這是一檔有點吵的廣東話節目,兩個女生,一個在廣州一個在澳洲,一些越洋對話和一些我們對生活的思考,無論你身處何方,我們都希望可以笑住陪你過好多個日子,正所謂長路漫漫,來日方長。 Murong & Joey, two Cantonese girls, living across oceans (Guangzhou & Sydney). Talk and laugh about things in life.
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旅行就是生活 生活就是旅行 每一趟旅行都有不同收穫 每一天生活都要充實精采 這裡胡說是一個討輪旅遊跟生活頻道 在跟每一個朋友的閒聊當中 挖掘出隱藏在其中的五感體驗以及人生經驗 ⭕傑西大叔還在哪邊走跳 https://linktr.ee/jltalks LINE社群、BLOG、FB、IG、片尾曲歌單都在這 ⭕小額贊助節目 https://p.ecpay.com.tw/D91EF ⭕合作聯繫 jesselin.com@gmail.com Super Polka, NewsSting Inspired by Kevin MacLeod Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/4443-super-polka Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/3918-inspired https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/4124-newssting License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ Pow ...
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The very first podcast entirely in Penang style Hokkien. 播客中的首個檳城福建話節目。無所不談。這个是全世界兮頭一个庇能福建Podcast。有講有俏,有啉有放尿。
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雪梨台灣阿姐的碎碎念 (華語) 在澳洲雪梨三十年的台灣阿紀和你分享雪梨生活,工作,新聞,書籍, 想法, 旅遊, 好笑事 . 中文,台語,澳洲英文和廢話全部混在一起。好笑又加減建設性的網路廣播就來阿紀這裏吧! Youtube: Susie Wang 雪梨台灣阿姐 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3pPCewAdetCsoBoiC9Z6xA 臉書: Susie 阿紀closed group 碎碎念LIVE https://www.facebook.com/groups/1564722000252998 IG: sydneytaiwansister https://www.instagram.com/sydneytaiwansister/ The Susie Wang Blog: https://susiewang.com.au/
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Welcome to INKONG, where amazing things happen.
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Welcome to the 青鸟 podcast, where amazing things happen.
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Welcome to ReadBookStory , where amazing things happen. 欢迎来到读书有声故事
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当脚步奔波向前,事件应接不暇, 回望时,最鲜活的记忆,往往是那些简单而温暖的片段。 听见时间的声音。 屈哲,越听越爱。 广东广播电视台南粤之声FM105.7 每天中午1点,晚上11点,凌晨1点,复刻经典,温暖呈现。
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Three Things是由戴戴和极地共同参与的闲聊播客,每周我们向彼此分享这周内我们看到的,想到的,经历的或者任何不重要的三件事,并以录音的方式记录下来,分享给大家 欢迎大家也来分享你的一周三件事,可以通过邮件告诉我们threethings12@gmail.com,我会在每期节目的开篇挑些有趣的读给大家
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Welcome to the StanHo podcast, where amazing things happen.
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This is totoro speaking! We cover all various things. Powered by Firstory Hosting
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Welcome to the Shawnc podcast, where amazing things happen.
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创建于2012年的iTunes获奖播客 「狗熊有话说」播客是由 大狗熊 于 2012 年创办的独立中文知识型播客节目,以阅读、旅行、科技和个人成长为主要话题内容,是 iTunes 中国区长期推荐的节目,并被 iTunes 评选为“ 2013 年度精选最佳社会与文化播客 ”。 An iTunes award-winning tech podcast since 2012. BearTalk Podcast is a Chinese podcast that shares technology insights, book reviews, and personal improvement tips since 2012. BearTalk Podcast was the Editor's Choice of iTunes China in 2013, which has more than 60,000 listeners.
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This is a bilingual philosophical podcast by Miaofen Chen and Brian Bruya. We discuss philosophy, self-cultivation, and many other things. 雙語哲學廣播,在輕鬆的十分鐘時間,二位大學教授Miaofen Chen和Brian Bruya用英文及中文交談,討論各種哲學問題、法蘭克林的人生十二種德性、斯多亞哲學、亞里斯多德、文化哲學、美學、教育等。
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Welcome to the Wat 7 u want podcast, where amazing things happen.
