolates for example 心情当然也会很好 I'll be staying in a good mood for sure 这两样东西让我超级开心 these two kinds of things would undoubtedly make me feel happy 脂肪和热量也会让我崩溃 but one problem you know, eating too much calories and fat would drive me crazy…
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2024年的《扭扭爵士》第二辑,从4月到6月,从春天到夏天,精彩作品多得挤不下! Andrew Bird 由民谣向爵士变身,Luka Kuplowsky 从东方诗歌取经,Leyla McCalla 和 Josh Johnson 试探实验音乐边界,Awen Ensemble, Bryony Jarman-Pinto 和 Fergus McCreadie 书写水般优雅。 最应景的夏日之作,应该是英国键盘手 Greg Foat 从希腊度假胜地发来的现场录音;而最让人缅怀的,一定是 Chick Corea 的遗作、与班卓琴大师 Béla Fleck 共同完成的专辑 "Remembrance". 本季还有更多精彩作品,可以在这份歌单中欣赏。 曲目单: (01:05) Andrew Bird Trio …
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做个艺术家肯定很有意思 Yep sure if possible, I want to be a very famous artist, and that could be great fun 不用每天八小时坐在办公室啦 I don't have to work in the office you know, like eight hours for example 不用呆在同一个地方那么久啦 I don't have to sit in the same old place for a long time each day 比以前更出名 for my part, I could be more famous than before…
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背后两个理由 Two reasons can be identified behind this topic 因为没朋友 mainly because they have got no friends in real life 各种理由 Probably it is about their personalities, it is about the temper, it is about their living habit, there are so many reasons behind it 新鲜的更有吸引力 something new or something exciting can be more charming to them 成为生活一部分 it has been a p…
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原因挺简单的 The reasons behind this topic could be very simple 想赚钱和事业 a lot of people want to be famous mainly because they want big money and great career 更有钱 have their own properties and get richer than before 天生的 it is born with
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戴上耳机世界都是我的 number one, I would put on my earphone you know and the world would be mine 候机的时候戴耳机太重要了 in the airport when I'm waiting for my flight, I would put on my earphone that's the most important part and step 忘带耳机了就去看书 sometimes I probably forget my earphone at home, I would read something one or two on my favorite books 专注看书的时候 忽略噪音 when I'm …
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在我看来 In my mind/ I believe /I suppose/I realize 比如这几个语言 like Dutch, French, Germany and Japanese for example 将来希望学很多语言因为喜欢旅行 if possible in the future, I would learn different kinds of languages, because I'm a super fan of travel 周游世界 努力学习外语 travel to the world, the is my dream and I would certainly work hard on my language study…
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很多人当然爱听音乐啦 Yes sure, of course, it's a cool thing and a lot of people love listening to music 消除疲劳 it would help us to diminish all the fatigues we have 忙碌之余需要找个出口 especially after a tough day of work or study, we need to find a way out 很管用 and seriously, it works well
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过去太忙了 actually in the past, I was quite busy with my regular work and everyday study, I was pretty busy with my every day life 在家的时间 especially the free time at home 小时候不看重家人 but when I was at my young age, I didn't realize it, I didn't realize the importance of my families 如果自己在家呆着 if I'm spending some time alone at home…
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来自上海的电子音乐制作人 33EMYBW 近几个月在欧洲参与一个艺术驻留项目,工作之余还安排了一系列音乐节和小型场地演出。 我们约在海牙短暂地见了一面,算起来这已经是第三次和 33EMYBW 做面对面的访谈,从身为实验乐队鸭打鹅的一员,到贵州侗族音乐采风项目“DONG”,不变的除了对节肢动物的美学狂热,还有她对世界各地的民族音乐的体验、采撷与运用。 我们赶着一杯咖啡时间,聊了聊 33EMYBW 于 2023 年末发表的专辑《震旦之孔 Holes of Sinian》;而且,当我们身在欧洲大陆却开始谈论“东方”,这确实是一番别致的体验。 曲目单: (01:36) Mabe Fratti - Oidos (05:07) Mabe Fratti - 12 Kitana (06:50) Mike L…
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学点外语 learn something one or two on foreign language, like Japanese, like Spanish, like Germany for example 找好工作给会外语 if a young adult wants a great career, the foreign language would be the most important thing 必须的 it's the basic as well or it is required 当老板 just to be the boss or employer
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各种新闻 some gossip, some entertainment news, and some news about education and everyday life 真假消息分不清楚 but one problem, I couldn't figure out it is true or not 我认为 互联网和各种app好用 For my part, the Internet and it's related apps could be my favorite ways to find the news 更靠谱 that could be more reliable
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两个理由 挺难学的 Two reasons can be identified 首先 难学 number one, it's not very easy for us to learn about history 很难学的全面 it's very tough for us to have a better understanding of the whole history 其次 很多人没兴趣 天生的 Number two, a lot of people are not interested in history at all, you know it is born with, a natural reason…
