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Explore Mandarin with TeaTime Chinese Podcast (茶歇中文播客). Ideal for intermediate learners, our episodes utilize the Comprehensible Input method to delve into a wide array of subjects including Chinese culture, history, literature, and society. Enhance your language skills, prepare for HSK exams, or simply immerse yourself in content that broadens your cultural horizons.
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二零二四年九月,茶歇中文的公司 ”茶報" (TeaTimedia ltd.) 正式在香港成立。从此,我们立志,要成为无政治偏见的中文新闻媒体。我们的口号是:实事求是。 In September 2024, TeaTime Chinese’s company, "茶报" (TeaTimedia Ltd.), was officially established in Hong Kong. From that point onward, we are determined to become an unbiased Chinese news media outlet, free from political prejudice. Our motto: Quest for Truth. 茶報创刊词…
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刺杀事件是否只发生在现在? 过去有发生过什么样的刺杀呢?继第90集之后, 让我们穿越回中国数千年的历史, 聊聊中国古代历史上的谋杀事件: 专诸刺吴王, 荆轲刺秦王, 汪精卫刺载沣王。 Do assassinations only happen now? What kind of assassinations have happened in the past? Following Episode 90, let's travel back thousands of years of Chinese history and talk about murders in ancient Chinese history: Zhuan Zhu (专诸) assassinated the King of…
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2024年7月13日,在美国发生了令人震惊的事情:前总统特朗普遇刺了。事件是怎么发生的?凶手是谁?媒体是怎么评价这一事件的?我们一起探讨。 * 一个口误,在节目的开头,应该是 “13日”,而不是 “30”日。 On July 13, 2024, a shocking event occurred in the United States: former President Donald Trump was assassinated. How did this incident happen? Who was the attacker? How did the media respond to this event? Let’s explore these questions together…
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茶歇中文播客会在今年的九月正式回来!在这一集节目里,Nathan给大家介绍茶歇中文未来的三个小目标。 播客换新音乐了。你想联系我们的音乐家吗?乃耕的电子邮箱 : TeaTime Chinese podcast will be back officially this September! In this episode, Nathan talks about 3 little objectives moving forward. Our podcast changed its music! Do you want to contact our musician? Naigeng’s email address:…
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时隔一个月,茶歇中文播客又回来了。最近,我完成了学校的考试,搬了家... 所以没能即使更新播客。希望大家理解。 今天,在欧美各大学校里,我们都能看见中国留学生的影子。自从1872年清朝政府派遣 “留美幼童” 前往海外留学以来,中国学生对外国院校一直有挥之不去的憧憬。今天,中国学生为什么选择出国留学?毕业之后,他们又何去何从? After one month's break, TeaTime Chinese is back. Recently, I finished all of my exams at school. I also moved to a new place… which led to my unpunctual update of the podcast. I thank y…
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冷战期间,美国和苏联两个大国比赛,谁有更好的火箭,谁能把人送上太空?刚刚成立的新中国虽然面临很多社会问题,但是也开始了自己的航天计划。从第一个火箭到第一个卫星,再到第一个去太空的中国人... … 中国人实现了 “飞天” 的梦想,把神话变成了现实。 During the Cold War, the United States and the Soviet Union competed to see who would have the better rocket and who could send people into space. The newly founded People's Republic of China, despite being faced with many soc…
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你能相信吗?这是《茶歇中文播客》第一次给大家介绍 “茶文化”。4000多年前,神农在尝试各种植物时中毒,吃了茶叶之后,恢复健康。从此,人们开始喝茶。在中国,“荼” 和 “茶” 字通用,在不同地区有不同的发音。唐朝以来,喝茶成为中国人的习惯。再后来,茶去了亚洲别的国家,还去了欧洲。欧洲人把茶叶看作是很珍贵的饮料。在今天的中国,年轻人越来越喜欢喝咖啡。茶渐渐地以奶茶的形式进入年轻人的生活。 Can you believe that? This is the first time that we talk about "tea culture" at TeaTime Chinese. 4,000 years ago, Shennong was poisoned whilst he was tast…
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2024年的1月,苹果公司发布了虚拟现实眼镜 Apple Vision Pro。一个月后,在今年的2月,谷歌公司发布了最新的人工智能Gemini。随着科技的进步,世界每天都在变化。虽然这些科技公司都说想要增进人与人之间的关系,但是我们看见,越来越多的人感到孤独。年轻人因为社交媒体而自杀的事件层出不穷。这些科技的进步会带我们去哪里? In January 2024, Apple released its new virtual reality goggles: Apple Vision Pro. One month later, in February, Google announced its newest artificial intelligence: Gemini. The world…