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我們的人生,離不開生活,我們的生活,又離不開愛,所以,愛是我們一切的源頭。為了實踐愛,我們要謙虛,修正自己,愛自己,我們要感恩身邊的每一件人、事、物,然後,我們更要感謝宇宙與天地的加持。 在愛的世界裡,我們要有十足的自信與信心,我們有極豐富的想像力,且相信「心想事成」,我們更有相當的勇氣,付諸每一個行動。因著愛,我們不會辜負我們的生活,我們的人生的。 這個「愛、生活、人生系列」的播客,是一連串的分享會,從第一集到往後的無數集,我將分享好多人生的故事,生活的故事,和愛的故事。但願這些美好的故事,是你、我行動力的靈感,生活的泉源,與生命的助力,就讓我們大家,一起隨我來吧! Powered by Firstory Hosting
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Welcome to the Ang Lee podcast, where amazing things happen.
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潮野,「時麾玩意」。開啟半學棍半娛樂模式,旨在讓流行文化以多音多義的面貌繼續流於日常。流行文化本為庶民之樂,我們希望,藉著潮野,保存、更新、延續香港流行文化。 Ciu4je5, a Cantonese saying, refers to "a popular and wild thing" in its most literal sense. We attempted to re-enter, re-think, and re-narrate popular culture. |主持|王樂儀、譚以諾、李薇婷 |FB:https://www.facebook.com/ciu4je5 |IG:@ciu4je5_hk
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嗨大家!這裡是《我是一個壞東西》,我是K! 節目名稱一聽就不是多正向的節目哈哈哈!因為我真的覺得,世界上的正能量已經夠多了啦! 在這個podcast,你們可能會聽到我抱怨很多日常瑣事、講很多政治不正確的言論,或聽我以一個憂鬱症患者的角度,講一些自己面對世界的心路歷程。 簡單來說,就是一個什麼都聊的節目啦! (我發誓我會努力講些有營養的東西,應該吧) 如果你也覺得生活很難,歡迎跟我一起在同溫層內取暖!! 🔔 投資我讓我成為一個好東西:https://pay.firstory.me/user/bad_bad_thing 🔔使用邀請碼,一人賺50!我ㄉ邀請碼:「7XU2TCDL」 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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Welcome to Si Scarlett Jiang, where amazing things happen.
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Become a Paid Subscriber: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/tctl/subscribe 我们尝试着与你们一起通过了解哲学、心理学、艺术、和文化来解答我们现在生活里面对的诸多困难。 -- 如果您喜欢我们的频道,欢迎给我们留下评论,这对我们真的很有帮助! If you’re enjoying the Chinese Talk Lab, please leave us a review. It really helps! -- 如果你想要支持一下节目可以点击:https://afdian.net/@thechinesetalklab If you would like to support our podcast: https://www.patreon.com/tctl
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與 Yenyen & Alicia 在哺育我們長大的台灣文化,一起體驗常日裡的非常。 In Daily small things, there is delicate Taiwanese culture inside. 從YEN YEN & Alicia視角出發到國際|冷知識|生活儀式 情人節期間限定活動【販信企劃】:https://forms.gle/FT46gktFcQWHtkCV9 (名額有限,報名額滿為止) 冷知識這邊看: https://instagram.com/yayenyenandalicia.podcast 贊助奶茶費:https://pay.firstory.me/user/yaletstaiwan Apple Podcast / Spotify / Google Podcast / Soundon / KKBox Powered by Firstory Hosting
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文本和更多内容 关注VX公众号和视频号:家森Jason The aim of this website is to provide you with good materials for IELTS and English Speaking. 品质原创雅思口语内容;每日更新
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Que sera sera~~
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兩位流著台灣DNA的阿北闖蕩歐美30年,回台後暢談世界各地的生活體驗、趣聞軼事、矽谷、華爾街工作經歷等 。 在相同與不同間讓你更了解想知道(與不想知道)的 阿北心聲。 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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That's it! 就是這樣了
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歡迎一起參加貝媽豆妹"童"樂會!🎊 🎉 在童樂會中,我們會一起學唐詩、帶動唱、聊天、聊時事/cool facts、探討科學、說笑話等等,適合海內外的小朋友一起來參加,在歡樂中學習,每個月的第一個童樂會我們也會幫當月的壽星朋友們一起來慶生! 歡迎大家一起來和很silly的貝媽和無厘頭的豆妹,一起來開童樂會喔!我們童樂會上見囉!🥳🥳 Welcome to Little Mandarin Party with Bei Ma and Do Mei. During the party, we will learn Tang Dynasty poems, sing songs (with English translation), chat about silly things/cool facts/science and share jokes. Kids can sharpen their Mandarin skills during the party. Once a month we also celebrate our listeners' birthdays. Please c ...