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不行啊 记不住啊 No way I'm not good at doing so 记事儿都够呛呢别说数字了 actually I'm not kind of person who usually likes to remember things very clearly, especially the numbers 对数字不敏感 不熟悉 because I'm not familiar with it or maybe it’s born with, you know it's a natural reason 不可能完成的任务 it's like the impossible mission…
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举足轻重 it is playing an important role in our life too 没有快餐 生活效率下降 Without the fast food, our efficiency at work and study would be negatively influenced 不能适应快节奏 we couldn’t live in a such fast pace of life 问题不能忽略 热量高 But one problem cannot be ignored, it is not that healthy enough you know, too much fat and calories in it…
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想好好学习的时候要找个安静的地儿 when I'm trying to stay focused on my study, I’ll certainly find a quiet place 咖啡厅最适合了 I mean the coffee shop would be the best shot for me 安静的实体环境和免费的网络 the free wifi and quiet physical environment, that could be very important to me 搞点黑咖啡 提神醒脑 I would grab a cup of coffee, that could be my favorite, the black coffee, quite refres…
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不需要周末上班上学 Not really nope, I don't have to work or study on weekends 因为周末业余时间多 because I usually have plenty of freedom on weekends 周末全天放空 I could totally rest my mind from the Saturday morning to Sunday afternoon 啥也不合计 without thinking anything
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分享私人物品share some of my personal belongings or even properties 比如工作学习机会 like some working or study opportunities for example 我也会帮助陌生人 some strangers come to me and need my help, I would do something one or two that I can 这样做让我开心 because by doing so, I'll certainly put a smile of joy on my face
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小时候两件事让我开心 two things would certainly make me feel happy when I was a kid 小时候就想要钱 when I was at my young age, I needed money the most 需要自由 it was about the freedom you know, my parents didn't let me do lots of things actually 同样重要 the free time and money could be equally important to me
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不好说 Well it's very hard to say 向偶像学习 they had to learn something one or two from the role model 做自己 I mean everyone should be what they are and who they are you know 可能年轻人需要职业规划的导师 My point is that you know, maybe a young adult need a role model for their career
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为了避免疲倦 我在家呆着 to avoid the fatigues, I would certainly spend most of my leisure time at home without doing anything 放空 I would just rest my mind 万事大吉 and then everything will be fine 讲真 我喜欢独处 gotta be honest, I love being alone
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有两个理由 Two reasons could be identified 和生活有关系 it has got to do something with our regular life 超级卷 a lot of people are suffering, they are suffering from heavy workload and pressure 另一个理由显而易见 another reason is quite apparent
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想换个电脑但是需要等等 The laptop is the thing that I want to replace but you know, I couldn't make it very soon 陪伴我很久啦 就像老朋友一样 because it has been with me more than five years, and it is an old friend to me 工作效率大大提升 My efficiency at work has been totally improved for sure 电脑有点过时啦 But in fact it's becoming old fashioned, too. Five more years ago, it was brand…
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我不信 I didn't think so at all 忽视早餐 I usually ignored the importance of having breakfast 现在长大了 but now I grew up, and I already have become an adult 之前一天要早睡 that means I have to sleep well the day before
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我是一个白巧克力迷 and I am a white chocolate lover 太多热量 吃完不减肥 too much calories and fat in chocolates, after eating too much of it, I mean I wouldn't lose some weight 心情不好的时候 整点巧克力 But when I'm not in a good mood or when I'm suffering, some chocolates would come to me
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偶尔 Sometimes but not that often in life 电脑或者手机打字 because most of the time I'll go with typing with my laptop or smartphone 处理工作或者学习的时候选择打字 I'll try to text some emails when I'm coping with my regular work or when I'm trying to study something 我的职业生涯里最喜欢用键盘啦 certainly I like to use my keyboard more often in my career 对我来说有点过时了 that has been old fash…