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2024年的2月10日(星期六)是中国传统的新年,也叫春节。对于很多人来说,这是和亲戚,朋友们团坐一桌,共享佳肴的时光。从古至今,写春联,放鞭炮,吃年夜饭是中国人不能缺少的习俗。到了今天,很多家庭有看 "春节联欢晚会“ 的习惯。除此之外,在亚洲的很多地方,人们用自己独特的方式庆祝春节,欢迎春天的来到。 February 10th, 2024 (Saturday) is the traditional Chinese New Year, also known as the Spring Festival. For many people, this is a time for relatives and friends to sit around the dinner table and en…
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中国的历史源远流长。几千年来,汉字忠实地记录了帝王,庶民的生活和思想,是中华文明最宝贵的财富之一。今天,我会为大家介绍几个关于汉字历史的小故事。它们是:仓颉造字,蔡伦造纸,1899年王懿荣发现甲骨文,等等。 China has a long history. For thousands of years, Chinese characters faithfully recorded the lives and thinkings of emperors and peasants, and is undoubtedly one of the riches of Chinese civilization. Today, I will tell you a few stories surround…
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在今年的最后一集节目里,我们总结一下,2023年做过的事情。在播客里,我们聊了哪些话题?茶歇中文的听众主要来自哪些国家?然后,我会分享一下我的生活。最后,我给大家介绍茶歇中文明年的计划。如果想要加入我们,跟我们一起工作的话,请给我写电子邮件。 In the last episode of this year, we will conclude what we have done in 2023. What topics have we covered in the podcast? Where do fellow listeners come from? Then, I will share my whereabouts in my life. Finally, I will reveal …
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2023年11月29日,美国政治家,外交官基辛格去世,享年100岁。习近平说:他是中国人民的老朋友。他1971年两次秘密访华,为 “尼克松访华” 做铺垫。多年来,他呼吁中美和平共处,成为中美友谊的象征。不过,很多人对他褒贬不一,最大的因素就是他在越南战争中指导的对柬埔寨的轰炸。今天,我们就来看看基辛格的一生。 On November 29th, 2023, American politician, diplomat Henry Kissinger passed away at the age of 100. Xi Jinping said that: He (Kissinger) is an old friend of the Chinese people. His two secret v…
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一个普普通通的学生,四次参加考试,四次失败。失望之际,他接触到基督教。基督教里描绘的人人平等的社会让他心驰神往。多年之后,他建立自己的宗教。追随他的人数不断扩增,他打算建立国家,自己成为国王。他的名字叫洪秀全。他建立的国家叫太平天国。他想要推翻清朝,让所有中国人活在一个 “天下大同” 的世界里。这样的目标可能达到吗? An ordinary student. He tried to pass an exam four times, and four times he failed. In despair, he was acquainted by the faith of Christianity. He was fascinated by what is depicted in the r…
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孙悟空,一只有着72种能力的猴子,是中国文化里最重要的神话人物之一。他的 “大闹天宫” 的故事更是无人不知。他原本在花果山过着安静的生活。天上的玉皇大帝想要用工作来控制他,但是孙悟空只想要自由。他反抗玉皇大帝,大闹天宫。 Sun Wukong (a.k.a. the Monkey King), a monkey with 72 powers, is one of the most important mythological figures. His "Havoc in Heaven" story is known to all. Living peacefully in his earthly paradise, his life is disturbed by the Jade Empe…
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如果想要明白两个国家今天的政治关系,就必须知道它们之间发生过的事情。中国和越南之间,就有一段非常有意思的历史。在这一集节目里,我们回到2000多年前,看看越南,这个中国的邻居,是怎样诞生的。我们会看见,越南曾经是中国管辖的一部分。之后,越南人凭借他们的不断起义和反抗,最后建立自己的国家。二战之后,中国帮助北越对抗南越。战后,两个国家又发生冲突... … 历史上的恩恩怨怨有很多,但是文化上的相近能够帮助两国人民互相理解,结交友情。 If we want to understand the political relationships between two countries, it is pivotal to understand what happened between them. B…
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今天,无论走到世界的哪里,都会看见中国人,听见中文。200年前,中国人第一次来到美国。”淘金热“ 更是吸引成千上万的中国人去新大陆寻找发财的机会。在旧金山这座城市,中国移民打造富有中国特色的唐人街,使其成为一大景点。虽然生活困难,但是他们没有放弃希望。 Today, no matter where you are in the world, you will see Chinese people and hear the Chinese language spoken. 200 years ago, Chinese people set foot on America. The "Gold Rush" attracted tens of thousands of Chinese people…