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👋, this is Klyn Wuu, where I gossip on an ad hoc basis. Let's Yield to Story! Video Podcast Available on Spotify. Feedbacks are highly welcomed, contact on Twitter/X/Instagram/Thread: @klynwuu
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兩個人,一隻貓,一部劇 抽個空,聊起天來,無限期許 Reya & Evie 共同好劇推薦✨ 六人行 FRIENDS|一部絕對能配飯吃的經典情境喜劇 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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節目介紹: 廖零打的美國時間 The Linda Liao Show 在節目裡一起與主持人Linda探索聊奇人異事, 電影,娛樂跟生活中各種有趣新鮮事 主持人:LINDA 廖語晴 節目時長: 40-60 分鐘, 每周一次 Description : It all started off with the idea of "motherficial Intelligence", a podcast that explores the intersection of motherhood and artificial intelligence. Then Linda took a different turn into new media and broadens what she brings to the show each week. As a mother of twin boys, Linda is always on the hunt for new and adventurous things that brighten her days in America. Bo ...
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(中文在下方)Hey there, I'm a restaurant owner and I started this Podcast because I love to meet new people! To be honest I grew up super introverted and I really came out of my shell when I moved to Asia around 20 years ago. Now that I have a restaurant and a podcast, we livestream weekly from my restaurant. I love to share the stories of people that I meet in Taiwan and I hope you enjoy them too! From Pro MMA fighters to Globe Trekkers, CEOs to Street Vendors, Entrepreneurs to Professors, YouTub ...
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从影视,新闻,音乐,书籍到其他播客,《东早西晚 | East Morning West Night》谈各地流行文化的方方面面。每周末,主持人为一起和年轮横跨十三个时区(东八区的香港西五区的美国沿海),一起聊一聊我们对于流行文化的观点。 声明:我们装作什么都知道一点,但其实什么都不懂。如果你对Podcast有意见与建议,请发送邮件到 eastmorningwestnight@gmail.com 与我们联系,我们期待你的来信!
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身心靈工作者陳曼寧為您獻聲曼妙的詩篇,體驗過去西方著名詩人的時間與空間,並由音樂製作人Castor Sung配上動人的曲子及原文朗誦,與您一起回到最初的夢園。 Please follow us on Instagram: gwen.castor The fascinating poems are performed by the body, mind and soul practitioner Gwen Chen, delivering to you the experiences from previous brilliant poets. Recited in English and music composition by music producer Castor Sung, traveling back to the dreamland with you together where we used to be on. Powered by Firstory Hosting
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High Light Tiawan 彰顯台灣智庫群 台灣民主化進程研究政治觀察 經濟,國防,教育,心理,社會政策討論參與 公民責任,公民義務,公民素質提升運動召集 FB請搜尋--彰顯台灣 拒絕參與政治的懲罰之一, 就是被糟糕的人統治… 許多事今天我們若不為社會的公平正義發聲, 改天我們就必須為自己的軟弱而戰… 世界敗壞不是由於惡人囂張,而是由於好人沉默 喜歡絕大部份的中國朋友… 喜歡中華文化,紅樓夢,繁體字, 喜歡中國的大山大水, 深愛川湘菜跟各地的中華料理… 不是很喜歡國民黨民進黨… 但我更討厭專制主義,討厭共產黨… 不希望身邊的人因為政治意志的不同被封號, 被消失,被入罪,被自殺… 別對政治冷感, 別成為黨爭互鬥的工具人… 我們應該還可以作些什麼… 我們都應該擁有個人的自由意識… 我們誰都不該是誰的棋子… 期待有生之年能見證一個… 屬於華人世界裡的思想啟蒙運動, 屬於華人世界的文藝復興時期… 人類學家 Margaret Mead說過: 永遠不要去懷疑那一小群, 有理想有抱負的公民可以改變世界, 事實上世界的改變向來全靠這群人。 別輕視小看了自己… 我們正在創造屬於自己與下一 ...