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劳资没兴趣 I have no interests because I'm not interested in the news about finance or economics 共同话题多 because we have a lot in common 有时候背后说人坏话 or sometimes we talk about something behind someone 这就是日常 that's the everyday routine
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必须的 Yes sure, of course, I certainly will 生活一部分 it has been a part of my life 下载一百多本书 全整电子书里头 I can download more than one hundred books at a time, I mean I can put one hundred more in the e-book 不用花钱 最多几块钱 and I don't have to pay for it, or even sometimes, I need to pay for it, just several bucks
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喜欢在xbk学习 The indoor place that I think is very easy for me to study, I must say, it's in the Starbucks , just a coffee shop wanxiang城一楼那家 I mean it is on the first floor of wanxiangcheng, English name is Mix City 位置可好啦 I think it has a perfect location, I can get to that place by subways or sometimes take a cab, or sometimes I can drive to that pla…
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没试过 Not really nope, I haven't tried any kinds of dangerous and exciting activities before 胆小内向 觉得不安全 because I don't think that it's very safe enough and gotta be honest, I am scared of it 骑自行车 不骑摩托车 I mean not riding a motorcycle but riding a bicycle 对我来说就是某种极限运动 and it's kind of extreme sport to me…
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擦干净地板,准备好电扇,夏天终于有了开始的迹象。整理了一组最近很喜欢的悦耳的流行曲和你分享,希望忙碌之余你也随着音乐摇摆:) 曲目单: (00:40) Minnie Riperton - It's So Nice (To See Old Friends) (05:22) Maya Hawke - Black Ice (10:03) Qwalia - Majolica (14:06) Santino Surfers - Three Corners One View (18:27) Amyl and the Sniffers - U Should Not Be Doing That (21:46) Girma Beyene - Ené Nègn Bay Manèsh (26:30) Substa…
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爱追剧 I would certainly watch different kinds of short videos and movies 戴上耳机 没有烦恼 when I feel very tired, I would just put on on my earphone and everything will be fine 抗压小妙招 it's a good way for me to rest my mind and diminish all the fatigues that I have had in life 自己在家的时候 when I'm spending time at home alone…
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超爱我的童年生活 Yes, of course, I did enjoy my childhood life 小时候老有意思了 my childhood life could be very interesting and full of fun every day 给我玩具 陪伴 和假期 the toys and free time and holidays 我是孩子王 I was the head of them
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上学的时候同学帮我做作业 When I was a school student, I usually got a lot of help from my classmates because I couldn't finish my homework well, I needed their help you know, most of the time they would do it for me 但我现在成年了 But now I become an adult 当我压力大的时候 When I'm suffering from heavy workload or pressure 他们陪我外出让我开心 we would hang out and they would make me …
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我躺平 At the moment, I wouldn't do anything at all 解决问题 make the bad situation better or just to overcome the problems 一切顺其自然 I think everything would go well even if I don’t do anything 适应啦 I just think that the challenge is part of my life, and I am used to it
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我想整个新婚姻法 不是老的那套 The new law that I want to introduce is about marriage you know, I mean it is not the same old one but a brand new one in my mind 新婚姻法就是不离不弃真爱永远 谁离婚谁是狗 According to the brand new law, anyone who steps into a marriage need to love each other for a long time, I mean forever 离婚就只能净身出户 If they get divorced, they couldn't get anything fr…
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喜欢动作片和喜剧片 Yeah sure I'm a super fan of action movies and sometimes I'm really into watching some comedies too 有动力 努力拼搏 I could be motivated and I would struggle for my life 最喜欢故事情节 the story part would be my favorite 可能看完电影啥也没学到 I think that probably it wouldn't let me learn something from the movie 但心情很好 but I will feel very happy and my bad mood …
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两件事 购物和运动 I'll do two things, one is about shopping, another is about doing some sport 可以买来快乐 I believe that money can buy happiness you know 放空感觉轻松 rest my mind and feel very relaxed 偶尔跑个步 sometimes I would just go for a run
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新建的郊区河边公园 it was newly built, probably it was finished two months ago you know and that's the main reason why only a few people get to know it 开车要一个多小时 挺远的 I would drive to that place and on the road I would spend more than one hour, a bit further actually, but I like it 偶遇过一些朋友 都是年轻人 假期去公园玩 but I came across some of my friends there you know, the …
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