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2022年,中国60多年来第一次人口减少。2023年,中国经济增长减缓。人口问题成为国内外人们关注的焦点。 80年代,改革开放开始。中国庞大的人口吸引了各大外国公司前来建造工厂。“中国制造” 的产品流通于世界的各个角落。经济飞速增长,人们的口袋里有钱了。外国公司又努力在中国市场占据一席之地。 1979年,中国推行一孩政策,限制每个家庭最多只有一个孩子。之后的三十年,人口增长减缓。一个很大的问题出现了,就是人口老龄化。老年人的比重越来多大,给国家的经济带来压力,也给年轻人的生活带来影响。不少年轻人晚婚。有的拒绝结婚。中国的人口问题今后将面临更大的挑战。 In 2022, China's population decreased for the first time in more than 6…
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2022年年底,OpenAI推出ChatGPT,改变了世界。科学家们警告它的危险。学校担心学生的过度依赖。艺术家们反对人工智能的利用。同时,有的人说,未来的世界就是人工智能的世界。我们必须拥抱这个新科技。今天,我就跟大家分享我对ChatGPT的看法。 Towards the end of 2022, OpenAI introduced ChatGPT, which changed the world. Scientists warn about its danger. Schools fear students' excessive reliance on it. Artists protest against the use of artificial intelligence in th…
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学生时代,每天上学前,跟家人吃早饭给我留下美好的回忆。“四大金刚”,生煎包都是上海人餐桌上少不了的食物。今天,传统的早餐越来越少了。外地人来上海开餐馆,带来他们的食物。麦当劳,肯德基开始做中国菜。国际化大都市的身份下,上海人传统的生活方式正在慢慢消失。 In my childhood and adolescent years, having breakfast with my family before going to school is a precious memory. The "4 King Kongs" and Shengjian are must-haves on the breakfast table of Shanghainese. Today, traditional b…
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在这一集节目里,我们继续了解溥仪的一生。28岁的溥仪已经是满洲国的皇帝。他做的第一件事就是去日本表示感谢。满洲国向日本军队提供了很多资源。这些资源都被用在了战争上。1945年,战争结束。溥仪刚刚想逃去日本,却被苏联士兵逮捕。之后,他在苏联居住五年,期间出席了东京审判。国共内战之后,溥仪回到中国,在监狱度过十年。出了监狱,溥仪成了一个普通人。他开始寻找工作,还试着成立家庭。末代皇帝不复存在。 In this episode, we keep studying the life of Puyi. At the age of 28, he was already the emperor of Manchukuo. The first thing he did was to travel to Ja…
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1987年的电影《末代皇帝》让不少外国朋友开始对中国文化感兴趣。这部电影讲述了中国的最后一个皇帝溥仪的故事。在今天的节目里,我们也来一起看看溥仪的一生。我们会分两个部分。今天是第一部分。 在今天的节目里,我们来看溥仪28岁之前的生活。他两岁成为皇帝,从小在紫禁城里长大。后来清朝结束,他不再是皇帝。日本人答应溥仪,让他在 “满洲国” 当皇帝。溥仪应该相信日本人吗? The 1987 film "The Last Emperor" was for many foreign viewers the starting point of their interest in Chinese culture. This film tells the story of the last emperor of…
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2023年6月18日,OceanGate (海洋之门) 制造的观光潜水器泰坦号带着五个人深入海底,参观泰坦尼克号的残骸。1小时45分钟后,潜水器失联,引起了全世界的关注。最终,泰坦号事件以悲剧告终。随着调查,越来越多关于泰坦号的细节浮现出来。人们发现,这个事故与其说是“天灾”,不如说是“人祸”... … On June 18th, 2023, Titan, a submersible manufactured by OceanGate carried 5 people deep into the ocean for a visit to the debris of Titanic. After 1 hour and 45 minutes, the submersible lost conta…
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胡适是中国著名的文学家,哲学家,政治家。他出生于晚清,年轻时留学美国。他鼓励新文化运动,帮助塑造了今天的汉语。他支持蒋介石的政权,希望能建立 “民主中国”。在大陆,他被批判。在台湾,他被蒋介石痛恨。今天,我们来看胡适的一生。 Hu Shih is a renowned Chinese author, philosopher and politician. He was born in the late Qing Dynasty, and went to America to study when he was young. He advocated the New Culture Movement, and helped mold the modern Chinese language. H…
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在这一集里,我们继续了解秦始皇。现在,他已经统一了中国,建立了秦朝。他做了一系列的事情,包括:建直道,修长城,统一文字等等。这些都巩固了秦朝的通知。不过,秦始皇非常喜欢大兴土木,甚至让70万人给他修建阿房宫和兵马俑。不少人开始不满意秦朝的统治。秦始皇去世后,人们开始起义。秦朝的存亡收到了威胁... … In this episode, we continue studying the Emperor of Qin. Now, he has unified China and established the Qin Dynasty. He did a series of things to fortify the Qin Dynasty's rule over the country, inc…
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秦始皇是中国历史上最重要的人物之一。中国的英文China这个词就是来自他创建的秦朝。我们会用两集节目给你讲述秦始皇,嬴政的一生。在这一集里,我们会关注秦始皇建立秦朝之前发生的事情。当时处于战国时代,七个国家都试图吞并其他国家。嬴政13岁纪即位,30岁开始军事进攻。仅仅花了九年时间就消灭了其他六个国家。不过,统一六国并不是一帆风顺。“荆轲刺秦王” 的故事一直流传至今,讲述了勇士荆轲牺牲自己,企图刺杀嬴政的故事。 The Emperor of Qin is one of the most important historical figures in Chinese history. The word "China" derives from the dynasty that he built,…