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或许可以 I would probably say yes 如果他们穿上 if they try them on 讲真 seriously 这货消失了 he is disappearing too
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順其自然的美好Let All Things Happen Naturally
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順其自然的美好Let All Things Happen Naturally 人生所有的事情,都來的很自然,人生百態,順其自然是最適當的心境。其實,萬事不必太在意,擁有時請珍惜,失去時不說遺憾,過多的在乎,會將人生的樂趣減半,看淡一切,也就增添生命的盎然。有緣無分、有分無緣,都是生命中不圓滿的缺憾,它不應成為我們人生的途中,走不出的困惑和茫然。有失敗,就會有成功,有完美,就會有遺憾,且讓一切順其自然,保持順其自然的心境面對生活,面對記憶,或面對正在發生的人事物吧!曾經擁有的,不要忘記,已經得到的,要更加珍惜,屬於自己的,不要放棄,已經失去的,就留作回憶,想要得到的,就要更加努力。 順其自然,是處之泰然。人無完人,每一個人都是在失敗和錯誤中,不斷的摸索,變得更聰明,更成熟、睿智的。當然,萬事隨…
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选择 go with b溃 drive me crazy 比如下载一个播客 then like a podcast for example 戒掉 give up
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我不是一个安静的人 I'm not a quiet person 热闹生活适合我 the noisy life would be right for me 户外活动 the outdoor activities 释放压力 release the bad emotions
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二十岁的年纪 I'm at the age of twenty 机会 opportunities for 轻松做改变 make the change very easily 充满活力 I could be very energetic
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春节假期 it is just in the spring festival 走亲访友 visit my relatives 去长途旅行 go on a long journey 无聊 Quite boring life
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现在 At the moment 妈妈人美心善 she is very gentle and nice 有分歧 have some disagreements 一个温暖的拥抱 give me a warm hug
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#624 除夕夜來聊你新年開始大快樂大好運
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▶阿姐的Favourite Amazon Buys https://www.amazon.com.au/shop/susiewang ▶MOSMAN MUSIC ACADEMY 阿姐的Mosman聲音工作室 https://www.mosmanmusic.com/ ▶雪梨台灣阿姐的碎碎念 PODCAST https://susiewang.podbean.com/ ▶FACEBOOK CLOSED GROUP https://www.facebook.com/groups/1564722000252998/ ▶雪梨台灣阿姐Susie Wang Blog https://susiewang.com.au/ ▶INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/sydneyt…
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应该能应该能 It can be it can be 擅长 I am pretty good at 坏运气走开 bad emotions or fatigues would be certainly gone 愿意和我讲话 be willingly to talk to me
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曾经很痴迷 I used to be really crazy about 下载1000本 download more than 1000 books a time 有点意思 quite fun 必然困啊 I would feel very sleepy for sure
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PGHK #1018 Kuè tsuâ-nî kóng tsuâ-kóo 🐍 過蛇年講蛇古
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We welcomed in the year of the Snake as we wish everyone a healthy, prosperous, and happy new year. We also took the occasion to share some of our own encounters with Tok Panjang - 🐍 snakes! [ratings] http://dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/penanghokkien.com/media/PgHkn-2025-01-27.mp3 ❤️ Support PGHK 💛 Follow me on: 👋 Clubhouse @JohnOng 👋 Penang Hokkie…
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讨厌自己呆着 I hate spending time alone 喜欢音乐 I am a super fan of music 喜欢刷TIKTOK spending some time on TIKTOK too 不喜欢啥也不干 I hate doing nothing at all
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要有耐心 耐心或許不是每一個人天生都擁有的,不過,耐心是可以慢慢培養的。法國作家歐諾黑·巴爾扎克說:「人類所有的氣力,只是耐心加上時間的混合而已。所謂強者,既有毅力,又會等待時機。」耐心等待機會,我們就能在意想不到中,獲得成功。我們做任何事情,都要有耐心。耐心的解決問題,耐心地完成功課,及耐心的去了解、探索各種新事物。愛迪生曾耐心的花了整整十年,去研製蓄電池,期間,不斷遭受失敗的他,還是一直咬牙堅持,經過無數次的試驗,終於取得成功,發明蓄電池。梵谷執著他的繪畫夢想,雖然在生前,他的作品,沒有受到人們的欣賞,但在那世人漠視、窮困潦倒的環境下,他仍堅持自己的夢想,畫著自己想畫的畫,這也著實非常人所能。只要有耐心,有堅持,我們就可以有一個成功的自己。 每一個人對自己都有期望,希望自己像德雷莎修女一…
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95. :一起變老,一起做個老派少女是件很浪漫的事情
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這集我們來聊聊一部治愈系的日劇《住宅區的兩人》 裡面的故事很平淡很簡單,兩位步入中年的髮小閨蜜,一起搬回去兒時長大的小區居住,每天都是到閨蜜家蹭飯,一起散步,聊天,和這個一起長大的小區,裡面的叔叔阿姨們的生活日常。 然後我們漸漸髮現,原來每天可以好好聊天,有人陪你好好聊天是一件很難得的事情。 和閨蜜一起變老,一起做個老派少女,一起抱團養老是件很浪漫的事情 本期嘉賓: goson、青林 本期音樂: Blue Hour -Taisei Iwasaki 慢半拍到未來 - 施妙力吸塵器慕容 & 蓮年
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两个理由 Two reasons can be identified 做改变 make the change about their current life 或许遇到工作机会 probably meet certain opportunities for regular work 旅游火了很多年啦 this phenomenon has been popular for years
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睡得好 I could sleep well 活力满满 that means, I must be full of energy then 吃个早午饭 And I could have a perfect brunch 辛苦的一天儿 my tough day
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486 / 只需1分钟,重建你的英语表达信心 - Practice Your Speaking English in 1 minute
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今天想和你分享一个能够快速提升口语自信的"一分钟练习法",帮助你在仅仅 2 个月内突破"张嘴难"的障碍。希望能给正在挣扎于口语表达的你一点启发! 完整贴子和本期资源包,在这里可以查看,还没有订阅Newsletter的赶紧订阅,目前免费哦: https://bearliu.substack.com/p/beartalk-1 Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/gou-xiong-you-hua-shuo/donations Advertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands Privacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacy…
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(4801期)没花很多钱特殊日子Describe a special day out without costing much money
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过十九岁的生日 when I just had my nineteenth birthday 收到的唯一礼物 that was the only gift I received 放空 rest my mind without thinking anything 搞点啤酒 grabbed some beers
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#623 冬天去福隆/覺得被動收入要主動/你的2025打算/1年1秒鐘的領悟
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▶阿姐的Favourite Amazon Buys https://www.amazon.com.au/shop/susiewang ▶MOSMAN MUSIC ACADEMY 阿姐的Mosman聲音工作室 https://www.mosmanmusic.com/ ▶雪梨台灣阿姐的碎碎念 PODCAST https://susiewang.podbean.com/ ▶FACEBOOK CLOSED GROUP https://www.facebook.com/groups/1564722000252998/ ▶雪梨台灣阿姐Susie Wang Blog https://susiewang.com.au/ ▶INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/sydneyt…
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强烈推荐两个方式 Two ways are highly recommended 别孩怕 don't be afraid 知行和一 they should do as what they think 保持联络 keep in touch with
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(4799期)喜欢开车旅行吗Do you like car trip
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每个周末都想开车旅行 go on the car trip almost every weekend 好处 good points 火车票 train tickets 太贵 too ridiculous expensive
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PGHK #1017 Kuē-bâng-ke̍k 粿芒極