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几乎在每个文化当中都有神话。有的神话反映出人的道德观念,比如:正义会战胜邪恶。有的神话则试图解释关于宇宙,人类的重要问题。宇宙的起点是什么?人类从哪里来?人死后又会去哪里? 了解神话会帮助你了解文化。今天Nathan就跟大家分享三个中国神话。所有中国人都知道这三个神话,例如 “盘古开天辟地” 的故事。 Almost every culture has its mythology. Some of them reflect moral standards of human society, such as: justice will prevail over evil. Some are attempts to answer important questions about the univ…
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最近,应一个法国朋友的邀请,我去了斯特拉斯堡(Strasbourg),体会了阿尔萨斯地区的风土人情。同时,我也想起,中学的语文课上,我读过一篇文章,叫《最后一课》,讲的就是发生在阿尔萨斯的故事。普法战争期间,有一天,一个叫弗朗斯的男孩得知今天是他最后一节法语课。从明天开始,阿尔萨斯的学校都要教德语... … Recently, I was invited by a French friend to Strasbourg, France, and experienced the rich Alsacien culture. Meanwhile, I remembered that when I was in middle school, I read in my Chinese class a…
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成语是中国语言不可缺少的一部分。学习成语,能让你更好地了解中国的历史和文化。今天我就想跟大家分享三个成语。它们是:夸父逐日,愚公移山和磨杵成针。它们的主题都是:坚持。 Proverbs are an indispensable element of Chinese language. Studying them enables you to get a deeper understanding of Chinese history and culture. Today I would like to share 3 proverbs with you. They are: Kuafu chases the sun, Yugong moves the mountain, Grinding a …
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中国启动社会信用体系已经几年了。起初,这也许是一个好的想法,希望鼓励人们做有信用的人。但是,随着互联网,通讯软件,摄像头的快速发展,政府可能知道我们做的每一件事,收集信息,然后给人打分。好人分一边,坏人分一边。今天,在中国,我们已经看见这样的社会。让我们看看。 It has been several years since China adopted the "Social Credit System". As good as it might seem in the beginning, which was to encourage people to be credible, yet with the development of the Internet, social network…
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最近,在我居住的法国巴黎,经常有抗议运动。原因是法国总统宣布要把退休年龄从62推迟到64岁。在中国历史上,也发生过不少大规模的抗议运动。今天,我选择三个事件和你分享。它们是:黄巾起义,辛亥革命,五四运动。 Recently, in Paris, France where I live, large protests happen on a regular basis. The reason is that the French president Emmanuel Macron announced the new law of changing the pension age from 62 to 64. In the course of Chinese history, there wer…
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马云是国内外家喻户晓的名字。他的淘宝网,支付宝这样的公司更是改变了中国人的生活方式。他的故事也是无人不知:小时候长得不好看,数学成绩不好,年轻的时候做英文老师... … 1995年的一次机会,让他看见了互联网的未来。他打算把互联网带到中国,这个有12亿人口的国家。马云前几年到处公开演讲,而今天却很少露面,这又是为什么? Jack Ma is a household name in China and abroad. His companies, like Taobao (Alibaba) and Alipay have changed how Chinese people live. His story is known by all: being not good looking as a…
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在今天的节目里,我们一起读鲁迅于1926年写的《藤野先生》。鲁迅是中国最伟大的作家之一。1904年,他在日本的仙台学习医学,在那里遇到教授解剖学的藤野先生。这篇文章就是他对这位老师的回忆。 In today's episode, we will read "Fujino Sensei" (1926) by Lu Xun. Lun Xun is one of the greatest writers in China. In 1904, he studied medicine in Sendai, Japan. There he met Fujino Sensei, who taught anatomy. This essay records Lu Xun's memory towards t…
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这个星期,我们迎来了中国年之后的第一个节气:立春。不过,在这一集播客里,我们还是聊聊冬天。Nathan会给你介绍三个关于 “冬天” 的成语。你可以在日常生活中用它们。 2023年,我们有新的计划。Nathan会给你介绍茶歇中文的三个改变。让我们拭目以待。 This week welcomes the first “Solar term" after the Chinese new year: Lichun (start of spring). Yet in this episode, we will talk about winter. Nathan will talk about 3 proverbs related to winter. You can use them in daily…