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We ended up spending a lot of time talking about Kuih Bangkit while we discussed traditional CNY kuih. We also briefly touched on newer Chinese New Year kuih. [ratings] http://dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/penanghokkien.com/media/PgHkn-2025-01-20.mp3 ❤️ Support PGHK 💛 Follow me on: 👋 Clubhouse @JohnOng 👋 Penang Hokkien Podcast House 👋 Global Hokkien…
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尊重與服務 叔本華說:「我們要尊重每一個人,不論他是何等卑微、可笑」。尊重是一種美德,每個人都渴望得到別人的尊重,但也得尊重別人。因此,尊重十分重要。談尊重,首先,我們要學會尊重自己,因為尊重自己,是尊重別人的開端。例如一個人本來就有工作的能力,讓自己過得很好,卻因為挫折而氣餒,那就不尊重自己了。正所謂「人必自重,而後人重之」,假如我們認真地生活,尊重自己,也就是對他人最大的尊重了。在學校,我們要尊重老師、同學、校工等等。上課時,要細心聆聽老師教的內容,按時提交功課,同學之間,要互相幫助、包容。在社會上,我們要回饋社會。社會給予我們良好的資源,提供充足的食物,我們要好好珍惜,要讓座給有需要的人,安守秩序,遵守交通規則,在工作崗位上,要負責盡職。尊重,讓我們保有自己的自尊,同時也保有他人的自主…
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很久 for a long time 扔掉 just throw them away 崭新 brand new every day 活力满满 be full of energy
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有难度 a bit challenging for me 之前一天 the day before 之后一天 the day after 很难管理时间 it's very hard for me to manage my time
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与众不同 they are different 希望 自由 鼓励 hope, freedom and encouragement 强迫我 force me 表示尊重 show respect to
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期末来临 When the final comes 期末成绩更好 my final results would be much better then 参加 take part in 提升工作效率 improve my efficiency at work
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粗来玩 hang out and spend a good time in the coffee shop or cinema 有人打扰 get disturbed 放空 resting my mind without doing anything 孤独寂寞冷 feeling bored and lonely
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传统色彩 traditional colors 心情不美丽 I would be in a bad mood too 兴奋有活力 feel very excited and energetic 不然 otherwise
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#622 阿姐在高雄的飯店第一次遇到鬼(不會可怕啦)
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youtube video (but I won't show photos/videos of the hotel) https://youtu.be/F5hY9tg5hrs?si=voTNYfySM713Y_de ▶阿姐的Favourite Amazon Buys https://www.amazon.com.au/shop/susiewang ▶MOSMAN MUSIC ACADEMY 阿姐的Mosman聲音工作室 https://www.mosmanmusic.com/ ▶雪梨台灣阿姐的碎碎念 PODCAST https://susiewang.podbean.com/ ▶FACEBOOK CLOSED GROUP https://www.facebook.com/groups/15…
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跟好朋友借过钱 I used to get some money from my best friend 帮助我 helped me out 不聪明的决定 I don't think it is a smart decision 珍惜友情 cherish your friendship
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PGHK #1016 Kuí-hiáng-kha-ta̍h-tshia-tsing鬼響骹踏車鐘
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We’re back with more ghost stories. A man walking extremely slowly at her mother’s wake. Bicycle bell rung by ghosts. Sword being pulled by a ghost. India ghosts walking by bed looking for things. [ratings] http://dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/penanghokkien.com/media/PgHkn-2025-01-13.mp3 ❤️ Support PGHK 💛 Follow me on: 👋 Clubhouse @JohnOng 👋 Penang …
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网购中心 The online shopping center 折扣力度很大 it usually has big discount 对买的东西不满意 if I am not pleased with the product 几乎免费 it is nearly free of charge
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96. 由這裡 誠實地 無懼地 隨遇地 行過去
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由這裡 行過去 行過去 下一區 誠實地 無懼地 隨遇地 行過去 彈指間 第幾關 原來都走到這裡 但我高興繼續漫遊於這裡 感謝大家一直以來的收聽和支持,2025新年快樂! 本期音樂: Killswitch Lullaby -- Flawed Mangoes 慢半拍到未來 -- 施妙力吸塵器慕容 & 蓮年
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必须学 English is the language that I must learn 出差 go on a business trip 世界语 the global language 学习很多生词 learn lots of new vocabularies
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处理安排 when we are coping with 高效的 efficiently and effectively 得益于现代科技 thanks to modern technology 文件被传送 files can be transferred
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城市生活苦 a lot of ordinary citizens are suffering in the cities 薪水 家庭琐事孩子教育 the salaries, the family affairs and the education for their children 压力 burdens/pressure/stress 融入一个安静的生活 fit in a rather peaceful life
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有点孩怕 I am a bit scared 不适应打电话 I am not used to make phone calls to someone 喜欢发信息 Text message would be my favorite 撤回消息 I would recall all of them
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大部分人 most of the people in my country 放松惬意 they would feel more relaxed and feel satisfied 考虑票价 think about the ticket price 炸薯条和可乐 some chips and coke
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-- 您可以在Apple Podcasts、Google Podcast、小宇宙,以及其他平台,搜索 TCTL陈述 收聽和訂閱。 -- 如果您喜歡我们的频道,歡迎給我們留下評論,這對我們真的很有幫助!If you’re enjoying TCTL, please leave us a review. It really helps! -- 如果你想要支持一下節目可以在小宇宙上打赏 If you would like to support my podcast: www.patreon.com -- Email: thechinesetalklab@gmail.com Instagram: thechinesetalklab…
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youtube video: https://youtu.be/XZVbkm90ors?si=6cI4MetsetBIAkEPSusie Wang
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PGHK #1015 Tsò-kang-e-kòo-sū ① 做工兮故事①
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We shared interesting stories from our workplace. Anonymous complaint letter and being robbed at work among other stories. This will be an ongoing series, please let me know if you have your own workplace stories to share. [ratings] http://dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/penanghokkien.com/media/PgHkn-2025-01-06.mp3 ❤️ Support PGHK 💛 Follow me on: 👋 Cl…
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两个方面非常明显 Two changes can be very apparent 扮演重要角色 play a more important role in our everyday life 我们的首选 the first choice for us 价格公道 the price can be very reasonable
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開懷高唱 2025年「民歌50高峰會」最終場,最後一次,為民歌高峰會而唱,最後一次,在民歌高峰會相聚。在最璀璨的時刻,向民歌致敬,用最摯愛的歌聲,流淌50年的歲月,勾起塵封的記憶。2/12、2/13、2/14台北小巨蛋,和2/15高雄巨蛋,15組最具代表性民歌手,在2025年,與我們唱響全台。2025年,將是「民歌高峰會」最後一次舉辦。感謝所有曾經參與演出的歌手們,為歷年演出所付出的努力。我們大家,將一起擁抱這片美麗的土地和文化,一起寫下音樂史上最璀璨的一頁! 很多歌迷經常說「謝謝你們不間斷的一直唱下去!」,其實,最應該說謝謝的人,是我們大家。沒有大家的鼓勵,就沒有「民歌高峰會」的誕生,沒有大家的支持與肯定,「民歌高峰會」無法走到今天。正因如此,即使在疫情期間,民歌仍盡力在政府許可的情況下舉…
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