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上周五,我结束了六个月的实习。第一次在法国的公司工作,有很多感触,于是想做一集播客,跟大家分享。我会讲讲自己找实习的过程,在公司的经历,然后分享法国公司和中国公司的不同。我也很想了解其他国家的公司文化。 Last Friday, I finished my 6 months of internship. This was my first time working in a French company, and I have a lot of emotions, which brought me to this episode. I will talk about my process of applying for the internship, and my experiences i…
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在2022年的最后一集播客里,我们继续来读冰心的《寄小读者》。时隔一年,冰心回忆自己抵达日本时的所见所闻,以及之后前往美国的旅程。一路上,她遇到不同的人,看到不同的事物。让我们同冰心一起旅行吧。 In the last episode of 2022, let’s continue reading “To My Little Readers” by Bing Xin. In today’s letter, the author winds the clock back to one year ago, to tell us about her memory of Japan, and the journey to America. She met different people and s…
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冰心是中国当代最有名的女作家之一。她一生为孩子们写作。冰心在《晨报》上刊登的《寄小读者》为当时中国的孩子们介绍了她在海外的见闻。今天,我们就要选择《寄小读者》中的两封信,回到100年前那艘从中国驶往美国的船上。 Bing Xin is one of the most well known contemporary female writers. She wrote for children all her life. Her “To My Little Readers” which was first published in the “Morning Post” brought her whereabouts abroad to Chinese children of that time.…
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史铁生是当代最杰出的中国作家之一。他的《合欢树》更是被录入上海的语文课本。合欢树是史铁生和母亲居住过的老家院子里的一棵树。这棵树的背后有怎样的故事?这棵树带给作者哪些回忆?让我们一起来阅读这篇文章。 Shi Tiesheng is one of the most outstanding contemporary writers in China. His "The Chinese Silk Tree" has been used in textbooks in Shanghai. The Chinese silk tree is just a tree in the yard where Shi used to live with his mother. What story is behi…
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不少国家在历史上都多次改变首都,比如法国,日本,俄罗斯... 中国也不例外。大家都知道,中国今天的首都是北京?那么以前呢?今天,就让我给你介绍中国历代的首都。 It is commonplace for countries to change their capital cities during the course of history. Countries like France, Japan and Russia all had different capital cities. China is no exception. We all know that the capital city today is Beijing. How about in the past? Today…
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从古至今,人类用过各种各样的通讯工具。中国人也是一样。在今天的播客里,我们就会看看中国人用过哪些通讯工具。我们也会聊聊今天最流行的通讯工具:社交媒体。 From ancient times to today, human beings have used all kinds of communication tools. So do Chinese people. In today's episode, we will look at communication tools used by Chinese people. We will also talk about the most popular means right now: social media. ◉ Watch the mo…
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有一本书,过了2500年,仍然被人们提及。在战争里,在商业中,这本书都被视作经典。这本书就是《孙子兵法》。今天我们来看看,孙子是谁?《孙子兵法》讲了什么?《孙子兵法》是怎么被外国人知道的? There is a book, which after 2500 years is still mentioned by people. In wars, in business, this book is seen as a classic. This book is "the Art of War" by Sun Tsu. Today we will look at these questions: Who is Sun Tsu? What does the book talk about? How…
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英国女王伊丽莎白二世于2022年9月8日逝世,享年96岁。她25岁成为英国女王,也是英国历史上第一个在位70年的君主。在今天的播客里,我们会一起了解:女王是谁?她做了什么?她对世界有什么影响? Queen Elizabeth II past away on September 8th, 2022 at the age of 96. She became Queen at the age of 25, and later became the first monarch of England history to reign for 70 years. In today's podcast, we will talk about: Who is the Queen? What did she …
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9月是开学的季节:学生们回到学校,开始新的学期。在今天的节目里,我就想跟大家分享我的小学生活。中国的小学生学习什么?我们有什么活动?你也可以看看,你的国家的小学和中国的有什么不同。 September is the season of the new school year: students return to school to start the new semester. In today's podcast, I would like to share my life as a pupil. What do pupils study? What activities do we have. You can see how elementary schools in your cou…
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住在外国,经常感觉人们对中国有不好的印象。仔细了解,原来他们对于中国人有不少误解。这是很可惜的。在今天的播客里,我们就会看看外国人对于中国的三个常见的误解。 Living abroad, I often feel that people hold negative impressions towards China. After my inquiry, it turned out that they have plenty of misunderstandings towards Chinese people. This is quite a shame. In a today's podcast, we will take a look at 3 common misunderstandi…
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中国为世界科技的进步做出过很大的贡献,其中最有名的可能是 "四大发明"。Francis Bacon 和 Karl Marx 都说过:这些中国的发明改变了人类的历史。"四大发明" 包括哪四个发明?我们来看看。 China made great contributions to the world in terms of technological improvements, among which "the Four Great Inventions" are probably the most well-known. Both Francis Bacon and Karl Marx said that these inventions "changed the history of mank…
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对一个中国人来说,孝顺非常重要。在古代,孝顺的人被别人尊重,甚至被授予朝廷 (政府) 的工作。中国人为什么这么孝顺?孝顺是一个好的文化吗?我们来看看。 To a Chinese person, filial piety is extremely important. In the old days, people with this virtue were repected, and even given government jobs. Why are Chinese people so respectful to their parents? Is this a good culture? Let's find out. ◉ Read transcripts for free ◉ Qui…
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很多大学生和研究生都会找实习。我也不例外。不过,在外国找实习有更多的困难。今天,我想和大家分享我在法国找实习的经历。 Many university students and graduate school students look for internships. I am without exception. However, looking for internships in a foreign country can pose more difficulties. Today, I would like to share with you my experiences of looking for an internship in France. ◉ Read transcrip…
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1997年7月1日,香港回归了中国。在这一天之前,香港还是英国的殖民地,但过了这一天,香港又成为了中国的一部分。你可能听说过香港,可你知道香港在回归之后,有哪些有趣的变化吗?很多人看过香港的电影,你想了解更多关于香港电影的知识吗?今天,让我们走近香港,一起看看它的历史,和电影文化吧。 On July 1, 1997, Hong Kong returened to China. Before this day, Hong Kong was one of the many colonies of Britain. But after this day, it is again a part of China. You may have heard of Hong Kong, but do you…
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The Old Town of Lijiang, Zhangjiajie and Sanya are three famous tourist attractions in China. They are also three of the most vistited places in China. Do you know where they are? Do you know their stories and what they are famous for? Today, let's have a Tour de China! ◉ Free vocab list for this episode ◉ Read transcripts for free ◉ Quizlet flashc…
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丽江古城、张家界和三亚是三个中国有名的旅游景点,也是国内节假日参观人数最多的旅游景点。你知道它们在中国的哪里吗?你知道这些景点的特色和故事吗?今天,让我们一起畅游中国吧! The Old Town of Lijiang, Zhangjiajie and Sanya are three famous tourist attractions in China. They are also three of the most vistited places in China. Do you know where they are? Do you know their stories and what they are famous for? Today, let's have a Tour de …
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The story of Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai (the Butterfly Lovers) has been past on for generations in forms of litterature, theatre, as well as cinema and animation today. The story of the death of two young persons for love and their reincarnation into butterflies is most familiar to a Chinese ear. What exactly happened in this story? Let us find o…
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